DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALEM,,pnEQ0Nfc, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1903. 'wa Tfte k" ' SH BWIl a wL3t & " iieifi -' 'JW ooms Holland Jht quaint, old fashioned things, that the Dutch used to use; three or t ur centuries tuck, are prized as precious heir looms nowadays. Real D, t h Fc ics of th i cl oicer ort cost almost a Kings ransom; but modern ingenuity copies them very closely . . . .and that is how it comes about that we offer for Christmas some of the quaintest, oddest, most charming Dutch Clocks that anyone could possibly desire. Any parlor would be enriched with one of these Clocks They are so unique, so diff;rent from the ordinary kind of Clocks, that almost every woman who has seen them has fallen in love with them and we expect visits from a good many husbands who have had pretty strong hints to bring home one of these Clocks on Christmas night. The prices are from $1.00 to $10.00, according to size and finish. Do not miss sex ing them on your next shipping tour. Of course, these Dutch Clocks are only one of the many Christmas features, of this store. Ours was never before quite so interesting a place for those who seek really fine gifts and that is saying not a little. Corner State and Liberty Streets, Salem. t"(Wte Htn mn 1 1 mi i ilium S-SocialRealfflii PERSONALS. Frank Drown went to Portland this morning on buslnoss. Thos. Sims was a buslnoss visitor to Buttovlllo this morning. John IL Dlralck went to The Dalles yesterday on legal business. Governor Chamberlain left last ev ening for his homo In Portland. W. D. Fraley, of Portland, returned homo this morning by tho Albany lo cal. Mr. and Mrs. M. O. puron went to Portland this morning for a few days' visit. Hon. W. It. Dilycu, of Albany, is In tho city on business from hlB homo at Albany. Geo. II. Irvln was a passongor to Hubbard this morning, In tho Interest of the hop business. Dr. W. B. Morao was In Gorvals this morning, having been called to consult with Dr. Whlto on a case, Frank Barr returned this morning from Mt. Angel, whoro ho spent a day on professional business. Rev. and Mrs. Davis Errett returned Iiomo last evening from a few -days' visit with friends in Itosoburg. Gcorgo Koech, of Marlon, was a Sa lem visitor this morning, returning to hla homo by tho 11 o'clock train. Judge II. C. McGinn, of Portland, was a Salem visitor yesterday after noon, on buslnoss boforo tho supromc court. O. P. Dabnoy, of Tho Fair Store, camo up from Portland tho othor day, and is looking after his buslnoss In terests horo. Gcorgo Robertson returned to his homo at Junction city this morning, aftor a fow days 'visit with rolaUvos In South Salem. Mrs. Amos Strong and daughter, Ama, returned from San Francisco yostorday, whoro they have been vis- Itlng for tho past few months, D. A. Whlto and daughter, Ulancho, loft thin morning for. Spoknno for a visit to his parents, who Hvo In that city. He will return homo about Christmas. CAPITALv GITV if-l ' How the Change of Power Is Veiwed Generally Salem Owes it to the Rest of the State to Keep Abreast of the Times and "Brush Up" Five years ago tho dltlzens of Sa. lem voted to oust tho Republican par' ty from control of municipal affairs, and placed tho city government In tho hands of mon nominated at a non partisan mass mooting. Tho princi ple of majority rulo Is based upon the theory that tho majority of tho people are most likely to bo right, and It may be presumed that tho Republican nd ministration had been so unsatisfac tory as.to merit ,thls stern rebuke. In tho city election hold Monday tho Republicans wero returned to power. As Salem Is a strongly Republican community, this chango docs not nec essarily indlcato dissatisfaction with tho Citizens' administration, but docs 1 1 9i9t'4f i Y4 KHHto- $ Dr.'Wrlght' to'ok' rny tooth out absolutely painlessly, and I cannot say too much In praise of the work. Very respecfutly, . MR. D. KAYS, Salem Oregon. ! !! flHfrtfrg THE OLD LIME KILN A Play Full of Life and Move ment for Tonight Witli New Songs Etc. "Charley's Aunt," was at tho opora house last Bight, and proved to bo an interesting and entertaining lady, of whom Charloy may pretty well fool proud. The play waa woll attended, and tho frequent and hearty .applause tostlfled to tho fact that it was appre ciated and enjoyed- Tho company In strong and woll balanced, and tho ex cellent work done, In even tho minor parts, shows careful management, and closo attention to tho dotalls. Tho work between tho curtains is excep tionally good, and tho long wait, whoro frMHHfrfrfrfrSH 0 HWfH Waa) f i9t46W$frafrt Fancy Vests Getting Ready for Business. Undor ordors from tho city council, City Recorder Judah Is making prep arations to accommodate tho new council at tho beginning of the year. Thi- morning tho semi-circular tablo, at which the mombors sit whllo In ses sion, was moved from tho pollco court room to tho city ball on tho main floor, whoro It will bo placed In posl tlon, and a section put Into tho cen ter, largo enough to provide room for six moro members. Under the old arrangomont eight members found seats in tho scml-circlc, but, undbr tho now deal, when tho council foi Greater Salem organizes, 14 men will havo to find room at the tablo In front of tho mayor's chair, and this means that moro room will havo to bo pro vided. Tho now members of tho out side wards Nos. C, C and 7 chosen at tho election last Monday, aro ox poctcd to tako tholr seats noxt Tuos day evening, In order to glvo tho now wards roprosontatlon whon tho now budget for the noxt yoar comos up for consideration, so that thoy will bo ablo to ropresont tholr wards In arranglnu for tho noxt yenrs business. intiiento that tho pcoplo of the Capital tho audience watchoa tho lateen City bollovo tho management of city rigged vessel trying vnlnly to get affairs can again be intrusted to the around tho promontory on tho drop Republican party. curtain, is avoided. If you want to Tho campaign Just closed seems to be ontortalnod and nmusod, you can have beon conducted upon a high J not do better than bo In your Roat tonight whon tho curtain goes up on "At tho Old Llmo Kiln." Thero Is an entlro change In tho botween-curtaln work ovory night, and each change 890ms moro pleasing than Its prede cessor. Tho company closos its en gagement Saturday night. piano, personalities and baseless accu sations being withhold. It wns ad mitted on both sides that all tho can didates wero mon of honor, Intogrlty and ability. The R-ipubllcans con coded to tho Citizens' administration full credit for what It has accom plished In tho way of economy Tho contest wns creditable to botli sides, and tho Republicans havo reason to Will Install Publicly. Tho local camp of tho Modern Wood- congratulate themselves In winning n men of America has issued Invitations What are cloves for, do you think? For flavor; nothing but flavor. There are two measures of flaver: quality quantity: fineness and strength. Schilling's Best has, without exception, the very finest and richest flavor and most of it ; difference marked. One oz is worth two of the next best; twenty of some. Your grocer's; moneyback. J PRESENTS FOR MEN. ' J W Hard work buying, for them lent ItT If you'll come here wo H can show or suggest many thing that they wllj enjoy, For Jfc Instance A Bg JAPAN8E POCKETBOOKS. Z js. Which are a real novelty, and are guaranteed to last a lifetime, ? 2 Then, too, get' them a diary our 1904 line Is now selling. w M M 2 Pattern's Book Store, victory against such worthy oppo nents. Uoyond a doubt tho now ad ministration will provo Itself entitled to tho confldonco tho pcoplo havo manifested (n Its candidates. Salem hau boon honored and favored by ho Ing soloctod as tho capital of tho state. for a public Installation of otllcors, to bo hold In their hall on January 7th, noxt, when some of tho leading stato offlcors of tho order will bo in attondanco. At tho samo tlmo tho of flcors of tho Royal Neighbors, tho la dles' branch of tho order, will bo In- Not only In Uio name of being the.stallod. Arrangements for this ovont cnpltal, but In tho location of public woro completed at a mooting of the Institutions at Uiat placo, Salem has two ordors hold last night. At this enjoyod advantages of no small can- mooting tho attondanco was largo, sequence anu a most onjoyabio tlmo was had iy Thoso advantagos, bostowod by tho tho mombors, and plans for the future peoplo of tho ontlro state, give the work woro discussed by tho leading rosldonts of overy part of tho com-,Woodmon present, Tho meeting was mon wealth an Intorost in all of Sa-j followed by a banquet, participated In lom's affairs. Oregon has a right to by a goodly crowd, covers being laid As Cknsim&s Pte&mis Any man who likes to bo atyliahly dueiod ! wouiu appreciate a nice r&noy Test lorXmas present Wo am nhow yon the newest styles ! in most attractive patterns. a wall aa a full lino of white vests. Tho extra -must coat belongs in tho wardrobo of ovory up-to-tbe-miuuto man. Ji JTTk, Geat Overcoat Sale Still continues. Don't wait till.the oat you might want is taken, but come today. You'll X find moro to choose from than you will to-morrow. Dozens of this Mason's newest creations are inoluded In this salo at i A Saving to You From $2.50 to jj $5.50 on Each Coat Mmri vJgmeo itatai8iiteettotoieaiHmgitemigi8a Lots of Drag. You can road of lots of brag In ad vortlsomontn about Bomo sowing ma chlnoa being bottor than othors. Many of thoso advertisements are wrltton by partlos that do not know as much as most women do about a sow ing machine. Think of tho brags mado by somo lately, and tho guitran toes prom'lsod; all gono to tho wind now Tako a look at Oeo. O. Wlll'n sheet music window now, and toll thorn to produco tho goods, fleo, 0. Will Is not selling sowing machine discarded 1G years ago as failures, and talked to you as something entire ly now. Tako a look at tho now and latost machines out, always at (loo. C. Will's. See Koko, the wonderful baby gor illa only one In America at Kllnger block, State street, every afternoon and evening. See 0. W. Johnson A Co's big re ductions on clothing ad In this paper, HotI Hot! Hot! -DRINKS- Chicolate, Beef BeulIUo, Toi Seulllei, Ylseral, The Spa Notice. Havlnc retired from tho Ann of Damon Bros., I tako thin occasion to thank tho trading public for their gen oroua patronago during tho last 12 years, and bespeak a continuance of same with the now firm of Damon ft Fawk. Very rospcctfully, N. J. DAMOM. iiiniiiiMi ii im iniiiiwuniwi mil i i tt A clear Havana 12c cigar. For sale by all dealers, ateln, Manufacturer, Salem, Oregon. Aug Hucken Christmas Jewelry Is a necessity in mokjmr yr ' ' purchases lor gifts Here you w III find the largest variety, thn highest c lualjty, tho lowest prices. We ban Wa'ehw with reliable movements in stylo of ca.es, $2.60 to $80 00, chs elsln.. rings, earring, brooches, all kinds of fine jewelry. C. T. POMEROY Jeweler and Optician, 2S8 Corn. St. -C 'jf----dsin-jG Give Vs Your Order For Pumpkin Pies J Or 1XTRA QUALITY. MADE FRESH EVERY OTBER DAY. Jri oxpect Salem to bo a modol city, In Its morals, In Its oducntlonal systom. In Its sanitary conditions, in its public Improvements and In its municipal government. Nowhere In tho North west can more beautiful grounds be sen than those which are maintained by the stato surrounding the capltol In duo course of time tho federal government will beautify its block of land at the othor ond of Wilson av enue. It Is not unreasonable that the people of the state should expect the city of Salem to make Wilson avenue a park, which will harmonize In ap pearance with the state and federal grounds. In moot rapets Salem has met the requirement which the tat may reasonably make of her an the (apltal of the state. Recent agitation Indicates an Intention to Improve san itary conditions and further to beau ify that portion uf the elty surround Ing tke state hoMW. from recent tUaewmlon It also ap pears that there la need of a more ac tlve enforcement of the laws uxaiant minora frequenting saloons and gant bllng places. Balem must sot feel offended If "onteldere" manifest an Interest In that cUy welfare. If tboee who view the otiwlltlona from a dtatanee are seraetlraa free In ad vene crltksJera, tfcey are alo ready to cotaHenU that cowmualty aa a bean tlful city of hopUble bernea, Indne-i trteua people awl raanfleat eppor- tuHitia. -)A.i?0!n.ZA. for about CO, and one of the most pleasant evenings In lodge elrclee came to a olose all too soon. A Snap In a buslneet proposition; enn take In nearly enough money In the next two weeka to get your money back. If you mean buslnoss, see mo at pnee. Address "Hustler," care Journal, 12-lltf See Koko, the wonderful baby gor illaonly one In America at Kllnger block, State street, ttry afternoon and evening. Hazelwood Butter Is positively the best butter you ever ate. If you are not using HAZELWOOD you are not uelng the beet. Hvery pound sold with a guarantee. If net entirely satisfactory your money will be elieerfully re funded. 35c per pound. 70c per roll. For sale by Fuller & Douglas Grocers 142 State Street. 'Phone t241 pnnnnniHMiiiHiniiiimmnTnmrmTg Money To Loan We hive added a I Money Lending 1 Oat Winter BtfitacM UmDre la uWing A complotf line of umbrella oovra to (elect from, priooa from 91.00 up. Handle 2Go up. department to our Abstract and Land bualniM. We are prepared to accom modate those who wIsntoLEKD their rooaey. aa well s tsoae who wish to BORROW. Our ABSTRACT BOOKS tlve u un ielled fscllltloj recardlar SECURITY f Salem Abstract and Land Co. I I F.W. WATERS, Met. finiiumiiimi'ni'"'""1'""""""""1 Mud Guards -AND- c)b66l Rims for WINTER HIDING To fit all makes of wheola. Shipp & Hattsc? Opposite Capital Nat. Bunk. Football Supplies MSEeSsTMHWPHSSHSK M4Mm4Me4 ; : Three New Shapes ; ; In Iilucher nd Ual ahoea !! New last, test fitter on ' earth 1 I i See our new enamel and box i! culfoboea at ii OSWALT'S rmr. -ts !! 99 State Sti Saleai, Orar ob. ' ; tg4fratt'' 1: t li ll I i At the Uaiiiomia oa7'