& ' '"W'l"it' p(V"MF-"- j wS7,NyjTFJ-r i i f X t m s ? B 1 H a e H TT SjF Taste Alike Bl j Cost Alike B9 iillllil iatilPli p The makers keep lalslll iiP the quality up, ffflSI lllllllllj The quality keeps IraRilll ffllll the price up. IfgaMJilii IBBf 5C Blllf ljL The Largest Selling Jlf IB Brand of Cigars Mj3BI IB is. in the World. a&Ww!$ W5f 91 THIIANDISTHISMOItl't Bf lsf fB4 - RHellBlfHHBBiaM Attractive avi Or O ur tf rr 13110' M Late shipments all arrived. Sufficient on hand to fill orders. We are glad to inform you we have in the celebrated Haviland China Jboth decorated and all white, in several 5 patterns such as the jjj Ransome Shape . Star Shape J Baraine Shape And Plain fedge The decorations are all dainty and exceedingly at- ? tractive. $ i We guarantee to sell Haviland China at Portland's lowest prices, this assertion is mi . t nsi lively because we can show you the price lir f r tland's largest j houses. Remember the goods are thoroughly and carefully examined before being sent out. 5 Don't forget you save all freight and cartage charges j by buying here. , All we ask is for you to come in and see that these 5 statements are true. Yokoha ma Salem Fine Roasted Coffees and Teas A Specialty Phone 2411 Black. la-MBa-HiBnBn 14W4W44KM44HWWt The Entire Stock Of Boots and Shoes and Rubbers We have purchased be sold at a sacrifice, get the bargains, Successor to Jacob Vogt. P.MAN J4fg4BiH'r'rTCTT'W''"rT'- ,i ttWMSVtwil" S-MM--8- Capital National Only National Bsnk in Marlon county. Transa.ctt a general banking business. OFFICERS J. n. Albert ,EisLdAB.1 e m cro san . v"? " Jos H. Altert Casbier W4M4WWWW,MWWW JOMC2W S3BCCJ JL mjjsuj- ..n.u nCHLUAni Opera Douse Block ExperlcHced cutter 'Sil.V " - art - B'fBR4 - aIHt - B4 - EH - RB - l - ll Display ina: at 2 El : lea H Free Delivery & of faccb Vogtmust Ccmc earl and FRED 265 Commercial Street $ SAVINGS BANK nen'tmfntff ?epciaMn doeempnts to these who wish to rave money Kspesially who can save only in fmail amounts, aim to those who hare money ou hand which is not earning In terest. Dpolts oi one dollar or more received at any time. J ass book issued to each depositor. Interest credited on Janoary I and July 1. H Store! n -uuBjaMM444Ww,w- Tiiinn. .--., TAnrtSteet ,ntee all work Alsodet.: pilHw .a.K jfcjn fc iff . DAILY CAP TAL JOURNAL, SALEM, " lllj OWOR TRIES A Saw Mills S&tting Down and Tlaoftsands of Men Out Rates Ate Being "Adjusted" to "Lessen the Demand for Cars"-That Means Killing off Business- Ship pers Would be Happy With Cars at Any Prke-The Time Coming for the Shippers and Manufac turers to Help Themselves There Is a car famlno all over West showed that If Interior himtior mon em Oregon. Sawmills nro compollod reached desirable California niarkots to shut dowm Potato shippers and ' rail, they themselves can pot thoro grain ahlppors and pruno growers only in the same way. When Hon and nil kinds or buslnoss is ham. Campbell. assistant trnfllc director of pered beyond endurnnco, because cars "ie Hijrrlman system, was hero two have not been furnished to handle the weeks ngo ho perceived the reason tramc. ubieties of tho Portland contention. Hntes of frolght have been dellber- Lumbermen havo expected the ately advanced to prevent the people Southern Pnclllc to put up tho rate from doing businmi. and from wnnt. nboVe 53.10. nnd to make it common Ing cars nt the price demanded. This Is a suicidal policy on the part of the Interstate corporations, and will d velop n spirit of retaliation on the part of tho people. The state of Washington, that has threatened them with a severe railroad bill has not suffered as much as Oregon where they have not been restricted by legislation of any kind. Tho time has come for tho people to arm thomselvos with the best woapon they can get hold of, and use tho samo to protect thomsolvos. The governor would bo Justified In calling a special session of the legislature for this purpose, and giving tho people Boino measure, of roll of. Shortage of cars on the Southern Pacillc has compollod logging cnmp4 nnd sawmills to closo down, has.sliut Oregon mills almost completely out of the Interior California markot, and has hampprod transportation also In other lines of buslnoss. It has nerved many shippers, including mombore of the Portland chnmbor of commorco, to a high tension. According to J. C. Subbs, trnfflc dl rector of the Hnrrimnn linos, ovory ef fort is bolng put forth to reliovo the enr shoriago for lumber shipments at Portland. In nn Intorviow today he said: "Wo are doing our host to furnish rolling stock for Portland lumber ship pers, but nt this season of Uio year It is a physical Impossibility to move shlpmonts without some delay. The situation at Portland Is loss congested than at almost any point In the coun try. ,"Tho Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany has its sidetracks full of cars all along tho line and an the Kansas division of the Union Pacific we arc simply snowed under with buslnoss All over Uio Rast nnd Middle West car shortage- at certain periods of the yonr are annual occurrences and can not be avoided. "There Is scarcely a railroad in the country that does not own 30 per cent more power than Is required to mov Its buslnee. If It were evenly all- tributed throughout the year The In crease of busfnet on the Pacific roam has been to heavy In the jmt few years that condition are becoming similar to those which have prevailed for years in the Kast and MUdl West. "The new JS rate on lumber from Portland and interior noluU to San Francisco, which goes Into effet on Jnnuary 1st. my have the efTeit of relieving the situation somewhat by lessening the demand for tare." The present rate on lumber to Francisco aad bay notuU la 58.10 'wt ton fro Interior Oregon mills and $7 5f froas Portland U to about three wontjis ago Portland and Inte rlor mills had the same rate, namely 1310. The iaH from Portland was then raised to If. awd November let to $TH The $7 60 rate hrte prohibited rail shipment from Porttanei to Catttornla just as the Southern Paelfo iateedod It is absolute Ugh. ana the rail roads defended H anly hf "yln ' Portland mill ea ll hy water, and Interior mllle eawwt; therefore. Port land mills 4ot need ear. Hat waco the rallroada eoala legally withhold cars from Portia! y waaaa of a prohibitive rate, tfce.IT rate wat establUhed Portland lumber men clamored khm jy against tip discrtminatioo taiiwl Jt unjust and JH'gal Thy OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER "i"wm n vi mii. - EGOW INDUS- RE CRIPPLED Wok to Portland and Interior mill They any they can do business an n $fi rnte, though not In smaller volume than on a SJ.10 rate. They would prefor the lower tariff if It would yield them cars. In order to get cart they -nro willing to pay them more However, they will expect to recolvo cars after tho new rate goes Into of feet, and, If nn adequate number arc not forthcoming, they wltl be henrd again. Consequently, tho adjustment of thq rnto relegaton ono troublesomo ques tion, nnd lumbormon now fnco tho car shortngo tho. samo as othor shippers do. Rnough nrs will kop them all poacoful; scarcity will mako them belligerent. Millionaire's Poor Stomach. The worn-out stomach of the over fed railllonairo is often paraded in the public prints as a hornblo oxample of the evils attendant on tho poescoslon o fgroat wealth. But millionaires are not the only ones who are afflicted with bad stomachs, Tho proportion la far grcator among the tollers. Dyn popBla and Indigestion aro rampant amonn thoeo poople, and, they suffor far worse torturos than tho millionaire unless they avail themselves of a standard modlclno like Green's August Flower, which has been a favorite household romody for all stomach troubles for over 35 years. August Flower rouses tho torpid liver, thus creating appetlto and Insuring perfect dlgoetlon. it tone and vitalizes tho entire system, and makos life worth Hvlnc. no matter what your station. Trial bottle, 26c ; regular site, 75c. At all druggists. At Dr. Stone's erog stores. Almost An Accident. Miss Bthol Palmer, who was fea tured with Kate Claxton last season In the "Two Orphans," had a narrow oscape In the production of "Not Qullty" now being presented by the Huie Wing Sang Co. Fancy Dry Goods Mas up l a aew llae of heavy wrappers, all colors White under, wear All klada of wsisU, faney goods, sllka, Beots" a&4 ladlea fur BtshlDK Reed, ellk Baadkerehlrfs, ealnaware. Noir Use of winter &o& j HARPER! wiflSKra H Physlelans prescribe It 1 for their most delicate I j A. SCHREIBER, Salem. 1 I FARMER'S HOME. I rhpylfor saJe cheap, jw ioar. ". - lero. Or Ciorner of aiwy 9. 1903. i Baker Enterprise, nt Portland, Ore gon, .miss I'nimor was called on to leap from a burning building to a treo eight feet distant and (on foot from Uio ground. Just as she JutnpeU the actress fainted, and but for tho agility and strength of John M. Sulli van would have been dashed upon the stage. Drowned In Albania. Constantinople, Doc, 9. Twenty seven were drowned in a flood nt Scutorla In' Albania What Shall We Have for Dessert? This question arises in tho family every day. Lot us answer It to-day. Try J&ll-O a delicious and healthful tlessert. Jk're- Pre. pared In two minutes. No boiling I no baking I add boiling water and set to cool. Flavers: Lemon, Orange, Uasp berry and Strawberry. Get a package at your grocers to-day, to cts. We have a fine tract of timber land near Cottage Grove 1000 acres will make about 4 million ieet to 14 section. From 100 rods to 1 1-2 miles of river This is a snap. Two acres, with good 5 room house, large barn, plenty of fruit, 1-2 acre of vet ches, for ren at $5 00 per monh. 1-2 mile East of Asylum. If you have property to sell Or rent, or want to buy or sell, trade or ex chance for other property of any kind, or If you want a loan or Insur ance, see R. It, Ilyan & Co. 10-ZC-tf R. R. Ryan &Co. frC44i I Btfrfee Over 50 Per Cent Reduction On i; Seating tovee Continues For The Week See Corner Window M. WADE & CO. Baiatt'tiwit ! Phinir Mtln Ult. you WERE WORK DISL1VGRBD WHEN PROMISED You did is 110 tionery order It 193 Ctmmtrtial SI Ottr ThUufflal. Willamette Uflivesstty John. II. Coucuan, Jt'KMinio.T, Sijm, OuKaaN. College of Literal Art, Law, Art, Medfdne, Mosfc, Oratory Theology. PREPARATORY DEPARTMET-Osta 10 8tB(Jtl mmiltWu rblt f fritl pnmer-lover tnitt In nerrutor dctarHnent- Btilad ttlotiUg profculotil tnlalii. tk Uelveialiy ieH 10 the 1 tervh tucllcsl ncatloa for all who r "wire of the vain of trained fcraln. THE R0RMAL DEPARTMEhT-offers :itiorB ti umt le u uoiy tti prctUeoftMtblr. HelialMlinoBlmBtati of tuH mbcoI law It ttucatrt are la (oostiBt itmai, dtalogtfe Upon Application. Harritt & Lawrence 5ll aors Orotorlu sad batter OrocerlM 1U1 iAKYoaY s There's where you get GOOD treatment and GOOD goooi Stop In Mid foryoamlf. cl p. o. orockhv. n BslWtwapmyt SHS CatarM Is a constitutional discAso. Il originates In a scrofulous condition c the blood and depends on that condition. It often causes hendncbe and dtElne.ig impair! vne isaio, smeu ana ncaring, de fects the rocat orrfiuia, disturbs Uio stemach: It U aliVftva radically stid tierm'xhpift cured by tho blood-purifying, alterative aim ionic aciion or Hood's Sarsaparitta This crest medicine has wrought the most wonderful cures of all dlDCAMs depending on scrofula or the scrofulous habit. HOOD'S l'lLUt U ttl tXt CthM. tttlHlDtQI6t8iaee f Hard Wheat , t $ Flour Only $J.J5 per sack i The famous unexcelled I i Peacock Brand of flour. ? ! The finest flour ever sold '! in the city. Tiy it once. ; ; We will sell to you again. ID. A. Wlute4 & Son I Fecdmen andjScaefsmcn S 301 Com'l St, Salem, Oregon, eVHH4H-aH-KM-;Mta frfgM4M-ft t O i 4HM j $ JO. MILLER. J0, BECK. PETER HOCII, German Market , 9 Just opened, next door to Hr rltt k Lawrenoe4 grocery to". a clean, new market, where all kinds of meat can be had. Ixrw prices and prompt delivery oar motto. We male a specialty1 of flue Ocrmaa sausage of all kinds. Olve us a call, f lte) ltle)4Me?Of lN fMMeeeMeeeVr f Hele1 (W 11 a- 11 e t i ii H4ii-WMfr FQmr qq YOU TOO BUSY? not send mo that onlur for printing j luttt month. 1011 hml Iwtterdultiiow. Thoro I letter time to nt n freli supply of sta than just before tho now year. If you soon It will bo ready fur you. Elliott, the Job Printer. 1 $ HMeHwwwwM---' WWi1SiiW(W,Mt' fWITWlWR""-,,,?' mimmmtti