Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 14, 1903, Image 1

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    -"f m11 "
Has Finally Reached
the United States
Supreme Court
Attorneys File a Brief Little
Brief of One Hundred
and Eighty
Washington, Doc. U. The brief of
tfto United States in the appeal of the
Northern Securities Company, from
tho decision In favor of the United
States, delivered by the circuit court
of Minnesota, was filed In tho supremo
court today. Knox and Day submit-
i.-u wiiuon argumont covoring ISO
pages. Tho questions of law arising
which they desire afflrmed, are: First
as the combination has boon accom
plished through tho securities com
pany, Is it a violation of the anti
; trust law? .Secend: Have- tho de
fendants monopolized, or attempted to
monopolize, and part of tho inter
state or foreign commerce of the
United States? Third: Was the re
lief granted by the circuit court au
thorized by law? If bo thav nn.n,i
either of the first two and the third
question should be answered In the
nnirmntlvo, and tho docroes of the cir
cuit court must be affirmed. They ar
gue that the anti-trust act Is not pri
marily a criminal statuto but is
framed for the defeat of subterfugos
designed to cvado it.
Tho brief characterizes as absurd
mai ine two great railways, tho Groat
Northern and Nortftorn Pacific, who
aro naturally competitors, should
compete after both wore subject to tho
same control. It says It is not to tho
Interest of tho stockholders that one
frond should prosper at the other's ex-
pense, as they received dlvlilnnds hv
pooling tho earnings of both. It In
! not posslblo to conceive a morn offno.
tivo method for combininc eomneHMvn
IK interests, and for suppressing compo-
iiiion uuiwecn nvnis wno aro natural
ly competing business cornoratlons.
lit says tho circuit court took tho most
iiogicai course, that of onto n nc the
pyoting of tho stocks of tho two com
ipnnles at tho securities meetings, or
Sfrora paying dividends to tho securi
S Jlt' ! t-v
ting such an econom yoke aUm"
It is stated that tho Standard Oil
Company ha. now aband ned its inten
Hon. of camihhr .-ii, ...... .i.
latin.. n "'" ""' ul ""J ex
isting oil ennrnrna nf nn...i. t..
t),.l I..II .:. "wuuiuuiu, UUl
--., wng me country has large
and valuable ni flni.ip .. . ..
discovered, the company will endeavor
,0 obtain them for Its European trade.
Rich Mother Do Not Want Them,
Says an Episcopal Bishop.
Indianapolis, Ind., Don 14. Eplsco
pa Bishop Francis, of the diocese of
i-i i . u?-mre "'at tlio shortage of
babies ; m the church is alarming nnd
mat the homos of wealthlar mumi.n
of the church have an nvrn nf le. Willfnn- ta I a l n.
-- ---- NO. 287.
i "-" '"
Insists on Right to
Keep Troops in
Northern Korea
colonel of engineers, and will be as
signed to duty with a regiment of en
Sincere In Southern Franca
The Kaiser All Right.
Berlin. Doc U-Presldent of the
Hoichstng Uallestrnm announced o
that body that In company with two
vice-presidents he hmi lion r,vii.,
u me KnisvT mis morning. Tho 6m
peror talked nonrly an hour in a clear
strong volco. The relehstaK creetml
about ono child to tho fnmii.-
"Women in-tho finer homos do not
..,!.. ,""; "" "live a con
stantly Increasing numbor of adult
baptisms, but the baptism of infants
s decreasing. This is not because
they do not have their babies baptized
but became there are fewor babies.
l ho Living Church Annual, tho finis
copal almanac for the year, just pub
lished, shows how alarming Is this
shortagj! of babies In the church. Tho
iiuuiuor or uaptisms of Infants has
deerensod GO per cent In 14 years,
mis Is In rtio face of an Incroaso of
"Net only Is there a shortage of ba-
" hi our cnurcn nut all over the
land In tho wealthiest homes. It ap
pears like a repetition of the enreor
oi r ranee.
Forty Below In Minnesota.
St. Paul. Minn.. TW u Tiw.
Northwest experienced tho coldest
weather of the season today, the ther
mometer ranging from 40 tn 24 ..
grece below zero at the various sta
tions of the weather bureau. There Is
apparently no prospect of Immediate
Trains on all railroads are delayed
because of tho Intense cold. In this
city the minimum was 23 degroes be
low, reached early thlB morning. The
maximum ror tno day was minim nleht
degreea Toward night the mercury
again began to settio in tho tube, and
nt 9 o'clock stood at 12 bolow.
Cold In Chicago.
Chicago, Dec. 14. Tho weather rec
ords this morning show tho presont
cold wavo breaks all records for tho
first half of December In 27 years. It
was 13 degroes bolow last night. There
havo been three deaths and 13 Injured
by falls or freezing. Street car lines
aro working with dlfQculty today.
Tramps and tho homoloss nre shel
tered at tho polico stations. Thero is
an opldomlc of diphtheria, and tho
mortality is assuming largo propor
Indignation In New Zealand.
London, Dec. 14. Tho correspond
I ent of tho Dally Mall, at Wellington.
from N, Z., says Premlor Soddon has drawn
Colonlnl Secrotary Lyttleton's ntton
Standard Oil Blocked.
Vienna. TiPP. 14 Dnnnrla
Bucharest imllpntn thnt thn Slnmlnnl '
Oil Company is meeting with much op-!tion to tho case of Hnrpor. tho New
position in Its efforts to obtnln a foot- J Zonlnnd bank clerk, who was provejit-
Ing in Roumanla. At a private moot- ed by the United Uatos labor laws
flng of tho supporters of the govorn- from landing nt aan Francisco. The
Ktnont, M atourdza. prosldont of the correspondent adds that tho caso has
council of ministers, dcclnrod that tho, created great Indignation, and that
Americans had como to Itoumanla for
Etho purpose of monopolizing tho na
Ftesh Naval
hemotid f'Qc
Premier Seddon has doclarod that
such troatment will not bo tolerated.
154 SUte St
Phone 1971 Mala
Bombs In the Bricks.
Nw York, Dec. II. Two dynnralte
bombs, each containing a pound of
explosive, were found In n pile of
bricks on West Forty-third street to
day. Contractors believe it put there
by members of tho housesmltks' un
ion who are seeking revenge for
Pnrtoa ImnrtannmAnt Tim lirlnbtf
I were for use on tho Acker-Terrell
buildings was dynamited last night l
Waterloo, III., Dec. .14. John
OTtourke. en route homo last night,
was frozen to death. He was found
today entangled In a barb wire fence,
from which he had evidently been too
weak to break looeo.
Games Two Stocks of Goods
One In the store ths other scattered among his credit custom
ers. Carrying customers on the books Increases the cost of doing
business. It's one of the things that compel merchants to get high
prices from those who pay.
Why don't ysu pay cash and bs independent. Trade where
prices are figured tin a spot cash basis.
I ill
n i
Is Salem's Cheapest One-Price Cash Store. Quality Is always the
first consideration with us. Reliable merchandise sold 15 to 25 per
cent cheaper than at "regular stores' keeps us growing.
Havo you seen our line of
Holiday Novelties?
We sell them on tho same margin of profit as regular line.
rvnf nl.t ff vnur holiday shoooina till the last day. The assort- X
ment Is better now and the prices will never bo lower.
Two rooms full of goods suitable for practical present if you
prefer 'them to the fancy novelties.
E. T. BARNES, Proprietor i
Southern Part-
Korea's Desires Are
Not Considered
Paris, Doc. 14. It is roported that
Russia, in roply to tho Japanoso noto,
maintains her demand for a free clr
dilation of troops In Northern Coroa,
giving Jnpan In return a free haud In
Southern Corn. Tim Mn..i,...i-
question Is still pending.
The Cyanide Process.
San Francisco. Don u n tt,r.
W. Hamilton, aged C8, suicided by
taking cyanido of imtnaatiim nf i.iu
olilce in the Parrott building, at noon.
His body was found by his partner.
He was a prominent physician.
Britain Would Buy Ships.
London, Dec. 11. It Is reported that
the Drltish admiralty has mnde an
oiler to tho Argentine Republic to buy
the two cruisers Rlvndavia and Mor
ona, now being built at Genoa for Uiat
Fields In Congo State.
HrUSSollS. Dec. 14. Tho nnnnnn
ment Is made hero that rich gold
nelds have been discovered In thn nn.
go statu
Cctorress Will Adjourn Sf'-i' Sf&ssE
t ww uui nujvuill with the exception of tho Socialists,
u,iiine iNiaeteentn
for Christmas
The; Country Will Try
. Survive and the Con
-gresbional Record
Won't Be Missed
Washington. Dec. 14. Tho house to-
day adopted a resolution providing for
a Christmas recess from Saturday,
tho IDth to January 4th. It resumed
consideration of,tho poslon bill. Tho
senate passed a resolution naming
Hnla chaplain, and Morcnn urosontod
a resolution bearing on tho Isthmian'
who were silent.
England Is Interested.
London. Dee. 14. There wn n onhi
net meeting this morning to discuss
Russia's reply to Japan. Tho Japanese
minister says he 1ms rweived the con
tents of the roply. but la unable to
make them public. He believes, how
ever, the Issue will bo peaceful.
No Exhibit from 8paln.
Madrid, Dec 14. Spain will not
participate In tho St. Louis Exposition.
una iicciwoii was roaoiiod at a cabi
net meeting, tho rensoii given being
that thero would not be suluclent tlmu
to complete oporntlonB.
Want Copyright In United 8tates.
Chrlstlanln, Norway, Dec. 14. Tho
Norwegian Authois' Association has
passod fosolutlonB In favor of con
cluding a convrlRht affreeniont with th
. w.wt uvmiiih UM lllU lOUUUIUU ' tt. I. . r . " ' w -.--.- .-. -w
canal situation, which wont to tho unil0U a,fltCB-
American Goods Burned.
Mote. Alsace-Loralne, Dec. 14. Fire
today destroyed a customs warohouso
hor,y which contained, among other
things, a quontlty of American bacon
and olh The loss Is estimated at $G00.-000.
Killed In Spanish Train Wreck.
Madrid. D(c- 14. The collapse of
nu ombankmont, near Cordova today,
derailed a train. Fourteon persona
were killed and many injured.
Colombia's Represent
ative Has to Talk
to Understrappers
Panama's People Dine Witlu
.Teddy but General Reyes
Can Not Raise the
Washington. Dec 14. Reyus called
at the stnto dopoYtmont this morning,
uuil had a conforsneo with Assistant;
Secretary I-oomls. Ho assured tho
latter Colombia would prubably not
begin liosllltl9a at all, and cortnlnljr
not unlll It had received his roply on
the result of his Washington mission.
auxiliary cruiser Prairie which tolled
Dreyfus to Be Reinstated. 'from (lunntanamo yesterday, nrrlvett
Londo-, Dee. 14. The PariB corre- here today. . The supply Bhlp Culgoe
spundent of the Ionnon Dally Chron- hns gone to meet ths Meet at Culobra
lele states that it hns been decided -
thnt so soon as the court of cassation Battleship Ball for Culebra.
declares the Innocence of Captain Al , Cunantnnnmo. Dea 14. The United
fred Dreyfus, as it seems likely to oc- States bnttioshlps Kearsarge, lilt-
cur sojon, the former dlsgraceii olllwir ols and Alabama and tho converted
will bo reinstated In the French army, yacht Scorpion sailed today for Cule
wlll bo given tho rank of lieutenant- urn.
Helen Gould Won't Accept,
St. Inils, Dee. 14. Helen Uould to
day notified her friends that sho
Cruiser Prairie at Colon. N"' .,""V,"L.T..r0,ia"V" "i
Colon. Dec. 14.-The United States xXx 'Vi
iviiinrv nmiMP iui. wt.i.1, .niioi oriauy managers ior me worms
Fair, to Hucoeed Mrs. James Dlalr.
Charged With Grafting.
Chicago, Dee. 14. Acting on the
evidence submitted by counsel for the
graft committee, Chief O'Neill today
suspended Lieut Mulcahy and Patrol
man Martini from the polico foroo on
a charge of grafting the red-light district.
rrTTmiTTiirnwrrwiiMiiMii i'Mahhi
Police Patrol
To tho boy under 14 years of
ngo guessing nenreat tho num
ber of seeds in the pumpkin.
Uomo ou boys and register.
Doll Go-Cart
To tho girl under yonra of
iigo guoj-Hing noitrest tho num
ber of eeoils in tho pumpkin.
Como on girls and register.
SM '
Tie Greatest Stopping Center
in the Willamette Valley
Yuletlde headquarters for everything nlvable In the gift-giving line. The doing here this season are unparalleled In the history of our growth,
This Is a "Christmas Store." Where all the taxing problems may bo solved; where every penny will do IU work surprisingly well, and every
dollar will buy two dollars worth of satisfaction this space Is filled with gifts which mske suitable, and pleasing presents for everybody.
We cannot describe everything by name we couldn't do It If we filled tho entire paper but we can give a few hints from each department,
which hinges on Yuletlde presents. Do not forget that the store Is packed with novelties of every description, especially suitable for holiday
buying. Big boya and girls, little boys and girls, fathers, mothers, the "sisters, cousins and aunts" lit fact everybody, shall and must share In
this holiday stock.
A representation from the larg
est factories In the world. Most
beautiful gifts far the housekeeper
who takes pride in her home. liric-a-Drac.
such as Itoyal Vienna.
Tejtllu, Imperial Austria, Iiohetnl
an. Redwood, Cardanlan, Pedes
tals. Oriental Statuette, etc. Such
l'yro Btohed Tshourcttee, great
variety, all handsomely executed,
17.50 down to
Jardluore from the Japanese
and Old World schools of art. $7.50
down to
Fancy Cups
pretty lelinis,
08e down to
and itaueere, all
finest ware, 'from
1'lctures exnot renruduetloiiB if
the world's greatest masterpieces.
$9.8o to
as II ii ! T - i
Out Toy Village
Which has grown to such large proportions, In such a little time,
Is ready with the prettiest little dames and youths, and the most
wonderful or mechanical toys that delight, not ouly tho youngster,
but tho grown folks as well. Human Ingenuity has been taxed to Its
utmost this year to turn out u running automobile, new style en
gines, ete., but, to the credit of the toy-makers, it can b said that
they have been eiual to tho emergency. IM 8unta Clans give the
children these: '
Upright steam engine, with eteql
boiler, from H.ou to
Mechanical rellrmcd tralN, three
roueuee, Bin. ion una ihdbw,
Winding locomotive, west fa
vorite. 40c.
Mechanical train an4 track, very
Mechanical steamboat, a perfeat
Hrietlon toys tfcat walk, wrf Hfe
Hke, 1UC
pretty bits add much toward msk
Ing your home cosy and wtmfort I moiS wiBr wjj, tkt boys
punr. ivh b lull is mw .Mil ti.tw. 7AC
Bocunu uour. iiuiii riaiuiH
are priced anywhere from $1J4
down to thafe we show at
Genuine Iiuhemlan Spun vojhni.
very pretty. From $LW down to
nice one at
Fedora Dined vbs r. all shatwts
very attraetlre. (row $lJt down to
Redwood pieces, the lataet In
decorated vase hhwmwI vnlues,
$1.9i, down to
Rsval AuetrUs Vases In very
pretty design, from $IJH) down to
e .
Oriental 8tatMUM. In alt t he
popular models, fintohed In Oriental
stylo, $iaC to
Mernaalrnl cflMblng miller, very
Mochanlral seal, raas m tlw
(lour, very natural.
Majle lanterns, afford 1U of
MechsHleal steam fir entiiie.
I f Tvsfc: '
will throw water.
Muohanleal nhonograpb, a great
musteal onUN'tAlHor.
M whs nle I torpedo boat, ty
Xmas. Fineries
A swelldom of beau Iful, and ob! Isv
spinn gnu sirb as
In oxsjmMU colorings and modtfl
Tito Handsomest asjl most alUaoUr
line In the city.
Tho kln4 taat avpcls to tattaful
draaaos, saawtog tiw chotewt cnocep-
iions h me
RxproM wagons, made with
strong wheels and iron axle, the
kind usd by all boys, at from $3.50
VotoselHWlaa. made Wy a regular
WayaJn faatory. Mttk on the Itnea
af UtBth ana dnaMHty, two
$J0 te
Whaalbarruws In different sizes.
a groat thing for boys, lo help with
the shore around home.
Trleyalaa for the girls, made vary
string, one that any girl en have
letM of fun with, from $19 to
) Hlch nn4 garyeous gowns and wjap4
at mmllr reduced prfoM.
An usseiAblag of the CuiMt bud
moat attractive feather boas. In a luriw
mum of 0Mrret kind and prUs.
Mnde of Ute flneot Ins tr wis weave,
grawlaur la style ajhJ bewltcolngly
Tho'sbowtng of all he lalost and
wost alaant looms at both hwnl
niatilayfag an unitunased oxblblt
of rich seas and eerrect styles.
A line wbiah la rlah. raro and wIIk
oot JlwlL
Drummer' sample line; no two
aXke, in a great variety of styles,
shapes and stzea. Tbeee are re
' duced 2 per eaoL
ChristM stoppers will bo qukk
to take adraatage of this great
110.00 Suit er overcoat $4.50
15.00 suit or overcoat 9-50
$20.00 suit or overcoat $14.50
25.00 suit or overcoat 15.00
Our JCUh. Wednesday special lw,
m ur, a groat tarsals day. 111
low tops worth 59e for
fo4Mff-tl)iH4-Ml ' ' ' '
pcm atMeUSKMHpsjatsKMSsnjsnyetnr
tM. IMsnHMMaaWnMsfaWs