Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 05, 1903, Page FOUR, Image 4

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Absolutely Pur
n . . t. .'
ufflproyenients at tne
Mitchell, Lewis and
Stayer Honse
Cement Floor Throughout j
and Interior so Arranged
That Foil Stock of Goods
CanBeSnrvevedataGIanceiTbe boxes are poed mp there.
.More Convenient
"We with to announce to Ue peoNe war or twist,
tthat the improvements which are be-l Tbo wheels are property dished
Urns made in oar immense Implement, aad sot to a piumb apelie, are given
.house are aboat completed, und we are Jest the right amount of anther, frost
aaow prepared to wait oa our custom 'aad bottom makes tboai Terr Utt
tors la a store coeveaicnt manner .ban
F. F. Cary. Manager
Oar baggy i carriaae rooms
aire eecaeated Boars, bavtac ia tbe
esMsrse of tbe tmarovameat pet la
ewer 3SM seaare feet of com sat Seer
apaaa, Vpea itepaf S laes oer reesas
fea aaa aow see aay vehicle la the
rooms to good advantage, tbe ee
r&eat mabfcag the haadWae of them
easy aad abaoet smtilwi.
Oer machiaery room at not yet oaav
sdeted. bat wbea tbe Boor Is retssd.
-Whtefc wtn be ia a few days, we will
An Amusing.
While ptayiag in a towa ia Ceatral
Teas awes recently the "MUUoaaire ;
Tramp" r neaps ay had assoag Its aod
gameamaw aBflnawBai "
bk j9t iii&lflliH
fSBHaflK 4 VKtbIbTbTbTbTbTbiI
awawawauNiBHvreeSBwawauSfPAamB1 Bft r JklBm BBnl
Vavawar!iBvlBaSBauC eS BBBB? Jv sK7 mHiS t ' ' HfOaHflt BaeB
BaaaaanBiaBrniet w gaaaaRrvAatc wvm r wBaVaa gggas
SmamVTBVNr fBalBj m Wr "JgJT f . . sBBna aBBB
BaBaajiBaKaS - 9awawS n-w m? ves 1 1 . (J wvBma BbBb
vavawawauBwami ' bVJB's ?V&aBJg T JHflHby ' avaaa
BBBmgaTeaml jPeaK - h 'V WK 'mBsH' 'BaaW
IVBmBBBUrftau 4gLjH V K gSm iBHraaEaEiHSBbaaaBB
!fl'9oBBD9rf aav afgw&ft i ImF lBiflBigaDBma
gBk JflvawauBr r jBaawawawaweM Tp aVaTaVBBBBaH
Oaaaaaaaaavaaaaaaaaa mr . S e mi kBaaarBnfa2yajBB
BBaBBaBBaBBaBsBBjBfjMwjbia wBXu uasOr wss Viaav u-iu a w HBavLaw aoB
HaawawawaBwawawaawawLBHB ' P'yP'tTSS5?P3BBBaawawamfcaaSaas3Bl
IggBBBHBXjmBBBSSBSSSiiiiiiifiwwiiiiirii-mMaMiii iiiiBaWaOMaaaBaasgg
have two apartxaeets, one 16x59 feet
aad tbe other Mx6 feet, making al
. together orw 7W seuare feet of
.floor space.
i h Is not very humU weather
to meatloa boggle, bot we bare a toll
Mm. as wen as was light backs aad
f&erior waaoas. tbat are loot tbe
tklog for toe farmers to aee daring
wtater season. Wo alM have
!2T T
I Tbe We of a waaoa It ta tbo wheels.
. Ml W ' " .
Mitchell hobs are big hobo!
MHrbeu hub very mrae. ar
- tirZf 1L!aL!lLT:
mlBmb LMT -a:a anA-MHB SBOCXSCv
MkM , stfoage wheel mon.
wKhoet tbo ese of bameaer or wedges.
Tbo fetteos and spokes are dear-
air Boa-oaod watte oak they woa't
draft Tbo tiros are sot by hand, la
the good. oM-fasbtoaed way.
Every part of that waaoa U as good
Xi the wheels; a waaoa tbat will last
ftr years; save repairs the kind
that pars to handle.
Write ns today.
As the ptowtag season is aow la
f : blast, wo wish to call aueetioa
t: car Saunders e plow, tbat bare
proTn thwaiatTos to be the boot Wad
of a plow for all peraocot la exist
crre We eaaraatoe tbte alow to do
all we cialai for k. aad to st oob
r cte satlafaotloa. Tbaro hi evory
tlltB needed oa a farm la oar stock.
azl wo shall be pleasss to bare yoa
ca.il oa as.
As the fudtas; seaoaa Is aow with
C3 we portteoJarljr call yoar attea
t a ae Swhw castor that wo have
re- ml I j- iota! ved. aad oao of tbo
h..-f thlacs aboat It. beeMes beJac
ri y maatee. Is Us safety. No aeod
U cat off yoar bead wbea
of these. We have tbesa
right bore, tat as msaMoa oa of those
aasoltae eaajfcaos to raa Ibw mschlas.
faralah poaer far a the was ad
far wbleh power It
Wo weald
we eaty tak yea to asms aad iareatf
satav F. P. Oao-. maaaar of MUcb
eO. Urew & Stavor Oo.. Sahsm
Rfaacb. the
tors aa aged datby
Moso wae deeply iaiorosted la tbe
pmy. bat hks whole seel was t stand
ita the expenoacs of tbe darky ebar-
lacter. "Abo.' Ia tbe third act Abe
f starts oat to eelebrte Chiratmae eve
aa lacidc-iUUy sets oa buard more
(cia than he raa carry Mh;l ia this
.xnJitioo kf u approa fct-d I rum he-
hbsdwhr.a.saoposd sfeost-la tb, per
soa of. a trasaa. Abe scatters staaa
aiers ad creatoally frecemeVaeabte
to seeak tbrooch frteht; bis. kaees
aad baadc tiassblc' aad be piay
i.m w Utrax rf his zroat fear. OH
Mese watched aM h with wfde oees
pyes asd.. setoalabateac Whea fiaa
ly the ecoae aoarea ns. cnatax. om
Mese eoaM staad K ao hMsaer aad
bellowed oat la a deep base Tetce:
"What are yea aO skeered of aig
nab, oat atet ao shoot, dat dot
e a trajaa." Safice tt to say tbat
the aiEser la froot got & Mgaer
kb tbaa the oae oa the stage.
Free aow oa all other trasses are
warSMd to keep away frost this towa
we are Mrteg all for oar wofeoase for
"A MMMsaatre Trasaa."
-A MHIIoaalre Trasap's" wealth
toanhitr la the solo owaarohlp of the
richest Teta of pare eosaedy that aay
tkeacrieal prospector bos strack ia
At the Graad Opera boose Mooday.
Deeesaber T. Seats oa salt Moaday
at 9 a. at.
A Little
-A Little OetcsaC wbleh win be
prcoacsd at the Graad Opera Hoose
box! Tawday Is a decided departare
froot the asaai style of drama, aad Is
ssarked by BoreKy la coaetnKtlca
aad rsanrkaMe ssasalacenee la
ssoaataag. The story ks hoitt apoa the
Ttclsottades of a yoao? baak clerk.
aad passes la swtft aeUoa froat the
stately ssaaaloaa to the crtsae-ieierted
dtetricU of New York.
The pmy opests la the edseo of Mr.
Harcoart. a wealthy brobor. who Is
aboat to take his yoeag dork. Paal
Weotoa. tato the ana as ator part
ner. Wecn hau also th brok'rs
saartioa to a marriage with his pretty
daaahter. Madeline, whem he has
Jest wodd.d ia secret Bet Mr. Har
eoart's acphew. De Voc. a rejected
saiter for Maddtoa haad. discovers
tbat years before Wastoa bad served
a term ia prtsoa for aaotaor meats
crime. De Voe Is praoaat wbea a
former cell mate recognises Wartoa.
aad with this -Red" Darby's aM do
i him as a thief aad a!!btrd
Wastoa la atiarty cast off by an his
former fries ds. aad. becoming db
coaraaed. falls to tbo level of arwak-
ares aad lepobates. aatil. ia a aaddaa
terrible mtaadaa. be reaMses what he
scoase. aad bis maahoad aaserts
wnu tb? ever-roady help of "Bob,"
a nolo aevabor. wao aac never
sorted hiaa. Weotoa wtaa his way eat
of has dlmceltJs. aad the cartaia falls
on a happy hams seaae. wHh WaetoaVi
dear, hie aaimlin oreribfowa.
TO those who are aceaalaled with
the crtsaiaal cbaiaeters who abeaal
la tbe towor part of tbe city this aay
seosa aa cxaBperated aad melodram
atic oScriag. h w net: lu eeatral
saotlee.as fomsded oa facta, aad the
teaWaUc leanoaatailaBi are literal re
pmdorttoas of aetaal coadltioas.
Tbey arc sesaatloaal They are aar
prioiag. They ate fanny. Tbey are
aafamlllar. Ben tbar are thre.
Tbe eecaic eaeiasaeat Is oaperh
oor two teas of electrical ippHaars
aad M ynras of silk being aoad la
tbe groat tie scone, while MadaHart
boadoir at aa exact reprodarUaa of
tbe -Ordoalal Cbamhar ia Mrs. Jaek
Gardner's aatnai aamee in
8e.a oa saw Tarisday at
SbeoM Borrow a LaMeen.
VlaaeaaoMa. Dee. a. BeeoMas;
.he asmthy shown by tbe
ia prossceatag beeea.
v-f tbe best iisiaitai mea of tbe ety
.4ay met aad tanaaay feasants-.
the orsnuataattoa af a sesaaatoa. vet
-rs' leagae, wttb tbe avowed object of
fecariag booeat aldsrmaa at tbe nest
zj -da. m "a? c 3. 3t-h.
UuU f)lrMtaS.Jwfa-ftf
fce-rfa-na is Most ExcelIet,,, Writes Congressman
. John L. Sheppard.
3 -fcj-njj-vvJ"t-JSisAMPasf' I
' BSgP!SBajpKi,T5JB(Bk
BHrHBIM. --raKfi r
; coycEKSgA5 joh5 l. sheppird. J;
ConcroMcasa JohaL. Sheppard, Mesaber of Cooctom from Texas, writes:
Gentlemen: have used Peruna ia my family aad Had it a
moii excellent remedy for alt catarrhal complaiats." Consrcssmaa
John L. Sheppard.
TBERX xrctwo thlacs that the whole
medical profession agree aboat con
cerning catarrh The first Is that oa
tarr his the saost preTalent aad omalBreo
ent disease to which the people in the
United State are subject. All classes
of people haTO it. Those who stay In
doors math aad those who so outdoors
xauch. Working classes hare it and
Mdentaiy duces hrre It.
The doctor Sads catarrh to be his con
stant and eTer-present foe. It compli
cates nearly erery diseaso he is called
cpoi to treat,
The "-cond.thln? aboot catarrh on
Trhlch all doctors aTee, is that It is dif
ficult to care it. Loosl remedies mar
giye relief but they fall tn core per-'
tna&cbtiy. Sprays or saaSs smoeat to .
City Campaign
Citizens Have Pledges, or
Are They Endocsed.
B. Daacaa. tbe former prohlW-
oainw of tbe city coaacil. aa-
proacbed several caadtdatos ror aider-
. .
man. aatctas; them to pledge them
selves to eaforee cratade laws if they
were elected. Wbea asked what be
btmtssf bad done la tbte respect
wbea ,be held membersblp la
coaacil from the first ward, be
dodeed. exptoMjas; tbat he "was not'palaa
the whole thtag." la a body of eight
He claimed to act for the Law
Leasee, wbea approach-
lag tbe casmMates, aad attempud to
secare pledget for the ctoetas of tbe
salooas, aaabllag booses aad other
places alleged to be running la viola
tloa of all law. aad made tbe asser
ttoa tbat aearly all tbe CHiseae' can
didates bad pledged themselves to
obey the bohests of tbe Leagoe.
Is Albsoltstely Withoat An EqtaL
Get a pound and try it, and if it isn't the finest coffee yotf
1 He Salem. Cotfee
L O. O F Temple. Cotif t St.
little or sotting except to give tempo
rary relief.
Catarrh is ireqaeaUy located la later-
aal oraos -which eaaaot be reached by
aay sort of local treatsaent. All this
j known by erory physician.
To derife some systeaaie internal rem
edy which roBki resoh catarrh at its
eoaree, to eradicate it permanently
frona the system this has been the de
sire of the medical profession for a long
tlrae. Forty years ago Dr. Hxrtasaa
confronted this problem. He believed
then that he had solved it. He still be
lieves be has solved it. He cores thou
sands of people annaally. During all
these years Pernna has been the remedy
upon which he has relied.
It was at Urst a private preseriptioa,
which Is represented by Captain Ma
bone aad Rev. Tafu. who came bore
for the sole purpose of taking part In
the present campaign.
aad who bare
persfaHeatly maligned this city aad
lu omcers. Tbe preseat admtaietra-
Uoa la the city, after beiag thoroagh
iry abased by these travenng "re-
former,'' has been endorsed by them,
i - . ad tbe kuab. icaratlve-
,ij- spMktas. are lylas; side by side.
The Humors of the Campaign.
la spite of geatle adssoaitioae to ab-
slata from persoaallties, tbe
Ctttsoac' aggrcaatioa coattaae to
employ rboat two-tbtrds of their cem-
with eeaaeciatlosx of Tbe
Joaraal and tbe editors tbereof.
These gaatlemea went so far in
tbw campatga as to order tbat aoae
of their campaign matter be priated
ia Tbo Joraal,Va eoafeseioa tbat It
Is sincere aad means every word tbat
it says aboat them, and that what it
says is the truth, and that it harts
them to have the truth told aboat
their self sb efforts to graft what was
Marted as an honest reform move
Ike Manning's
ever nad, bring it back.
afterwards mannfsctared expressly ft.
Aim in large qamuiiw. iiu n&tij
Pernna, is new to be fonnd in eym
drag store and nearly every homo fa.
the land. It is theoalyreliablelotenul
remedy ever devised to cttre any cast
eatarrh, however long tbe case but
have been standing.
A Cam of 2facal Catarrh of Fir Ytarf
SUuadiBp Cored by Pe-ro-iu. r '
Hob. r.udolph M. Patterson, a &
known lawyer, of Chicago, III., yrtit
u I have been safferer from niai
eatarr h for the pas 1 11 ve years and at ti
earnest rolieiUUon of a friend I trM
Perana aad am glad io say it has sSorf. 1
ed a eomplete care. It is with pleari fl
I recommead it to others." Radalnk
M. Patterson. H
A coarse of Perana never falli
onng reuei. a sere is no oiner remedj
like Pernna. Its cares are prompt uj
Mr. Camillas Senne, ST Wett S4
street. New York, writes :
M I have fully recovered from ray
tarrnai iron
bles. I suffered
for three years
with catarrh of
the head, nose
and throat. I
tried aU kinds
of medicine
without relief,
but at last
haTe been cured
by the wonder
ful remedy
called Perana
" Mr. Cam.::. Stnni
- I p 9 t 1 1 l
"I read of re
runs ia yoar almanac, and wrote;
for advice, which I followed. Alter lik
ing oae aad oae-balf bot'!. cf Perm
I am entirely enrwi- aad ran rponmaal
Perana to aayoae aa the best and km
remedy for any catarrhal tronbl."
Camlllas Senae.
Ueartni; It by Catarrh Ititorcd if
Mr. William Bsoer, Barton, Texu,
G Inner and Miller, writes:
M Some years ago I lost the hearlsr ix
my left ear, aad npon examination b;i
cpeeialist, oatarrh was decided to b th
eaase. I took a course of treatment tsd
regained my bearing f"r a time bot I
soon lost it completely. I comment
to take Perana according to dlr&cUoai
and have takea eight bottles in all, aad
ay bearing is complete y restored, aai
I shall sing the praises of Pernna when
ever an opportunity occurs. Wa
If you do not derive prompt and aauY
factory results from the use of Perniu,
write at ooee so Dr. Hartoun, siring t
fall statemeat of yoar cste, sod no wiB
be pleased to give you iit valuablo ad
vice gran.
Address Dr. Hartman, President d
I 'She F"rta SaaiUntun, Colambui,a
meat ia city aSaira.
Oae of tbe greatest humors Is till
posing of the Cltiiens tnanasen hi
tbe cause of promoting greater m
aliry. promtstag erusadts against net
with a cold-water secretary to W
down a straight whiskey prettfe
If Dr. Caatek bad any seec of hn
be waald go off la a corr.-T and btd
at hlmseif for trying to praeUcs
cepdoa oa tbe W. C. T T and t. X
O A. and Mlahwerial Assodatkai'
tbte dtp. He k a type of the lwfe1
of a movemeat to work th poblk
highly moral Maes, and laugh ia t
sleeve at their gullibility
Hanged the Fiend.
Taasaa. FVl Dec. 5 Ngro !
see, who assaulted a 3-year-oM fit
was takea from the Jail last
mntilated aad lynched. The body
dtseovered this moralng .n a
Congressman Dead.
Philadelnhla. Dec. S-Co-S"!
i man Hoary Braake died at fcU
shortly before noon today
T ' .
, I
I t Vl-i A