J! 'Si THE 8AX.Y JOWUfAJL. SAAJES. ORSfiOft. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5 M. TEN 5B The Matiuxzi Who Pkzsc tlFoBHc Stockton &Co. ftfares a Cotxxt and Commensal and 298-300 f Commercial Streets i Oar bear sasrss are jr os or tfcr ninisfrtrrT j Hi i J MCHriNS asd eerla; bugsaar which ic resected by ah steady a asscKytaC ta ' y " smcc sasHi sham ay oaur arss ta. Ac dty. sad we ore desag sears 1 Serlfce k e vif rf 3mN; prices osnrs. fSg "Ladies Kid Gloves A Ml to afl of retort, t Patted by gpetal 73c a Par. expert Il Special 5c a Pair trllaST MMlML ta brows, a sise. Rasr IL Setciat SfJK a Pair "Ladies Suits and Wraps At Sacrifice Prices We hse a each si oar tnn esaesste assess of jebos of a Mif. whiek we are destroa of iostag oat .& Wire eat tW price so to thss erery sew t for tW seaa?. Yotrr Honey's Wortfi or Yoor Money Back. : before Ats. lady a afford a REPUBLICAN IITT CAMPAIGN Ba ysc was, asscc ear aaesT T yos ' mHHHnBal mat-marucsuMiKMthTNr dtocrict. thes tbb tor th. party which , if J iLftsscssmsg insrw mm nssroT w um THE REPtPBOCAK CAMOKJATES tag tn sp for theoretical FOR MAYOR AMD ALDERMAN that ha aerer beea a sscccis aay STAHO FOR ALL POSSIBLE where, aad those assess. m the PROGRESS AMD DEVELOPMENT so j Lsttaoi were carried as mU OF GREATER SALEM CON- beJlaaasi totrea eaed j nihil ilUr SfSTErfT WITH GOOD BOSiNESS - bessre. Bara tan AOVMJtiSTRATrOM. of tats dty say REPVBOCAH CITY TICKET. Far lAaysr Fraafc Water. Fo-- AJoersaen. First nri Rest. . Dowmfog. Seeenf wart R. A. Crsaian. Third ward A. Geoer. Fefrth arf J. Fraok Hsfce. FKtfj ward J. W. Yewnj. G. Sfceth ward E. C C&wrcAM, Fnwk Serwth. AteWe. TMttJ tris of F. wsrd Awicew Va, .Lee SThe Citizens WIN Kt Protect th ! Kevr Wards. ! Tte anr adJi la tbe dtr w of Oraaoer Snlii -sac aaoar 'Horn ofccaourf ta-str alaas tor al cla(. to ae aacdMsoi aefore tac coafMr aaowM go late cfieet sc tar a tae ae's- -rzas -rot fa arise taw -vsaC yoa save fcad i(e for a raaa for Oreater StJeai f t A flwr aartaaal aiuotilj' trs taacreacx MOW wwnai lor tfc to- aaUr ma ta tfc i iliimr of atom ami atnoaaJKr ladwlaid r th arcoc caanalttM of ta Mr4 cotaaaac of th OHIim' . Tac jaaifci k 4 a tW aaHcr of ta CMaaaB' aaak. We shall aoi tactr StTjW to oar ovx latcrtotr. aad aa laiorriTit omr owl Hittta. sars tba CHInaa' aaak. Te ReewfeMcafi Campaign. TW WuaaMltia cmpairr for ta eter fcietloa Moaoay aac aeaa; carrted a iflatf sraat ilk to tta ato- ceca4L taasr Cri5 ti av die. trictft f arofawtloc, taat It Is Ma- Sre- DtED. WEO. SLAT. At Ik faaalljr aoaat. KAFF A tk faaaOr koa oa Xor xer of OaMMfcHa. aaaf Cfco)nat l.ftorty jooot. Jordi Imtmm. On rtr. Sataa. Oncam. rrtdar. J 0M. rtfclajr. DoMaAtr . M. at OMBfcir I. IftS, a X: a. w r- 1:W p. au Jan Ra. -M W traoe IMa. ta iateat oaagaoar of yra, of caacr of tk taraac Mr. ioJ Mia W. T. Btar, aoi 4 Doeeaawi nai? to Saliai fma Ka cfj. aat akoM a raw mo. tad abac tkat Th teawal a ImM bmbi tfaa aa fiaDowoa aU uaaa, xhml ml fty nail aa eo a ockdt that attar- earaoaior. bi IMa r. aatfl a ahort . I ago. b aitaait HL V jlauras a wMa aad rwo aoaa aad a -Oae fcr r Hta sfcaM aot iiaabtar to soara alt aattaaghr i the ; P U waa a aioaaaw of n&BM. fear as arawd tad; ! local Coioaaiiir aataa. havtaa; Osi irfll fade at otaors syt tat ,'JtlaU that wtjaaliortoa ataea eoarfag ftttevi Jaff tareack Um Ud."jto ftalaaa. . ftroai n Taaararn OABTOniA.. mtsiiNtiwflsicr I rat TW faaoraJ will W of Mm. Millar, oa; auoot. taioiio at 2 a. Rot. Oinr. of tW Uattoi Brath- ofidattac. aLowt NEW TODAY ' i.Lnn ri ,., -l,-l,-i.i-,.-i ,-, ,-,-. nortM to Wanted-A frw aalleit eo. Jr' tra- T C O W. Paanatae. K. I Cook. SL W S.8. at !Maten4e Election. At aa ol'tUaa of oMttm. WM kut oraalag. or SaMac Lodae, No. . A. F. A. M tW foOortac otteari I -j 1Jij m ib aio ai i Jwadlahav tk AbAaa4aaa a UBBBuaa-aawBy Jr W. M.: W. H Lavraaew. J. W.; : F. A. Lb. t J M. Fr Sale Or trad for towa araoortr. SA.aere fana. lanotw at 3M MIB utrMC l-lwk D. J Fry. rotarr. Grape Plant ir Sale For WM at ilM oor Wodnl. boat nutMtm. eaH oa vtafaa Uaaaieka. at Aa Wra Park, coat of Saiaaa. or ad Arte ataa at fefaaa. Or. lJf Electric Hand Lamps ar caaadatted tk RipokoltiM dry rs con t , toirtaat to gtre -gHk tW J.'t PerseoaCtr. Bot Prrdal- riokHog aaaaratac kt tke It la roacdd that the caadMatct of the dtr. vaick Ic too Wary to nt bt tkla i laajiihi arc to tte ztrcaae Baans of Greater Sa- ahocc Moroack. ktai ta ttaae to W of aay la Sghtr Oa tW oautaoa of haaaoftaiaat of tag a cnaftir, ulaa so far frost Um tW MBharW tW mpakHtiai staad for city kJL Wkat Wve tW OBkecn of Warn do the cMscat no rvmmtr adadabtratlOB doa U 'Pfwrld adtiamate arc arotcrttea? KJu Oa the hferrekt hmajc tW itcawMI- naaaaataa bm arorldcd for tW pro of the tectfac daaaflaaK Bcknaaal aWftap tu-im a'SoaaaaBaaaBaaVaBt. wboebMa Where do tW do tW cttfaMBB ataadt of the tW rfebeas r of tW mv -wards xe- Wr tW atedsec aaade aad the tor better coan takea by tW atlaiar cooadl? Wberc,TW awtter of arorldJaa; are prote to tW aew vards vbea tbey brto the dty vac tadeed Reaobllcawc AakMt Peal Tax Ccerdao takes a la tM coaariL aad after It f tae eter. w aeeertateed vbat tW coat of a TW CltlaeaC eeeaefl at ta facrlsaaaU cheaalcal eagtw voald W. tW Bwethtg; ordered a deaaty t each aoaaer wac drooped, aad Hko iobm aothac BJace to eafocr eaOecdom of other pfadces this oae tpc alkrred to tW road on tax. ia aas nam mc, a3 tk aer varda. mom of the eral dtaewaetoa cf the right of cfty gpniaawat to eatorce aack a onnlatoa. eeaertaiuy M tbe aev varda. vhere ock Ums bar beea collected by the eoaaty rend aBr- vteor. Maay tare kMt their reeetau. aad imabl bae dtaVeaaty la ararias trm years baa to say hi Hs iaror. So toac a It of a acrlctly adanBoetnttloa; It kaoebed the ReaeMcaaM oat. Wia ft eaacted ridlealoax bteyde V-turkittca. adopted boO tax cosreioa, aad lu tesders adoated ret braee gxaae aMthods It failed. Bat o- too of aH It has forsMd a eeakUSos -vltk tW kur-eaforceaaeat leaae. that aata the tmaoeraace aad charch federattoa oa Its side. It ka tW aoOee aad fire depart Mat. For the Toma? Reaabbeaas to pack ap the ftgbt ka the -vay they did was pretty plaeky Bottiet. Tbey bad TtrtaaJry to Wild a ae- orgaaristhm. awkc aev polki of the -vxrdc take ibetr wjters oat of the raaks of the daatrtcta? DoiCMsea party, aad irta. The Ropabbctas bcaaa riahL Tbey adoated Direct XoailaatlOB. boldtac ao tfsr caareatioa. bat awtelag their directly raipoacfkli to tke that thry bad paid. rareetigalloB j reatdeats of vklck are seorly tac rile f roar the city ban. vbere the are departateat Is located, coold sot Set th. aftatetaaee of the beary eo Siaes for hebtiac area, ka cae of oaaorscacy. eaUl H was too fete. K the Ms eogiaea caeM ladecd W broaabt oat at aU. What has become of the tfcows that an the aacaober of tbi'proeabie ts prorlde x cheaalcal eactae charter ceaaartiilwr wW were Xesab-, for the pcossot extiacadebaaeat of Ares la tW dtetaat reetdaace dtetrlcu. wberethebaaablebeeBeftare BMrevai aabk) to their owaers -than are the palatial rcaidaatos of ceea of the boaaes of the CWtiaai party dova la the mmIb portioa of tW dty? Toted aaiaet pattker that ob- rattrkUaa la tW ebartar. Ckfateas ateeabers all Totej for H. aad are bow trybts to eatorce R. which womkt keep auay good eft aatt bJoaday. If U wroag. those n pat it there shoaht W Massed, aad sot the Hepabrlnas who rated taslast a poll tai WHEAT MARKETS. Ckteasa. Dec S Wheat K JSc. Gold Dust Flourj Md by THE SIDNEY POWER COMPANY, Sidney, Ortgen. Msd for ttmttr 7r arecer fer k. Bras sad tserta al ways ea kaad. TW BMMt coaeeoleat ;brac of the ver terastsd. Robs the walk la tW ddrl of Its terrors, for yoa stasply aeed to proas tW battoa aad tW dark earner It Hahted. Cbaao la aad asfc to see theaa. All sons of laaarlif for tW wheal an tW thaw. We cany a fan Has tW Wear Oas hi- OsrMds. S paaads tor Sks. Mad swards tor sO sarat mi Heycitots' wosiher A. T. Wain, AgtojR L wiqgikS Implement House. F!Sll NAVAL ORANGES ToJay AT fficmde MQ Cdward EHIs. 144 SUU L 2557 Liberty at, Saiem. Farat Msekltery, Bleyel!, Aatoass blVM. Sewlsx Mack! sea aad &s?Oca- N. H. Barley Sewing MacMive Raeelrtna. Potatoes, Potatoes, POTATOES Call and sec os fcdore yoal sell yoor Crop James M. Kyle & Co J 75 ComxncfcialSt. Coll Crusades y What WW Be Gabled by . AaahMt Viae 7 TW CltUaojo' are lac that thah aay sesdaes to tW Aatt.Sahoa Leasae or Law-Mai w coaaoat Lesae. If that Is tras what It tW as of eleetias theaa oa tW saoral toajo? la reply ta the chars of the Re aabitiae that Ctttsass caadldates km beast abaaod to fir pic agar ts aaother oniaiiartrw. they say: "N'e pladgee wbatorer have beta esacted." How. tsat It a tort that a coats tee of tW above leaa waited oa the a- oa BMMt of theaa. aad a Hades to do certaia thtagpi oatBaed at a Bssetfas; of Captaia Mu hose aad Rer. Tofts? This coBuaitiee reported to the Iw-Rafoftssseat I.waae at th W The Bonding Issue. Jadas Jadab U the CttkMas cast pasgx eohtaia Try adroitly seeks to piotatt the adsstaBKeaStoa of which W has bees tW Wad. treat, tail aad brass, by sbowtas that while tWy are paytac: Mr. Sash free per erst oa the 1M boads W Is carrytas; for the ctty. Mr. Bash is rebattas; oae par eat to the dty. This say be Use. bat why did tW CRisess' coaa dl aot order a special electtos for a popalar loaa oa tW Slat of Jaae wkea they obtataed the power to do so as dor the sew charter? Tbea they coakt tare Bested a p assise loss at SH to 1 per cast, whoa bow tbey win do well K they set th poaasur wax at S per Mr. Bask probably ksow that woitld w closer is Jasssry It was ksst Jess, aad the dtr Bssy bare to pay dearly for the dOa tscy pooey of the Cttiaeaa. Mr. Jadab says they watted becasse the aew charter did aot take effect is th C. T. U. rooeas Wedaesday rels barbs sstU October 1st. What bat th ssbsrbs to do wftk this old debt? ly Bothtosj TWy sorer ere- a dstlsr of tkat debc TWy mwm aaassafaVX mw J saVaW Mas ay of it. TW TWy which. Cttfacsc adapted cktser cor Bsethods thss erer befor-. she their raiaapaiti tbrosxk of a BBBsn cosBBslUee faulty boiled dews. Is ca After bsstiss Is rsis for as araJl- ahss casdldst. Mr. Boathby offered tie BosifsBtios of Mr Ksacht. aecsr la slsi that If W woald accept the cosrestios wasld aaasssMssly ratify tW Boaaiaatios. It dU m. As the ReaabHcass begss right, they bare coatiascd rtsbt. seekisg bo aJHascea or BBdoraoaitst of other oraaarsatioss. The law esforcsmost leagae has shows sstairsess Is ossoraiag Reaab- Bcas caadldates osly is two wards, where there are Problbitiosists sp for ahlaraats as tW CRteess' Uekec. the osly effect befog to stride the rote. TW Reaabttcaas are to be cosgrat skued os stasdlsg os their on pria- dples. Their caadldates are ssbject Hlgk. . grade twrtliSf beaaties tsat saggest a frosty Xasaa fcc face of wtstcrs Wae Blasts. We hare the beet the surket aSerds at prices as hlgk as lis each, asd tor erery leOar ex. pesaes as rars sere yes r- cerre atsre tkas a kudred easts' werth of ftyls aad tatU- faAtes. UMBRELLAS FOR CHRISTMAS Of coarse yoa wftt have as Biabreiti ee yosr Hst. Here yea win Sod the best Use in ttnrn to select frees. Hassle asd eoTers the pretrJtst asd best, aad prices tale little jsajt frets Tic to J5-t each. Male jtr seiecttos early SUIT CSES If yosr friead trareb atet, grre khs a sait case a Ckritt bmu gift. We were aerer bet tor efsitaed to sssaty yosr seeds Is tabs Use. Prices trees $3.50 to $J5 to bo dictation fnxa tke sel&h Inter ests, or asy other lafiaesc. bet til Oregon Fixe Relief Association Orcf ob's Great Motntl Isssnice Co, SI5.-i40.588 iESortice et rUk Safe, ecoioailcal Iunrn:e for peocle. Htai office. McniBrille. Or. H. A JOHNSON. Ayeit for Htrloi Co Sales. Orteos. SS EiVBm9&B9GB sVHb-HH M I B I I WiaiBIBtMBHHfr 5 sr, DONT FORGET S J That THE FAIR STORE is located at No. 27-1 Commercial a Street. anl tbat we oarrr the largest stock of tys and holiday jf a goods in Sftlem, at prices tbat can't be beat. Ae have eipres? i 5 wanous.hrtbbj bors, wheel barrows, doll carriage?, children's a 1 rocking chairs, toy trunks, drums, horns, tope, banks, tool j'-i chesti1. air PUDS, boats, lov fnrnitnr rlnl) 1umiv Phrictmas Z ' CF . . ' ' -.-w, v. m tree ornaroenis ana, in laci, evervtninj: in that line We have the best values in dolls ever seen in Salem. THE FAIR STORE 274 Commercial Street t t MtniBfraHHisHniarntBlifrHH ections Ot bad accounts, Prompt service No collections, no charges VAN ALSTINE. GORDON A CO., bM 4 75H CetasBereial St. cr Tkose Mala ML A. R. VOROAN A CO, Mssagers vtCIllwloli9tittalrilotl(tlB)4'f Watch Hinges Next Monday ,fd4H4aHHH4ft4HHlll tW CWssBC candidate tor Bsayor. aad aU thesr casssdatsc for aManats. asd so adrortaies to both tW sasers. Jast watt those pleases are bo oa ksows bat tW aniaitacif of tW cost, saattee wm tacared thaaa frost tW ia dirtdask wW ssts thsea. Bat ws ksow wtat was aesaltaly ostHsed by Mahose asd Tafts. These nasMtossss are prof soalo sal sgttators aad etassdais aasisst wWt Is tensed rice TWy was dessasd of the city sjossrsessst tboy elect era radii tar sstsos t tosher, for raatrag phires. aad for aioanatlon of tW da ds! celt Let as taaam that they bare stoat, ed P S. Katshi. asd a sssjarrty of tW a cssaasJaa of ar bor tries. kt their rrasadi usatoat rice, sad car ry tt oa tar a year. What will W Bstaad? Doss asyese beoere then; will W oae whit loos ot what tboy tot this dty altsc thdildowia. ass tors? Are they boa- eat is that bettor Ibtaai areas? Lot ss hope thoy are, attosss; os tW othat oho their r for taetsxpsfsr. K arrayed assisst solas- accossposhed to osake aalat realty a better city is asy respect At tke esd of tk year the coausttsitjr wcsld W tired of be -in iu aw MZ-i t Vssf sssf fas! The Citizens Promise the Suburbs Nothing. SsOisrbBaltes! Are yos aware the Odssss party has ptoaitssd yes ab soketery .NXrrillNC Is tW way of IM PROVHMHNTS. Mr offered asytstss; tor yosr WHBRLMSN. TW Ctttssss wdesiahxisttos passed tW slscrtssisatlsg bicycle ta tores, sot the Rrashttcss party. Oaa yos afford to help eeottaae this a sow theory of tad thss ssrisce yosr ows latanati? Aw yos ta fseot eeasssaces? TW CHtianiT tar whsoV 1W ra sdhtats tor saayor is fstsr sat strlag the erery soasibla pdrttose. TW Jteasbbcss ticket sow stssds as s friead. TW owe issojtoid yos aathiac: ta kW a y lataldWiMiiii yet yaw sNU par Is- Of 9m m tW dty trosssry I1T.SM hard, aarssd eajp, ton which yos wttl sat little or Botslar Are yos Is fa ror of thai ssobbory Do yos wssr tmMossBU Do yoa wast side valks IV yv vast electric lights icago Store JPJZOJPILJlZS HAMGAIN JHTOLZSJEr Sweeping Reductions All Oyer The Store foj This Week Sale Os asxt Mosday sMtrsiag oar store wttl be tsr&d late a Xssas Bauan sad sstn tbat date we wis sire tke people a chases ts Wy dry r ebeas. eheeser tbaa yes erer saw ikon Mm -Com-I i SaWai. 'rTi hat to do k. We seed the rosea badly. Read ea. Tic Silk sstahed Yeireteeas. c Cardiaal CsbBserat. yd . 3c Wool dress goods, 41 taehss whta, per ard 3e he Yulnariiaaoi Laos, yd Ic 4S Best Spool Satk. spool ... 3c Best Sssssy Yara. sketa . Faaey Silk HsadkessbMs Best Saas SMk. bait ta m -JHU fin Jo 7e Osittag PlasssL yd 11 Black 9Uk Peas Sols, yd No. i AB Wlk Tasssa par yard 8c ObUos astUae. roil We Whet Table Dasusfe. yd ScWkite Taweia lac Btse striped Ttektss. yd 7o Best Castooes. yd Wo Wash lasta SOk. yd. .... mm Ooed skted Btaskets -se Bettor bktskots rery chsap- Mob's ale 9Uk Neekttas ..- 3ic Boys Me sassesdors . .4c Mes'a Jsc tatipnaders .We Mosls Sac wool sax ..is Mess c aeeosd ssdorwsor ..Se $Uff far boss, priee ' ..te SLW taiaek silk siaicsrlaed sktrU. 3se Odd let chtMres's Me saservear. If ChlMrss's 3ec Uatoa Soils Mc wool fascteatora. price -Jdtos' lc btask ssstas Steak. Better ea, Try ebeas. s1 5 i Fre&ch aaaaei waists Brobes tot of Corsets, half arise. J Lie sea was! watota Indies 7e Usees Saks its Bsxaatas ta erorr ssoartaMOL .m THE CHEAPEST STORE IN THE NORTHWEST. M'Evoy Brothers, sMrlf- -tr -? y