TWO THE OttlLY JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5. 1KB. A. TIE OJULT J0URNAL1I Seripp Mows AssoeiaUen Telegram. I S and 5 O'clock Editions. BY HOFER BROTHERS. BaJrr On Ywr, S4U8 In Advarre.,1 Daily Three Mentha. 81.00 In Advance. 9 Daily by Carrier, SO Cents Per Merrth. Weekly On Year. 81.00 In Avanee. JOURNAL SPECIAL DELIVERY. One Week $ 10 Ou Koala SS liiM Ueaths LM At Journal office. At Daue's Grocery, South Salem. At Bfox Grocery, Yew Park. Asylum Average Grocery Store Electric Grocery, East State 8L Mmniiniiiiinnnf HI)HHMmmHH i '. OREGON COMING EVENTS. Interstate Y. M. C. A. convention. Forest Grove, December t-6. City electloas. December 7. Executive committee meeting of American MWi; Ceagress. Portland. December 19. Dalryae' association, Corralttt. December 1S-I5. Poultry aMf pet stock show, Salem, Docomber 17-19. Special twilw of Um legislature. ScJdea. Doeenibir 2L XMtoaal.. Hresteefc.. eeereatio. Fortta. Jeeuwry 12-1S. Amaee at eT, DnchM., ary IMS. Th Weather. Tonight aad Suaday, partly deamy ON THE EVE OF BATTLE. A vary aaergetie city campaign ha about atotei. The Brat battle far th eoatrd of th potltiral deetiaW of Greater Salem will ha fought Maamay. Th BbbuwBuib ar wt orgae- huv made aa eawraetic oa progressive Baas, for th Brat Oca la th ettjr'a history. U pcogr a aad dvapiniiBt of Oreeter Salem la to be voted down. It eaa oaty be do by dfaUag the IaaaaVMeaa candidates. The (Ml uana haa ba femaht oa tbair record for good but an administration. Thy daim atoo t ataad (or ptograes. Thar do rlaha to stead lor morajJ puriieatfM of the city, aad have ttafteei with law aatl ealoea or law oatorc uJwll aVJnavr& A laador of th Crimea party say titer taped to carry two f th old ware of th dty. aad all th bm toatoa, aad Una esotroi the oaewdL They swum that th bow warde'th are atroasdy Demeeratlc. aad that the church rot la thai ward wfU be aaalaet th RaaubUeaas. K to rep w ted oa good aathorlty that tat th Sooth Salem ward th aaU-e M vote I to be onaeeatrated oa A. Vaas. KaaabHcaa. aad Joha Bayae. Th league has also aa- Mr. Jory. bat ely two ar tc b rhwua. aad they thlak thy eaa do feat Le AicJsuoa. Th Keaublfcaas claim they win elect both Vast aad la la Korth Salam ward th ruH la admMfd I be yery do, the for awtloa of th ward redudag th N aaatkiMi majority aha oat to Th pisali of Htojklaad hare to rally for th aatl-ealooa the charter. there eaa awr b a saw stab ahd there, aad th Kepublkaa win rar Ttoatt that hiiUib of th caao tr. bsraaaa ihoy asjr. If k Is trae that thar ar oa (rtaadty tanas with the ta ta eny. ta Maw tam- aarr warn a romponnoa la tae au- la the Bast 8aim ward It wulu like a walhnrer lor ChurrhlU aad Smith, taaa a wild lahhU. Two of th la ta oimosttioa loaders betag reported earn f Au aahaal ar BamJ oa the aa eiu-ij roeapnoa m ami wm would favor UUaatioa to defeat the eaaner aaa ungauoa o carry oa charch craeadaa that waaM larorre th Htr ta deot. aad gala aetata. ' CeseetaUoa! j 1 Ddta oaatg. Jaat after retara- ' m a ran ...I . mmmmm hm UU a. the eorrovlas widow -Qoodyhy. i Mr 1 hU a toreU ride "-Be I arptu ! " " "- i thiag doth hart ta aatat taaiag lr Are You Lazy ? If jnm would have tie kpjpi of health, with the oUaUc stop aad cloar bright skia, &e your dlgostive organs aad Hvor rjght by using Beecham's Pills . SMlhi want. Xa basts He tad Xc llHB-IHtl010IOt6l4lllff1a LAW ENFORCEMENT LEAGUE X Endorses the feftowtna candidates zens Tlcketa: FOR MAYOR P. S. KNIGHT X FIRST WARD J. H. Campbell SECOND WARD W. T. Slater. THIRD WARD O. J. Wilson. FOURTH WARD F. A. Erixon The Law Enforcement League is a non-partisan organization of citizens, who believe in the enforcement of existing laws. They ? arvnoil In thi eltlrfnm ef KalMn i , X moral welfare of the dty at heart, Z candidates above named. jrWIOIBIBIIH8Bf lBBBI01lf MHH8HHtM- DEADLY INDIAN WEAPONS The Clumsy Blowpipe of the Natives of Guiana Arrows Are Poisoned and Cause Death Almost Instantly- Have a Range of 100 Yards (Loagsaaa's Maaaata.) There ar two ktada of bsowptp la aaioag th laalaas of Oataaa. Th Brat, called the pooeooa. Is of th oorah rood. This re- rkablo roeed la oaly foaad la th Orlaoco rrrr aad there oaiy at ear tela apots. The oorah grows to the! haaaht of at thirty wbtea feet, aad the Wow- baal joist. piae Is hi foart or aftea foot loag, straight a aa arrow, without a kaat. Th laatd of th Is as smsoth as th fadUty whh which th dart timrareoa K. Vry lltU of th road Is eat away, so that th pipe la about twelve ft loag. aad to atraag that whea held horiaoacally thee to aot the least bead la K. Th read bavtas beea eareraOyt estt aad araaaMri tm mi. la a maalL tala. pah traak. which to split oaa for th aoraoM. acraaed tala a .a wafer, aad taea rejoiaed with th reed to th eeator. That palm, for lestgth stralga tapes aad Mghtawaa to as Temerlrable as the reed. The whole pip, wheat aatoaed ar welsh mar taaa a poaad a haa or a poaad aad tar- Both th mouth aad th aad the atooch ar the Thar ar treat the latter formed af ta earrad tooth 'of ta Daayproeta aroarel. a of. rodeat sosaewhat laraor la broath of the pipe ar meaas of Trm ,, g ff poel other, tjt atgat to Wrtantmw th fminalsjhl to xsad ta mmm wjr- or 9ttm tam ta tooth of a - It tw BWCOd ahOttt foot back tnm tte " fw,r ,art J t"11 H to a roftsiderahle dlataace rroa the eye whea atmiag . Th misoel aaed with this tube ta mtoaaaaid aa arrow. It to realty a (dart, scarcely biggs r taaa a bwa .daraiag aeaam, mad with euite a ta. Ta dart to maao at ta rib of th roacnatsete aahm tot to ta heavy thai It win atak ta It to ahemt aeeea sncha ta leagta. thjsjmr taaa a hug th asms! aamawr that arrlea wh him when to team WlslaX ready hat aat prepared wtth the eocta luums. Theee darts are atraag tomathar iiemathlnc like th titdah sft ehsmss are pate a. aad thee, reeled ea a stick. aad carried la a eatvar, peiaM up- CIU i FIFTH WARD J. G. Jacobs, Enos PresnaM. H. O. White. !! SIXTH WARD J. N. Skaife, P. J A. Thomas. SEVENTH WARD-lno. Baync, H. S. Jory, Ames Vats. Z t j ; lrnt - fllv, of nartv. who have the I I I to make their selections from the ( K betag reaahtMe to the frota aay cbaaee of broke or dolled. To protect the head whoa haadltag these th top of th stick U farataaed with a wkoaUlk shield. Th iac potate are Jva to th darts by saeaas of the of th from both RepobHean and derllBah (Scrraoalaias pintra). aad P asodora legal pto the cottoa with wale they are "" ltogother a strong aoreL ptasjaed before aae la found growtag wild. It b hoaad to th baa of th dart with thread atede of aWt jras. this thread, with wax obtataed from sereral trees, being largely vt-4. in aaakiag the blowpipe. The skill need la blading the plag of cottoa to th dart mast be great, or it w u aot ay trae aad far when shot. Th lit data aerer carries asoro- than' St or six reedy ptagged. aad when tav ar lost he meat draw others from the qairer aad plag them. He a wavs tries them repeatedly before use and perhap acror aaeceeds la getUng oa to iy perfectly trae. Bat if ir Is oalr a few laches oat of fligM Hke a liBoaaaa. la atmiag he make aUowaac for this toaccararr and it arTs to be of Hula moment. , Th dlataace to aad the accuracy 'With which fWn-il tlfirte ir that -iro Isimaly woadrfal. though the darts 'do aot sufho with aay great force The death of th gam is occasioned aot by Impact, but by the poison with which the dart to tipped. This aoiaoa htdmm am a tier znore mt nr ,-tw ,ak-j t. a a .w- , I ...-. .. ., u.v of aflordtag It a lodgment. aad also ta th notch cut aear the tip So aaety potated to the dart It win peaotrnt th leak oa a that aad If aay animal, such as a IrvttaMd by th prick, oa- dearer to draw ft from th wooed. K break at th notch, aad leaves the fatal Jag bohlad. There to a haadt la blowing the art from the pipe. I have ae eaeded la pcoaoPlag thea about 1M yards aad I hare aer seea a Bar aeaa seadnhem aay farther, but the paC thma double that dto- at It to lea yards win alt a mark oaly a few laches square. I hare seea aasfr mArkmaaa who coald alt parrots aad toueaas at th la two or three Whe a dart has beea shot. If It mark, the Indian great pates to tad ft, oa aecowat af la eager ft Is ta person watttaff aear ta aaot, tar If trodden oa tt to lutoty ta he as fatal as the oft tl Afthoagh Hur" praetically the most vaomeus aaake, IhaTe.kiBod th baaiwim of De Woaf rfop forased the oataloa that tho womrall ar U "Mr. Pickwick." aad "The potooa used to tip the darts emwISsosks' la Portlaad. th week before IU great Tln;lace to the veoom of, ft arrived, the atfadaae at the a saak; vhtoh. t thlak to with It; But I need ao dietu mtxed matter h?r. Although it to m tight the btew Pipe to a ehMaey woepca to a&adla. aa! acccuat of lu great Icagth and ft to , astry aamwaxm; The High tost wreewa or kaoek reader It oacieas. aad th ladira to mem earorul to avoid oed dau of tius klad. He carrie th tab la a vertical paattioa. avr toaaa ft aiaat a trae or ptoc. it oa th ground wtthmat besag sure that ft will Be portactly Bat. aad whoa ft to aot ia use ft to aaipi iidcd la aa e5 aright parities, to the bough of a treo o- no a pet erected aer the bet for the purpose. P BBaaaaaaaaBT fBamamsmaBBmE Baaaaaaaaaac jaaaBBBaaaaaaaV i BsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH MjSJaaaWBaaaaaaaBBal bbbbbbbbbW .'m Baaaaal IBBBBBBBBBI iMm-- -Ibubb ' aaaaaaHalrSs' " BBaaH BaaaaaaaVBf"r'-'4f ' , BBBBaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaiattLaBBHBBaaaaaai1' BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMaaaaaaaaaaaaa: 1 BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWaaaaaaaaaaaaaBal i BBBnBSBanaBBBnKBBnaa&aBBaiBaaBfeBaaaai . FREDERICK TREVOR HILL. Frederick Trevor Hi'J author of "The web wbicls appears in ooor form after a soccessfnl senal ran. was at one time a law clerk la the .late CoL Robert G. Iagersoll's office. aad as ataaagiac; clerk helped him is j aaay lasportaat cases. Mr. Hill Is j still a yoaag lawyer certalaly sot jorer-oM, for he was oace a daaeatiite of Robert W. Chambers aad Is wM J)taoTP . -.j- wofoaeloB. thoh bet- 'tM. nw-kaat a tbo aathor of uranl J aatboritattve bools oa aorrogate law. His preWms pobUahed rotaase of short stories was aot only oatenale- protect lag. hot they save a reaaarkaMe la betag sight into the ways of th law that fw people roattac. "The Web" is the story of a lawyer, a big-beartod oat dearly igalaot I the taagted backgroaad of ahlrU. Tloas. trickery, political "pair aad abootatc diaaoaesty which aosae- aa a great aaraace orer iu lonaet work, it U pabllahed by DoabMay. Pag & Company PROF, W. H, PICKERING. ProfMsor WlJUam H Pickering of Harvard University who has at last completed his much-discussed "Atlas of the Moo," published by Double day. Page & Cempaay. is not only.aa astronomer, hut a mouatata climber of aote. hartag aseeaded over a haa dred peaks, lacludiag 74 Mhrtt at aa akitud of la.l0 feet, la Peru. He was director ta charge of the party from Harvard Ualvereity which made la Jamaica th meet complete aad valuable series of mooa photographs ever secured. The pubUcatloa of the Alms, which has to do with every thing from the origin of the raaar sataattU- to Ms arseeat-day TgUtioa aad aaow. was delayed for a year h areata, dartag Ha1 preparatioa. the author mad euito Imaortaat dl eovorles which nareasliatad a re arranaemont of matodal, hut which Kade it eve more valaaal aad tmpertaat. AH aae thar. tt alls a gap that ha loag existed ta our popular arieatlac Uterstate. I The Baker Always Popular. Baker Theater held it owa There are seearal reaaoas advaaced tor this BMC Aaeaag thorn may be ta haeaenaa popularity of th which staadard plays U a trst ckus t reaaeaahl prices. The wicked ruler must feel aad fear that public oasalea which adaat a w th frost aad thaw tth A good to a good thsag. hut the thsag Daniel the verdict trOonaan. Cherry Pectoral Cures coRsuRiptioa. Not all cases, but very tnaay. Your doctor will tetl you more about this cough remedy. '.CLrweo- ua,Xiu, Baau9w att'aattaamwmai aas9yaamV e mmaaaaawSaammm BTaaamsaT jialsm jianaWaWeBamBwmBaj memaamaftT SoaauF'msmaaaal mmaraw 9aWaaERsaamaaaa9 aaaBUaaC 'iaaaaWmmmuaamal maaHsDBsrJT -JmrnaavlmBaaaaaai BwpmNri J9mmaasvT9aal KjSJHf auKsaaaMvaaaajafsaaaD maaur rmsAsmfJsBEimamsf pre! li lAimWAJ V DAVC 8 if JUUiinAL A-IrtiJ I '5 $ tt lBeBaBlaaBIBBa ) Blood la thicker aad walr. asd fer 'that reasmi It is harder to stir. I ' ' j "Sobscribe Mberally for the organ asd hack factory. It will kp thisga Hjoriag." AJbaay DeaaocraC J Tra. afaa! too trae osooctallr the orgaa. Th Cktammf caodtriatos mar argafc. hot they ar aot teaeer esgh to toar aador the wtoga. If Rt. Kahjht is elected aaayor, will hf be a asfht-Btajorr" Whea the RbBcaa eaadidat for mayor la elected, the city will hare Its owa Waters; warranted pore, too. The aaotto orer the election booths should be: "Yea pays yoar moaey. aad yo takes yoar choice.' I "Reader Mato Caesar the thlBKS tfc4t ceamrt.- if jo doa't he win steae them aayhow. Vote are worth three dollars each la Salem, the dty being the recipient of the parehase price. A mas with a poll tax receipt ought to feel as iadepeadeat as a town dog with his license paid. Jdgs of eiectioB aad ex-officio tax collectors, wowtd be the proper official title. Commercial a rah off." street , ..i i nw kubB If this weather hoMs. the supply of -.4 win h. m-,iA wm dM.tiM -,. . The pr eat dty admlaiatratioa ctafms to hare sared WJSOQ la the Holiday SATINS Bright colors worth I CUSHION CORD Aercerized, brighr colors, only lOcl PILLOW TOPS With backs, new designs, only 25c a sell1 NECK RIBBONS 2 3-4 inches wide, only 10c a yard SILk RIBBONS up to i 1-2 LADIES HOSE Fleece lined. 12 U2c a pair MUSLIN Bleached a yard wide, only 6c a yard LACE CURTAINS 2 1-2 yards lor g, 50c a'pair See our Stand Covers, Pillow and Table Covers, all new (jesirable goods. Rostein & Greenbaum 302 Commercial Street IK G. CROSS Meats and Provisions FHOINLB Established 1884 laBmTlt A Condition and not a Theory CoafroBts the fastidious man that has soiled linen, and deal knew where he can have it laundered with out injury and ia an irreproaahable manner We eaa reHare his mlad right aow by assuring him that his shirts, collars aad ouOs didst leek better whea irst purchased than they do kB seat home from the Salem Steam Lacmdry. COLONEL. J. OLMSTED. Proc. D0RUS D. OLMSTED. M2T. Phone 411. S20 Liberty St. zl.yj r WhliClattflIBtBdBittoBBiB)gSjtaiBla,Ti tntuA G E N I BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO I GR A JN'buyirs and Oats For Sale. HOP GROWERS SUPPLIES. Craie aad stick SbIbbbT. $ j. u. uraiiain, Aient, Btr4rt8BlggiaaBIBi8eatmiaiuW4H past Are years oa Mghtlag coatracu bat, by their actioas, promise ntrttu Mayor Wllti&ms, &f Portl&ati, Jl femma 1&2X sis petUta U "top of rwj ama next to readiB rriatter" q J ttriMra 4fan f4tATUF 4 la aw t. 1 ,- . ra W pp yj Bae is prist an use time, Wood Hatch, is Botr huntiag nil crobes la the pobHc schools of Po4jj Jaad. Oh. that he might be lac'j feel tated. iu tse geras ot wisdom' It Is a qeeeUoa whether the fflM who preside at the polls of the clj. eieetioa Moa4ay will act as Juagt, etecuoB or tax collectors. BTea the md la front of The Jo.j aal oace has beea scraped up Ujl cieaaed oh. ere me Citzons' oa dais afraid St would be thrown u them. The Yeang Republicans propose u parade the ctty oa a loaded ht-l wagon, draws by a male team, wi Hoaest Rabe driving the rig and ti Hayseed couacil ndisg and the Hi iioaes oi tne rggregauon for once Uei behiad the whole outfit, with Gtstnl Secretary OHver Jory as specIU p llceman to keep order among the bon of the seventn ward. What does a moral Cltltens' nujaj like C. P. Bishop mean by taking J frpat seat at the very lightlr-aiiird comic opera last night where the xk boaes of the young ladies were Tls!b at each end? If that had been baM-beaded editor of The JcnrnUi would be paraded in the Ci-Ji ' campaign coluraa, but as long u Ji, r immacatate uiuzen mayor It pas aaaoUeed by the law enforj ;mt leagae. Of course th?y rnj j all ale, slender built p- rty girij We doff our bat to Charley Bargains 50c a yd, now 25c a yard inches wide, only 5c per yard! Shams, Doilies. Bureau Scarfs,! Signs of Renewed Activity In the real estate world lndlctUM creasing building operations Spring, aiu prompt us to remind ! thai our facilities for ouppljtas i and toft wood, lumber, lath. talEf! and other building raatoriiU an J ceotlonally good. We will be pl to fnrnlah estimate on eoatrtrtB Urge or small. A, car of IUH shingle received. OOODALE LUMBER CO, , Near a. P. P Phone tot. - C Y O Fzrn: shippersof GR AlN 297 Cuwumii stt SuIml oh i t ,