- tittrsii&minHfrHM.frfft.kH h-bm- THfi DA1WT .NC, SALBM, MtfttO FRIDAY, DECEMbER4. M3. n Jft ' w wyHwun I EVERYTHING 0 READY and Displayed mt the Holidays 0 We invite yoti one and all to come and see out GRAND DISPLAY of Holiday Goods The Stock and Assortment is much LARGER than ever before; and prices not any higher. Contrary, many of our lines are much cheaper. Remember that we Imprirt all our Goods and save 20 per cent. And still better, the Factory had made better prices and we are Riving the Benefit to our Patrons. Come and ..make YOUR SELECTION EALY before the great rush s on and havev it sst aside. Hundreds of Xmas. Gifts luve .already been bought and stored aside for Christmas Delivery. SAID PASHA TONIGHT Richard Stahl's Great Oriental Sat" ire A Galaxy of Beautiful Chorus Girls and the Very . Catchiest of Music. " " i 1 . hlha Giraffed H "V. V. a- : 4 three?;. Then you selection. lwil be sure of your 9 j Yokohama Tea Store Fine Roasted Coffees and Teas A Specialty J Phone 2411 Black. Free Delivery f hfrtoiefr8frrew,4Nfrfr- ee6 5BC "Portland and Return Only 3Z20." Tho Southorn Pacific is now soiling round trip tickets to Portland from fealom for $2.20, good going Saturday sr Sunday, returning Sunday and Mon day, giving all day Sunday and Mon day In Portland. Tho samo arrange- aont applloa from Portland, giving all I Portland pcoplo a cbanco to visit val loy points at greatly fbducod rates. W. H COMAN, O. P. A. cod Few attrrvctlonh before tho publfo contain moro stylo and pretty girls than doos the famous Olympln Oporn company which Is to play Said P.asun at the Grand Opera House tonight. In making an ospoclnl effort to so euro benutlos for tho, chorus,, tho management, Mossrs, Soamnns & Mntcbetto had In mind the over In creasing domand or the public to see beautiful ami stylish womon In the chorus, wdmon who can war flno costumos as thoy should be worn and women who can sing and dance with an understanding of what- thoie arts moan. All of the above csb ntlnls Thousands of children have made Kindcrbeajts. Get a package of H-O and find out why. Here Is tho Giraffe. Can you do it? H-O There h nothing In H-O but the absolutely neceswiry, vital, nutritious port of the oats nothing else whatever. That Is all you buy, and you get two full pounds of that. Two full pounds of 110 as we pre pare It contain as much nutri ment as three pounds of any other kind of oatmeal, SI A Successful Enterprise Tho only way to Judge a piny 18 by Its ability to draw Inrgo nudlencea and to please thoeo who nttend. This Is tho only true measure of success, whatever urgumont may b brought to the contrary. That tho new piny Millionaire Tramp" possesses those qualifications Is proved by the Inrgo audiences which hnvo nttnded every performance this season It Branson A and rW : Keep All kinda of groceries. thcr are tho heat thnt mn hA (nim,1 . In tho city. You don't know It until jpu,, navo mod tnonx What Shall We Have for Dessert? This question arisen in tho family everyday. Let u.n answer it to-day. Try J&ll-O LH 6AEITOIIIA. 3rs th si M Wi Yh Bin Alwprt BesjT JHM- I ! PISH 4-C4Sie4t)lCI0M-a V The Entire Stock We have purchased of Jacob Vogt must be sold at a sacrifice, Come early and get your bargains ANFRED Successor to Jacob Vogt. 265 Commercial Street ! ! fHsiaiQi8H''gEaiaial,a P.M havo boon combined In tho beauty chorus of tho Olympln Oporn com pany, nnd when It mnkos Its appear nnco tonight, It Is sure to create enthusiasm. 1 At tho hoad of this famous orgnnl zatlon of light oporn singers nnd comedians Is probably one of the brightest stars of the comic opera firmamont, roforonco Is made to Miss Lottie Kendall. She Is notod for her grace, beauty, symmotry of form nnd sweetness of voice, as well as for hoi superb ability to portray .with Intelli gence the principle roles in somo of tho late and str.ndnrd muclcnl compo sitions. In Miss Kendall's support nre such woll-known artists ns, Bu nleo Clnrtfo Drnkj, ooprano; Therose Harkor, contralto; Carl Haydon, tenor; Carrick Major,, baritone; Icc Addo, lie tee; Itobt. 1,'ltkln, nnd John K. Young, comedians. Tho oporn tc be sung tonight Is Richard Stnhl's gr'at oriental satire "Said Pashn." Curtain at 8:16. Summons, In tho Circuit Court of tho. Stnto of Orogon, for the County of Mnrlon Department No. J: Amanda A. Johnson, plaintiff. vs. Charles K. Johnson, defendant. To Charles B. Johnson, tho abovs named defendant: In the name of the S ate of Oregon, you are hereby re quired m appear herein nnd answer tho complaint of plaintiff on file herein nqainst you within six weeks from the date of the first publication herof- And you are further notified that If yon fall to so appear within said time said plaintiff will npply to the court for tho relief prayed for In hor com plaint, to-wlt. For n decree forovor dissolving tho bonds of matrimony now oxlstlng be tween plaintiff ami defendant, nnd for tho cuBtody of Carl Johnson, a minor, and for hor costs and disbursements, and for such othor relief na may eeom moet with equity to tho courj. , ' And you aro further notified that this summons la served upon you by publication in tho Dally Capital Jour nnl, a dally nowspapor of gonoral cir culation In Marlon county. Orogon, for (six consooutlvo wooks pursuant to nn i order of the Honornblo It. P. llolso. Judge of tho nbove entitled court duly mado, rondered nnd entered of record horoln on tho 30th day of Octobsr, 1003. And you nre further hereby notified that the date qf the first publication herein Is tho 30th day of October, 1003. and the date of the last publica tion will be on the 11th day of Decem ber, 1303. FHANK HOLMKS, 10-30-7t-Frl Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice of Election. Is net lb relic of nn old favorite traveling oil Iti old reputation but ' a new production now making one. j "A Mllllonnlre Tramp" comes to , the Grand Oiwrs House next Mod- , tiny and In all probability standing room only will he the rule with Uils plondld attraction. Bents on snle at box ofllee Mnudny nt 0 a. m. Curtain M 8:16. I a delicious and healthful dessert. Pre pared In two minutes. No boiling) no baiting! add boiling water anil set to cool. Flavers: Lemon, Orange, Rasp berry and Strawberry. Get a package at your grocers tc-day. to eta. r JHacd ... I ; Wheat i : Flou ! Only $U15 per sa'ck ii , . , ' . . i! The famous unexcelled !! ,, . . . J V ' ? if ;; i ctiiik.i ui.iuu ui iiom, !! The finest flour jver sold ;; o ;.. tu -:... x... .i !. in nit ui)', i ly u uutc. 1 1 We will sell to Vou acain. 1 1 i. . ). A. White & Son Feedmcn and Seedsmen $ Salem, Oregon. J Money Didn't 8ave Him. Ohlengo, Dec. 3. Tho mllllonalr1 dredging contrnetor. Kt Drewes, was killed by an Illinois Central suburban train, nt n street crossing today. ( J 301 Com'l St. frt e tm t sj-tMBKMoa-HHfeHi To Make New Cabinet. Mndrld. oc. 4. VJlla Verde, premier of tho cnblnot which roslgned yester day will nttempt to form a now ono M HH MtM-WHHMW4B-H . CASTOR I A Por Infants wid Obildxen. Tha Kind You Hays Always Bought b or 2&ffi&fu4 Wnd'' a,T-u' JO.MILLlin, JO. DECK. PETER HOCII, German Market ! Just opened, noxt door to liar rltt k. Lawronco'4 grocery store, a clean, now market, where all kinds of meat can be had. Low prices and prompt dellvory our motto. We make a specialty of f samsge of all a call. $llliNH4HltsjWia MHsnamiaiaiaH4)togtH-a g0WISterH Have Yot Seen The Bargains At tho great sale, 149 State Street? They Ate Waiting Fo Yot Ovnrcoats that wo warrant give you good wear Pants guaranteed not to nn nor tear, Fringes and paesementrie, jet trimming and lace, Anything from a pin to u drew luit caso. Umbrellas and gum boots for the mud and the rain, Dollar shirts for half, sweaters at the tame, Hats and fine suits that will iityou so neat, Corsets for 15, good underwear cheap. Oiie more short month and we close this great sale. Why not be wise and tho bargains avail? When there are goods that you need in our line, Just follow up State Street to 149. I Famous Congressmen Dead. Washington iW. 4. Ux-Repreeen- tatlve Wm. Sprinicer, of Illinois died here this morning of pneumonia, aged 07. He was elected to the -14th con gress, and served continuously up to the S3d. He was a Democrat, I Friedman i iiiMiliBsssisrsiiiTSTWssMTsT1TWTlsrs1TlTiiTWHM BManSBa8gSSBSflSJHMBHSajJRjaBHM9HSlBW(SHMCBSSB"Se We have a fine tr3ct of timber land near Cottage Grove 1000 acres will make about 4 million leetto 1-4 section. From 100 rods to 1 1-2 miles of river This is a snap. Two acres, with good 5 room house, large barn, plenty offruit, 1-2 acre of vet ches, for rent at $5 00 per month. 1-2 mile East of Asylum. If you have property to sell Or rent, or wast t buy er sell, trade or ex change for other property of. any kind, or If you want a loan or Insur ance, see It R. Ityaa k Co. 10-3 -tf R. R. Ryan &Co. Notico la hereby given that an elec tion wiU bo held In the Cltv of B4lem, OreKon, on the first Monday In De cember, 1901, the same being the sev enth day of said month, anil that the polls for said election will bo open from 10 o'clock a. m. until 4 o'clock p. m, on said day, for tho purpose ol voting for A Mayor, to fill the iinsiplred torni of ofllee of Hon. C. P. Iilsaop, re signed. One Aldsrman from the first ward, for a period of two years. One Alderman from the second ward, for a period of two years. One Alsermau from the. third ward, for a period of two years. One alsennan from the fourth ward, for a period of two years. One Aldonnao from the fifth ward, for a period of one year. Oae Aldenaan from tho fifth ward, for a period of tw years. One Alderman from the sixth ward, for a period of one year One Alderman from the sixth ward, for a period of two years. One Alder an from the seventh ward, for a pe- lod of one year. One Alderman from the seventh ward for a period of two years. And KOIl or AOAlNBT the Issuanae of bands to redeem the tut made by the olty or HiUtrn In 188, is the suqi of SMXtt, for bridge pur poees. The polling places far said eleotlen sin II be as fellews: First Ward Kreotsntf's factory, Dl vtoUM and Hlflfe streets. steeend Ward PoKee eurt' room, City Hall. Third Ward PreelAMl's store, itatt street near Hlajk. Fourth Ward-Ked front Hrery stable, OowMeretal sad Trade strteU. fifth Want W. U WjmU's eooper kop. Liberty street, aear Wade's stcre. Sixth Want Oar Warn, Tweatyflrt and State streets. Seventh Ward Jory fruit dryer, Commercial aad Dush streets, Doa by order of the Common Conn it of the City of 8al. Oreflen, this 234 day of November, IMS. (Seal) N. J. JUDAH, City Reeorder, Salaiu Oregon. 11 11 W We Have a Few 'IDeattng Slopes j To close out, Any old price takes them ! :::::CalI and See Them::::: WADE & CO. enmameun i4n i cmsjuneMsiai 0 Ww.' Main 2953. ALL, WOKK DEL,IYXSUI2I WHEN PR05XI8EX 193 Commireial St. Our Th Journal, NO LENGTHY ARGUMENT IS NECESSARY s The man who oan do the mostand best work,l iiiloket and cheapest, Is the man you want! to do your work. All I ask Is a ohanco to prove what I say 11 trite, It Is mure to your Interest that you liars I this proof than It Is to mine. Elliott, the Job Printer. dastt'fBitigKraismmtss Willamette University John II. Coikuah, Pjiuidknt, Sai.ku, Okhoon. College of Liberal Arts, Law, Art, Medicine, Music, Oratory, Tftcology. PnEPAHATOnY DEPAnTMET-Octn to students cowr-Utlriff cfsbth tttH it NrtmeBt loner rralcs In prcriratorydcrtrfment- Utilit tUtqiltg profestlonal trafalor, the University etc i to tlt t ttorect h rrsclical caseation for all who are aware of the value of trained train. THUMORMAL DEPARTMEMT-Offers a,'tt!Orouit)(Ctirre In tte IttOfV ind practice of teachlsr. MceUallibertaiilrencBtt of sute etfcooJ law. IW teachers are la constant denaod, Catalogue Upon Application. Harritt $ Lawrence Sell aore Orecerles ml setter Groceries ttus ARYBOBY There's where you ret GOOD treatment and GOOD gcods Stop Jn and ( yourwlf ct.o P. o. aROcenv.