Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 04, 1903, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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1 '
T&e Universal P ovidets
Stores at Court and Commercial and 298-300
Commercial Streets
Everybody that's anybody is
now imbued with tho spirit of
giving. Santa Onus annual
convention cornea off this
month, tho dologatcs are get
ting ready for a dolightful
treat. We will bo thore.
Everytatog In this world was made for Santa Claws.
Many a doploted pockelbook will find relief at this store for
thonext thirty days. Preparation is going on here fast and
furious for a
. Fine New Stoe
Wo are hustling oul tho goodu as fast ns possible. We like to
eee fumilitir faceo como and share the benefits of our money
saving sules wo like to see new ones too for its exceptional
good times at tho Stockton Stores.
Useful Christmas Goods
Of all kinds and descriptions.
Make Your Select
ions Now
We can help you.
What It the Interest of the Suburban
Property Ownrs7
That Is nn lmportnnt question In
this campaign. Tiio defunct CltlzonB'
party promises the suburbs nothing
but economy. Tho mnnngors nro tho
dlroct roprcRontatlvcs of a fow largo
property ownors In tho old city, and
men who nt tho name time have large
holdings of unimproved proporty In
tho suburbs, Those mem got largo
ronts from tholr blocks l,n tho old
city, and can afford to hold tholr un
improved property In tho suburbs,
And adopt a policy of restricting Im
provements, knowing that nil Im
provements nmdo by othor people will
on rich thorn, anyhow. Is a elty nil-
Slnistrntton of Qrontor Snlom, die
ted by such a narrow and solflsh pol
icy, fair to tho proporty owuor In tho
suburbs who does not own valuable
. business proporty In tho old city?
$uch a policy would pormlt no Im
provements whatever In the suburbs,-4-xcept
as suited tho personal Intor
rats of a fow largo holdors of real os-
Chicago, Dec. 4. Whoat 82 H
Gold Dust Flour
Mde by
Sidney, Oregon.
Made for family uso. Ask your
grocer for it Bran and shorts al-
-wars on hand.
A. T. Wain, Agt.
Bcfcwwd Kill.
144 State St
Potatoes, Potatoes,
Call and see os before yoo
sell yotff Crop
James RL Kyle & Co
1 75 CommercialSt
Fom Today
ff frffrfr? 9 1 .
I A ' hi I
tato who, nt tho same tlmo, draw
large rontH from blocks of buildings
on our main business streets? Isn't
that tho policy of making the rich
richer nnd tho poor pooror? Unablo
to keep tho suburbs out of tho city
any longer, unable to koop them from
making Improvamonts with their own
taxes, ihitf want to bind them hand
and foot to a policy that will keop
tholr proporty out of tho mnrkot, and
wl'hout hope of bulng bononttod by
incorporation, oxcopt as a fow shnll
dictate, lias not suburban property
boon kopt down long enough? The
pcoplo of tho suburbs should settle
this quostlon forovor nnd elect tho
roprosuntntlves of expansion. Re
verse tho Chlnoso wall policies of the
past, and suburban property will ad
vnnco on oqual terms with the rost of
tho city, St: Ike off tho shnckles of
mossbnekism. Tho Hopublicnn tlckot
stnnds for equal rights. .
Grand Army Man Presented by the
Robert A. Crolsan, tho popular can-
dldate from ward two, Is making n' Wouldn't It bo n facor? Wouldn't ov
strong inn, nnd will suroly win out ,'ary prosecution tof this kind simply
If present Indications count for r.ny- involve tho cltvv nnd county In fee
thing. Mr. CroMau Is a Grand Army
mnn, nnd sorvod faithfully and honor
ably In tho Civil Wni nnd Is a fa
vorite with the old Q. A. It. men. Ho
Is n capable and careful man In nil
his dealings, nnd will prove nn effi
cient sorvnnt of tho city ln cuso of hlu
election. Thoso wishing to boo a live
council can do muoh by olacting this
onorgetlc nnd wldo-awako, staunch
Republican uomlneo from No. 2.
Frank Wntors Is known to bo fnvor
ablu to whoolmon. He is ln favor of
giving them their rights. Ho Is also
In favor of respecting tho podostrinns.
There Is plenty of room on Salem's
streets for both thoee walking and
riding. Au economical nnd effective
nrrnngemont of this controversy,
which will be put Into operation whon
tho Republican ticket is elected will
settle all this quostlon. nnd will work
harmony botweon wheelmon nnd po
dostrinns. He will bo supported in
his feelings by tho couucilmon, who
aro also known to lean towards giv
ing tho whael Its rightful place.
Oi bad accounts
Prompt service, No
collections,no charges
suite 4 275 H Commercial St, w
'Phono Mala 801.
A. It. MOIU1AN ft CO., Manufers
i LMl'Ui u am
For Mayor Frank Waters.
For Aldermen.
First ward Robt E. Downing.
Second ward R. A. Crow an.
Third ward A. Gesner.
Fourth ward J. Frank Hughes.
Fifth ward J. W. Young, Geo. F.
Sixth ward-E. C Churchill, Frank
ward Andrew Vass, Lee
(These columns are conducted by
tho Republican city press commit-'
Tells the Truth at All Times.
No tribute has boen lovlcd by tho
city officials on any form of vice or
on any criminal clement, as Is the
common practice in city atfmlnlstra-
tlons. Journal, Decembor, 1902. '
The nbovo Is quoted in tho Cltlzons'
leaded columns In tho Statesman. It
was trtn in 1002. It is not truo In
1903? If It is, why has a certain suit
against n woman of the tenderloin tils-
, trict dropped, and why was she not
allowed to totlfy7 Up to this year to Tho Journnl roportor. tho cam
tho Citizens' movement levied no palg(J wln bo fought on different
tribute on vice. The Citizens' move- lnos from wh(lt ,t wn8 In the ,m8t,
ment up to this year extended no pro-'Tho chang0 hns not t,con in this pa
toctlon to vice. According to the tea- per or lt8 otltor( nor ln 0l0 communI
tlmony of Capt. Mahono thoy are hand tVp but ,n the gang who nre playing
In glove with tho gnmblors and pros- tho citizen's gamo of politics.
tltutcs. But whnt.had tho Jnbour ng j
grcgotlon to fear from th3 testimony Reoubllcan Candidate Is Canablo of
of ono poor woman of tho tenderloin,
who wanted to go on tho witness
stnnd? Is their relation with vice so
quostlonnblc that thoy had to shut her
off from testifying? Lot thinking clt
lzons who nro not sentimentalists, and
wno no noi invor immoral relations
botwopn tho city govornmont nndplco
ask thomsolvoe what consistency
thoro Is In the Citizens' pnrty posing
nt present as the special champions
of virtue, whon they tremble at the
testimony of one unfortunate woman,
whoso, word is not generally consid
ered' ns having any weight whatovor?
What would bocome of a crusado
against vice started by tho ministers,
If It dopondod for enforcement on of
ficials who would tremblo evory tlmo
a witness was nut on the stand?
bills nnd lawyors'
pllsh uothlnc?
fos. and accom-
Can You Support Malione and the Cit
izens, Too?
Tho "leased columns" of tho Cltl-
xoiii push tlckot, wlforoln thoy con
duct tholr porsonal abuse of evory
body and everything opposed to
thorn, contains a roforenco llko this:
"no boadllng Influoncos endangering
tho future of our fair city today,"
Of course this don't apply to consent
walks. Wo don't nood themi If we
do need thorn, thou wo don't need
councilman. Ono or tho othor must
bo dliponsod with- Our beautiful
otty is and has beon, of course, de
pending upon tho Citizens adminis
tration for tho past sovoral yoars.
How boautiful our "fair" city hnB be
como undor tholr guiding baud.
With our main strootB covered
ankle doop with mud, with an electric
light where wo don't want it, with the
city In dobt, with all tho proporty
the city over owned sold and the
procovds used up, with everything
run down, wo must fool grateful to
this administration. Whon the city
laws proscribe what wo don't want.
nnd wo mo compolled to oboy, like
any other person, thon we suddenly
conclude wo need a new councilman.
This is a splondld systom for running
a city. Whore ln the annals of hu
man experience and precedent ilooJ
this sort of economy guln prostnge.
It Iim nover dared to show its head
in me uopuuucan party, it was so
virtuous and meritorious it had to
wait until this "holler than thou"
CUlsena movement was created, be
fore it felt safe in the public hands.
It needed n fnthortng causo boforc
Lit could put forth IU principles. It
eerne that tho "Holy Rollors" arc
about as handy running a city govorn
mont at a "Holy Meeee."
In aplto of Jolaln? Isms with the
Antl-iekwn movement, which will die
a natural death Utf'mlmitee'after ike
polkt aro cloeetk- tho Cltiiess purf
are worklsg a kwt canee. Adding te
Its stroagth another raovomeat cre
ated upon similar grievances, both
will fall Thero I. no answer forth
coming to Colonel Mahono The
Colonol lo lntont upon bnyonotlng nil
tho saloon koopors on night which
pleases some of tho third party.
Colonol Mahono charges tho prcsont
administration with, an "opon town"
which pleases anothor party for the
roason that oho charge cannot
bo laid at Its door. Then up comos
tho question, whoro do some of us
stand? Can wo support Mnhono and
tho Citizens ticket, too.
It Was All tho Truth.
Tho Citizen's campaign consists
largoly of quotations from the col
umns of this paper in prnlso of the
ooi work ,,ono b' tho Citizen's offl-
iuib uuvuiui l-iia Ufeu. 11 nuo buvu
stuff thon and was all truo, but tho
Citizen's -movement has changed
front slnco then. A spurious article
is offered tho people None of tho
men who wcro running then nro up
for ofllco now. Nono of 'tho outgoing
aldermon woro renominated. Mayor
luishop resigned. Tho program has
boen abandoned on its cssontlnl
j,0inta It hnB becomo partisan and
personni nnd mn.o combinations
with a inw enforcement leanuo that
will involvo tho city in litigation that
will plungo tho city and county In
debt and in the ond accomplish noth
ing. New propositions that have
nothing to do with a non-partisan
business program have been-Injected
nnd( as Secretary Ollvor Jory said
Filling the Office.
Frank Wntors, candldato for mayor,
Is an old-timer In Salem, having lived
horc 30 years. He has as clean a
record as any man can nsk for. In
business dealings Mr. Waters. Is above
roproach. Why would not a man who
s Btrlctly honest ln his business nlso
. n atrlrtiv hornet in his noim?
, . -.----,-. ..-,-,-, - ... ..... ,. -...-.. -. m
How can you Judgo an honest man but
by tho methods ho has pursued in tho
past? Frank 'Waters has been en
gaged In abstracting land titles nil his
llfts with tho exception of two terms
as county recordor and deputyships
In both recorder's and clerk's offices.
He has abundant clerical and oxocu
tlvo ability to run tho mayor's ofllco
without a manager. He Is a straight
forward man, alive, to Uio needs of
Snlom, and, undor his Impartial hand,
the city will secure a fair ropro.ontn
tian jn all matters of public impor
tance. Thoro can bo no mistake in
oUctlng an onorgotlc man to the of
flco of mayor. Past oxperlonces in
politics will enable Mr. Waters to deal
with tha questions before him with
an experienced hand. Ho Is' nllvo tc
nil the systems nnd mothods In poll
tics, and Is capable of taking caro of
The Republican Ticket Is Clean.
Tho Republicans fool an especial
prldo In presenting to the Yotors tho
tlckot which bo presented to them
next Monday. Evory man on the
tlckot is a good, capablo and honost
oltizon of Salem. No ono can charge
incompetency nnd inability to any of
the candidate. Thoy reprosont the
buslnaie and laboring olement of tho
Capital City, and plutocrats, money
mnkors and millionaires are ramplc
uous by their absonce. Kvory man on
tho ticket Is a producor, and not one
sololy a consumer. It cannot be
charged that the personnel- of tho Re
publican ticket stands for dishonesty
and corruption, whon tho namos of
suoh men ns It contains aro prosonted
for tho voters' consideration.
Jacobs and Young Worklngman's
. Geo. B. Jacobs, from the fifth ward,
a wagon makor, is going botoro the
peoplo wttlj a clean record. Ho is for
a clean, wldo-awako administration,
and nothing short of substantial im
provements in North Salem will sat
isfy him. He is progressive and a
hard-working man, and will not be n
favor1 of aiding In any extravagant
legislation. Belagu a workingman
himself, he can hold a sympathetic
relation to all worklngmon. ami thus
Insure them his support far any moos
ure to their boueflt, When we aid the
workiugmen we are building up the
oily, and the Republicans have put up
two splendid representatives of this
principle la the fifth ward.
' To Beat Russia.
Manchester. Da 4. A dlsp&teb to
day says Oreat Britain purchased the
Chilean battleships merely to prevent
Russia getting them, and will probably
sell them to Japan. ,
Disc Plow Customers
Last week wo told you wo would
publbm a list of mon to whom wo
havo sold Bonlcla Hancock Disc
Plows. Following Is the list This
spoaks louder thon words for tho
morlts of tho plow. If you want to
know what any of thoso mon think
of it, drop thorn a lino. Every plow
has boon sold on its merits.
C. M. Walker, Howoll.
C. F. DoQulro, Sllvcrton.
John Cann6y, Polk Co. (Salem).
C. J. SImoral, Mclcay.
Frank Starbuck, Polk Co. (Salem).
Jos. Darrar, Sydney.
C. A. Clark, Pell: Co (Salem).
Frank Humphreys, Clyraor.
Charles Humphreys, Clymer.
Wra. Galr, Salem.
Jack Riches, Sllverton.
Philip Rccco, Salem.
Slegmund Bros., Klumb.
J. J. Hurloy, Klumb.
Frank Kellogg, Wheatland.
D. J. Henry, Ncwborg.
A. T. Wain Salem.
Ji L. Crolsant, Kingston.
W. F. Hayes, Kingston.
Ernest Schmidt, Polk Co.
Ffcd Achilles, Salem. ,
Grimes Bros., Turner.
S. W. Miles, Polk Co. (Rlckrcall).
Thos. Edwards, Turner.
S. H. Russell, Marlon.
Thosv Irons, Lyons.
Gibson Myers, Lyons.
Ezra Wilson, Macleay.
Wm. Black, Salem, south of city.
Lewis Savage, Salem.
Elmor King, Lowlsburg.
H. P. Allon, Salem. (Polk Co.)
Oregon Nursory Co., Snlom.
John Sykos, Salem, (Polk Co.)
J. R. Shchard, Zonrf.
Harv Taylor, Macleay.
Jasper Donhnm Tumor.
Michael Schnoldor, Sublimity. '
Alfred Ztclosch, Salem.
H. B. Thlolsen, Polk Co. (Salem).
Loator Mntthlcu, Buttcvlllc.
L. H. Lowls, Buttovllle.
J. L. Purvlne, Lincoln,
S. T. Cupp, Salem.
Jqhn Manning, Gorvals.
John Mumni, Jn, Salem.
Gcorgo Portor, Salem, (Polk Co.)
G. H. Crawford, Zena.
W. J. Crawford Zena.
Byron Hnrrltt, Snlera, (Polk Co.)
p. T. Gilbert, Zena.
C. M. Walker, Howell, his second
Oregon Nursery Co., their second
D. Wt Smith, Howoll.
W. H. Howd, Shaw.
A. Slowort, Salem.
F. D. Patton, Salem, (Polk Co.)
C. Q. Wltzol, Buona Vista. '
E. F. Gholson, Lincoln.
W. F. Haborly, Sllvortom
Oscar Noycs, Shaw.
Gcorgo Palmer, Sydney.
J. P. Mlnch, Salem.
Isaac Stovons. Laurence.
H. P. Broughton, Howoll.
In addition to tho nbovo thoro arc
four plows the nnmos of tho purchns
ors oT which wo havo mlslnld. This
Is a pretty good record for tho two
years of soiling
Implement House.
255-137 Liberty 8t, Balem.
Farut Machinery, Bicycle, Automo
bile, Sewing AUckln and ffopeUee
N.1T. Bnilev
aewlna Machine Repairing.
cheap, cheaper than youover saw thom before offered In Salem. "'
uuyu io uo iu we neea tno room Dauiy. Read on.
75c Silk finished Velvotoons yd 48c Bost Snool silk, spool . .
05c Cardinal Cashmeres, yd .... 33c Boat Sa-onr Yarn( akcIn
o.c wooi areBs gooas, -iu inches
wldo, per yard 23c -- -
3c Valenclonnos Laoe. yd lc BoBt Sans s,,k baU
7c Outing Flannel, yd 4Hc Good sised Blankets
$1 Black Silk Peau do Sole, yd ..65c Better blankets very cheap.
No. 5 All SJlk Taffeta Ribbon Men's 25c Silk Neckties .-
W y :...;....3c Boys' 10c suspondors
8c Cotton Batting, roll 4c Men's 36c suspenders .
35o Tilte Table Damask, yd 24o Men's 25o wool'sox
8oWhlto Tawols c Men's 39o fleeced underwear
12o Blue Striped Ticking, yd 9c a.R0 fur hnn nrloo
38c Wash India Silk, yd 26c Odd lot children's 25c underwear.w
Children's 39a Union Salts ?Sn ?e- .nni fn-ninn-n nrire -kV
-p - -.., . .vw ,, vuf WUVIUMIW (.--
Ladles' 10c blaok cotton Stoolc- Better onoa. vory cheap.
i.n5fl .. 6c 3 French flannel waists
Broken lot of Corsets, half price. $1.60 flno wool waists
Ladles 76o Union Suits 45c Bargains In every department
Illlllimil II IIIMH llilillll IIIIIIUI impmy-y-i-iim mm
K1- v
Puts i
High., grade furs fluCon
beauties that suggest a frosty
Xmas in- face of wlntor's biting
Wo havo tho best the market
affords at prices aa high as .s
each, and for ovory dollar ex
pended on furs hero yon re
colvo more than a handred
cents' worth of style and satis
faction. UMBRELLAS
Of course you will havo to
umbrolla on your list. Hero you
will find tho best lino in town
to select from. Handlos and
covers tho prottlost and host,
and prices tako llttlo Jumps
from 75c to JG.OO each. lXtie
your soloctlon oarly.
If your friend travels much,
glvo hlnra suit enso a Christ
mas gift. We woro nover bet
tor equipped to supply your
needs ln this line.
Prices from
$3.50 to $J5
Oregon Fire Relief
Oregon's Great Mutual Insnr.iceCa.
$15,440,588 Insurance nt risk.
Safe, economical Insurance for th
people. Head office, McMUvllle, Or.
II, A J0HN.0N. Agent for Marioa Co.
Salem. Oregon.
For Sale. Ono fullbloodod Shorthorn
. bull, 3 years old; solid dnrk red.
Will sell cheap, if taken soon. Ball.
is not brocchyi Inquire of M. A.
McCorklo, Salem, Or. 12-4-31
Wanted. A good fresh cow, Parti
Durham and part Jorsoy preferred
Call at shop of II. Pohlo, corner o(j
Forry and Llborty streets. 12-4-3t
For Sale. A Hiinn of cood three ali
tor bred Porchoron mares, comlni
3 and 4. Apply to B. F. Tucker
Tumor. Or. 12-4-3$
Wanted. A hop yard by a renti'M
Addrosa "F. M .." Fnlrcround. Vm
con, 12-43
Lost. Last Sunday, pair of sllTCf
rlmmod glasses. Lcavo at Journ-IS
ofllco r.nd rccolvo rownrd. 12-44
Sweeping Reductions All Over The Store fog
TUc WaaI, Clrv I
11119 YVCC1. ocxic
On noxt Mondav mornlntr our ntorn will h nrnci inin-n Vmu HniW
and until that date wo will give tho people a chance to buy dry booI
T?A..u Olll 1T..J1,nMl,lnfl, ....J
7c Bosf Calicoes, yd 4c ?1.0S black silk mercerized sklrts.ljij
M'Evoy Brothers, gss..-