Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 11, 1903, Page FOUR, Image 4

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ii I mi ii I b. I, I
A Lowers
Silyerton Sliows 4cres
and Products This
Many New Fields Are Being:
Pat Out, and the Prod
uct Will Be Largely
Sllrorton, Marlon county, Oregon,
Lop groworB In 1908. Compiled by D.
V. Vaughn:
Aero Bis Acrfe
Anuasoa 5 24
Arthur, K 8 20
.Allea .'..17 76
Anictt . . .. 66
Archibald 10 35
Alrlclc , 41
Blakcley .'. 16" 40' 45
Uowcu, J. T -8 65
Bownc, O. D 12 65
Bowoa, JI S 30
Bowers 7 30
Bowuor 7 30
BuclU 12 71
Brokfaa 8 30
BurtnoBH 18 45
Iloutler 10 72
Broslg, P 8 30
Carlson 11 3D
Cooler 12 72 28
Cox 14 85
Chamncss . ... 10 60 8
Caaon 10 36
Davis, P. 10 65
Davis, Titos 7 31
Dick IlroH 12 21
DowtiB Kstato 69 232
Dosart 0 40
KngtlHh 18 85
English .. ., 18 95
Evans 1G
Fin lay 11 39
Fonkald 10
Fosliny 26 142
Ty Out Rotfgh
Dy Ot Pound
Which Includes tho en tiro family
washing, oxcopt shirts, collars, cuffs
and laco curtains, which will be
chargod at list prlco, and put In sop
arato packages. All starched pieces
will bo starched and drlod, and nil
flat plocot, from spreads to handker
chiefs, will bo Ironed ready for use.
Lot our solicitor call and explain this
system In full. You will do away with
washing and starching at home.
. 5,
ueisor .. . . .. v. ... lbx-,
OunddrBon .. - ,,.iap L
Hartmtm, 6 ...?.. Tb
Haborly. M .. .. ,. 3
ikariman, H . . .S. A 12
Ifatteburg ., 20 1
Hobart, W ....... . 4
Jonnan, Al .5."....lj5 6
Johnson, PK 16 1
Kalsor 52 1
Larsen . 8
Llndholm 1... 5
Limbeck ........ 7
Mador, J 6
McKInloy, B 7
Moulding 10
Maschor . 35 1
Miller 11
Madison 4
Mount Bros. .. ,. .. 22
Myers, O 6
Morley & Adams .... 12
Morloy, O 24
Morloy, J L 14
Nlggll , 6
Olson, A ..12
Ossund, O M 10
Palmor, M 20
Perry 10
novolsted 30
Schnell, W. A 8
Selgfrled, J
Skalfo, M 25
Skalfo, T 8
Smithy 10'
Stcelhammer .... 7
Storll, E 4
Stushfel, A 10
Sohar J 10
Taylor, O 10
Toft, L A 5
Vaughn, D V 5
Wengor, C C 5
Wongor, II 11
Wolf & Son 53
Wolfard 21
22 -
Salem Steam
Total 1114 6009 159
Phone 411 230 Liberty 8t
Or a postal card, and tho wagon will tho curront In passing through
New Electric Heater.
A now eloctrlc heater for rapid
work has boon lnvonted by a Havana
engineer, and Is thus dosorlbed by
tho Scientific Amerlcnn: "Tho Inven
tor claims that with his little electric
boater half a pint of water can bo
raised from fi oozing to tho boiling
point In only four or flvo minutes.
Tho heater may bo chenply ma do, as
will bo readily seen from tho following
description of Its constructien: Tho
bundle of the dovlco, which is made
of Insulating material, Is secured to'
a tubo or cylinder of metal which sur
rounds a care of porcelain formqd
with a spiral groovo to rccolvo tho
resistance wire. Tho spiral coll of tho
coro may bo cut on an englno lathe
by means of a diamond or quartz
point. Tho roslstanco wlro is a small
platinum wlro which, at Its lower
ond, Is socurod by moans of a sot
scrow to tho metal plug which closes
tho bottom of tho cylinder.
"Tho othor ond of tho hoatlng wire
Is connected to ono of tho main wlros
or lamp cords which pass out through
tho handle Tho othed lamp cord Is
oloctrlcally cottnoctod to tho cylinder.
Tho lattor may bo fluted to Increase
Its radiating surface In uso, tho
lower portion of tho dovlco Is sub
merged boneaUi tho surface of tho
liquid to be heated. Tho conducting
cords aro connected with tho lamp
sockot or with tho tormlnalH of a
,sourco of olectrlclty, whoroupon the
small platinum wlro causos It to bo-
Closing Sale
J 49 State Street
The time which wo advertised to continue this salo is
very nhort Only a few weoks, and we do just as wo adver
tised closo this sale. Yon, who am nt buving now nre
missing opportunities to purthuHo goods that will not probably
coma to you ngain Yt u can now got
$15 Overcoats fr SIO.OO Overcoats Worth $7.50 for $5,00
Suits worth $15 for $10 oo Sutu worth $10 for $7 50
Pants worth $4 and 5 for $ 3.50 Past wjrlh $t 50 for $ 1.00
Sweaters worth $1 50 for$ 1.00 Sweaters worth 75 for 50c
A. gnoil line of Huts loft and Gonti' Furnishing Goods tlmt
will ploaso tho moat critical.
A fow Bargains loft in Quilts and Blankets.
Trimmings and Fringes in Jot and Silk, Great bargains at
small prices.
Meno silk and FJinbroidory silk at lo pur Skein.
100 yard spool silk at fo
A small line of dry goods to bo cut iu price in order to flow
If you want to got bargains Hood good, Money placed iu our
pocket cotno to 140 Stato street and invest before Jan 1.
D. S Bbntlby.
Wholesale and Retail.
Roche Harbor Lime, Alsen Cement,
Lath and Shingles, Sand and Gravel
Aad all Hilda of Bolldlaff Material. Alt Kinds of Heavy Haulier col Trawfer
Werkdeae oa short aotico. 18M83 CoHaserclal Strut,
i I'll i , i,,', . j , -
comolntensejyhpt ,4Tho Jipat la then
radiated to tho ' cylinder, whlfh In
turn communicates 'ItWo tho liquid.
Practically hq dangor, attends tho use
of tho device, and It can be manip
ulated by any person of brillnary jri-J
Paderewskl'd Hard Luck.
Literary and musical celebrities
aro often unfortunate In their Invest
ments, and M. Padercwskl, according
to a roport, has encountered tho fato
of Mark Twain, and practically lost
his savings, amounting to 100,000,
which ho had Invested on tho advice
of a Polish friend Instead of retir
ing from tho platform, as ho had In
tended, he Is obliged, It Is said, to
start his recjtal work again. There
Is a grim pathos, In tho light of his
misfortune, In a romark ho once made
to his agent, who had sent him In
earlier days a kind letter from Mme.
Modjcskn, testifying to his , brilliant
"Whenovor business Is slack you
can uso this on me. If you hear that
Mme. Modjeska Is not doing Well,
chango tho gender and say I said It
about hor. It ought to bo good for
cither of us In an emergency."
Tho savlngo of ten years gone at a
blow Is not such an evil fortuno nr
overtook Scott, who plunged lute
debt, asd wrote himself literally to
death to pay off his creditors, and It
comes to M. Padorowskl at a much
younger ago than was Mark Twain
when he learned that his publishing
Arm had collapsed; but it is sufficient
ly serious In these days, when public
favor Is so uncertain and changeable
During last summer, moreover, M.
Padorowskl suffered from sovoro Infla-
matlon of tho muscles of the right
arm, and tho Parisian specialists
ordered comploto rest for three
months. Mon and Women (London).
Feat In Transportation.
Tho French staff has boon calling
attention to somo of Its transpor
tation work during tho recent man
euvers. At tho noglnnlng of tho man
euver, 21.G00 mon, 700 offlcors, COO
horses and 40 wagons wore entrained
at Paris, and sent off to their desti
nation within 48 hours. There was no
Interruption of regular traffic. Sixty
two trains wero used, mnny of which
hnd to bo bropght from distant points
owing to tho scarcity of sidings. Tho
troops woro cntralnod at six different
places. Now York Commercial Advertiser.
The First Cob Pipes. r '
Tho first cob pipes woro not mndo
In Franklin county, Mo., but at War-
rensburg. Fritz Tlbbs, a Gorman
cabinetmaker, who resided In this city
in tho early sovontles, used to whittle
thorn out with a Jackknlfc. Ho after
ward movod to Washington, Franklin
county, whoro ho ongaged with his
brother In tho mnnufneturo of cob
plpos, and beenmo wealthy Doth tho
old mon aro dead now, and tho sons
of tho brothor continue the business.
WarronBburg, (Mo.) Standard.
Which Died First.
Paris, Dec. 11. Dr. Porrlquot, con-
sldorod tho loading wltnoss In tho
Fair caso, testified today that whon
ho arrived at tho sceno of the accl
dont ho found both dead. Fair's body
was rigid, nnd whtlo tho faces did not
Indicate that tho form or dlod first, ho
bollovod Fair was instantly killed. A
letter recolvod from an official near
the scono of tho death, says tho por
ter's wife, who dlscoverod tho bodies,
told him sho saw Mrs. Fair's hand
movo aftor tho husband was dead.
SBBSsfl bbbbbbT "W sssa j 10 " Am j-r"T"'vF V bbbbbbI JF
I 4r mljlllv I
Chinook Works In Harbqr.
Astoria, Doc. 11. Tho big dredger
Chinook was at work In tho lowor
harbor Wednesday, nnd will contlnuo
to dredgo there whon conditions will
not permit her to work on the bar- In
eight hours yestorday 4000 tons of
snnd wore taken from tho shoal bolow
Smith's Point, cnrrle'd ncross tho riv
er and dumped In 100 foot of water
near Point Elllce. Four round trips
wero mnde, and tho dlstanco traveled
was 72 miles.
Captain Dunbar says ho will pro
ceed with tho dredging in tho lower
harbor until thoro Is sufficient water
and room to anchor tho largest vcs.
sols. Tho Chinook is today taking
COO tons of coal, and will bo ready to
resume operations In a day or two.
For an Electric Line.
Spoknno, Wo3h Dec. 11. The
county commissioners at Colfax woro
yesterday askod for n franchise to
build an oloatrlc railway to tho county
boundaries, as part of the olcctrlc line
tp connect Colfax and Spokane, with
branch lines to other towns In the
grain bolt. '
Tho road Is to bo noarly 100 mllos
long, and will cost 115,000 per mllo.
Tho Incorporators Includo D. T. Ham,
a wealthy Spokane capitalist, and
othor business men In various towns
of tho Palouso. A similar roquost will
bo mado of Spokano county.
Tho oloctrlc road at no point Is
nearer than olght mllos from tho rail
road. Tho Incorporators claim to
havo all tho backing nocossary to
build tho road.
Moran May Plead Guilty.
Pendleton, Or.. Dec. 11. Follx
Moran, a promluont Athena farmor,
and brother ot Jerome Moran, In the
county jail, charged with passing
forgod chocks, wns In tho city today,
and, In conferonco with District Attor
nov Halloy, ho said Joromo would
plond Riillty If tho jurigo would prom
ls leniency The rrlmlal will he ar
t aliened tomorrow
Attendance at Albany Schools.
Albany, Or., Dec. 11. Tho roport of
tho city suporlntondout of public In
struction In Albany shows that thero
aro a total of G79 studonts In attend
ance upon tho schools of the city. Of
these, 33G aro boys and 343 girls. Tho
avarago dally attondanco is COS, or 05
jpor cent of tho pupils enrolled. Tho
high school claims G4 of tho number
enrolled, the remainder being In tho
grammar grades
Divided In Opinion.
Chicago. Doc. 11. The contractors'
national convention hat1 great difficul
ty today In adopting laws and n con
stitution. The Chicago council favors
tho closed fhop and trade agreements
against sympathetic strike, while
tho radicals favor universal open
shops, and national black-lists of
union workmen who are agitators,
Bohemia la Active.
D. J. Qovor wns up from Dohomla
yesterday, attending a meeting of
tho stockholders in tho Iowa, Monte
Itlco and Whlto Swan properties. Tho
old officers woro rc-olectcd.
Mr. Cover says F. J. Hard has built
a flno trail from tho Vesuvius to the
Rlvorsldo mine, which Is rapidly be
ing converted Into a wagon road. Ho
reports sawmills In oporatlon sawing
out mining timbers, and considerable
activity prevailing In Iho district for
tho. winter season. Eugene Register.
upon Its shoulders. Chiof Gibson la
mediately locked tho man up In U'
cltj jail, and this morning ho answorti
before Recorder Judah for tho charp,
and was fined $5, which he paid
For Cruelty to Animals.
Chief of Pollco Gibson last night
nrrosted P. H. Shlppley for cruelty
to animals.
The man who resides at tho mis
slon on 12th street, was driving
through town with a load of wood,
drawn by two poor horses; ono of
which could hardly cVo tho work, on
account of tho great lumps nnd sorei
A few wooks itgo I received a larpi
car of pianos, and sovoral small-
shipments. My storo now looks vet
empty. I placed orders for anotif
carload. To clean out tho balanco
havo In stock I will sell them ver-i
cheap. Geo. C. Will, music and set
Ing machlno dcalor.
Wrecked Inside the Bar.
Tho Italian bark Cavour wn
wrecked near Astoria Tuosday nlgl
and wont ashoro on Sand Island. Si1
pounded heavily on tho sands, and yi
soon leaking badly. Hor crew ri
taken off by tho llfesavlng people
Point Adams. Sho was lumber ladnl
and bound for Pasco, Peru
Exttaotdinaty Bargains in
Rich Futs
Try our bwr, It's light, heal
thy, tasty, bright and SPARK
LING, refreshing and exhilar
ating. Our beer Is a beverage
you'll enjoy at your meals. Let
us send you a oase bottled. We
dellvor. Phone us, Main 2131
Salem Bfcweiy
Main Office 174 Commercial 8t.
SaUm, Oregon,
To Distribute Prizes.
Washington. Dee. 11. The commit
U- from tlte World's fair called on
Roosevelt this morning, and asked him
to distribute th pricMS won at the
athletic games at the exposition next
Hm will aoospt. If possible
' . 0
For Killing a Detective.
Peoria. Dec. 11. John McRae. col
ored, for the murder of Detective Wil
liam Murphy, was hangod at 9 o'clock
this morning. At the time of the
crime McRas (wlce narrowly escaped
See Koko, the wonderful baby gor
illa only one In America at Kllnger
block atate street, every afternoon
and evening.
There in just now fine sonsonnhle weather forj fui-s. In
order to make n quick olpnrnnre, I have decided to close out
all remaining FINE FURS at big reductions. Note the fol
lowing. Special Prices
Suporh B-fown Marten Scarfs, 6 tails
Was $7.50, Now $4.75
One Stone Marten,
Same style and Price
? uiacK JNeiir Seal Scarf, 2 yards long, 0 tails
- Was $7.50 now $4.50
Canadian Mink with 8 tail?, cord and tassels
Was $15, now $10.50
Rml Seal Coats, very rich and fashionable
Was $35 now $25
Movant Noar Seal Coat, trjintneJ with Beaver and reveres
Good value $45, now $39
5 Thore are sovoral choico'cd 1 pieces, very faehiouab'o, all
9 materially cut in price to closo out at
NLtSm Fraser's
271 Commercial Street