Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 08, 1903, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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    - r
The Store of the People
At the OW White Corner
New Ideas In
Tbe iwclleat
lineof imported
a d d domestic
I'olr, and laco
collar, ties, etc
Ihadaiiirio't fabrics that klll
can produce tied and faihioned
in the latent wnv.
Shetland Floss
8c Skein, 90c box
Fleischers Brand
tlwarn of misrepresentations
don't bo Inferior domcs'Ic yarn
for the take of raving a penny,
Shaw Knit Hose
For Children
FineribBcd it'rklngi for hove
and ralgie reinforced knres and
hfde, and double solos,
Rgalar25c valuis
The only stores In Salem that can fit out your whole family from
head to foot.
That Odious Poll Tax.
Tbo collection of tho poll tax yes
terday resulted In the paymont by
110 portions, tbo rocalpta aggregating
357. Stroet Commissioner ariswold
stated that theso polls were all paid
in tbe old ward of tho city, that nono
wore collected In the now wards. He
ntatcd that nemo of the citizens of
Salem woro "sore" at him becauso he
had collected tho tax. nnd be thought
that ho really ought to be thanked for , , fMorl,"t 8pc"cer D"d' , ,
accommodating tho people by placing I Brighton Lns.. Dec 8-IIorbert
man at tno polls, whore they could fp0Dtc0T' a"thr nml PWlo.opher. who
pay tho tax thoy wero anxious toKh" bT," fr180me t,rae ""f,- ' lm
llmilrtnto. In most ensos this tax was I.
T- .. .,.., M. in, wn
-put up"'hy Campaign committees nnd ,
.:.'.., .uL. - .i n. ..!
4UIVIUDIUU uuuuiuuiua, twin iwuiu nviu
sot many cases whore tlio votors paid
tho tax thomsolvcs.
Chicago, Dec. 8. Wheat, 82 c.
Gold Dust Flour
Mde by
Sidney, Oregon.
Md for family usq. Ak your
grocer for It Dran and shorts al-
ways on hand.
A. T. Wain, Agt.
4rward Kills
144 State U.
Potatoes, Potatoes,
Call and see as before yo
sell yotr Crop
James M. Kyle So Co
i 75 CommercialSt.
The Up-to-Date Holiday
Stock Has Come
Our bright sparkling line of ChriBtmns gifts is ready for
impaction. Our stock this eeaaou is four tiiuea larger thnu
ovorbeforo, uud with prido nnd coniidauco in variety, we in
vito you to look through our up-todato lin of Piamouds,
Wntohes, Cut Olnea, Silverware, Jewolry, Clocks novelties. 5
Thero are hundreds of articles, that we have uot Bpaoe to enu- $
niernto, 5
If you want to buy rsjht, if you want to .be treated right, g
uiake'our fltoro your headquarters for Christmas buying, if you S
aro at t loss to know what to buy, we havo olerks who will
olmm vnti nni linn mwl vrtn will flnrl nur nrirft rlorlit. Our -
S diamond plan will intorest you, as you can't loose anything
ou your investment. Whothor you buy or not come in and see S
our uiuereuD iiuea,
Jeweler and Optician,
Htll4iH4t H
and for the People. I
OkL vsO I
and 298-300 Com'! Sts
Tbe flneit Una shown in tbe city.
Don't fall to aeo u beforr you boy
Golf Gloves
An Immnnre fork on band at
hoth ator.e We havw cut tbe
price Inrertban evr, ao a to at
tract holiday ilioppom Are yon
Ladles and Misses Cashmere and
Wool Hosiery just received.
Three bier eaipa came tumbling In
vemeniar, thor are tbe prpMest
25c valooe you ner art jMt a pr
Lace Curtains
Hundreds of odd and single pairs
are on cale at striking rednctions
Americans' Low Bid.
Berlin, Dec. 8. A Koolnlscho Zel
lung dispatch says tho Araorlcan.syn
dlcnte's bid foV tho construction ol
the IHiBs'nnl ship cnnnl from tho Hal-
tic to the Dlaclc soas, for $1CO,000,000, ,
is 35 pof cent cheaper than tho Clop
man, English, Crunch or Russian
bids, and they will probably be given
tin contract
. . : . .
. nt tT n'nlnnlf flila tnnntilnir
" " v.. ....a ..,... ...b,
ill ii 11 fMiiKK ri in iiiiiriuiiir -l iiiki
" .""" ""... """
"conscious " 0 o'clock last
'Bht 1I? wnn oor" ln 182- I
Electric Hand
The mos convenient tblng of the
sort eyor Invented. Robs tho walk
homo In tho dark of Its terrors for
you simply need to press ho button, ,
and tho dark corner Is lighted. Come.
In and ask to soo U.om. I
'All sorts of sundries for ho wheel
111 IBU UUIO. IVO UUlTjr u lull IIIIU UlU
year around.
Gas Inmps for your wheel.
Carbldo, 2 pounds for 2Cc.
Mud guards for nil sorts of whoels
DlcycllstsV rubber capos for stormy
Implement House.
256-257 Liberty St Oolem.
F&rnt Machinery. Bicycle, Automo
bile, Bowleg ilaohlaea and Supplies
N. H. Burlev
8ovHng Mtchlnt RpIrino.
Oi bad accounts,
Prompt service, No
collections,no charges
uUe 4 S7SH Commercial 8t, or
'Phono Main SOL
A. R. MORGAN ft CO.. Manar
H Hinesf
88 State Street. I
. &A Xmas
JC Umbrellas
icdjV' 45c to
W $7.00
Judge's Prejudice Against
Attorney, Hurts Only
the Litigants
(Orogon Law School Journal.)
Tho criticism which have appeared
In tho Journal from 'its first publica
tion on tho mannor in which same of
our courts have been conducted have
not alone beon in the Intorest of at
torneys who may bo forced to practice
therein, but especially in the interest
of the people who may unfortunately
hare had cases In court. If a judge
acts In a haughty manner, Ifbo dis
criminates ngalnst an attorney, while
tho attorney temporarily suffers, yet
tho litigant Is the ono who BufTors
most It must not for a moment be
thought that our criticisms have beon
oflored solely In behalf of thfi, ntttor
noy, but thoy havo been principally In
the lntorost of all our pooplo who may
chanco to be affected with litigation.
Some persons seem to think when the
court, In tho course of a trial, deals
harshly and unfairly with an attor
ney, that tho attorney nlono suffers.
Such Is not tho caso. Tho attornoy's
clients suffer far more than the attor
ney. Tho litigant's rights nro jeop
ardized wbon a Judgo Is unfair in his
trentmont of tho mombers of tho bar
who may bo engaged on the trial of
It is tho perron who has busl-
"QUI In the courts who suffors,
lntorost are not properly safeguarded,
by reason of conduct unbecoming a
Judge. If the poople will boar In
mind that It Is the Interest of tho Htl
gants that nro chiefly concerned In
our criticisms, they will see tho forco
and effect of them, and ronlizo how
,Inportnnt It Is for their protection
that our courts bo ConuU(:tCd without
uniiwmly haste, or In a manner to
. a . 1 .
prevent cases irom uc.us propeny
trlcd out. Thc oxpon608 of tho lowcr
courts nnd anneals to tho Bunremo
courts nnd appeals to tho supremo
court, which aro paused by tho man
ner ln which some' Judges carry on the
buslnesu of the courts, aro not borno
by the attorneys, but by tho litigants.
Honco tbo great interest which all the
pcoplo should entertain in having a
liwlfnlnrv nf n rlnltliarntn nnd nntnatrtU.
chftractor. If our cr,ticlsms arc
but rf U?aoriltood tho puDc wl
c,oa goo tbQt tfce of ,0
bmMU n courtfl aro ,nvolved
whatovor londB n lho ,oast to
mi fl fftr and , Ub, trlal3
Q wookne of tho
,.. ,l, . , onn,l .ll.n.lvnnt.
ju.., v....a ,w . B.
ago of litigants.
If a Judgo wishos to force his pecu
liar notions upon- tho public, In the
management of the court, which aro
contrary to the bwt Interests of the
people, and fair trials, It Is tho porson
having buslnoss ln court that Is In
jured. The rights of the suitor In
court aro affected whenovor caprice
govormi a judge, rather than sober
and deliberate consideration of mat
ters Involved In tbo trial of a causo.
Lodge Elections.
OfflcMJ were elected by Valley
lodge No. 18. A. O. U. W.. and Viola
lodge No. SS, DoRroo of Honor, at tho
meetings held last night In the Hoi
man hnlli, to serve for tho coming
term. They nre:
Valley lodgo Geo. SohulU, past
master; Roy Mclntyre. master work
roan; A. P. Auf ranee, foreman; lCmll
Donaldson, ovorsuer; A. K. Aufranea,
recorder; G. P. Litchfield, financier;
W T. Rlgdon. recolver; W U. Al
bright guide; Wm. Gllmore. inside
wntch; R. G. Marsh, outside watch:
R. I Donaldson, trustee.
Viola lodge Louise Wolff, past
chief; Amanda Anderson, chief at
honor; Gertrude Johnson, lady of
honor; Sylvia Carroll, chief of coro
monies; Minnie Utter, recorder;
Viola Mason, financier: Florence Rls
tine, recolver; Rlla Donaldson, usher;
Htlzabeth Albright. Inside watch;
Ruby Donaldson, outside watch; Sar
ah Donaldson, trustee.
Following the election n bountiful
rapast was spread, and a most enjoy
able ovonlng followed.
Dissolution Notice.
The partnership heretofore existing
between N. J. Damon and A. 0 Da
mou, under the firm name of Damon
Orotf.. Is this day dissolved by mutual
agreemonL N. J. Damon retires from
tho firm, having sold his Interest to
W. W. Fawb The busluoss will con
tinue under the old firm name of Da
mon Bros. An early settlement of all
accounts duo tho firm is requested.
Very respectfully,
v fci 9AMQN.
A. 0, DAMON.
Wsanlngten. Dee 8Tjie state de
partment bos beea Informed by Min
ister Thomas that both Norway and
Sweden have recognlted Panama.
," "" r.. ...
Christmas Shoppers Wanting
the Royal. Gems-Sub
ject Discussed by .
One Who Knows
Editor Jeurnal: Since your paper
has occasionally referred to the fact
that many Salomltcs are thlB year buy
ing diamonds for Christmas presents,
It may bo of Interest to know Just
what Is going on in that Una It Is a
fact, and ono of which our city may
woll feel proud, for It is a true Index
to tho real prosperity which Is upon
us. The diamond market was never
better for tbo buyer than at present,
for the reason that the prices aro now
such that tho constant Increase In
sure goad Interest on tho investment
Many have already sold, and inquiries
havo been so numerous that wo have
been obliged to reorder several times,
as wo ncvor pretend to enrry a largo
stock. Now, however, wo havo Just
oponed tho largest shipment of tho
season. Thoy are being marked to
day, and tho portion Interested will
do woll to call early to feast their
eyes, oven If thoy don't buy. We
havo inducements to offor that the
largest dealors on tho coast cannot
oxcol. Just como In and see what wo
have. C. II. Hinges, 88 State street,
next to Bush's bank.
Wealthy Men Involved.
Now York, Doc. S.Startllng dls
closuros, basod upon Information ob
tained througii a confession mada by
Max Karnflold, a public fire adjuster,
who luis boon convicted of fraud In
connection with a claim of loss he
nad himself put In, and who will bo
sentonced on Crlday, wero mado to
night by Assistant District Attorney
Garvan. Tho cases of 12 persons who
aro suspected of having defrauded
insurance companies ln a similar man
ner Will bo presented to tho grand
Jury within n few days. Among them
are three lawyers, soveral merchants,
several public flroadjustors and two
or thro adjusters employed by firo
Insurance companies. Mr, Garvan do
clnred fire tnsurnnco companies have
lost hundreds of thousands of dollars
through paying false claims of Iorhos.
One of tho persons Is a .merchant
worth 1500,000, and another is presi
dent of a corporation which employs
400 mon. Firo patrolmen, mon era
ployed by tho board of fire under
writers to tako chnrgo of property nf
tor flros havo beon extinguished, and
Bave as much property as possible,
Mr. Garvan allogos, havo beon In
leaguo with fire adjusters. Instead of
doing tiiclr duty, ho says, he knows
thnt In many Instances they hnvs pur
posly damagod goods by water, for a
fo paid by firs adjusters.
Disappeared From Steamer.
8an Francisco, Dec. S. Tho stoam
or Quoon arrived from Seattlo thli
morning, with two passengers miss
lng. When she loft Seattlo, Mrs. Har
ry 13. Oldt and her llttlo child on
gaged a berth, and went aboard. Thoy.
woro seen by Captain Cousins and thc
passongors. Tho Quoon touched at
Victoria, but passengers say Mrs. Oldt
was scon on the stoamor aftor loavlng
that port, A fow hours later nelthor
oould bo foundi
Disturbed the Peace.
Sfiernmesto. Cal., Doc, 8. The Jury
In tlit caso of Convlot Woods, a Col
bo m escape, wni out 30 hours, and
brought In a Verdict of guilty of mur
der In tho second dogrod. Judge Hart
sarcastically asked "Did 1 hear you
Say guilty of disturbing the peaco at
To the Asylum.
Henry Smith, aged 45 years, wns
this morning brought to tho asylum
from Jackson county, by Sheriff Rnd
or. The patient Is a native of Rug
land, and formerly an Inmate of the
Stockton, Cal.. asylum, from which ho
! escaped. His infirmity Is hereditary
and he has suicidal tendencies.
I had two gold fillings put
In my teeth by Dr. Wright X
which did not hurt mo the
least bit
Salem, Oregon.
7' ..:.....a..A.......T
For Sale. We have some baled cheat
bay and some loose clover hay; for
sale, at 113.50 per too. Geo. Swo
gle 10-S-3t
8, 1903.
'. '
Tuesday, Dec. 8
A beautiful otory of woman's lovo
and devotion.
Metropolitan CasL
The Grandest Scenic.
Production Ever Seen.
..Nothing on the road this season
will surpass thta magnificent play.
Prices 75c, 50c, 35c... Seats on pale
at box office Tuesday at 9 n. m.
4 Nights Commencing
Wednesday Dec. 9
Wiedmann's Big Show
In A Repertoire of The
Latest Successes.
Superb Band and Orchestra
High Class Vaudeville Between Acts
"Something Doing" All The Time.
The 4 act Sensational Comedy.
"Tennessee's Partner"
, Change of Bill Each .Nlght.
Salo of seats opens Wednesday at
0 a. m.
Prices, X5c, 25c, 35c
THOMPSON. At tho family homev
No. 1C7 Cottago stroet, Salem, Ore
gon, -Sundny, Decombor 6, 1903, a
little before midnight, Mr. Theodora
M. Thompson, agod 73 years, of
paralysis and honrt troublo.
Deceased was a pioneer of 1851,
having como across tho plains In that
year. Ho served during tho early In
dlan wnrs ln tho company command
ed by Hon. Ben Hayden, and since
those early days resided In Oregon,
nnd during the post 22 -years In Sa
lem. During th6 last 11 years bo has
filled tho position of harness makot
at tho Chemawa Indian school, and,
although ho had suffered a slight par
alytic stroko thrco years ago, ho was,
until within tho past 10 days, able to
attend to his duties nt tho school.
About a week ago ho took to his bed,
and, In splto of tho best care, sank
rapidly, passing away as shown above.
Deceased Btood high In tho esteem of
tho officers of tho Indian school,
whllo the students under his charge
revorod him. He was a dovout mora-
bor of the First MethodlBt church for
a number of yoara In earlier llfo ho
was a membor of tho Odd Collows,
and was prominent In tho ordor, hnv
ing once sorvod tho grand lodge al
deputy grand master. '
Docoased leavos ono daughtor, Mrs.
M. C. Corguson, to mourn his death,
his wlfo having gono boforo nbout six
years ago. Tho funoral Is bolng hold
from tho family home at 2 o'clock this
afternoon, and tho romalns will be
laid to rest In tho Leo Mission cerao
tory. The Bike Races.
Now York, Dec. 8. Courteon of the
17 original teams In tho six-day blka
raoe aro still going, but with a low
rocord. Twolvo teams woro tied at 9
p'aloclc this morning, showing C32
mllou and . six laps. Tbe record
Is C59 mllos nnd one lap
i i, T, .
BBHBtM - HeHB4 - a4 - aB -
ThatTHE FAIR STORK is located nt No 274 Commercial
Stieet, iitnl that wo carry thelargt-st stock of toys and holiday
goods in Salem, at pneecthat enn't be beat. "We have express j
wagons, hubby horses, wheel barrows, doll carriages, children's
rut-King uiuiiin, iuy riiiuna,
cheste, air guns, boats, toy
tree ornaments unci, in fact, everything in that hue.
We have tho best values in dolls ever scon in Salem.
S 274 Commercial Street
New Arrivals
Just opened up a new line of beautiful waistings, Metallio Velvet?,
Oxford Cloth, Velveteens aud Mercerized Waistings. Call and fee
them today we are introducing them at very low prices.
M'Evoy Brothers, Kf'
High . . grade furs fluifcrs
bc&utica that suggest frooty
Xmas in face of winter's biting
Wo bare the best the market
affords at prices as high as $35
each, and for ovory dollar ex
pended on furs here yon re
ceive more than a nnadred
cents' worth of style and satis
faction. UMBRELLAS '
Qf courso you will havo m
umbrella on your list Horo you
will find tho bost lino ln town
to solect from. Handles and
covers tho prettiost and bost,
and prices tako llttlo Jumps
from 75c to $G.OO each. Make
jj-our selection early.
If your friend travels much,
glvo him a suit caso a Christ
mas gift Wo wore novor bet
tor equipped to supply your
needs In this line.
Prices from
$3.50 to $15
At the Presbyterian Church.
An ovnngollstlc conference, partak
ing somewhat of ovangollstlc services,,,
aro being held ln this city this after- '
noon, tonight and tomorrow. This af
ternoon Dr. R. A. Walton Is conduct
ing servlco3 at tho Clrst Presbyterian
church, and tonight Dr. J. Wilbur
Chapman will lead services in the
samo church, whllo tomorrow after
noon nnd evening thoso gentlemen
will hold services in tho Clrst Mi B.
church. Tho sorvlces will bo espe
cially interesting and attractivo, and
special music will bo ronijorod by
Prof. Frank Dickson, an evangelistic
singer of no to, assisted by tho Salem
Choral Union, and tbe leading singers
of tho several church os of Salem.
Collided and, Sunk.
London, Doc. 8. Tho steamors
Watorland and Stolln collided off the
Firth at 4 a. m" and tho Stella sank,
drowning three.
Oregon Fire Relief
Oreroo't Great Mutual Insurance Co.
$15,440,588 Insurance at risk.
Safe, economical Insurance for the
people. Head office, McAMnville, Or.
H, A J0HN.S0N, Areat for Marlon Co
Salem. Oregon.
uruiu?, nuriis, lopr, UUUKS, uiui
furniture, doll houses, Christmas
2S4SH-aH-3SH-Bsi-&f BIH
" i