Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 08, 1903, Page TWO, Image 2

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Serines NeVys Aesodatlon Telegrams.
y 3 and 6 O'clock Editions.
Dally Ono Year, 14.00 In Advance.
Dally Three Month, 91,00 In Advance.
Dally by Carrier, 60 Cente Per Month.
Weekly One Year, 81.00 In Avance.
' i mm in i n !'- -I'" -i !
One Week 10
Oae Month S5
Thrm Months 1.00
At Journal office.
At Daue's Grocery, 8outh Salem.
At Bewersox Qrooory1, Yew Park.
Asylum Avenue Grocery Store,
Bleotrlo Grocery, Eait 8tata 8L
"'- ' ' '
I 1 1 0 HI I I H I I 1 1 H I I 1 I li
Executive commlttea mooting of
AmoHcna Mining Congress, Portland,
December 10.
Dalryinon'ir anaoclallon, Corrnllli,
Docombcr 15-16.
Poultry and pot stock show, Salem,
December 17-lft.
Special soanlon of tho legislature,
Salem, Docombor Bl.
National., livestock.. coHroatlon,
Portland, January 12-1C.
AnRora Goat . bIiot, Dnllne, Janu
nry 14-1C.
Tonight, fair;
ing oloudlnoHs.
Tho party, that won this olootlon
has an olophnnt on its hnnds.
Tho demand for improvomonts
from tho now wards will bo porsis
tont, and hard to moot with tho rev
onuoB of tho city.
' Tho territory Is vory large, nnd,
with twloo tho revenues, tho expecta
tions of tho citlzons could not all bo
Their necessities aro going to ox
col any amount of money, and tholr
oxpoctntloiis will bo disappointed by
tho host disposition can ho mado of
tho taxoii
With all tho good Intontlons In tho
world tho now wards will bo full of
kicks tlint will manifest thomsolvcs at
tho vory first opportunity against tho
pnrty In powor.
They will do that with a vengeance,
nnd not a llttlo of tho disappointment
they will reel at not getting all they
thjnk they ought to hnvo will fall on
tholr aldermen.
So thorb Is no path of roses boforo
tho mon who will undortake tho gov.
aromant of Greater Salem, Mon who
sorvo without pay, and who cannot,
dlrootly or Indirectly, onrich thorn
Holvos under tho prosont chartor, aro
ontltlod to sympathy nnd encourago
This document wlsoly takoa tho
lino of safety by Introducing no de
mands fur innovations or disturbing
legislation on the ovu or a presidential
Iloosuvolt plays hi trump cnnls for
tho Itopubltcun ndmlulqtrntion by giv
ing promlnonoe to tho Alaskan bound
nry and Pnnnma canal troatles.
The Republicans -have won renown
for national glory by their successful
dealing with thoso groat questions.
Thoy have been fortunnto achieve
ments from a party standpoint, nnd
nppeul to natiounl prldo.
In uvery department of the govern
inent he demands tho groatost econ
oniy, and, under Speaker Cannon, ha
will get Ham help. Tlijre Is not
much demanded among official circle
on till line, but the people want re.
Ritowvelt riamaiuls that our conn
try kult closer relations with the
Philippine In tariff legislation, nnd
thero lie droits the tariff question,
Ily securing n, reciprocity treaty
with Cuba, Uio administration has
taken one ureat nmctlcal aten toward
opening our mnrkeU to that inland's
product, nnd for the relief of their
Jit meaentt mnkee hii nppenl fni
HWiter eafety upulftiucee on railroad
trains fur savins human lives.
You nr liurlttil nfter a good light,
hut your good deeds, will live aft
' you. In tliH words of the scriptural
"Uejoloo, (lint your name aro wrlttu
In httaven."
Fortune favored you In many mat
tent, like JEGC0 on tho Anson bond,
$7000 for tho postafflao lot, tnaroaslng
revenues. You went in nt ft favorable
tlmu, and go out whou tho Job Is bo
opining conipllontod.
Tho Journal was with you for five
years, nnd stayed with you whllo you
did rjgut, and e(t you when yon djoj
wrong". But you cQuld not always re
main in powor, and thoro aro honest
citizens outsldo your ranks.
Tho defeat of tho candidates on
your ticket this tlmo was not tho de
feat of thoso men as individuals, but
the repudiation by this community 'of
your mlutakos of Judgment and errors
in public policy.
Not a word has bon said reflecting
on tho character or charging corrup
tion pn anyone on tho Citizens' ticket.
Tho Republicans know they had a
fight on tholr hands to beat you, and
had to fight hard
For Itov. P. S, Knight, who stood
the brunt of tho Citizens' battro, tho
people of Salem will continuo to
lmvo their old-fashioned rospect and
tondor regard as a Christian gontlo-man.
Tho groat task of building tho
Greater Salem of tho futuro should
now bo ontered upon In tho right spir
It by thoc lty fathers and tho people
Thoro is too much to do to spond
any tlmo In litigations over the city
chnrtor, or testing tho constitutional!
ty of tho poll tax exclusion.
Tho poll tax fcaturo of tho chartor
should bo struck out, or it will be
used at tho next city olectlon for tho
further corruption of tho voter.
What a shameful introduction to a
political career for tho first voter whq
had to stop up and have ?3.00 laid
down for him by some committee.
Thoro should bo definite stops tak
on Uiat tho people of Salem shall bo
ablo to accomplish tho permanent im
provement of at least ono street.
It Is a groat victory for progress
unu a city govornmont has boon
oloctod that will oncourngo progress
on tho pait of tho pooplo.
It was a blow to that mossbackism
that sneers nt public spirit, nnd makes
it almost a crimo not to bolonc tc
tho calamity brigade.
Tho Republican city administration
will hnvo It to show to tho people that
progress and good business admlnis.
tratlon aro not Incompatible with oach.
other, and thnt Oroator Salem can
bo as honostly ndmlnlstorod ns the
county and stnto aro under Ropubll
can rulo, and they will do it.
In tho city campaign Just closed
thero woro many who did offcctlvo
work for tho succoss of tho Ropubll
can tlokot, who desorvo credit.
Tho Young Men's Republican Club
comes In for genorous compliments,
and all tho young mon fool a prldo In
belonging to such an organization.
Tho Republican city commlttoo do
servo great crodlt for starting tho
campaign light under tho direct nom
ination system of making a tlckod
Tho Republican pross committed
composed of Messrs. Prescott, Toovs
and AbrnniB, of tho Salem Pross Club,
snowed great ability and political sa
gacity In thplr troatmont of tho situa
tion as it dovoloped.
Thoso nowspnpor mon enjoy groat
proatlgo for tholr skill ns political!
wrltors, and thoy will bo in demand
in otlior campaigns. Tho material
that was shoved at thorn by tho Citi
zens' pross commlttoe was more than
mot and domollshod.
Tho old Ropubllcnn boys, a woro
sought to bo drlvon Into tho Citizens'
camp, ahowod tholr staying qunlltlos,
and deserve the crodlt that nlwnys bo
longs to unflinching votornns.
"Wo have met tho enomy, and wo
theirs." Suggostod bb an obltu
Have ou
not, why not.
paid your poll tax? If
Dinger Hermann, without commltUo
clmlrniansliIpH. will bo worth moro to
Western Oregon than some men would
be if they hnd them.
Democrat didn't rellih paying J3
for voting the Republloan ttaket, but
some of them did It.
The election show that there are
more than tin aw mon In this town who
nre unselfish patriots.
It Is the largest poll that knocks
the political persimmon, and a thrte-
dollar tnx don't matter, either. -
It tntiee a good lawyer to win on
both aides of the case before the same
The men who went to the polls
and were refused n vote because thoy
had not paid their poll tax, having
foregone thnt privilege, will not be
called on to pay the tax. If that la
not the case, the law Is what Judge
Burnett would call unilateral.
The thanks of the peoplo aro duo
to Harmon Snook, Jos, Wright nnd
George S. Downing, and other Demo
cratic Judges of oleatlon In tho next
wards, who refused to enforce tho un-
American and un-Demooratlc poll tax.
exoluslon ordlnnnoo of the Cltlteus'
Wo havo for several years studied
tho subject of assesment and taxation
and havo observed tho effect of many
lawB onacted by our legislatures for
the purpose of bringing about a fair
listing of all proporty Hubjoct to as
sessment and taxation in this Stato. A
groat many tax-pnyers, in nearly all
stations of lifo, havo talked with us
about tho prevailing practice of ovad-
ing asBttsmont, and the consequences
that follow. Thoy generally consider
that tho prosont habit of prevarication
In listing assessablo proporty is a mis
chlof that most isorlously retards our
advancement, and that it moro than
ovorcomos all our efforts mado at the
public expenso nnd by private enter
prise to lnduco immigration to our
Stato. That our tax-rolls show scarce
ly a tenth of tho real valuo of our
proporty, and a3 it is upon tho amount
of this low valuation of prop
erty, as shown on tho assessment
rolls that our tax rates aro'Iovicd, our
tax rates appear to bo high and exor
bitant to peoplo coming to tho Pacific
coast; and as a consoquenco many aro
deterred from locating in our Stato.
If all proporty wero assessed and
listed at its true cash valuo it would
not require anyono to pny a greater
sum than ho now pays; but, on ac
count of now proportion which would
bo added to tho roll which now es
cape taxation, many would not bo
compelled to pay as much taxes as
thoy do now. Many frankly admit that
thoy stretch their conscionco ?omo
whatllnglvlnglnallstof proporty to'tho
assoBsor, and thnt thoy aim to emit
from tholr list as much proporty as
tholr neighbor, according to custom, will
omit from his assossmont. That they
would cheorfully list all their propor
ty i.t Its truo cash valuo if all other
property woro assosoed in tho sarno
mannor. That thoy desire to boar
tholr Just proportion of tho public ex
penses, but, undor tho present prac
tice, If thoy llstod thotr property fair
ly, they would bo compelled to pay
moro than their Just share That whllo
they aro willing to do their part to
ward tho paymont of taxes yot thoy
aro determined to do no moro. Wo
find tho peoplo unanimous In tho do
Biro for good govornmont, nnd that
thoy aro willing to pay their Just pro
portion for its maintenance.
This notorious usage of "tax dodg
ing" haa becomo a most virulont ulcor
upon our body politic. An Oregon
tax-roll is tho olghth great wondor of
tho world. Its study proves to ono that
conscionco has been often discarded,
and that many must surely trust that
thol Makor on that final day of judg
inont in casting up tho final account
of thohr doods dono on this earth will
forget to senn thoso tnx-rolls. Tho cause ho does not Hko to have It ap
rockioss mannor in which tho propor- 'poar In print that ho has attempted to
ties owned aro forgotten by many when defraud tho county. But It nppears to
tho nssosor calls on thorn Is remajkablo uu that this law doos not go far
Whllo It Is truo that people know
qulto gonornlly that thoro is a habit-1
ual evasion of tho assessment lawa to
a cortain dogreo, yo fow havo but a
faint conception of tho extent to
which this practice 1b carried, unloss I
thoy powonnlly oxnmlno tho tax-rolls,
If nowspapers of oach county would
publish a list of oach taxpayer's prop-
orty, as given to the assossor, it would
strike many a good and well moaning
cltlzon with consternation, and wo
would find that tho tax-roll of noxt
yoar yoar would be increased many
fold ovor that of our prosent yoar.
Publicity la the only remedy to bring
about a truo roform In this mattor.
Adoquato laws may bo enacted upon VW tho taxes to moot tholr paymont.
any subject, yot If thoy aro Improporly ! Nwu-ly overy county court of this
enforcod or oxocutod they will not no- stato now points with prldo to tho re
compllsh tho purposo for which thoy ductlon of public expenses. Our coun-
aro Intended. If tho peoplo aro kept
in ignoranco as to Uio mannor In
which an offlcor performs the duties
Impoaed upon him by law. and the
pooplo are aho kept In Ignoranco of
the ovnalon of such laws by thoso
whose duty It Is to observe them, ihon
favorltos ward strlkots. polltlcnl
hOMftj, and unscrupulous persons will
evado our laws with Impunity Dark-
uees is a moe t favorable place to brood
microbes and foster deadly germs of
disease, and unllg'ht Is their deadly
foe. So sjecrecy In our body politic
tends to produce an unhealthy condl-
tion and oroatee a most favorable op-
portunlty for the breeding of fraud
and corruption, and their unrelenting
foe is publicity. Turn the sunlight of
the facts upon public abuses and the
people will force Its porpotratore to
desist The people demand an honast
administration of public and private
affairs, and fraud and corruption can.
not long exist when brought In view
for public Inspection.
Twoed and his gang bribed Judges
and legislatures, (awe wore passed in
their interest, public treasuries wore
pillaged by them, and decisions vcre
rondorod in thoir favor, and no such
completo and oxtonsivo plan of fraud
and public spoliation was ovor dovised
in any country, yot publicity brought
about the downfall of this powerful
rlngL It was through tho columns of
the New York pross that this vast
system of fraud and corruption was
exposed and broken up, and "Boss"
Tweed, who wau moro powerful than
any king, to languish and die in a fel
on's cell. Tho nowgpapors aro the
moulders of public opinion. It is
through tho columns of tho newspa
pers that public and private abuses
aro disclosed, frauds unearthed and
great reforms are brought about. It
was Napoleon who said, "Four hostile
newspapers aro moro to bo feared
than ton thousand bayonets."
Wo would, thoreforo recommend
complote publicity as a certain reme
dy against tho practice of "tax-dodging."
The aojesment of each person
llablo to assessment In a county
should bo published as is dono in uev
oral other states, before the county
beard of equalization taeebs, in the
leading nowspapers published in the
county. Tho stato of Illinois now has
such n law, and its effect is magical.
Each porson is mado awaro of his
neighbor's list of proporty given in to
the assossor, and if such noighbor
omits any of his proporty subject tc
assossmont ho U compelled to hasten
Its correction. This law has brought
about a revolution in that stato with
rogard to equal and Just taxation, and
it Is almost Impossible for ono to os
cape his Just proportion of tho taxos.
Our stnto has a law requiring pub
licity in tho allowance of bills against
counties. This law was onncted in
1891, and require that all bills pre
sented to or allowed by a county, ex
cepting whoro the chnrgos aro fixed
by law, to bb published In a leading
nowspnpor of such county. Wo have
observed tho practical offect of thle
law with considerable Interest. This
law saves ovory year many thousands
of dollars to each county of this stato.
Exorbitant bills, such bills as political
plums for favorites, and bills for oth
or questionable prlvnto motlvcu arc
now scarcoly ovor presented or al
lowed. Tho pcoTjlo keop posted upon
tho business of tho county, nnd if
thoy dlscovor a bill nllowod against
tho county which thoy deem to bo
wrong thoy Instltuto proceedings to
stop its paymont. County courts are
mado moro caroful In examining and
paying bills. A porson is mado more
cautious about tho presentation of
exorbitant or questionable bills, bo-
onough, and that it would bo moro'Df-
flclont If It required . tho publication
of all bills nllowod by a county. Tho
peoplo should know everything for
which their monoy is expended. Tho
oxcoptlon in this law, that bills in
which tho ItemB aro based upon
chnrgOB fixed by law need not bo pub
Hahod, would seem,' to includo all bills
presontod undor foo-bllls. Tho foo
bill system In tho past has beon re
garded as a sourco of tho groatost
drain upon tho : p'ubllc treasuries.
Without tho publication of such bills
It allows tho officer's construction of
Uio law and the amount of his bill to
go unquostlonod by tho pooplo who
ty courts aro almost without exception
composod of vory competent mon, but
wo cannot say that they aro In any
way moro compotont than tholr prode
cojsora iu olllco. Wo are thoreforo
fprcod to tho fconcluslou that tho pub
llclty required by this law In tho pre
sentation and allowance of bills has
1)0on lll Kruat factor that has brought
about tho prosent oconohiy In pub-
1!c affairs.
ln conclusion we will say that the
newspapers of our State have always
hovn a public spirit, and gladly fur
"lehed the news to tnelr readors. The
legislature can place propor safe-
guards upon this law which wo pro-
I10 8i"aln8t the ovaslo'n of the as
aeesment laws, by proscribing prlcos
for publication, so that but little ex-
will be qntalled In Us opera
We are thankful that we are alive
ai duin. business at the same old
stand, to tho contrary notwlthstand
Ing. Datavia (Iowa) Watchman.
Cherry Pectoral
for hard colds, chronic coughs,
consumption, oia cases, severe
cases. Ask your doctor if he
has better advice.
J. O.TtrCa.,
Lawttf. Mate
hesmssMmmaSBrmm JH mji 81 II 1 M
I yttwMjjg U For Infants and Children.
flBIe Kind You Have
HtHHHi E Always Bought I
If Aree4dIMJlk)nIbrAs- M
iyftyadBovYoi3of m Bears tne i I
Ir?H? I Signature Aw 1
1 EroatoaDigMHcKiheerrir- m Jf M lAT I
BaMaandltesUnlalnsneilltcr nf fkJxtffl I
!j Oy&KuMorplisM nor'Mmcral. H Ul j lM I
I Not Haslc otic. eCiAl s .1
1 jwjW' 1 1 I
I J&r I li W '"I
I i5LJ Ifu gX Hqp I
!cdBiTjforo;LSllvv IF wo I
tbaaSotf 9toacli,Dktitoa g kj , 1
YAmimpatrvhioDaverisW- fM ly bTaks IIiiau 1
lmHdJjQ9BOr8LE!P. J U UVBl 1
YmUmmU Signature of I.
ffS I Thirty Years 1
tmMmmmimzm p m W I IIfl 1
I exact copy or wrappeh. NSHLgFn f$ B.JM m m I H W
that are useful as well as ornamental, Unv
brellas gloria silk black or colors, handles
neatly mounted with sterling silver. Look
like $5 value;, our price $1,75 to $3,00
Shawls 25c each that are worth 50c. we have others ranging
price up to $2 50. Millinery late style and cood aualitv
40 per cent reduction A $2 Hat costing only 1.20.
A $3 Hat costing you only 1.80,
A $4 Hat costing you only 2.40.
50c Satins only 25c per yard, bright co'ors. '
Rostein & Greenbaum !
302 Commercial Street
Meats and Provisions
Established 1884
-fri1"-11" am
A Condition and not a Theory
Confronts the fastidious man that
baa soiled llnon, and don't know
where be can haye It laundered with
out Injury and In an irreproachable
manner. Wo can rellove his mind
right now by assuring him that his
shirts, collars and cuffs didn't look
bottor whon first purchased than they
do when sont home from the
Salem Steam Laundry.
Phone 411.
320 Liberty St.
I :::::::. G E N C
Oats For Sale.
HOP 0RQWER3 SUPPLIES. Crede sad stick SBlphBr.
HE J. I. Iffiriftm Arrant-
,5 -. . im, 6vu,
Signs of Renewed Activity
In the real estate world Indicate In
creasing bulldlne operations Udf
Spring, uxfl prompt us to remind yM
that our facillUoe for eupplylng hard
and soft wood, lumber, lath, shingle,
and other bulldlns materials are e
cepUonally good. We will be pleueJ
to furnish estimates on oontracU,
Urge or small. A car of UIU City
shingle rooetred.
mt.. Near S. P. Pae Dipet
Phone Ul. '
Y O F::::::::
. ..
wi uoauflua :, mm, vn.