DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, .OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1003. aHT il L. The Universal Providers Stockton & Co. LET US There is Another CLOTHING STORE That Sells Good Clothing If all the clothing iu this world wna made in ono place and sold by only one firm you would wtur just what that particular firm chose to sell you. But there uro many of U8 in the business and wo think w are just as able to supply the proper article at the propor prico as auy ono olso. Wc are Modest Btrt we are Right CI Wo place on sale toduy many Btyles in men's suit at the following STRIKING REDUCTIONS We will give you a very fair suit this week for $3.60 Wo will give you 88.60 euits this week for 85 00 $10.00 roducocl to f 0.50 812.50 roduced Businesseuits for 88.00 $13 60 BlacK Diagonal suits extra good va1us for 38.50 $15 00 Suits Reduced to 0.35 820.00 Suits Reduced to. , 813.00 822.50 SuitB Roducod to 15.00 Theso suits are on display in our window at Nos. 298-300 Commercial Street. Call and Bte them before you buy. Com pare our prices. , Stockmen Happy. Tho stock and shcepmon of Baker county aro Jubilant ovor tho long continued spoil of lino woathor. This Js perhaps one of tho mlldoBt and moot ploasant wlntor openings East ern Orogon has soon In many years. 'When a llttlo Hurry of cold weather comes In Novomber and n fow lnchos of snow fell Htockmon wore depressed CTor tho prospoct of a long feeding season on top of a small liny crop, and tho high prico tlion prevailing. During Uio past two or uiroo wookb tho gross In tho pasturo ban bo- . . . . . .. i como groon, and stock agnln turned uuu ijiiiio ur iiu iuuuiuh hud ui-uu done, and It Is now stated that, rc gardlcss of what kind of wlntor may follow this, thorb will bo plonty of food, and no particular 'hardships arc oxpocted In any part of Eastern Oro con. Dnkor City Democrat. WHBAT MARKET. Chicago, Dec, 11. Wheat, 80(079. Gold Dust Flour McU by THH SIDNEY POWER COMPANY, Sldrvty, Oregon. Made,, for family uso. Auk your grrooer.for It. Bran nnd shorts ol- yr&t on band. A. T. Wain, Agt. Ffcsli NAVAL ORANGES Today AT tFtoMtde Cdward 8111s. 144 BUte t Potatoes, Potatoes, POTATOES Call and see as before yots sell yotr Crop James M. Kyle & Co 75ComruercialSt. 7 JKKMBB dCH4NfrMH-tt-B-ttS-HMV4Wll The Up-to-D&te Holiday Stock Has Come Our bright sparkling line of Christmas gifts is ready for inspection. Our stock this season is four times larger than ovor boforo, and with prido and confidence in variety, wo in vito you to look through our up-to-dato line of Diamonds, Watohoa, Out Glasa, Silverware, Jewelry, Clocks novelties. There are hundreds of articles that we have not space to enu in era to. If you want to buy rsght, if you want to bo treated right, gj mako'our store your headquarters for Christmas buying, if you a 5 aro at a loss to know what to buy, we have clerks who will 5 show you our line, and you will find our prices right. Our diamond plan will interest you, as you can't loose anything-- on your luvtwuiium. u muuer nup rlifYnrsmt linfii our different lines. Cfcas. I Jeweler and Optician, SUFFICE mmasBmmmamBBsmmmmBmmaammmmm And Defendant Appealed. Attorney J. H. Digger was In Wood burn yestorday, where ho dofondod W. P. Mlllor, In n suit brought against him by C. S. Andrews, to compol tho dofondnnt to dollvor 176 bushols ol spelt so3d, undor a contract, nt 25 cents per bushel. Th plaintiff also sued for 75 conts per bushol as dam ages. Tho court awarded Iho plain tiff $75. and tho defondant nt once gnvo notlco of appeal. See Koko, the wonderful baby gor- aonly one In America at Kllnger block, 8tate street, every aftornoon 'ancj evening, Christmas Sewing Machines Somo of you, men who havo fur nished yoursolvcs with good farm machlnory, or good buggies, or good blcyclos, or good horses, or any other good thing, would do well to remem bor your good wlfo and get a machine for nor about now. Plan a surprlso party. Como In nnd look over our machines, pick ono ou, wo'll send It ovor nnd if sho wants to exchnnge for any other sort wo'll do it. Our $25 drophcad machines are groat machlnos. Our f 18 machlnos aro worth far moro than oastarn machlnos, and our Whlto Rotnry and Wheeler & Wilson thoro'B nothing In all tho world that's bolter, Always glad to show you through. F. A. WIGGINS Implement House, 255-867 Liberty St, Salem. Farm Machinery, Bicycle, Automo blloa, BewInK MachUee fcwi Supplier N. H. Burley Sewing Maohlna Repairing. Collections Ot bad accounts Prompt service, No collections, no charges VAN ALSTINE, GORDON A CO, ulte 4 276U OonunorcliU at, w 'Phone Moiu 81. A. It, MOnOAN ft CO. Muatera you ouy or not come la anu SCO 4 " !. H Hinges, m 88 State Street. $ Teachcre Inatltute. An axcollont tenohorB' Institute- will be hold In this city tomorrow, under tho direction of County Supt Moore, and, as this Is the opening of tho lo cal teachers' Institute season, a good nttondanco 1b expected. Prof. H. A. Adrian, a famous Instltuto conductor, of wfdo experience, and ono of the most noted educators of Wisconsin, will be prosont, and will do much to ward making the Institute a success. Supt. J. H. Ackerman and Prof. EL D. Resslor,. tho latter president of tho Monmouth Normal School, will also assist in tho instltuto work, and take part in tho day's program. Nothing has been loft undone that can In nny way nsslst in making tho meeting one of the best over held In Marlon coun ty. Prof. Adrian was expected to deliv er one of his famous locturos tonight, but, owing to his Inability to roach Salem in time for this part of the program, the date of ihe lecture was postponed to tomorrow evening. The lecture at that time w!H be on tho sub ject, "A Day In Congress During War Time," and It Is said to bo ono of the most lntorostlng locturo3 over deliv ered on the Pacific coast. Tho sessions of tho Instltuto will bo held in the circuit court room at the court house, and the evening lec ture will bo In tho First Methodist church. All tho sessions will bo free to tho teachers nnd patrons of the schools. DIED. nODERTSON. At the family homo, in Tumor, Orogon, Friday, Docom bor 11, 1903, Airs. Amanda S. Rob ertson, ingod 47 years, 2 months nnd 27 days, of a complication of diseases. ' Deceased was tho wlfo of Joseph C, Robertson, an old-time rosldont of Turner, nnd a membor of tho well known Robertson family of that sec tion of the county. For some years the family has roslded in California for tho bonoflt of Mrs. Robortson'a health, but sho slowly sank, and at last the RoberUons roturned to Tur nor, where tho last tlays of tho Invalid wore passed among the friends of her younger days. Deceased Vas a wo man of oxccllent qualities, a devout Christian, and a gocd wlfo and moth er, nnd her demise will bo deeply mourned by n large circle of warm nnd devoted friends. Sho leaves n husband nnd- several sons and dnu'gh- tors to mourn her untimely dbdth, and to whom the loss thus sustained can never again bo made up. Tho fu neral will bo hold at Tumor Sunday aftornoon, nnd Interment will bo had In Twin Oak cemetery. Change of Pasture. "Down In my country." snld Ropro sontntlvo Swanson of Virginia, "Just baforo we markot our cattle wo take them from the clovor patch and put thorn on short grass, tq. -got their flosh hard and firm, Everw farmer knows that If ho leaves his cattle' on short grass too long they get In bad con dition. "Tho troublo with the Democratic party la that wo have been on short grass too many yours. What we need Is a chance at tho clovor patch." Washington Correspondence New York World. The Davis Eplcode. Constantinople Doc. 11. American logstlon advices confirm Consul Davis' stutoment of the assault on him by Turkish police, nt Alexandrotta. Ho had accompanied Attntlan on board the steamer, when the police carrie and orderod Atmrlau to go ashore and be fumigated; hs was then seized and locked up. Davis nttomptod to In terforo, nnd was nssaultod, when hs vigorously, but Ineffectually, uswl tils enno. Attarlan Is still a prlioror. Making It Our Fight Nnshlngton, Dec. 11. A report Is current hero today to tho offoct that tho administration yoaterday sent a warning to Colombia that any attempt to Invado Panama would not only ba rosontod, but. If necessary, repollod by forco of arms. Tho story Is not afflrmed at the state department, but It is ndmittod by officials that, should tho occasion call for a special warning to Colombln, such would be sent. Dig Pittsburg Fire. Pittsburg. Dec. 11. A v tiro broko out In tho Armstrong cork factory .U. , .-- . ,"l una murniuK. wnoro uuu men ana gins are omployod. One hundred girls were carried down ladders, nnd six men were seriously burned. Robort Hanlon Is supposed to have boon killed and burled In the debris. Tho Are was causod by an explosion of the boiler. La Junta, Oota. Dee. 11. The Santa Fq machine shone and sevon looomc tlvee. werg destroyed, by Are, which jvas beyond the- re&eh of the city wjajer, this marnjn,gj hp. 1800.000-. t v ' '.' ' r ,v . r May Get Married. A nrrlage license was Issued to Al ma. V. Rataeburg and Robort BL Hen derson yesterday. The girl's mother. Mrs. Marie Ratxeburg. furnished the necessary affidavit- Attachment ! MJxed. Engcno Froossnor, of Portland, came up this morning to look after his In terests in the buslnoss. Ho Is said to hold a chattel mortgago on tho stock and fixtures of tho Ncckermann saloon, nnd claims ownership undor his mortgage. It 1b stated that the mattor will bo adjusted today. The chattel mortgage waB given about the 2Cth of last month, and slnco that Umo, it Is said, ho has been in prac tical control of tho business. Tho plaintiff In tho' case, under which the saloon was attached, has been at work In the place, cleaning up tho floors, and It Is claimed that tho note ho holds was given for money loaned by him to the defendants. Other credi tors of tho firm arc here to look after their interests. B. C. Judd camo up from Portland this morning. J. F. Albert was a passonger on tho 11 o'clock train for Marlon. Mark Savago wont to Albany on business todnyi Mrs. John Lewis has returned from spending eleven months .at Redlands. Call., nnd Constable John Lewis Is happy to have the head of tho family homo again. Mrs. Lewis visited their daughter, Edith, who Is much lm provod In health. . Watered Arid Lands. When Sonntor Nowlands was n member of tho House ho dovotod his greatest onergles toward legislation for Irrigation, and finally, Just before tho close of a service of ton yenrs In that body, had tho satisfaction of see ing the groat Irrigation measure which ho had fathered enacted Into law. On ovory occasion Nowlands was ready with an argument or a word In favor of watering tho arid lands." Wh n somo ono asked lilm how he stooa on tho Phlllppluo question ho ropllod with this epigram, which holpod to make him fameus: "I think It would bo much bettor to Irrigate the arid lands than to lrrltnto tho foreign lands." Senator Nowland's hobby now is tho nnnoxatlon of Cuba. Last spring he introduced In the House n resolution, tho purposo of which was to invito tho island to become a part of tho Amorlcan Union. Recently he Intro duced a similar resolution in tho Senate, and in.nddresslng hlmsolf to it in that body ho reached a climax by exclaiming: tThls argument fur nishes cvory kind of fuel that clouence needs." Two hours later a stenographic re port of tho speech was handed to tho Nevada statesman. Ho read It ovor admiringly, as ono nlways does whon rondlng his favorlto author, until he ronched tho placo whero tho sontonce nbovo quoted should havo nppoarod. "He was horrified whon ho read: "This argument furnishes evory kind of food that elephants nood." Tho Joko was too good to onjpy alone, nnd he passed tho papor ovor to Sonntor Hale, who, after reading It, romarkod dryly: "I doubt If evon elephants could dlgost It" Wash lngton Tlmos, Dissolution Notice. Tho partnership horotoforo existing between N. J. Damon and A. O. Da mon, undor tho Arm name of Damon nros., Is this day dissolved by mutual agreement. N. J. Damon retiree from tho firm, having sold his Interest to W. W. Fawki. Tho buslnoss will con tinuo under tho old firm namo of Da mon Bros. An early settlement of all accounts duo tho firm Is requested. Very respectfully, N. J. DAMON. A. O. DAMON. Bulled In Transmission. John C. Eamee was telling the other day of somo curious nils nkos made In the transmission of telographlc oulerr. Ono day this message had to be Interpreted: "Sond $10 sure. Robbed nnd . Hooeed." Tho slgnnturo was that of a small but very solid. Ohio country mop qhnnt. When the message was repoatod the operator at the other end de ciphered It in this way: "Sand., ten doc. suits rlbbod and fleeced." It was an order for underwear. . fjow York Tlmeo, Neglected Women. It Is snld that a man who squeozos a dollar nover squeezes his wlfo. In looking over our accounts we note that somo awful good women we know are not getting tho pressure they de serve. Cellna (Mloh.) Domocrat NEW TODAY Cabinet Baths And massage treat- ,' mont- Mrs. M. H Fifor, hours" 9 to 11 x m. and 2 to 4'p. m. W. C. T. U. hall, phone 39BL IMMwk Hot Soup Tea and coffee, at the W. C. T. U. hall; entrance Ferry Btrot Hours, 1130 to 1 a, m. and 5 to 7 p. m. Phone S051. 12 11-lwk OPERA HOUSE JOHN F. CORDRAY, Mgr. 4 Nights Commencing, t Wednesday Dec, 9 Wiedmann's Jiig Show In A Repertolro of The Latest Successes. COMPANY OF 25 PEOPLE. 8uperb Band and Orchestra High Class Vaudeville Between Acts "Oomcthlng Doing" All The Time. Toniight tho Thrco Act Comedy It Atthe Old Lime Kiln I) Change of Dill Each Night Sale of scats opens Wednosday nt 9 a, m. Prices, J 5c, 25c, 35c. 4--5-f4--l- It Is a pleasure for me to recommend Dr. Wright's method of Painless Dentist ty. I had two bridges plac ed In my mouth, all of which was performed without the slightest Inconvenience or pain to me. MR. C. E. KE8TER, Salem, Or. -wtee-nese DIED. RAUCH. At his homo In Sllverton, Orcgon,( Thursdny, Decombor 10 1903, Peter Rnuch, nged 78 years, of gonoral doblllty. Deceased had lived In Sllvorton for 40 years. Ho loavos a son, Louis E. Rnuch, at prosont a law student at Ann Arbor, Mich., and n daughter, Mrs. J. E. Hosmor, of Sllvorton. Tho funornl was hold at Sllvorton today! and Interment was had in tho Mlllor comolfry. That Bennett Will. Now Hnvon, Conn., Dec. 11 Rea sons of tho appeal from iho admission to probate of tho Bonnett will wore filed by tho widow In tho superior court this afternoon. It is alleged there was unduo influenco on the part of Bryan. Deadly San Francisco Gas. San Francisco, Doc. 11. Wm. Cald well, attorney, and ox-chief of nollco of Senttlo, was found dead In his! room this morning, from accidental asphyxiation. MODEL OYSTER PARLORS U0 Court Street. Oysterssny style and short orders. Oystf r Lovoj, Chicken Tamnles, Shell FUfi.K'c 'n. fearon. Special chicken dinner, Sundays, 25c GRAID I DON'T FORGET $ Tbnt THE FAIR STORE is located at No. 274 Commercial B Street, and that no carry the largest stock of toys nud holiday g goods in Salem, at prices that can't be beat. We have oxpres3 JP wagons, hobby horses, wheel barrows, doll carriages, children's u rocking chairs, toy trunks, drums, horns, top?, banks, tool & chests, air guuo, boats, toy furniture, doll houses, Christmas S tree ornamenls and, in fact, everything in that lino. We have the best values in dolls ever seen in Salem. THE FAIR STORE f 274 Commercial Street BaH4BHBE - a - HHlB - WHH WICMO SlWtB JPE&JPJLES EAMGMN MXlf$& Friday and Saturday Bargain Days Prices recklessly slaughtered all over tho store for those two days, Bt ory article is priced down to rock bottom to Insure quick saloe. Sales now on for Friday nnd Saturday. 7Gc Silk finished Volvetoons, yd .Kq 65e Cardinal Cashmeres, yd 33c 39c Wool Dress Goods, 40 lnchos, wldo per yard .'....23c 3c Valonclennes Law, per yd le 7o Outing Flannel, yd 4c $1.00 Dlack Bilk Poau de Sole, yd CSc No. 5 All Silk Taffeta Ribbon, yd 3&c So Cotton Dattlng, roll 4c 35c Whlto Tablo Damask, yd ..... 24c 8c White Towels 4c 12c Blue striped Ticking, yd ......9o 7c Rest Calicoes yd ,4c 39c WaXn India Silk, yd ,..25e Children's 39a Union Suits 23c Ladles 10c Black Cotton-Stockings 5c Broken lot Corsets, half price. Ladles' 75c Union Suits 4Ec TUB CHEAPEST STORE IN THE NORTHWEST. M'Evoy Brothers, ggS .?$? iHundredsl I Of s Imas Suggestions on display atcw? store --Make yotit se lections early. Don't forget the Great sale o Another Talks Too Much. Washington, Dec. 11. War dopart mont officials doubt tho accuracy of the statements attributed to QcnoraT McArthur, relative- to war with Ger many. Should It bo brought to the department's notlco, howover, In a formal manner, It will demand an ox planatlon. Revolvers Found. Donyor, Dee. 11. Two revolvers, stolon from tho car banrs nt Chicago tho night when tho bandits commit ted tho murdors, wero today found horo by dotoctlvcs. Thoy wore pawned by Noidormoycr. Oregon Fitc Relief Association Oregon's Ore at Mutual Insuraace Co. $15,440,588 Insurance at risk. Safe, economical insurance fer tht people, ncad office, McMInvlIle, Or. H. A JOHNSON, Asrent for Marlon Co. Salem. Oregon. - IWHfiaBcBB .- txWAsv ae4fte Beet Spool Silk, spool 3c Best Saxony Yarn, skein 'H Fancy 811k Handkorchlofs $ Best Sana Silk, ball ic Good slzod Blankqta l8c Bettor Blankots very cheap Men's 25c Silk Neckties lc Boy's 10c Suspenders Men's 25c 8uspondors 15c Men's 25c Wool Sox l6 Mens 39c fleeced uudorwear . 25c $3.50 Fur Boas, price 195 $1.65 Black Silk Morcerlzed skirts 95c Odd lot children's 25c Underwear 10c $5c Wool Fascinators, prico . -1' Batter onee very cheap. 13.00 French Flannel Waists .- -l- $L50 Fino Wool Waists 85' Bargains In every department. i ; r tats Cloaks I I bJUHS 1