Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 14, 1903, Page TWO, Image 2

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hi- '
On December 28 we shall commence taking our annual inventory. We have lots of stock on hand 'that we do not want to I
inventory Rather close it out and count the money. We never carry over goods from one season to another, when Low
Prices Cut Prices Cost Prices or any other kind of prices will sell them. So we will now commence a
and continue until that date, Of course you can stay from this sale, if you want to, but you will lose money if you do, .Note a
few of our prices. Everything CUT,
$10.00 Sits os Ovetcoats szdvced to $ 7.00
12.50 " " 8.00
15 " " " iO
$ J 7.50 Suits and Overcoats seduced
20 a
25 " " "
Remember you have the largest stock in Salem to select from. Don't miss this opportunity.
Commercial Street
8crlpp Nsws Association Telegrams.
3 and 5 O'clock Editions.
Daljy One Year, 14.00 In Advincs.
Dally Three Months, 11X0 In Advance.
Dally by Carrier, 50 Cents Per Month.
Weekly One Year. $1.00 In Avanc.
vOno Weok f 10
Cuo Month 35
Throo Months 1.00
At Journal offlce.
At Daue's Grocery, South Salem.
At Bewersox Qrocery, Yew Park.
Asylum Avenue Grocery Store.
Electric Grocery, East State St
imtl Mf9 li-Ht MIHIIIr
DalryrnauV association, Corvallls,
Dsoemuar 15-16.
Poultry and it stock show, Salem,
Dooomher 17-19.
Spcgial session or the legislature,
Snloni, Daosmber 31.
National., livestock., convention,
Portland. January 12-1B.
Ancora goot shanr, Dallas, Janu
arr H-16.
The Weather.
Tonight and Tuesday, cloudy, wllh
oaaastoiial iwlu.
I'uruanu una mom name uepogiui
than any of the rival oltlcs lu thu
Portlaud has forty millions of oash
lying in her banks God know what
Portland iwmi to glory In tho fact
nf u lurg surplus of Id's- capital ly-
Ini? In Dim Intuitu.
Wouldn't It Im a lileaswl good IhliiR
for l'o it land If Portland had hm tills
capital atMl morn actlro cu'iital.
Isn't th city liuiwlassly rich?
llnun't the town too many Idle dollars
waiting tu tmt up the Hiterrite and
crush the notivw dollar?
Isn't the one active dollar (bat Is
turning over ami ovr and making
btisliMM and atherluc no moss, worth
tea Idlu doltaniT
Isn't, Cortland's Umst of having so
much wttlUi 1)Iiik Idle lu the baak.
tho Uonut of itiossoarkUm and decay T
i m
SJome poreun imtillshes it na Ills
oidaiOH In the ShIkiii Statesman that
Food. aten
without nppe
tlle remnlna
Indigestion and
o euro thosi
allmenta tho
lltttvrtt in
atroiiKly recom
uieudod by jihy
stolons. Try tt
aleo set our
1904 Alsiftaao
from you." dru
gist. It ( free.
the new city government shall take
offlce Tuesday evening.
In the past the new city council and
mayor havo been Inaugurated In Janu
ary, the old city officials holding until
the new administration was sworn In.
As there Is no published copy of the
city charter complete. It Is difficult to
discuss this matter Intelligently. Hut
enough is known that It does not re
quire the new city government to take
the reins of government before Jnnu
The present city council and mayor
are requlrod to mako up the financial
budget for next year. Read soctior
throe of the amendments to the char
3. On or before December 31st of
each yoar, the council shall make an
estimate of tho expenso for tho ensu
ing year, and the council shall by or
dinance, estimate and declare the nec
essary amount of monoy to be raised
by general taxes, and shall levy tho
necessary amount thereof, which levy
shall not In any case oxceod the sum
nf ten mills.
Flip official terms of the appointive
officers begin In January, and contin
ues for one year. The city council is
the judge of the qualifications of Its
own members, arid can determine
whether they are legally entitled to
hold their seats.
To undertake to swear In part or
all the new aldermen before their term
of office begins will Involve them in
controversy and perhaps litigation.
The fact Is. few persons, beeldos
the present city recorder, know what
the city charter and ordinances of the
city contain. They have not been com
piled or made public In years, and
nave been frequently amended,
changed, re-enacted and repealed.
Not a person living in Salem today
knows whnt tho hlcyclo restrictions
ara, and the now city government
Should proceed with the greatest can
tiou, until It can act Intelligently in
the premlsos.
As no taxes aro levied in the now
wards for the asROsment of 1903, It Is
not necessary to swear In the alder
men for those wards, and they cannot
woll be sworn In before the mon elect
ed at the samo time they wero aro al
so given their seats.
Uomemberfng that there is an els
mout that only seeks a technical op
portunity to tako the oharter of
Greater Salem into the courts, and
have It annulled, tho councilman who
ara loyal to the new charter should
avoid giving any cause for suah lltl
ntlat Concerning "Taxpayer."
IMItor Jeurnal:
I thought the election was over last
Monday, but I see quite a number of
heavy "Taxpayers. whose names are
too brittle to have made public, ara
still charging corruption, and every
thing else whiuh don't cost anything,
to the Republican party and Its eleo
Hon to office.
One of the tuost serious charges is
to the political record of Councilman
Jacob. That is, serious to "Taxpayer,"
Taxpayer charges Mr. Jacobs with
once being a Ilryan man, and en
denvoriug to establish a co-operative
exchange, and with being a Socialist.
Voting for Hryan can't be sueh an
awful crime since Taxpayer represents
many who did vote for him. A co
operative exchange Isn't a bad aide
when the country Is financially panic
stricken and the worklngman. with
his "empty dinner pnll" is without
work and money, all brought nbottt
by such Ideas of political economy as
Taxpayer evidently represents. Under
tht Impetus of the Roosevelt and
McKluley administrations the work
Ingni'ii now carry the "full dinner
pall." To chargo Mr. Jacobs as be
ins unfit for oflloe on tho ground of
being Inclined towards tho Socialists.
Is to let ily a boomerang, for has not
tho city government beoa under the
thnm'w of an open and outsnoktm
Socialist for tho past five years? What
does Mr. Taxpayer want? Is a Social
ist all right it ho pays any taxesT Well
Mr. Jacobs has a nlco 5,QQ0 home In
North Salem, and pay taxes, and
votes the Republican ticket. Can Mr. t
Taxpayer snow mat any city property
is owned by his Socialist? pocs his
Socialist pay any city taxes?
Taxpayer among other of his state
ments says: "We are also informed
by the evening paper that $351 was j
paid out In order to ote floaters whoi
had not paid their poll-tax, which I
counts for 117 votoo" He is as rash
In his nssortlons as he Is llboral in
selecting his promises. Tho ovenlng
paper novor said anything of tho kind,
or anything that could bo tortured In
to an Insinuation to that effect. What
it did say was, that poll taxos amount
ing to ?3. had bocn collected, repre
senting 119 votos.
As to nuylng tloators, Its like being
"hanged If you do and hanged If you
don't." Tho so-called Citizens move
ment stationed hired men to mako
ovory Amoricnn citizen pay 3 for tho
prlvlloge of exercising his free born
right of suffrage, and becauso the ,
Republican pariy had more American
spirit and money In Its ranks, and
enough to defeat tho schoraers who
endeavored to silence the Republican
vote uy agitating the motter of poll
taxes, now the Republicans are
charged with buying the election.
Those who are dead, please lay still! ,
saiem, uec. vi, jyua.
Women and Bargains,
(Reader Magazine.)
I. who wrlto this, at last fell a vie-
Judge Ooorge. of Portland, feels
sore; his dlgnPy has been In a rear-
end collision, and received a frightful
Jolt. The judge wanted a new clothes
brush an official Judicial brush, of
course, and when the county court re
fused to buy it a hiatus of large size
oponod between hlmsolf and the coun-'
ty court It's -too bad.
Queen Alexandria may be a brave
woman, but she run at tho first fire.
Tho Dalles Chronlclo Is still trying
Moody, and. by wny of divertiseniant,
Is Incidentally trying tho Oregonian
for commontlng on the case. It Is al
so trying tho Jury and Judge Belling
oa In fact, has developed Into quite
a supreme court
Col. Olmsted advortlses to do wash
Ing by the pound. The question is,
does he wolgh it before or after?
Down South they say tho Democrats
disfranchise the niggers. Well, It
wasn't the Republican party that tried
to disfranchise the whltos in Salem.
thn to the green-and.whlte wicker
This is how It happened. I asked ,
tho price. Eight dollars, replied tho
shopkeeper. No. It was a ten-dollar
chair. But he said oight. It was a!
mistake. Nevertheless he would kcopl
ins worn, i could havo It for olght.
What heart of woman could roslst a
bargain llko this? Bastdoe, I thought
such honosty ought to be oncouraged.
It Is but too uncommon in this
wtckod .world. And woll, I roally
wantod the chair. How could a wo
man help wanting It when she found
that tho salesman had made an orror
of two dollars? It was a ten-dollar
chair, tho shopkeopor repeated. I saw
tho tag marked "Lxx Jxxx Mxxx."
Thoro could bo no doubt of It.
I goxed and gazed, but finally wont
on, like the seamen of Ulysses, deaf,
onlng myself to tho slron-volco. And
though I hesitated. I might not havo
beon lost; but returning by tho samo
route. I saw a neighboring drucclst
rush Into that store uarohoadod, as 1 1
uuw Buiijiimvu 10 cnance a oilj. NOCa
I say that I then thought he had come
for my chair? Need I sav that r than
and there bought the chair? I
Thus have I brought shame on a
Judicious parent not my mother
who has conscientiously labored , to
teaeh me that the way of the bargain-hunter
Is hard
i 0
"Awfully Religious,"
Senator Cullom.' of Illinois, has a
little granddaughter, of whom ho hi
wry fond. In the cloakroom the oth
er day tho venerable senior told how
the little girl came to her grandmoth
er a few days befort and said:
"Grandma, tho man who takes away
our ashee Is awfully religious."
"Why. dear?"
"Because when he nut the ashes In
the cart today and the mule wouldn't
go he sat there and tohl the mule all
about a lot of religious things."
Washington Correspondence New
York World.
Oil In Gilliam County.
The well-drill of the Condon Drill
ing Co., which is being operated on
Dunn Bros., ranch northwest of town,
struck a strata of blue sliajo or sonp
stono at a depth of 72 feet last Fri
day from which Is obtained good oil
A considerable quantltly of the oil
was brought up with tho first bucket
of water raised when the well was
bolug sand pumpod and the greasy
fluid also adheres to tho drill stom
to such an oxtont that when tho drill
was allowed to rest on a plank ovor
tho woll ovor night the oil trickled
down onough to saturato tho plank.
Tho oil Is dark colored and heavy
and gives off tho woll known petro
leum odor which cannot bo mistaken.
An Unkind Father.
It evor an offspring recolvod an un
merited drubbing from an unkind
fathoi, 'twas when representative
Charles Johnson, of Grant county,
framor of tho portago bill, disclaimed
the good of that measure. It Is also
a poor showing for any legislator to
mako. whon ho frames a bill, secures
Its passago, and hardly beforo tho
governor's signature Is dry to say.
"the bill 1b or no further use, having
served its purpose.
Ut's sing that old coon song low!
and lustily. "Go Way Mr. Johnslng."
because down here In Central Oregon
the portage railway Is still a crying
need." Orook County Journal.
Against Germ Theory.
Gus Tempka of WallaWalla is look
ing for a fellow with a cast Iron stom
ach or a esse of smallpox. He has no
Idea who the follow is but hopes te
learn something of him through hos
pital records or death notices. ' Mr.
Tempka lost a valuable cow from an
attack of some disease yet undiagno
sed, and being at a loss to know how
to dispose of the carcass of the animal
passed It over to a poultry raiser foe
ehlekon feed. A hind quarter was
dreaeed and carefully hung In a tree
where tt was hoped the cohl weather
would preserve It. When Mr. Tempka
awoko next morning he was surprised
to sea the rope which held the beef
dangling In the air, for somebody had
stolen the beef during the night and
carried It away. Astorian.
wimwuiii ii ii u
Cherry Pectoral
Doctors rarely have hard colds.
They keep this old cough
remedy In the house. Coughs,
colds, weak lungs. LrsX?;:
that are useful as well as ornamental. Urn
.brellas, gloria silk, black or colors, handles
'neatly mounted with sterling silver, Look
like $5 valuer, our price $1,75 to $3,00
anawis zsc eacn mat are worm :uc. we nave otners ranging
price up to 52 50. Aiuiinery late slyle and good quality
Af nnr nAnr rain nrmn A C?1 U nt nriHrw hhI.. i?4 OA
I A $3 Hat costing you only $1 .80,
j A $4 Hat costing you only $2.40.
50c batins only 25c per yard, bright co'ors.
Rostein & Greenfcanm
302 Commercial Street
Meats and Provisions
Established 1884
Signs of Renewed Activity
In the real estate world IndlcsU 1
creasing building operations Ut!i
8pring, ani prompt us to remind Jtn
that- our faclllUea for supplying hart
and soft -wood, lumber, lath, shlngto,
and othor building materials are ex
ceptionally good. Wo will be plel
to furnish estimates oa contract,
largo or" small. A car of Mill QtJ
shingles reoelred.
.v.. Near 8. P. Pas Ocprt
Ptton Ml.
:::::::tA GENCY O F::::::::
Oats For Sale.
HOP CR0WER9 SUPPLIES. Crude and stick Sulphur.
J. G. Graham, Agent, 207 Commercial St., Salem, Ore. f
D. S Bbntley.
Wholesale and Retail.
Roche Harbor Lime, Alsen Cement,
Lath and Shingles, Sand and Gravel
wL'i!?1 C B,ld,D? Material. AH Kinds of Heavy Haulln and Trswg I
Work done on short notice. 18M83 eommerclil Stffc