i DILYOAPI VOL. XIII. i . . r 1 m i fe. T m T A HI ' r 1 im Ji Vk I ' V m m Mi, aju j t f i j n, j i --- ,,- u-v,1 . '. - - . .i n m" I,,, i UigrjTri- ..w -iw iwh ii a -pjiLrtaBiF 4 TO KEEP PORTS CLOSED Russian Squadron In timidates Korean Government SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1903. Pieced out. Even yet thoro are some portions of It which must be cleared ,"P by Investigation on the spot. Glasa Obeyed Orders. Washington, Dec. 9. The navy do-, .partmont officials this morning nd-' mitted that the landing' of marlnos ,from tho Dixie on tho Isthmus ot ,Panama was Justified by the ordors cablod Glass Thursday; to take every ( moans to provont the Invasion of the new republic. The Czars Representatives Threaten to Land 3000 Marines to Prevent Opening of Port " Toklo, Dec. 9. A Russian squad ron, comprising eight warships, ar rived at Chemulpo, Korea, to support Russia's opposition, to tho opening of Yongampho to tho commerce of the world. Tho Russians threaten to land 3000 men Should Corea Insist on opon lug tho pdrLi Added to the Committee. Washington, Dec. 9. In the house Cannon today appointed Rodoy an ad ditional mombor on the committee on terrltorlos. A rosolutlon roforrlng the various recommendations In the Pres ident's message to the propor commit teoe was adopted Adjourned until tomorrow. . Fell Four Hundred Feet Naval Station Is Ours. Havana, Doc. 9. Guantannmo will bo formally handed over to Admiral Uarkor tomorrow as tho American naval base of supplies. Tho cere mony will be hold aboard tho Kear sarge, the flng rising at noon, followed by a great banquet. NO. 283. RUMORS FROM PANAMA SMILED ' WHILE KILLING Colombia Preparing to HanflsomeMrs.;Ro?ers Subdue Her Se cessionists Vancouver, B. C, Dec. 9. William Ifoyes fell 400 foot down a deop can yon In Symour creek, and was in stantly klllod. That Is tho nows that his fellow prospector John Mcintosh, brings tb tho city. Tho two woro searching for mlnorals on tho othof sldo of Burrnrd Inlet Friday- thojt reached tho summit of tho mountains abovo Symour crook. As thoy woro standing on tho edgo of tho precipice, tho wind took Moyes hat off. Ho mado an Instinctive motion to solzo It, missed his footing and fell down tho canyon. 'A search party has left to rocovor tho remains. Mcintosh was so near ly a nervous wreck when ho arrived, boing apparently almost hysterical from tho experience- ho had, that It wan with difficulty his story could bo Boston Fire Ft esh Naval Oranges iLemond iQc jDoen Zinn's Sl54 8Ute 8t Phone 1971 Main Causes Panic Boston, Doc. 9. Tho 160 omployos of tho Dunn Company's sovon-story chair factory woro thrown Into a pan ic by a fire this morning, caused b;i an explosion of a can of naptha. Nine woro Injured in the rush to escape Four flremon woro injured by falling glass, but nono fatally. Loss $150.-000. Only Awaiting the Result of General Reyes Mission to Make Attack on Rebels Laguayra, Vonozuola. Dec. 9. One thousand Colombian soldiers from Car tngena will be landed near tho mouth of tho Atrato river, of the Gulf of Da- rlen, according v to advices brought hero by 'the steamer Versailles. It is also stated that troops from Cauca, ara convorging on Panama, and troops from other parts of Colombia arc marching or awaiting the rosult of rteyoa mission to Washington. Gets Kittenish With Her Husband Dowto Is Up Again. Chicago, Do 9. The Dowleltos congregated op tho stroot corners of Zlon City this morning, unmindful ot the snow storm, and rejoiced ovor tho restoration of tho city to Dowlo, who was today placod In practical posses sion again. Tho next court proceeding occurs this week, when Dowlo Is ox pectod to fllo a petition of solvency before tho court. Ties His Hands in Play and fji'en Chloroforms Him, 1 and Dumps Body in lhe River Bennington, Vt., Dec. 9. Mrs. Mary Rogora was placod on trial today for the Bcnsntlonnl murdor of hor huBbnnd In August. 1902. Assisted by anothor young woman and hor nurraour, Leon Borham, sho lured the unsuspecting man toa lonoly spot by tho river, bank, whbro she playfully tied Ills hands, thon suddenly saturated a hnndkor chiof with chloroform, which sho pressed. to his nostrils until ho was dead, Borham held tho struggling vic tim, whjlo tre other girl kopt watch, nndlwc!t romoved tho ropo nnd throw tho body Into the river. The oldoBt of tlio trio Is Mrs. Rogers, who Is but 21, and handsomo. She Ib also ac cused of murdering her babe the yonr boforo. Perlinm has confessed. endeavor to capturo two mon who kidnaped from school today the 7-yoar-old daughter of Mrs. Charles Bruce. Tho woman believes tho child was kidnaped bhor father, Louis Andreas, of Los Angeles, from whom tho pres ent Mrs. Bruoo secured a divorce a year ago, and that ho Is assisted by somo hired companion. Briber Gets Clear. St. Louis, Dec. 9. A speelal from Jefferson City says the supremo court mis morning reversed tlio ueplBlon in the case of Bdwnrd Butler, and or derod his dlscharg. Colonol Butler Is the Democratic boss who was con vlctod by tho lowor court of brlbory In the St. Louis municipal assembly. A Disabled Steamer. London, Doc. 0. The Kroonland disabled, arrlvod ut Queonstown to day. Hor 900 pnsaongors will prob ably c qntlnuo tho Journoy to New ork on tho Toutonlo, unloss speedy repairs can bo mauo tomorrow. Tho Kroonland was struck by a torrlflo storm after leaving Antwerp. More Investigation. Kansas City, bee. 9. Tho grand Jury today began an 'Investigation of tho grafting charges, involving proml nont cltjj and county officials. DEWEY TRIAL PUTOFF Bob Miller Armed With a Winchester Is After Them Kidnaped the Girl. Chicago, Doc. 9 Detectives are watching the railway stations In nn Suicided at Seattle Seattle, Dec 0. J. McCarthy, n wealthy ex-pollceman, ot Kallsptll, Montana, suicided this morning with a rovolvor, at tho Hotel Northorn. Ho was on route to California fop his health, accompanied by his wlfo. There Is Liable to be Some More Killing Before the Case Is Decided by the Jury Topoka, Doc. 9.The trial of Dow oy and his cowboyn for murdering tho Horry family will bo continued at St Francis today until tho next term ol court Bob Milter, a former deputy sheriff, after a tclophooo conversa tion with tho Dewey headquarters at Manhattan, started for thero today with a Winchester and COO cartridges. Those Plausible Liars. Constantinople, Dee, 9. -Oluolal re ports ot tho Alojtandratta Incident sent by (ho Turkish pollaO Is that thoy. wanted a photograph of tho American I cltUen, Attrain. Davis objected and I attempted to embark Attrain, and the rpollco arrested him. nnd woro com I pellod to uso force, as Davis and tho courlora from tho coisulato twisted. Democratic Committee Washington, Doc. 9. Chairman Jonos today Issued a call for tho Democratic national committee meet ing on January 12th, at' the Sborehan Hotel; Washington. Concert Tomorrow 7 p. m. to 9:30 p. to. All Invited Ballard's Big Fire Ballard, Wn., Dec. 9. Tho plant ot tho Ballard Electric Company was do gtroyod by flro this morning. Tho plant supplied powor for light and wator, and tho city Is without both. Have The i CMdea I lytfcsson xnc nwraore u Pumpkin Seeds Qmstmas Gifts Fo Everyone i Here we are agalnl Santa Clauo and Meyers. Toyland brought from the north pole to make Christmas work easy for Santa Claut. What do you want, boys? What will you have, girls? You'll have to write to Santa Claut or dream about the things you want on Christmas morn Ing. Santa Claut learns a lot from little folks dreams. Dut to dream right and write right, you must coma to Meytra and see things. Every thing that Santa Claus ever knew Is here. Everything that Is dear to the heart of boys and girl Is here, as well aa hundreds of things thoy never heard about because Santa Claus never had them before. "frffrHM-WS-i'WIO 8 OtMfrNHrterM t B l(H 8 1 I H Yov'te Making Fancy Wok lot 9 0 e $ tt&tmass Then you should see our lino of Silks nnd Satins, Velvets and Vel-Her-m.Culii.ui top, Cushion onr.' Embroidery eillc, Knittn.KMlk.HiWi.iii3. Fine Ihwi for lm ikeroliiefj trim ming .''"- I"" ui' tlo )'ard for h u.'W-r.-'iief coniors. E'iT.tliii.!liir foncy vork. J'leie'.on Shetland Floss Ynrn i)lk'Vr "id. Rubber doll heads and stool doll bonds They look like bUquo tail fho cbildran i-..ii break them. Ourfiill line of 1 Holiday Goods is now ready Io.1h, games, picture hooks, toilet cases, collar and cuif boxe-. smoking sots, haudkorohiofs, inulllera, i.eokweur, table linens, napkins, stand covers, and evory thing you want in reg ular lines for practical presents, shoe, clothing, overcoats, hats, comforts and blankets. We sell Holiday goods on the same margin of profits as reg ular lines, that's why Holiday shoppers trade with faaleras cheapest cash Btoro. i mTTn nrmT un h i i I THE III ft MM issiapr jisrjgjy FILLING THE STOCKING Hard work buying pres ents isn't it? Hard work when vou try to do your buying in a J uuiiit! store. BUY NOW. wlill. th- Mih-Im- uro.nt ihoil bcul'iMi'i vuii linriyiuji Ihrougb diir.ng "ho rush which will fuiin- ImU-t. Mnkenp our lift and sew how niu.'li ol it ww omii liil fur you hi pricw. much lowei than oilier, lln n too you have the uilvmtagHif solid inglroni an almsl endlir vaiioty. REMARKABLE CLEARANCE OF WOMEN'S SUITS, SKIRTS AND COATS IrapwRllT closing of winter coaU and ulU an occasion that affoM great wiving In tht vry sraartU style. Hlek Cheviot iWrt, wU tailored tbrwigJwwL and very hU iy Regular $4X0 Values. $3.00 Black silk Wft, very lt. wtiJj Bilk im Wrt, a great value at fM-M $2.50 Grey ehMked Mettoa walking leagtli. vwiy wtoty "i-1 date, regular I12J& PRETTY THINQ8 FOR WOMEN. A grand showing of protty aprons, ombraclng fancy tea aprons, maids and nurses' aprons, in short, square nnd round effects, plain hemmed, hem stitched, tuokod, trlmmod with lnco, embrnldery.and ribbon, and some with narrow and same with deep ruUle In Swiss and sheer nml lawns. 25c to $2.50 UMBRELLAS FOR GIFTS. What can you give at Christmas that would be moro acceptable than a handsomo umbrella. Our showing of holiday umbrellas was nevor moro varied than It Is this season, and the price wero never w low. 39c to $12.50 THE PRETTIEST l.ot of cusnioftf w w Uui reached u yettlRr. aJ Uie line tmhwm all utom and Oeeltaw. from ttte poreti plllww to Ute Iwadiwme allk otm. wlUi taaeeied ecraers. 50c to $2.75 AIM a Kl tf M EIDERDOWN COMFORTS Itraang In price from $5.00 tb $30.00 WHAT CAN YOU QIVE A MAN7 Lots of helpful suggestions horV-JuHtl tho things that n particular mau Is nuro to want: House Coats, Hath Hobos. Umbrellas. Canes. Handbags. r.' Suit Casos. It Imiorted Neckwear. 4 Imtrarted Hoelery. fancy Vents. Olovee. IlirtSttiiffna U Mirx IhnciTiilorctJ New Today New Cushions New Cushion Covers New Cushion Cords New1 Wool Comforts New Eiderdown Coml'ts New Fancy Ticking TTWSJ ' " , MEN'S CLOTHINO. If you have (16.00 In your nocket when this nd strlkoit your wyo, you enii put It to ho better um than to buyinK one uf our !tt.M KU er vercila. bur wHa atl overeeate nt this price are eertalnly the very beat value w er offonNl In kVileni, livery Hrmitit I new and made tut this aeafun'r truU. How we are able to offttr theui nt this iviee I a lng story loo long far now. but eome In and let them peak fnr th:nIve. Others nl $10 to $25 THE 0HRI8TMAS NECKWEAR. AMoU and ttaiUah Bquarej an? the tklNpi tM awl they're here In aljtifHJeot fttittwlm. for tuu bolldsy byjrJws. j , OamttU Hwat Mufflers la all bap. ilmtim and oolerluKe. m E. T. BARNES, Proprietor i $9.57 ft mv,,m .,, .,I....,.IIW), iimHimm' i.,h W...'IJ, I'mwm