Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 14, 1903, Page THREE, Image 3

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    . VviiMj4 v "' - m
sWi k
Tlio Kind You Havo Alwnv itnnni,t ...i ...,...,. ,
la ubo for over 30 years, has Home tlio slgnntnro of
. fiv ytt rr" " and lms lconinndo under Ills pcr
Ctayf&j) Sonnl BPorvlsIon slnco Its influicy.
ah l7 Allow no ono to decelvo you In tills.
AH Counterfeits, Imitations nnd " Just-ns-jrood" nro but
Experiments tlint triilo with nnd ondnngcr tlio lirnlth of
Infants and Chlldrcn-Expcricuco rtfalnst Experiment.
What is CASTOR I A
Cat i vla ia a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Pare
gon Drops nnd Soothing Syrups. It is Plensnnt. Ifc
contui s neither Opium, Morphino nor other Nnrcotio
eubBiunco. Its ago is its guarantee It destroys Worms
and allays Foverishncss. It cures Dinrrhooa and "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It nsslmllatcs tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy nnd uaturnl sleep
Iho Children's Panacea Tlio Mother's Frloud.
Soars tlio Signaturo
sj Boars tho Signaturo of
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Cut Glass should bo o high grndo quality of glos9
with a perfect artistic cut and highly polished
to secure
Wo are proud to say that this is the kind of Cut
Glass wo carry. It is
tj s
Recognized as tho best in tho United States.
"Ve do not only hava a few pieco3 but a lnrjro
assortment of tho latest cuts and pricos that will
astonish you.
Come nnd see our lino and compare it with any
others on tho market. Remember the four points
A C6mbiuntiou of great importance, especially
tho ono of price.
iScvetal 8-incH BOWLS beautifully
ctit, at $4.75 cac i
J Fresh RoasterJ-Coffee and Fin Teas a Specialty
Yokohama Tea
Store j
r- rv.ll...... D
I Phone 2411 Black. rreeueiivciyj
Leader of Great Railway
Strike Scores Form
er Friends
last weak boforo tho Princeton chem
leal society, was shtfwn n. lamttls of
Tadlo ncllve bnrium during his visit,
hnu.. expressed much enthusiasm bvet
the discovery.
?Tho deposits or cnrnolite In Utah
nro large nnd numerous enough tc
utility indium for practical purposes
lu tjie United States nt n Brent redur
tldn in cost from that produced In Mu
routtin laboratories." eald he.
"The Two Sisters-".
Denmau Thompson's glorious piny
of rural and metropolitan life has been
ono of the greatest money-nmiwre In
America's dramatic history. It
nchloved remarkable runs In Now
York. Doston, Chicago. Snn Francisco
nnd all the lending cities, nnd has
bean generally ragnuled by theatrical
managers and progressiva newspaper
wrltars as the hlghost Ideal of nn
American piny, dealing with such
comic, serious, rich. poor, pretentious
nnd plain characters aa one "meets
up" with In real life, and uot with Im
possible and ridiculous counts, diieh-
1 Aw
4jcVq stasttata
II rkmmm
"I stnrtd a socialist,"
In this manner lingerie V Debs
pnraphrnsetl David B. IIIU's famous
remark. 'I am n Democret." during
Uje address tac former Socialist candi
date for President made to a crowd of
6 iKK persons nt the Coliseum yester
day aiiernoon. The speaker flayed
the prominent labor union londora
who hnr recently opposed the adopt
ion by tho American Federation of
Labor of the socialistic propognuda.
"The Democratic party is not only
deed, but In nn ndvnnced stnte of de
composition," continued Mr. Dabs.
"But It will not be allowed to' entirely
disintegrated, for It Is one of the
two wings of the capitalistic party
and must occasionally be allowed four
oars In power, so that tho dissatis
fied peoplo can say 'That's what we
get for turning the Kepubllcans out.
Give us eight years moro of tho Be
publican prosperity.' "
Scores Mitchell and Gompers.
After n few shots nt the capitalists
D bs centered his flro on Mitchell
Gompers. nnd other lnbor leaders who
have warned the unions against mix
ing polIMcs with the labor move
nt eliti
"Tnhtl fWJioll .nlrl tUa nH.n.. itnu
that when the labor movement went ' "sSsHH"-
Into politics the labor movement
dies," said the speak r. Bobort Ingor-
uu iiuver cuaneii hiobbb whu a groni- eases, lords, ladlos nnd peasantry, ns
er mistaKe. When tlie labor move- can only exist In the dreams of the
ment goes Into politics cnpltnllstlc wrltars, nnd nnd lonely sympathy In
systems die, the bglslntlve halls of the hearts and minds of people "who
Washington will he purgod nB thoy yenrn for the indonnnble and nra
never have been, nnd tho red flag of brought fate to face dally with the
socialism will fly over the city hall. multiplication table " "The Two
"The coal strike ban been exploited Slstora" Is a real iilnv for renl neonla.
by the capitalistic press as labor's who wnnt tho mirror held up to nn
great vlc'ory. The fruit of that vie- tiiro. and to fnntastlc ImposalbllltloB.
tory turned to ashes on the lips of Thore Is life nnd vigor In It. n story
the miners. With the 10 per cent told forcefully nnd convinclnalV. n
Increase of wages enme a 15 or 20 mornl that should Immortalise It and
per cent Increase of the living ox- a fund of humor that gives It front
penses. Thousands of those' victor- rank among all Amerlcnn comedies,
lous miners' are now out of work. , Taking ono consideration with anoth
Socialism Is Defended. or tho "Two Sisters" Is n Jolly good
"Samuel Gompors says he has road play. You cau't boat It. and It la an
soclnllim In two languages. It would nouncad for performance bore,
bo well for him to undorstnnd It In Seats on sale at box ofilco Tuoeday
ono. Ho crloa, "Koep politics out of at 9 n. m. Curtain 8:15.
tho union ," knowing that when poll-,
tics gots Into tho union ho will go How's This?
OUt. HO and Mark Hannn Will SOlVO Vn nffor nm. hnmlrml ilnllnr rn.
tho labor cjuostlon If you nllow thorn ..., , .. , ...i. n..
but not for the worklngmnn. It Is wnrt for any cn8. of. "tarr2I tha'
not a good sign when u lender Is pop- cnnnoi oo curcu ny nans wimrrn
Ulnr with both sldos. Curo. P. J. CIIF.NEY & CO..
"Thore aro mon who havo boon tell-1 Toledo Ohio,
Ing you that socialism is against w ,,, ,,.i.a ,! t,nnnn
the unions. I bellovo In speaking WTe ",0 "niloralgned. havo known
plain. Inoy Ho. p- J Cheney for tho laHt 15 years,
"Wo havo heard," said Debs, "of and bellovo him perfectly honorable
tho great victory of , labor In Uio in nu business transactions and Onan-
thoroughly organized City railway ,., , .,. , i.u
strike. I'd like to havo a photograph """' "u "" ""' vu""
of that vlctoryi And I want to say t,onB rnndo y thelr flrm
horo that the police who rodo on those WEST & TIIUAX, Wholesalo Drug
cars 'scabber for the stroet-car com- glats, Toledo, Ohio.
mny" i .i r, . r, , ' WALDINO. KINNAN & MARVIN.
Denouncing the Governor of Colo- ,. . , , , ' . , ,,, ,
rndo as a military despot. Dobs asked , WholssaM DrugBlsts, Toledo. Ohio.
If the President of tho United States ' Hall's Catarrh Cure Is Uiken lnte
would not he the next to adopt such nally, noting directly upon tho blood
a step The action of th elgl.ty--ona nnd mucoU8 BUrrne08 0f tho aystem.
Soclallita In the Qarman relehstng m.n.i- . , iri 7k
In refusing to twrtlclpate In "hochlng TeetlmonlnlB eant free Price 7Bc
der Kaiser" was praised by the spank
cr. who propheseld thrice that num
ber marching Into the halls of Cong
ress to purge It. Tho more vigorous
passages of the speech were loudly
applauded. After the oration of tho
por bottle. Bold by all druggists.
Hall's Pamtly Pills are the bast.
Younjj nepubllcan Workers.
The executive committer of tho
Young Man's Republican Club and thu
day a supper and ball concluded tho HeutennntB and workers will hold n
Fire In West Salem.
Saturday night the barn of Jnmas
Moyer, of West Salem, took lire and
was entirely destroyed, Involving a
Ioas of about ?M0. Mr. Moyer recent
Iy bought a tract of land In tho west
side of the river, a half mile below the
steel bridge, and erected a good barn,
and was in readiness to remove thlth
or with his belongings, when tho flro
destroyed bis property.
The flrv v. a sawn about 11 o'clock
at night, by residents of this city,
and nn alarm was turn d In. The do
partment at oace responded on the In
formation that a Are was burning on
meeting this evening In the ofllce of
Justin of the Peace Ilorgnn, for the
purpase of discussing plniiB for tna
yhnt Is the neo ot telling the itifumUo
that be (eels as It his Joints were being dis
located? Ue knows that bis sufferings are very
oineh 1'kc the tortures of the rsik.
What ht nU to knott h what will per
msnctitlv c ire his dlsmi.
That, nceurtilng to thoumnds ot groterul
tetUmonkU, Is
Hood's Sarsaparilla
't promptly neutralise llt arid In the
okiud on which tlie dlssass detnd, com
oirtcly ellmlnulee It, nnd stnuatheus th
vHatu awsliist l return. Try Uood'a
perpetuity of the club, and tnklng tin
first steps for the spring campaign.
Every member of the committee Is
urged to be present on this occasion
aa business of Importance to the club
will coma up for consideration, nnd the
members are expected to make their
reports on the work doua In the recent
city campaign, which has reflected so
much glerv on the organisation.
Little Eva's New Stunt
Tho brightest and merriest llttlfi
m 'kmr.ul in the country Is ISvn.
daughter of Mn nnd Mrs. D. II. Mor
gensen of Pord. To watch little Hva
milk n cow Is n rnre treat. Indeed.
So. now," she snya as she glvos old
Boso a thump an tho skin with hor
chubby Uttlo fist. Rosa baaks hor
leg In regulation stylo, nnd Kva begins
with tho graco and offoctlvonoss of a
veteran. Although only 3 years old,
Kva dous a third of tho milking for
the, family. Winchester (Ky.) Sontl-
3t tk - Ila IW Y Han Ahort fig-
1 1
i; Only $J.J5 per sack J
"Portland and Return Only $2.20."
Tho Southorn Paclflo Is now selling
round trip tickets to Portland from
Snlom for $3.1)0, good going Saturday
or Sunday, returning Sunday and Mon
day, giving all dny Sunday and Mnn
dny In Portland. The same arrange
ment applies from Portland, giving all
Portland people a chance to visit val
lo,r points nt greatly roduced rutoe.
W. 11 COMAN. G. P. A.
$ i ue lamous unexcelled
f Peacock Brand of flour. "
The finest flour ever sold ; ;
j in the city. iTry it once, jh
We will sell to you again. '
D. A. White
& Son
Fccdmen and Seedsmtln &
W Qfll nnm'l S Qalum flrAnfln
uui uviu i ui. uaicuii vivkvu, a
M ' I
V'f V IQ t'O IttwtCv,8 t'wt'wtfst'MHp
Bn tl -lh KW Ym Han tlKiri GtK
Huio WiDg Sang Co,
Fancy Dry Goods
Mado up lp a now lino ot heavy
wrnppors, all colors, Whlto under,
wear. All kinds ot waists, fancy
goods, silks, gents' nnd Indira' fur
nishing goods, silk handkerchlofs,
chlnnwaro. Now lino ot wintor goods
for salo cheap. 100 Court strcot, Sa
lem; Or. Cornor of alloy.
We have a fine tract of timber
land near Cottage Grove
1000 acres will make:
about 4 million feet to 1-4
section. From 100 rods
to 1 1-2 miles of river
This is a snap.
I Three or four houses for sale on
Installment plan, from 100 to $600.
Small payment down.
If you have property to sell Or rent,
or wnnt to buy or sail, trado or ox.
chango for other property ot any
kind, or If you wnnt n loan or Insur
ance, soo R. R. Ryan & Co, lQ.2g-ti
R. R. Ryan
For the Most Complete Stock of
. a o iSaisaiiiftlsilAimg
i I
Caiwefts. Chafing!
and Nickle Plate. Wat c
at reasonable prices, sec
-1 i ., ii i i o i in I m I a f AH 1 1 f AA
l9ilIBtlH,H,,rwTT,'T,rT S
The Entire Stock jj
Of Boots and Shoes and Rubbers ;;
We have purchased of Jacob Vogt must
be sold at a sacrifice, Come early and ;
get Ihe bargains.
cccnr tn i.rnh Vort. 265 Commercial Street ;;
Scott's Emulsion is cod
liver oil made almost as
palatable as milk. It is easy
and soothing to the weak
stomach; it checks the ten
dencies of children toward
Scott's Emulsion gives
the rlter bank, but. on reaching the strength to weak mothers DO-
uTat i flTe T th. r-oik wnty cause it creates nca.tny iicsn
side, and the department returned to
the city hall. A number of men went
across the river to the lira, however,
and assisted in lighting the tlamaa. and
confining them to the hulling In
v.hlch they originated.
Th blaia made a beautiful slaht
from this cly, nnd, as the ham smmI jriJIJ- fgr (q baby.
r r.v, ?'UV "'"'"'", ' .' "TT"' better than
II HUU lliw Uirw4iHi;w vi imw i- , , . . r 1
on a small scale. A large number or bcott S JimillSIOn IS a ioou.
persons gathered oh the river bank
below the bridge, opposite the ace. Wi1li.JjmilHifHWrt.
and enjoyed the spectacle 6C0TT & hOWHK. P . w Vk.
Mr Moyer ascribes his loaa to la -
cendlarlsm, as he says that at no Una ""
did he or any of bis family go about jata,vsi.frttOri-4l
the barn with matches or Are of any ii"'B'wlw "" fc
Kind ana ne is shiibiibu ini witrrv w
no one about the place at any time
& CO, I!
nnd new blood.
Nursing mothers will find
a spocinl value in Scott's
Emulsion because it insures
. , . t
a now oi ncn, nuun&iiuiK
More and
Phont- Main 2953.
193 Commircial 3t
Off Tht Journal.
You illd not send me that onler for printing
last month. You had Utter doit now. Thuro I
I no lttr time to get a frwh supply of sta
tionery than Just before the new year. If you
order It soon It will ) ready for you.
Elliott, the Job Printer.
Willamette University
John II. Column, VnwavKkT, Salkm, Orkoon.
College of Liberal Arts, Law, Art, Medicine, Music,
Oratory, Theology.
PREPARATORY DEPARTMET-Oren lo students compltlln elstilh tnUU
MfiratBt-lower rdts la eretaralory (Jtrirtratnt- Btsidta affordlcr
proUfialonal Iralnlnj, tbe University teV6 to give a tfcorouih rrifllcal
education for all who are aware of tbe value of trained train.
TIIK'HORMAl. DEPARTMENT-Offer althorotuhcouMe In tfce tfceoty and
practice of teaching. Meets all the rmulreaienta of Mate school law
Its teachers are In constant demand.
Catalogue Upon Application.
Harritt & Lawrence
Sell more Groceries ad tetter Groceries tbaa ArlYIODY
There's where you get GOOD treatment and GOOD goods
SLSSTTiiT oFVaTiom Ti5 V. i """ uasl'stop in snd for yourslf. CD ?. o. orockhy.
who smoked. He Hi. therefore, satta
fled that the place waa set en fire, al
though be could art tell of an eaemy
In the world
Find Radium In Utah.
Prof Alexander Hamilton Phillips,
assistant professor of mineralogy In
Princeton university, bsa discovered
the existene of radium In earnolite
an ore from Utah. Pref. Phltllps found
titat from 3S pounds of carnoHte radio
active bariuas chloride can be obtained
which will give about ISM activity
This energy la MfifekHat for many
r ... ....... ,TwrinuaU vrith earsoliU
k. vr,,nn M-lentlsUi bad failed U kinds. Give us a call
German Market
Jujt opeaed, next door to liar
rltt.& Lawronco'rf grocery storo.
a olean, now market, viere nil
kinds of meat ean be had. Ijw
prices and prompt delivery our
motto. Wa make a seeoiaHy of
Sua Qflrman sausage of all
Vt o-'rge
fcvruy n
radium who lectured
,-..iiit4frrrfTWrt ..