1 Mfr" DAILY CAP ITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. '.MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1903 EIGHT MWMWWMIWIMMMIlMnMya-"-- -"" ' III ' f V r B 'ft t' tit ' p r-t' .t fc.- 15 1 1 M ' i; j; s The Universal Providers tockton Our Btock of holiday goods Is still complete, but somo linos are fcolng vory fast. Naturally tho boat things go drat and the first corners get tho plums. We note hero a few special Items that moons dollars savod for those who buy. Ladies' Ties, Lace Collat s . Stocks Etc. $1.00 Ties 78c $1,50 Ties $1.00 Others are reduced In propor tion, according to the goods which range from 26c to $5.00 each. Kid Gloves Fo Men A splendid stock of all shados Including white, and black, opeclnl for ChrlBtmns. Don't fall to see us. those onor motiH reductions are worth in vostlgatlng. Great Sacrifice Sale In Ladies' Suits Wraps, Etc- Wo are Modest But We are Right. Wa ploco on salo tdday ninny stylos In man's suits at the following Striking Redactions Wo will glvo you a vory fair- suit this week for jaoo Wo will give you $8.00 suits this woek for $5.00 $10.00 reduced to f G.50 112.50 reduced IiuBlnoss suits for $8.00 $13.50 Ulnck Diagonal suits ox- tra good vnluos for $8.60 $16.00 Suits reduced to . . $9.36 $20.00 Suits reduced to ..$13.00 $23.50 Suits reduced to . . $16.00 MtttKUaiKSKRRtr Gonornl Manager KruUschnltt, of tho Paclftc ttystom of tho Southern Pacific railroad, passed through this city this afternoon, by apodal train, on his way from Portland, whither he had accompanied President Harrlman last wook, to San Francisco. He was accompanied by several prominent of ficials of the road, especially thoso of tho Oregou lines. WHEAT MARKET3. Chicago. Dec. 14. Wheat. 78Uc. Gold Dust Flour Mde by THE 8IDNEY POWER COMPANY, Sidney, Oregon. Made for family uso. Ask your grocer for it Bran and shorts al ways on hand. A. T. Wain, Agt. IJB if bbLIi 'Pi BalllBHREHaHWM-t)( Tlie Up-to-Date Holiday Stock Has Gome f Our bright sparkling line of Christmas gifts is ready for 5 inspection. Our stock this sonson is four times larger than ovorboforo, autl with prido and confidence in vnrioiy, wo in- vite you to look through our up-to-dato Hue of Diamonds, Watches, Cut Gloss, Silverware, Jowelry, Clooks novelties. Thore are hundreds of articles that we havo not space to onu- $ uiorato. . " If you want to buy jsght, if you want to be treated right, make'our store your headquarters for Christmas buying, if you S $ aro at n loss to know what to buy, we havo clorks who will 2 Ml al.Atif iAti stM linn nrwl ?All Wilt find AHF nAAd virvlit Hill fc N nillBMT Villi IIIIE !!. Illlll IIIU !& diamond plan will intorest you, as you can't looso anything on your invostuient. Whether you buy or not come in and seo bur different lines. C&as H Hinges Jeweler and Optician, & Co Looking 0 Santa Claus Every one Is looking for Santa Claus these days. Llttlo ones are happy when thoy see our Dolls and Toys at Sale Prices Thoy know tho supply will be more bountiful whon Santa Claus comes. Remember we are closing out all Dolls, Toys, Souvenirs, Dish es, Cups and Saucers', Fancy China Ware Dapeies Cushions Pottiets Etc a Sot display In our Court stroot window. $3.60 Portlors $2.9S 4.00 Portlors 3.00 4.60 Portlors 3.00 6.00 I'ortlors 3.98 COO Portlors $4.50 7.60 Portlors 5.25 8.60 Portlers 5.50 10 00 Portiers 7.50 18.00 Portlers ,. 12.00 60c-C0c Draperies 42c 76c Draporl 66c Talking. Machines. Buy a talking machine of Geo. C. Will for your folks' Christmas pres ent, tie has n laree stock of VMnra Columbia and Zenophono machines on , hand 14-eod """ ' 11 nil 1 1 r. : 1, I .. collections made anywhereon earth give us a trial nocollections.no CHARGES. VAN ALSTINE, GORDON & CO. 275 Commercial Street. Phone Main 801. A. R, Morgan & Co.,-Mgrs. UIIU UU1 llllLL'vI 4 M IT 11 b. U A. 7 88 State Street. tjo New. York NOtes It is doubtful if Herr Conroid will profit any by the production of "Parsifal." The Impressorlo himself is authority for tho statement that the ten productions of the opora planned the capture of Charles Hocnn, an will cost $106,000 while tho limit rttJ&J! receipts possible is $150,000. He giving mo opora in oruer 10 uo some- thing for America. New York's musi cal world Is intensely Interested in the forthcoming production, not only on account of the excellence of tho work Itself, but from the fact that It has been largely advortisodby a campaign against It by local ministers who havo declared that "Parsifal" Is sacrlliglous and Immoral. Before Bridge Commissioner Lind enthal leaves office on January 1, he will announce a plan for tho recon structlon of the old Hrookly bridge. It will lie one of the o3t remarkable engineering fents ever attempted in this city and the cott vlll be between $3,000,000 and $4,000.0f.0 whllo -the re construction work will amount prac tlcafly to the rebuilding of the old bridge. ' Theatiical managers no longer have cause to complain about tho poor at tendance at the various playhouses. Though it cannot b said that New York boasts a billboard as replete with splendid, strong plays this-year as 'last, many of the foremost actors and actresses of the present day are filling engagements In the city and they nttrlnet audlonces rather than tho plays In which they nppoar. With the excitement of tho elections and the beginning of winter business over, New Yorkers and their Visitors who arc pouring' Into town by ovory train for the holidays find great amusement in theatres and patronize them liberally. MARRIED. KEN WORTHY TOWNSEND. At the county court house, Monday, December 14, 1503 at 1:30 p. m., TWr. C. S. Townsend and Miss Bes sie Kenworthy, County Judgo Scott ofllclatlng. Both of the young peoplo nro high ly respected resldonts of Turner. ""died. JESSUP. At the Salem Hospjtal, Sa lorn, Oregon, Monday, December 14. 1903, tha infant son of Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Jossup, aged two days. The funoral will bo hold tomorrow. BRANLET. Early Saturday morning, Dccombor 12, 1903, Frank, tho in fant son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brnmlct, aged C months and 11 days. The funoral se'rvlco were held at tho family residence, six miles oast of Salem, and interment was at Macleay cemetery, Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. HAIR TEL.L8 CHARACTER. Color of llnir Snlil to Indicate Per- 1 1 son's Temperament. Many people bellovo that blonde, ok light hair donotcs afroctlon and darle. I balr constancy. A person, witnout naic Is not dovold of character; far from It The disposition of tho avorago bald headed man la to show such sollcltudq for tho wolfaro of others, that ho ncs leeta himself. A ccrm causos baldnoaa; Prof. Sabouraud, of Parts, France, In nooeulated n rabbit with Dandruff Karma; causing it to become totally bald In ftva weeks' time. , To rid tho sonlp of thesa damrorouii' irorms it la necessary to aDDiu u "'Cl1'.. ,. effect." Sold by loadlnfr'drufrirtats. Send lOo in stomps for eamplo to The Herploldo Co., Detroit, Mich. i-iantel J. cry. Spoclnl Agent. NfW TODAY. Christmas Tress. All sizes, finest shapes. Tel phone your ordor for a Christmas tree to Clarence and Percy Ulundell. Mornlngslde. Phone, Ited JOftO. Trees delivered; prices low. , lS-lS-lwk Wanted. A lady would l.ko work by the day: wages, $l-&0 per day. Ad drose "H.," caro of Journal office 12-l-3t 0 Lost. A brown chain purse. Kinder leave with Geo. F. Rodgers, at beokhlndery, and receivo reword 12-U-3t We will commence Packing WedneS' day morning. Hmpluyos will gov ern themsolvo4 accordingly. Wll lamette Valla Prune Association I 12-21t-3t i ,ii Wanted. Room nnd board In private family by young man. Not fartlier than four blocks from business seo tlon. Address "I," care of Journal. 13-14 3t For Sale. A wA drivintc horse, at a bargain. A. Jr.. Salem. or work F. Hafex. 12-U-tf Free Dirt. About 400 yards of good dirt to bo given away. Inquire of Dr. J. H. Brewer. Salem. 12-H-3t AeieHi - - iiHtiattl - Hine Wing Sang Co All Kinds Holiday Goods ;; ! ' At coet prlca .Salo on before Christmas. Embroidery, Silk, Hand- . . i kejrohiofs, Chlnawaire, Toys, Gents' and L&dlea Furnishing Goods, ' ) ' - Haayv Wrnnnori All kinds of Garments and Oraanionta (Viiirt ' ' ! ! street, corner of alley. I Claiming Rewards. J. J. Fitzgerald today filed a olalm for $300 with tho secretary of state ror too arrest 01 u&y uarscuiuuu. while the latter was engaged in hold ing up train No. C, on the O. It. & N. Company's lines, September 23, 1903. Another claim for $300 was filed by J. J. Fitzgerald and C. A. lUsboll, for lng for tho payment of reward for tho capture of highwaymen. Fltzcerald is neneral yard master for the O. It. & N Co., at Albina, and Rlsbell is sheriff of Skagit county, Washington, where Hochn was cap- tured. Urlbe-Urlbe as Special Envoy. Caracas, Dec. 14. According to ad vlrns recoived hero, tho Colombian i government has decided to sond Gen- oral Rafael uribe-Urlbe as a special envoy to the South American repub lics. He is expected soon to arrive at Caracas. z " To Crean Up Stock. You-can get good prices and terms now of Geo. a Will, to clean up stock before new lot comes. White Rotary Sewing Machines Tho most thorough up-to-date ma chlno on the market. Reasons why 7 First, Us rotary shuttle. Tljon tho shuttle- Is Instantly re movable. Others are not. It hns tension indicators. Others havo not. It has automatic tension release. Others havo not. It has ball bearings. It hns triple feod. ' It sews a fourth faster than tho vibrating shuttles. . It runs llghtor, runs easier, and the automatic head lift is of tho cable in place of raw hldo, ' hence does not stretch and leave tho hoad sag. It is a machlno that you would thor oughly nppreclato, If you would take tho timo to see It. Call in any tlnrn We havo special sowing machlno salesroom, and an exporlencod man In chnrgo, Mr. N. H. Burloy, who will show you every cour tesy. Besides Wo rent now sowing machines. We repair all sorts of machines, and guaranteo our work. Wo sell best needles and oil for all machines. And wo take your old machlno in exchange on new ones, and allow you what It Is worth. Wo havo a number of second-hand machines, all In fine working order, for salo at a bargain. Ask to see them. F. A. WIGGINS Implement House. 255-257 Liberty 8t, Salem. Farm Machlnory, Blcyclos, Automo biles, Sewing Machines aad Supplies N. H. Buriey. Sewing Machine Repairing. Otcgon Fitc Relief Association Oregon's Great Mutual Insurance Co. $15,440,588 Insurance at risk Safe, economical Insurance fc-r the people. Head office, McMlnvllIe, Or. II. A JOHNSON, Aent for Marlon Co Salem. Orejron MODEL OYSTER PARLORS 140 Court Street. Oysters any style and short orders. Oyster Loaves, Chicken Tauialeo, Shell Fish, Etc. In -season, Special chicken dinner, Sundays, 25c Fifzsh ' NAVAL ORANGES Today AT 9lcwtxe Idward Ellis. 144 8Ute f)L Potatoes, Potatoes, POTATOES Call and see as before yoa sell yoar Crop fames M. Kyle & Co i 75 CommerciaJSt. llMWfi - gt - Bl 1! o ff jm What Shall We Have fo'r Dessert? This question arises in the family everyday. Let us answer it to-day. Try J&ll-O a delicious and healthful dessert. Pre pared in two minutes. No boiling I no baking I add boiling water andsett eooL Flavers: Lenten, Orance, Rasp berry and Strawberry. Get a package at year grocers to-day. o ets. GRAND OPERA HOUSE JOHN F. CORDRAY, Mgr. Tuesday, Dec. 15 EXTRA Majestic Revival of , The TWO SISTERS By DENMAN THOMPSON Author of THE OLD HOME8TEAD. Presented with every advantage and many extra features, Including Rastus and Banks Price's $1.00, 75c, 50c, 35c. Rosorved seats on salo at box offlco, Tuesday at 9 a. m. The Panama Situation. Washington, Dec. 14. Coughlan cables from Coloti under yostorday's date tho follewing: "'Tho Atlanta ar rived yostorday. Sailed from San Bias to Gandl, not having seen or heard anything of Colombian troops or vessols. She had communication with the shore at the principal points. Indians are suspicious of strangers They found tho trail from San Bias possible for small parties, but none loading inland. The Atlanta loavos to. day for a cruise to Capo Tlburn and the Gulf of Darlon." Coughlan lntor sent the follewing: "Tho Mayflower today reportod the Cartagona and Plnzlon wore at Turbo, with from 400 to 800 men. They took supplies and sailed on the ,8th, and aro supposed to have landed tho troops at Gandi. Tho Atlanta, hdwover, was at Gandl on the 9th, and got opposite information. Tho consul at Carta gona reports tho ship Cartagena re turned there on tho 9th. Tho Atlanta BaHBBIM-BBHHa-tHK 3 - . . I DON'T m I I ? t n 4 H 4- That THE FAIR STORE is located at No. 274 Commercial Street. Iinrl tlint 1V(1 onrrv lholnrnrfif. ntnnr nf Inuo nnrl li.iliiW- goods in Snlem, at prices that enn't bo beat. We have express J wagons, hobby horses, wheel barrows, doll carriages, children's h rockinc chairs, tov trunks, ilriimn. hnrnn tnno linnl-o inn 2 chests, nir guns, boats, toy furniture, doll houses, Christmas treo ornaments, and, in fact, everything in that line. u Wo have tho best valines in dolls over seen in Salem. THE FAIR STORE 274 Commercial Street R4-BHBB4atBB-fRSBBBBi-liB-fB4-BKHIfB-l-B4f Ctmxm Store PJSOMVEESJBAMeAMN'MWOWSJB' t Now Ready lot To insure quick sales we have cut down the prices to the lowest possible notch. Every article In our store is up-to-date merchandise nnd all fresh and now from tho manufacturers, so you can rest as sured that any article purchased from us will bo up to tho standard, both in quality and style. Wo mention below a few of tho thousand of articles we have hero for you to make your selections from : DOLXS TOYS UNDERWEAR SILK MUFFLERS SILK WAISTS FLANNEL WAISTS SILK HOSIERY KID GLOVES UNDER3KIRT8 DRESS SKIRTS RAINY DAY SKIRTS. DRESS GOODS SILKS VELVETS WAISTINGS FURS JACKETS CAPES COMFORTS ' BLANKET8 LINEN HANDKFS. IT WJLL PAY YOU WELL TO ING. The Cheapest Store in the Northwest M'Eyoy Brothers, Court St,Salem undreds Of Xmas Suggestions on display atout store --Make yotit se lections early. Don't forget the Great sale of returns to tho gulf today for further search." Coldest Yet at Cleveland. Cleveland, O., Dec. 14. Tho weath er bureau today reported It the cold ost thus far of tho prosont winter. At 7 o'clock last night the thermome ter was six degrees above zero, and zero early this morning. Zero Weather In Nebraska. Omalin, Nob., Dec. 14. Zero weath er continued throughout tho day la Nebraska, with a slight moderation last night. The weather predictions aro for higher temperature tomorrow. sH-K3(4-Mfla!BBH . . FORGET Yout Inspection UMBRELLAS TABLE LINENS HOSIERY SILK HANDKFS WOOL SHAWLS WRIST BAGS RIBBON3 SILK MITTS MEN'S TIES SUSPENDERS GET OUR PRICES BEFORE BUY- Fats ! Cloaks Suits ihHeIMKfllWBiMi(fi4l44HI (Mff4-ittilit8llltettttttiaiaaVMt44- -4-i.