Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 14, 1903, Page FOUR, Image 4

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'' "Much wo heartheso days of wonder-
tliy attractlTO, popular -women; tho
ttnany nice qualities that arc noeded
-lor tho winning of tho title. We may
mot be awnro of tho fact, but it is
ttruo Uiat women have equally definite
-though different opinions as to what
aa man should bo. This is far truer In
'European countries than In our own;
"for In America girls show their own,
taste and Judgmont in forming their
oeonoeptlons of what a man should bo?
'tout In tho foreign countries the gov
eminent public opinion, advice of
Sfrlenda and relatives create standards
Jfor them.
This trnth was brought home to
:uio with great forco In Berlin. One
day a young Gorman girl, my travel
'dug companion, and I wore walking
along Untcr den Linden. It was Whit-t-suntlde,
and tho streets were so
-.thronged with merrymakers that wc
Jfaad great difficulty In worming our
-way along. After walking some dls -
itnnco wo stopped before ono of tho
cafes so wo might watch tho people
aas they passed. Wo had not been
seated long when our Gorman friend
tasked me if I had seen the German
emperor and whfct I thought of him.
TL told her though I had been to Pots
dam I had not been given an audlonce
tWIOj Bmporor William. Bho laughed
sat tills -bit of sarcasm and sald,"0,
arenlljr, It's too bad you liavn't soon
Mini; hos a splendid looking man;
mo well built and his features show
wurh Rtrongth and determination.
"But why shouldn't ho bo all that?"
ttfho continued. "He's tho fathor of
our country, the hoad of the nation's
army. I do like army men nnywny;
don't you? 800 how handsome they
look In tholr dark uniforms, light
trappings,- and swords dangling at
tholr Hldos. Any girl In Germany
who Is married to an officer countf
lierself forttinato."
To this I suggested they must be
-consldaroil superior man to bo hold
In such favor.
"Indeed thoy are," alio retorted.
"Thoy are oftentimes tho sons of
noblomon and bolong to some of the
ibost famlllos in Germany. You know
that a man to bo an ofllcor In our
Larmy must havo n splondld education
peak throo or four languages thor
oughly, nnd lio a romarkably well
.trained soltllor."
"Do thoy go for a good price?" I
iiuorled In a way that showed I ap
preciated tho story.
"I should think they did," came the
reply. "No otllcor can marry unless
ho has $36,000, He has to give a
bond of $16,000 so If anything l.appeuR
to him his family en 11 live In proper
style. ;IJut if alio would marry an
officer of superior rank she must do
' more thnn that A friend of mine was
married to an army man reoently;
her fijthor gave them $10,000 as her
wedding portion and paid his debts,
which amounted to $10,000 or more."
I hinted that $00,000 was a- good
deal to pay for the privilege of bolng
jin officer's wife.
"Ym," alio added, "hut he could
havo hurt many another at tho sama
price. Tho tltlo is ono wo all covet r
It gives ono entrance Into Uio host
society. It must be considered worth
having or so many American girls
would not ho so oagor'to capturo it."
Thero aro no mon found anywhere
that aro moro spoilt than tho Austrian
soldiers, ospoolnlly the cuirassiers. I
confess that thoy make a flno showing
with tholr bright red coats, caps, and
light trousers. A woman in tho gay
Austrian capital, consldora It a groat
privlioKo whon sho drives in the
Prada of nn afternoon to bo graced
by th prepuce of somo attractive
loldlem. She holds It a greator nrl
v..w iu b wmi mm u mo vmeciry.
u nuiuiiivr ynnieu wniru is 1 no
dezvous of the fashionable world. It
waa ono summer evening while wo
warn at tho Vlnedry that an ofilcor ot
superior rank nnd his wife made their,
npptaranna In promenndlug she
gavo, herself an air as though she.
owued the eighth wonder of the world.
Ills friends saluted him with little
leM respect than If he was a king.
Though officers In Ifingland do Ut
hold title exalted rank, still they are
much esteemed, and no large social
function Is reguided as complete un
lMi some, young army jnen arts pres
ent The HntUish women are much
ttkttevl when they talk abuut their
frlnndH among men who commanded,
oertalu retfiuenta la the late Boer
-war. While In smith era France last
year I had the pleasure of meeting a
eharmlng Hngllsh girl; sho declared
that she would live and dlo a spin
star unless sho could Jio married to
An army man. She was sura bho wae
ttnsultod for a business niait, as they
wore so prosaic, but she cared equally
little for a professional man. They
wero bo dreadfully oarn&st and Al
lowed their minds td work In Barrow
grooves. But an array mart was after
her owu heart
Ha possesses plenty
of courago, and battlefields teach him
, self-control and whizzing bullets alert-
The Swiss women do not lionize
their officers as do the women in the
othor European countries. This is
partly because the standing army of
tho country is comparatlely small and
the rank is obtained through superior
ability rather than by prestige. In this,
small republic all classes of men are
called Into active sen-Ice evory two
years. In the ranks a road builder
and a lawyer are often seen standing
side by side; both have. the oppor
tunity of becoming offlcora.
Though in France the army has
much political power the women dc
not dote on army men nearly as
much as In England, Germany, and
Italy. A French girl of high social
standing much prefers being married
to a mombor of the Ecole des Beaux
, Arts or an Instructor In tho Sorbonne.
jFor In France tho army men vie for
honor with scholars and painters
It Is more than likely that with the
importing of curtain foreign political
id as, hats, frocks, etc , we shall soon
accept tho Idea that an officer Is an
Important social factor. Tho Ameri
can girls will them count as naught
mon who aro Interested in wheat,
stocks, law, and medictno; but In.
stoad tho tall, sturdy, fearless army
men will be tho Idols of their hearts.
Meddlesome Matty.
Oh! how ono ugly trick hns spoiled
The swoetoot And tho best!
Matilda, though a pleasant child,
Ono ugly trick possessed,
Which, liko a cloud before the skies,
Hid nil hor bettor qualltlos.
Somotimos sho'd lift tho toa-pot lid,
To peep at what was in it;
Or tilt th,o kettle, If you did
But turn your back a minute.
In vain you told her noL to touch
Her trick of meddling grow so much.
Hor grand-mamma wont out one day,
And by mlilako, sho laid
Her spoctaoles and snuff-box gay,
Too near tho little mnld;
"Ah! well." thought sho. "I'll try
thorn on,
i-As soon as crand-mamma Is cone."
Forthwith sho plaood upon hor nose,
The glasses, large nnd wide;
And looking round, r.s I supposq,
The snuff box, too, she spied,
"O what a pretty box Is thlsl
I'll opon It," said Httla miss.
"I know that grand-mamma would say.
"Don't meddle with, It dear;"
But thon she's far enough away,
And no ono also Is near;
Besides what can there be amies',
In opcnluff such a box at this?" .
So thumb and finger vent to work,
To move the stubborn lid;
And, presently, n mighty Jerk
Tho mighty mlschlof did;
For all at onoo, ah! woful case;
Tho snuff came puffing In hor fnco.
Poor oyes, and nose, and mouth, and
A dismal sight presented;
And as tho snuff got further In,
Slncorely she reponted.
In vain she ran about for ease,
Sho could do nothlug olso but sneozo.
She dashed the speotaolos away,
To wlpo hor tingling eyes;
And as In twonty bits they lay,
Hor grand-mnmma Bho Bples.
"Hy day! and what's the matter
Cried grand-mamma with angry brow.
Matilda, smarting with tho pain,
And tingling still, and sore.
Made many n promise to refrain
!... ...!. ill
1 rum iiivtiuiwK uverniure.
A,, 'tis a fact, as I have heard.
She ever since has kept her word.
One Good Reason.
There was a vsltor at the school,
and the children were bolng glvou an
opportunity to show off. The visitor's
thoughts ovldently ran n a religious
turn, for he questioned the children
first upon their knowledge of the
"And where was the Infant Jesus
born?" he naked, and a chorus ot
roleee BReweretl Immediately. "In n
"And why was he bora In a man
ger?" was the next query.
There was u moment's silence, and
then a little Scotch boy iu the baek
seat piped up, shrilly. "Because his
mother was there." And the reply
was too obvlpuely correal to admit of
any further questions on that subject
at least Brooklyn Bagle,
Information -Wanted.
"I want to lntroduoe you to Prof.
Baton, one ot our greatest conduc
tors, said the host at an aftersoou
Indeedl" said the woman who had
recently butted lnto-aoolety. "Band or
street oar? Yonkers 8tnteiaan.
Legislature Fixed the Term
of the Lewis and Clark EX'
position, Says I.N. Fleisch
ner. Who Doubts the Right
of Directors to Alter it.
It was decided at the monthly moot
ing of tho directors of tho Lewis and
Clark contennlal exposition yesterday
afternoon that tho exposition should
open June, 1905, and close October
15, instead of opening May 1 and cIos
Ine November 1. The reason given
for the change is that tho weather.
in May-and lato Octobor Is likely ta
bo bad. I. N. Flolschnor nnd several
othor directors put themsolveB on re
cord as radically opposed to the
change In tho date, as it was In ac
cordance with nn act of tho legis
lature and tho plans originally deemed
Mn. Flolschner said teday: "I oppoSq
the change in date on tho grounds
that tho stockholders havo subscribed
their money to tho entcrprlso ,on tho
basis that the fair was to bo open from
tho first of May until November l.
Tho shortening of tho time would not
be doing justice to them, or comply
ing with the terms of the original
agreement. Along the latter part or
October tho movement of eastern
tourists Is westward, to spend tho
wlntor on tho coast and In California.
If tho fair Is opon at that time thoy
will visit Portland. Again tho hop
and fruit Industries, which are Impor
tant factors In the state, cxporionce
tholr greatest activity in tho month
of Octobor nnd It would bo policy to
lot tho original dato of closing stand
and give these Interests a chance to
attend and participate In making a
succoss Of the venture."
The directors yosterday agreed to
ask tho state commission t'o turn to
them tho supervision of all stato
buildings, the corporation to contract
for them and supervlso their con
struction. Tho executive commlttoo
was Increased by tho addition of
four members, A. H. Devers. I. N.
Flolschner, J. C. Alnsworth and
Samuel Connell, nnd tho new head
quarters' at the Stearns building wore
doflnltoly npprovod.
I. N. Flolschner prosiuou. mo
board dlroctod that 50,000 buttons of
the fair be sold at a small profit that
tho bill of the Hammond company
for tho dredging of Guild's lake. $9.
BOO, 'bo paid; that 1.000.000 advertis
ing "stickers" bo disposed or to n
local wholesale honso; that tho con
tracts for water tanks and bulkheads
to F. Flugor nnd I Wnkofield bo ap
proved. Volcano as a Sulphur Mine.
A current roport hns It that nego
tiations aro on foot for the transfer
of tho title of the famous volcano,
Mount Popocatapetl, In Mexico, ItjB
present owner, Genoral Gasper San-
qhez Ochoa, receivod it from tho
Government of Mexico In recognition
of certain political and military ser
vice, and Is said to have offered It
for sale at merely J6.000.000 a ban
gain, considering the millions of dol
lars' worth of sulphur It contain. Two
uartles nre declared to bu bidding
for It, one backed by John D. Rocke
feller, nnd tho otlier by John P. and
Samuel Green of Pittsburg. Thero
aro two schemes by which It is pro
posed to work tho sulphur mlno; one
Is to tunnel Into the volcano at about
600 yards bolow tho crater, and to
remove the sulphur by a mechanical
agont In tlio form of a cablo convoyor
consisting of a ono-Inch steel cablo
carrying buckots 100 feet apart. These
will dip Into tho red-hot molten sul
phur and bring it out, tho buckets
travollng at tho rato ot 200 feet ier
minute. Tho estimated cost ot this
oqulpmont Is about $500,000. Tha
othor schomo proposes to send a cog
wheel railway over tho lip of tho
crater directly down Into tho sulphur
lake, but it la questlonnblo If suffi
cient foundntlon Is available to sus
tain tho heavy supporting mombora
that would bo necessary. For many
generations this sulphur has boon
mined in a crudo fashion, and It la
believed to be Inoxhaustlble. as It Is
apparently replenished as fast as it la
removod. Its market price at presont
Is 4D per ton; but thero Is no danger
of the prlco falling by overproduction
nt this source If the rumored specu
lator acquire the mountain. Page's
Worship the Devil.
Parisians nre exulting In a new sen
sation, the discovery that the cqlt of
devil worship is extensively practiced
there. The first hint came from 'dis
closure In the trial of youthful dllle
tante degenerates, llaron Adel S Ward
nad Comte de Warren are charged
with n variety of eccentric offense)
There nre believed to be about 30 so
called chapels where the cult Is prac
Uced pretty regularly.
Two prominent newspapers are
booming ihe subject. One positively
declares It "Is able to name Uie high
priest ot the diabolical religion in
Paris; the whereabouts of the temples
or chapels; dates of regular service
and details ot rituals, but has not yet
W fr4lM-Hf !
I had two brtdaea placed )
in my mouth and a tooth J J
extracted by Dr. Wright
and can svy that It la the J
only dental work I havo J J
ever had done that did not -
a uinuro me oeyono
endup. . ,
Salem Oregon.
published the details. Researches and
Inquiries appear to Justify thestate
ment that moro or less concrete form
of devil worship has existed in Paris
for 300 years, sometimes flourishing
and sometimes moribund. Tho cult is
In three forms. The first enables clalr
voyantft of love and alchemists to de
lude and terrify clients; the second Is
a fantastic form of vice; third a sin
cere porformnnco by intellectual
cranks or religious maniacs believing
the god of evil requires worshiping as
well as tho god of good.
Tho three sections each havo vo
taries In. Paris today, the second being
much more numerous, Including many
aristocrats, and not a few criminals.
The third numbers raore'thnn 40 today
but they take themselves very seri
ously. The elaborate ritual Is sold t
be 200 years old. It is doubtful If tho
police arc entitled to Interfere with
thorn. Tho newspapers are trying to
kill them with ridicule, but It really
looks as though publicity will Increase
tho adherents.
Once More, Hilda Hobson.
Onco more Hilda Hobson, with tho
oaby staro and Ingenuous look that
quite takes tho casual bystander off
his gunrd, Is in town. This is her first
dallianco in the limelight of local pub
licity since hor blustering nnd meteoric
debut about two years ago. Tho gen
eral publis still has in mind a hazy
recollection of her checkered career,
of fitful cross-country Jaunts In ap
propriate turnouts, with the entlro
force of constabulary swarming In hot
pursuit. In each case some domestic
or financial eplsodo figured as an In
centive to make tho chango ot scene.
Hilda has added a crutch to her al
leged assortment of afflictions. With
those wedding-breakfast glances on
full voltage yosterday she handed
nround "good luck" cards supple
mented with a new con talk about try
ing to raise money with which to take
a business course. Some of Eugene s
staid old bachelors neglected to get
vaccinated, and those sassy glances
"took." Out camo old woazel skins
nlatfinrf. nt nolf wVnrAnt tlin flatlvn
Hilda gleefully stowed nw.ay the du -
cats, moanwnlle vociferating In sotto
voice, "Oh, Isn't this a pipe, a tapi
oca!" Eugene Register.
Mormons in Eugene.
The church of Jesus Christ, Latter
Day Saints, have established regular
headquarters In Eugene and will hold
servicos overy Sunday at 2 p. m. In
the hall, comor of Eighth nnd Ollvo.
Tho ministers In charge of tnc Etigenc
organization nro, Eldors John Waltor
Smith and P J. Graham. The church
already has a numbor of followers In
this city. ?
Since the landing of the Mormons
nt'Salt Lake thoy have extended their
Influence as a rollglous body all over-
Idaho and Eastern Oregon and aro
Invading iVostorn Orogon with their
peculiar faith. Eugene Register.
On a Port Tack.
Son Dlogo. Doc. 14. Joseph H,
Groor, n wealthy citizen of Fort
Wayno, Ind., dlod horo yosterday of
blood poisoning. Ho steppod on a
tack In a Pullman car on his way out,
Ho was heavily interested in oil and
land business in Indiana.
Got a Government Contract.
Washington, ,Dec. 14 -Rev. Ed
ward Everett Hale, the celebratod
Massachusetts divine, was selected
as chaplain of tho senate at the cau
cus of Ropubllcnn senators this morn
ing. Try On Rotfgk
Dy Ot Pound
Which includes the entlro family
washing, except shirts, collars, cuffs
and lac6 , curtains, which will be
charged at lst price, and put in sep
arate packages. All starched pieces
will bo starched and dried, and all
flat pieces, from spreads to handker
chiefs, will bo Ironed ready for use.
Lot our solicitor call and explain this
system In full. You will do away with
washing and starching at home
Salem Steam
Phono 411 230 Liberty St
Or a postal card, and the wagon will
Try our beer, It's light, heal
thy, tasty, bright and SPARK
LING, refreshing and exhilar
ating. Our beer Is a beverage
you'll enjoy at your meals. Lot
ub send you a case bottled. We
deliver. Phono us, Main 2131.
Salem Bewey
Main Office 174 Commercial Bt
Salem, Oregon.
J 49 State Street
The time which wo advertised to continue this eale 13
very short. Only a few weeks, and, wo do just as we adver
tised close this sale. You, who are not buying now nre
missing opportunities topurchaso goods that will not probably"
como to you again. You can nqw got
$15 Overcoats for $10,00 Overcoats Worth $7.50 for $5 on
suits worth $15 for $10.00 Suits worth 510 for S7sn
Pants worth $4 and 5 for $ 3,50 Pants worth $1 50 for si otv
Sweaters worth $1.50 for$ 1,00 Sweaters worth 75c for soc
A. good lino of Hats left and Gents' Furnishing Goods that
will please the most critical.
A few Bargains left In Quilts and Blankets.
Trimmings and Fringes in Jet and Silk, Great bargains at
small prices.
Ropo silk and Embroidery silk at lc per Skein.
100 yard spool silk at 5c
A small line of dry goods to bo cut in, prices in order to clo3o
If you want to got bargains Good goods, Money placed in your
pocket come to 149 State street and invest before Jan 1
4-tif BBHJjejjiB99;9mag
Evory thing, Including genoral
tlen: also the larepst Stork nf
1 S
j Sale
Thau nil other houses In Salem 'combined. I mean business, and, !!
realizing that, whllo It wilt bo a loss to me, It will be your gain. Must
be sold within two weoks. 1 i
uuBiuuBs uisuwnore aemanns my
tia nlian.1 nuf Tr ..nt ml.. 1.a
w wfovia vui.. kjf IIUI. 1IIIOO lur
dav EOOriS and wlntor Biinnlloa Tho
. ...
O. P. DABNEY, Ptopnetot.
frfrHH-(M- 1 9 1 9 i 94Pfrfra4HEg4-e-Mt-K M frH-MH4
Toys, Books, Chinawate
Steel Beeds m Abundance
Variety Stoe,
May Die Tonight.
St. Louis, Dec 14. Attorney-General
Crow may not survive tho day, being
In tho grip of pneumonia. Owing to
his illness the case of Stato Sonator
Farrls, indicted for bribery in the
baking powdor scandal, which was to
opon this morning at Jefferson City,
has boon continued.
If Old Santa Claiis
We have had new goods arriving every day during the last two
weeks, and arc well prepared to supply the demand for holiday fur
niture. T
' """I
House Fttffnisne s
Sale f
at the Faiff Store
rackot store goods of every doscrlp- ! !
tnvn nnd hnllilnv rnnili In Hnlom
uucnuon, nna evorytning must $
nini n..n.H..nl... .. nn. ...... 1...II
felUilb UlfV! bUUHJ IU gUb jUUl I1U11' A
Fnlr Stnrn 27J f'nmmnrolnl S
, .. . (
Miss A. M. Welcn,
' Won His Case.
Paris, Dec. 14. Tod Sloan to4
won his case against the French Jock
ey Club, for ruling him off the Freud
turf a yoar ago. Sloan brought
for daraagos and tho court condemn
tho club to pay tho costs. It will ti
the amount of damages later.
' in the
Line of
He will
Know just
Wiiee to
Get it