Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 08, 1903, Page FIVE, Image 5

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    nwri- jsjv
The "Pie&se Foffeve"
Kind Of Cht istmas Gifts -
Jhere are a goodmany sorts of Christ
iSdubeautiful articlesfor the house
wife s table-fine silverware and exquisite
cut gjass-are among the very few kinds of
gifts that please forever. The valuablepiece
ofsilver.or cut glass that is bought today
will not only give a lifetime's use but will
be something to be handed down as an
heirloom to succeeding generations, Does
not such a gilt possess the truest sort of
Christmas desirability?
Our Christmas stock of silverware and
cut glass ismagnificient. It contains many
styles in almost every sort of table piece any
one is likely to desire; and every piece in
the entire collection is a specimen of thor
oughly beautiful and artistic handiwork,
We sincerely trust you will make no Christ
mas selections without first viewing our
Corner State and
Liberty Streets,
I i 1 1 1 1 1 1 It 1 1 1 1 1 M I e 1 1 1 1
lL0Cfll n..',,! f1i"
ErentSlII IfJ rCrVill:
in mo " """- , ,
Clydo Bollinger Is In Portland for a
fow days' stay.
P. W. Steualoff is In Portland for n
short business visit.
A. L. Frazor wont to Portland this
morning on business,
Judgo Dolso wont to Albany today
to hold a short term of court .
C. D. OabrlolBon went to Eugene
and Junction City this morning.
Prof. E. T. Moorcs wont to Marlon
today to visit tho public school.
Clarence Bcauchatnp wont to Port
land Inst ovenlng for a brief stay.
II. Snook, tho contractor, was a pas
songor for Portland this morning.
Miss Helon Stolwor returned to
hor homo in Jefferson this morning.
J. Q. Wilson wont to Turner thltf
morning for a short visit to his farm.
Mrs. A. W. Prescott wont to Port
land last ovenlng for a few dayB stay.
Uov. P. Ollvotti was a passongor for
Portland on this morning's Albany lo
cal. Mm. J. H. Whltnoy went to Albany
on this morning local train for a short
John 13. Lathrop returned to Port
land last evening, nftor a brief visit
Hon. C. I Idloman camo up from
Portland UiIb morning for a short
business visit.
VY M. Wolch and Geo. C. Mouror
loft this morning for Eugene, for a
fow days' stay.
Rov. and Mrs. Davis Errott wont to
Roseburg this morning for a short
stay with frlonda.
Mr. and Mrs. Z. J. Wgga wont to
Portland yesterday, to tho mooting of
the stato board of pharmacy.
Edt Lamb, tho well-known Salem
A clear Havana 12"2c cigar. For
stein, Manufacturer, Salem, Oregon.
Ii a necetslty In maklnjt your lUt of
purchases for Kifts Here von will find
tho largest variety, the highest quality,
tho lowest prices. We bav Watohea
with reliable movements, in the latest
atyle of cares, 12.60 to $30 00. ebiteMna.
rings, earrings, brooches, all klnda of
fine jewelry.
Jeweler and OpUcian, 288 Com. Bt.
Give Us Yonr
Pumpkin .Pies
At the California. Bates?
anaag-zagjaLU" iwwwini'
i&ZfrtP &VCJ&t($-)
' compositor, was out today for the first
tlmo a'ter n 8lS0 of slcknoss.
;L Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Edwards, of
Turner, wcro In tho city today.
State Sonator Marstors, pf Itoso
burg, was a Salem visitor yosterday,
going to Portland last evening.
W. E. Jackson, conatablo of the
West Side district In Portland, came
up this morning for a short visit.
Hon. J. H. Flotcher returned last
evening from a trip to Portland, and
went to his homo near Jefferson this
Miss Kittle Harbord was a pas
songor to Portland last cvonlng. to at
tend tho stato board of pharmacy, of
which she Ib a member.
Judgo Honson wns a passongor for
Grant's Pass this morning for a brief
tislt, when ho will go to Toledo to
hold a term of court for Judgo Ham
ilton. Mnnagor Sprlngor, of tho electric
light company, was- called to Sllvor
ton today, in connection with the
powor lino to this city, that Is near
ing completion.
R. M. Thompson, of Portland, spont
Sunday and election day In Salem,
leaving this morning for Portland,
Whon an election Is on Mr. Thomp
son cannot roslst tho temptation to
small the smoko of battle.
South Salem Personals.
Mr. and Mrs. RoyMlllor.who have
boon visiting tho pust two week with
Mr. Mlllor'B mother, Mrs." Amelia Mil
ler, loft this morning for tholr homo
In Sumpter, whoro Mr. Mlllor Is oash
lor of the Sumpter bank.
Claudo Hlbbard, who Ifas bon
spending several weeks visiting at the
Miller homo, in South Salem, left
this morning for Portland.
Miss Margarot Mitchell Is visiting
friends In Portland.
Tho Unitarian supper this ovenlng.
by all dealers. Aug Hucken
Order For
r cotihoi J '" "-'tfy'
A Glimpse This Morn
ing at Last Nights
Dancing List
The Alore Endorsements Some
Candidates Had the Fewer
Votes They Got--How
Was it?
Thoso who attended tho Methodist
church Sunday night, and heard the
sermon doltvercd from tho pulpit on
city affairs, and noticed tho way it
was received, with omens by tho au
dience of about 1000 people, went
away sure that Salem would olect a
law enforcement league mayor.
Tho aurprlBo in storo for them knew
no bounds whon It appeared on Mon
day night thatr tho Republicans had
elected their candldato for mayor and
the entire aldermanlc ticket, with one
exception, and would havo tho mayor
and 12 out of 14 members of tho first
city council of Greater Salem.
Tho Ropubllcana thronged tho
Btrects and tho placos whoro bulle
tins woro posted, and when tho nows
rolled In from ward after another
tholr rejoicing wns something torriflc
and oxtonded to yells and firing of
rockets and Roman caudlos, and gen
oral congratulations over tholr return
to powor In municipal affairs.
i W.
First ward 71
Second 157
P. S.
Third 91
Fourth 140
Fifth ......... 80
Sixth 91
Scvonth 77
Waters' majority, 138.
Tho result of tho olcctlon on alder-
The Approach
of the Caristaua teison
surrests the "Meal
Pen" toe boon lomoatr
loaofallwho write
a good one lias necet
saryasatooth brush
See our stock of Wit
terman's. then you'll
PATTON'S Book Store.
men was as follews:
First Ward.
Robt E. Downing (rop.) 74
J. II. Campbell (cit.) CO
Second Ward.
R. A. Crosean (rep.) 140
W. T. Slater (olt.) 124
Third Ward.
A. Owner (rop.) 90
Otto J. Wilson (alb) . CI
Fourth Ward.
J. Frank Hughes (rop.) 153
F. A. Erlxon (olt.) 87
Fifth Ward.
J. W. Young (rarx) 100
Geo. O. Jacobs, rep.) 116
Bnos Presnall (olt.) 83
H. O. White (olt) ir,
Sixth Ward.
K. C. Churchill, (re.) in
Prank Smith (rep.) 191
J N. Skalf (elt) 91
A. Thomas (elL) i $4
Seventh Ward,
Andrew Vaaa (re,) 71
l,e Atehwon (rp.) 81
John Raynw (elt.) '
H. 8 Jory (dt) 6
Notes on the Campaign.
Tbe remit of the Direct Primary
wa very aattofactory to tlt Rpnbll-
ant. aa It aaved thtrfr eaiidldatac from
defeat ia the moat closely contested
warda. It waa the neeral expreaetoa
that an aspirant fer rouoleiiwl honort
who had participated la aa open pri
mary on tha direct nomination plan
had mi reaaonable excuse to not aup
port the ticket It Wt every Republl
eaa aoralaee fre from the charge of
ring lunu&Bee or machine oontrol, and
he can go to tho people of his ward
as alderman for a renominatlon, If ha
sees fit, and no boealim can retire him
from the public aervioe.
It waa to b'e expected that the new
wards would go against tbe Repub!-
"'!''n'!i'i'.L'ty!HL' uin ii
Si? ? fw.b .". L!to h!
prejudice was strontrly annealed tn h
mo utuxons, whoso city convention.
ww mauo up almost ontlroly of promi
mem oDjectors to tho new charter,
and they would haro demanded litiga
tion to defeat tho charter it they had
been victorious.
Some of the Defeated.
The only Republican defeated wno
Amos Vass. In tho seventh ward, and
ho was one of th tn i)niM,i,u.-
onaorseu by tho church federation,
anti-Saloon Longuo and Law Enforce
ment Loague. It was a cloar case of
a worthy man being sacrlOcod by tho
church peoplo themselves. Tha sig
nificant fact also remains that tho
only two third party Prohibition cant
dldates on tho CtUrons' Uckot got a
very small vote, and w'oro defeated
Jory in tho Bevonth and Presnall in
tho fifth, as The Journal predicted.
All tho Republicans go into offlco ab-
solutoly unpledged, oxcopt that thoy
stand for all tho progress nnd devel
opment of Greater Salem consistent
With good bUBlnCBS admlnlfilrnHnn
It Counted
All the Same
A good Joko Is told on Judgo T. L
Dovldson, president of tho Salem
school board, who was nn ardent sup
porter -or tho Cltlzons ticket at yes
terday's clectlpn. Judgo Davidson,
whon he approached the polls, was
given tickets by soVornl workers, nnd
he folded up two of them, taking a
Republican ticket In ono hand, and a
Ultlzons' tlckot In, the other. Ap
proaching tho Judgos, he handed In
ono tlckot, retaining tho othor. Tho
usual formula of giving tho name, rw
cording It, nnd prjwldlnj; Judgo's state
ment: "T. I Davidson, votodl" was
followed by Mr. Davidson's examina
tion of the ticket still hold by him,
whon tho Writer of tho boBt local po
etry written by a Democrat slnco tho
death of tho late lamontod Sam Simp
son exclaimed In a horror-strlckon
voice: "My God, I havo voted tho
wrong ticket!" And, Indeed, ho had
for, spread out to tho beholdors, waa
a, Cltlroris' tlckot, whllo tho ono bear.
Ing tho names of tho Republican can
didates had been placod safoly Insldo
tho balloti box, whon Judgo Davidson's
nnmo was'tocordod an "voted."
Tho board of trustoos for tho in
Bano asylum held tho regular monthly
mooting yestorday afternoon, when
tho report of Superintendent Calbrath
was received and audited. Tho super
intendent reported the rcoelpt of n
chock from tho fodernl treasury do
purtmont In paymont of tho caro of
tho Alaskan territory Insane, now un
der treatmont at the asylum, amount
ing to J2051.2G. Tho matter of re
newing tho contract for tho caro of
tho Alaskan Insane camo up for con
sideration. Tho board Instructed tho
suporlntondent to communicate with
tho Interior dopartmont and tho gov
ernor of Alaska, informing them that
tho asylum would not hid for the con
tract for tho caro of the Alaskan In-
sano for another yujan There are now
42 patlonts in the asylum from that
territory, and, as the Incroaso will
soon require the Increase In accom
modations, the board decided It was
not advisable to care for tho patlonts
of another commonwealth.
The report of the superintendent
shows the following atatlstlcs for tho
month of Nevember:
Malea PmU Ttl
No. patients Oot. 31.. 312 KM 1S3S
No. received In Nov S4 8 32
Total 960 402 1U9
No, remaining 94C 304 1340
No. oflloers and employee 168
Par oanlta, monthly ...$ 9.07 8-100
Per enplUi, dally .33 30-100
Pay roll for the month (640.33
Qnat of wippllea 7410.84
Jefferson Olty Election.
At the city election held In Jetfer
Mf) yeetertny the following Citizens'
tfakei watt elected, thereby Insuring
a "dry' town for the coming year:
Mayor. Jt W. Haianl; recorder, J. C
Your grocer would like to
deal in everything alae as in
Schilling's Rest
but can't; he has no such
backing in anything eUc.
140 Coart Street.
OyiUrsanyityUand short ordtri. .
OriUrLotT.i, Cbieken Tamalaa, Shall
FUn Ktcln ution,
Bpealal ehkkea dinner, fiandai, 25c
t VM MJtZ ,
$ 5rifc3fcsi j-Mvinirx
X 7taimmmmy ii , m" tan Main affel 9
fAnd Let Us Fit Them Oatii
JBeioffe . Ghtistinas
A now suit would mako a fine Droaent fnr mnr t.u n... .
Mill Suits for boys are known all
.c,i douiuh. ana thtao whohavo used them are our beat adror.
tlsera thata because our aultsaro put toother for boya" wear, for1
boys that are never still a minute, boya that are never found th) !
samo side up two mlnutos In succession, '
Our atock of boya' sulU la nearly doublo that of any previous flea-'
son, In fact thoro Is no quoatlon that not onlv th i. . ,- ! !
f moat complete and stylish, assortment of Httlo moa'a suits In tha rat. I !
., . iu .uu luuuu riBui noro in our atoro.
Chiidrea's Stilts $ J. 50 to $7.50
Youth's Suits $5.00 to $15.00
Smith; marshal, F. IS. Wall; treasur
er, C. n. Cuslck; councllmon, S. T.
Johnson. E. N. Thomas, J T. Jonos,
S. A. Poaso, C. C. Wolff, W. G. Holt,
Albany Election,
Albany hold hn'r olectlon yestorday.
and ovory city ofllcor who was a can
dldato was rc-iiloctcdi Tho success
ful candidates wore.
Mayor W. II. Davis, Rep.
Rocorder J. 8. YanWInklo, Dom.
Marshal W. A.' McClaln, Dem.
Treasurer H. II. Ouslck, Rop.
First ward 0. H. Stownrt. Donn
Second ward J. M. Ralston, Dom.
Third ward P. II. Marshall, Rop.
Having rotlrod from tho firm of
Damon Ilros., I tako thin occasion tq
thank tho trading public for tholr gen
orous patronago during tho last It
years, and-bespeak a continuance of
samo with the now firm of Damon &
Fawk. Vury rcspeotfully,
V. It. Aloxander and -Sponner Qoff
each camo In early Friday with a tro
phy of tho chase two deceased rah
bits. Heltonvllle (jml.) Nows.
To Loan
We bave added a
Money Leading 1
department to onr
Abstract and Land
bust nasi- We nn
preearad to accom
modate those who
wish to LEND tbelr
money, aa well aa
tbost who wlsb to
BOOKS five us ua
euclled facilities
reeardlir SECTRITY
I Salem Abstract
and Land Co. !
I F.W. "WATERS, Hgr.
tttfrfff Hieoif ' ;
! ! Three New Shapes
; ; la Dluoher aud Bui shoe
! ! New last, bwt fitter on
; ; earth
i ; Bee our new enamel and box
ii calf shoes at
! '. 99 State St, 8a!eai, Orsroa.
I" aie
I $fltllf !
up and down tho state and to Its t
Where Is my wnmltrlng boy to
night? This question, of courao, does;
not apply to suoh virtuous kids a
Cuslck. Hoothby. Uolso, Jr., and Oliver
Jory. Thoy will havo to havo mora
than 13.00 worth of hnysood excelsior
In tholr football pants before thoy wltf
In tho gamo of city politics.
Hot! Hot! Hot!
Chocetate, Beef Bui. Toaiato
Bsnllloi, Vlfftraf,
The Spa
Que Wtotec BtnlneM
A. ootnplote liua of umbrolla
covari to select from, prioea from
91.00 up. Uauillos 25o up.
To fit all makes of wheels.
Shipp Sl Hatiser
Opposite Capital Nat. Bank
Football Supplies
!! iei08.if lfltHg
S "- - ear .