CtSHT THE DAILY JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1903. 1 The Universal Providers Stockton &Co. Stores at Court and Commercial and 298-300 Commercial Streets Everybody that's anybody is now imbuqd with tbo spitit of giving. 8anta Clous annual convention comes olf this month, thef delegates are get ting rendy for a delightful treat. Wo will ho there. Everything In tnis world was made for Santa Claws. Many a depleted pockelbook will find relief at this store for the next thirty days. Preparation is going on hero fast and furious for a Fine New Stoae Wo are hustling out the goods ns fast as possible. We like to seo familiar faces corao and share the lo jefils of our money saving sales we liko to seo new ones too for its exceptional good times at the Stockton Stores. Useful Christmas Goods Of all kinds and descriptions. Make Your Select ions Now We can help yo. Woodmen of the World. General Organizer Rogers will bo t camp moating Friday night, and a lull attendance Is roquostod of all members. By ordor of P. L. Frazlor. conaul. . B. P. O. Elks. Meeting tonight. Initiation. Or chostra rehearsal at 7 o'clock. Ban quet. H. II. OLINQER, Exalted Ruler. 00 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TnADt Maims DraiQNB COPVRIQHTS &C. Anrona lending iketth and dcuciiptlnn mr aufcklr uoertln Mir opinion frto whclhtr an Inrcfltlon la rruhnblr patcntabl. rM t 1-atauta Ulan tbrougb Mann A C ui.taAll.i Ml. tin., tmrta Inlll. Scientific Jlmerlcaii J huidaomalr lllolralrl WMilr. Intt clr. Utlon of aur ariiitmo Inurnal, 1 rrrot, W ntwi (mirninnlna,(L rkliS trail nownlraltra. BUNK & Co 'DfMd-'-New York UniDcb Offlc. OKI r tU Wwbluiiton. I). U WHEAT MARKETS. Chicago, Dec. 81,Tc, 3. Wheat, 81 M,tf Gold Dust Flour Mde by THE 8IDNEY POWER COMPANY, Bid nay, Oregon. Made for family uio. Ask your Krocer for 1L Bran and shorts al- ways on hand. A. T. Wain, Agt. Frcsb : NAVAL OKA NOBS Today AT fF&cmde, Edward Cilia 144 Stats flt Potatoes, Potatoes, POTATOES Call asxd see oa before yoo sell yottr Crop James IVL Kyle & Co i 75 CommercialSt. .frgiaieta ta taw wwi-s iii b Watch i iMj i ijjjwra Cumrannlm Miictirconsatniiai. iianaoooaoni'aiaau vjl iflilAAt KoMirf fur curlnir lulentj. 'o. rtcclM &i&o Tfwee Days Ftfom Today TOW'iMWIW? Ugpfi !- Church Destroyed. Fort Wayne, Ind., Dec. 3. St. Paul's Lutheran church was destroyed by flro this morning; loss $80,000, with small Insurance. Warship Went Ashore. Victoria, B. C, Dec. 3. Tho British warship Flora went ashoro this morn-. Ixg In a fog on Denman Island. The damage is unknown. Cold Driving Without a good warm wlntor buggy robe. Wo havo a good assortment at popular prices, and Its worth your while to Inspect our line.' Storm oprpns, too, for buggleB and hncka Keop your knoos dry and you'll not catch cold. Buggy whips, all gradas and prlcos Dixon's Graphite nxlo groaso for buggies and wagons. A truly good groaseand tho most economical thing on can use. Deearhnkos rnstor oil grease for wagons, a splendid brand, Lane Wagon Jaaks, n good sub stantial wrought Iron Jaak. Two slses to pick from. F. A. WIGGINS Implement' House. 255-257 Liberty St, Salem. Farm Machinery. Bicycles, Automo biles, Bow Ins Machines and Supplies N. H. Burley. Stwlng Machine Repairing. Oregon Fire Relief Association jOreeon'a Great mutual insurance Co. S15.440.588 Insurance at risk. Sife. economical Insurance for the people. Head office. McMluvlUe, Or. 11. A JOHNSON. Arent for Marlon Co. saiea. orecon. Collections Oi bad accountsi Prompt service, No collections, no charges VAN AL8T1NE, GORDON & CO., ulto 4 276H Commercial St, or 'Phone Main SOL A. R. MORGAN A CO, Managers Hinges m aa twwwiiiftiattt iSJBIl3allttatfr4i8t0itlM-4frfrg, 1 1 THE8E COLUMNS ARE CONDUCTED BY THE REPUBLICAN CITY PRESS COMMITTEE. J 6tgW'ttlHOgit-4--tei4HB4--fg REPUBLICAN The Republican Candidates for Mayor and Alderman Stand for All Possible Progress and Development of Greater Salem Consistent With Good Business Administration. REPUBLICAN CITY TICKET. For Mayor Frank Waters, For Aldermen. First ward Robt E. Downing. Second ward R. A. Crossan. - Third ward A. Gesner. Fourth ward J. Frank Hughe?, Fifth ward J. W. Young, Geo. F. Jacobs. Sixth ward E. C. Churchill, Frank Smith. Seventh ward Andrew Vass, Lee Atchison. Republican Candidates foe Aldermen All Worklngmen. Iu tho first ward Robert E. Downing, the nominee is a son of Hon. Goo. S. Dmvnlnir. Mr. IVivnlnii hue boon a Hfo-Ionr Ranul.llr.nn. In n Honl. er in livestock, and one of tho active, hard-working buslnoss men of the city. In tho second ward R. A. Crossan will lftnd tlin nnnnlillpnna fn vfntni-t- He is a hop buysr, ar.d a veteran of the Union armies; U prominent in Grand Army clrcloj. In the third ward Lon Gesnor Is tho nominee. He came to Oregon in 18-15, wns captain of a militia com pany during the war, has been In the stato senuts and city council. Ho was Indian agont ot Warm 'Springs, and points with prido to his public record. Ho secured the construction of the stato sewor when ho was In tho legis lature, nnd is a surveyor by prpfos sion. Finnic Hughos, tho cnndldato for al dorman from tho fourth ward, Is a quiet, hard-working young man, with kuuu uuBinuss senso ah nis inter. 03ts are Involved In tho building up of the fourth ward. His election will bo a cause for congratulation In that part of the city. Ho is a self-made man, having worked In the store nil his life, nnd holding no oRleo but ns- Jm8 8avoa jn,50o, after the mnnagsrs slstaut adjutant-genorul ami Heuton- hoid a secret moeting: at which It was ant of a militia company. proposed to hold up the contract tq In the tlfth ward the nominees nro promote "real oatate Interests." J. W. Young, a carpenter and contrac- They enacted a restrictive bicycle tor. who was one of the committee to ordinance that was uncalled for, then build the I. O. O. F. temple and opera. w.nt back on It. and when it was re house In this city. He also construct- vlvod by veto of the mayor, refused el the First IJaptlst church, two ov jto enforce It ernment buildings at Chemawa and many private rotildonces In this city. The other nominee in this ward Is Geo. 11. Jacobs, n blacksmith and wagon maker, and a hard-working man. In the big sixth ward the nomlnsots are K. C. Churchill, who works In Drown & Lehman's sash and door fac tory. He conductod a faotory In this oJty, which he sold out to Hansen & Landau. He has a splendid record for being a man who earns an honest uving, as have alt the nominees. His Mean nominee for mayor can't hold colleaguo on ths tlckot Is Frank down the Job. Lt us Inquire Into Smltn. a butcher and buyer In the em- thia a little. Could wo want a better ploy of Steusloff Bros., and one of representative of the people than "a the most Industrious meu In the city. I nailing good fellow?" This self-same In tho soventh ward the nominees "nailing good fellow" was the choice are A. Vass, who has been a snlea- of an open, direct primary, not of a man with tho Capital Lumbering Com- few rotlred capitalists In a back pauy for 16 years, and Lee Atchison. ' room, with lacked doors t'o select who has boon occupying a similar po- him. Thore Is absolutely no cause for sltlon for Duron & Hamilton for presuming the Republican candidate eight yoara. Such facts about caudh.ls not as honest and fair-minded a dates speak louder In their behalf ! candidate as Salem over had. than any words of eulogy. The Party for Young Men. With a young man In the White. being a "nailing goMl fellow," is par House, with young men in state and ' adoxicaL To presume that because county offices, with a young man for mayor and many for aldermen. Is It an wonder that the young men favor the Republican party this year? The Young Men's Republican club has gone on record for clean politics, and for a Republican administration. The ridicule to which this club of Sa lem most energtie young business men has been subjected at the hands of the Citizens' press representatives, will not tend to wean them from the rank of the party, which has the only esvjable record throughout the coun try. It may bo (for. sa veeyseeret SVere (hi meetiBsa at the CitimAus meUB8 Jhj UtlaHs; push) that the v4,of, the mub netwBKcaas are set wasted, ir so, that Is good, for the RefmbHcan party wants them. That Is where they be- CITY CAMPAIGN long, and any abuse which will return to tho camp those likely to straggle out of the ranks, is considered a com pllmont by tho active members for tho cause of tho young Republicans Give Salem One Decent Street. If tho Republican ticket is elected thoro Is reason to hopo that the com ing year will Bee one decent street I built In tho Capital City. There will I be a large cash strsot fund, and it i should not be all spent hauling un screened river sand and gravel onto tho streets In summer, and hauling it off 'n wlntor usually Just before oloc- tlon' If tne Citizens' ticket is elect- I people need oxpoct no change iroju me oiu-rasnionod process that hns boon the rul ioY years-a .ru, that has bcon abni"ned by thi progressive prune growers of tho red i hills, to the shame and disgrace of the Capital City. The Ropublicuns hang the banner of progross at the. h1endtf tholr coniasn column, and the haysoeds howl about what thsy have done. But thoy promise neither the city nor the suburbs any progroK! whatever This campaign will decide whethor Salem shall take a stand for progress, or endorse cold-blooded i "business." I Tho Citizens' council abandoned tho popular loan plan of funding the city bonds that fell due tho past year, to save tho expense of & special elec tion, when tho interest they would havo savod would hare sevoral times paid the csponse. Thev refllHOll fn l-lvn thn nnnnln Ihn boneflt of Ul0 Australian ballot law. on tho cround of exnnn nrt in. 8tead. force the poll tax law, to keep ns many n8 noS8lb,0 fr0m voting mi. . .-i. .ui .,.. "d "i'i uauiv uu tticir uwu llgui- ng contract, tho best the city over had. nndar which thr oinim th ,itv No Argument Against Frank Waters fc- Mayor. The only accusation that has been brought against Frank Waters, the Republican nominee for mayor. Is that he Is a good fellow. That was tho ac cusation made against Governor Chamberlain, and it elected him. It Is not a crime In the oyos of the peo ple to be "a nailing good follow." Tho Cltliens' manngors are tor raented with the fear that the Ropub- The attempt to slur the good name of any man Is bad business, and to aeoHe him In the same breath with Dill Waldo resigned the mayoraMty. Chat Frank Waters must, is as sensi ble as to presume that Waters roust affiliate with eertaln political move ments, because others da. There are other features to this matter of a competent mayor Hon. Geo. H. Williams, of Portland, was hesen because of some certain quali fications, which all went to make up a "grand old'man, but Have you no ticed the result? What has become of municipal government In Portland uuiier the Wllllaraa' administration? So tuh for the peesiblMty of geed gownmat (can aAiog aaanpee 119 at ie qarafsai virtues. If wrt eottes te wewt, asd the Republican e&adMate for mayor is liable to he pestered to death, or GRAND ffi JOHN F. CORDRAY, Mgr. Friday, Dec. 4 Special Engagement of the Famous Olympla Opera Co. and MISS LOTTIE KENDALL Supported by an exceptional cast, Including Its famous Beauty Chorus In Richard Stahl's Master-bit of Comic Opera. "S&bd Pasha" No advance in prices. $1.00, 75c, 50c, 35, Seata on sale at box office Friday at 9 a. m. burdened beyond carrying capacity, what is to prevent him from calling on City Recorder Judah to see him through? Mr. Judah will not abandon any mayor tho people may eloctc If Mayor Waters gets to a point where he cannot handle the affairs of the city properly, he has tho satisfaction of knowing that he can call on tho umblquitous city recorder for help. Ho can take a flying leap onto the back of tho Citizens'' Holy Moses, nnd flee for safety to the streets of Cairo, a popular pastime at tho Greater Sa lem Carnival. All pleasantries aside, there is no argument against Frank Wators for mayor, and he Is such a perfect and considerate gentleman that he can count on the cordial co-op eration of the Citizens' ofUclnls who) still will bo In office for a year aft?r he is olepted. Those who now repre sent him ns a weakling will find that ho Is a man of clean hands nnd brave enough to undertake any task the people may Impose upon him. Thosq who say he will bo "managed" look at mon from no other standpoint. Do You Want Progress or Expensive Theories Do you want clean streets? Vote for the Republican ticket. Do you want Improved streots? Vote for the Republican ticket Do you want a street light to find your way home? Vote for the Republican ticket. Do you want to ride on tho side walk? Voto for the Republican ticket.' Do you want anything else? Vote for the Republican ticket. Foolish Talk About Force. All the talk emanating from Capt. Mahonc about shouldering his musket to drive the saloon keepers and gam blers out of Salem Is not Amorlcan, but anarchistic In sentiment. Thore are others talking about procodlng by the sword and bayonet route to make men better and reform the world. This has ever been the last resort of fanaticism. It is the Mohammoian cry. of conquering tho world with the crescent and the sword, and unworthy of Intelligent cltlzons of a free coun try. Happily It does not extend vary far, and a majority of the next city council will be composed of men who will not encourage the Holy Roller system of government. The Ticket for the Worklngman. The worklngman who wants tho city to prosper should vote the Re publican tlckot. He can count on no encouragement In the way of public Improvement from the Citizens' party. (n if m Sron r EGOMVUES BARGAIN WOUSJB- Sweeping Reductions All Over The. Store for This Week Sale On next Monday morning our store will bo turned Into a Xmas Bazaar and until that date we will give the people a chance to buy dry goods cheap, chooper than you over saw them beforo offered In Salem. Ws have to do It We need the room badly. Read on. 75c Silk finished Velveteens, yd 4Sc 05c Cardinal Cashmores. yd ... . 33c 39o Wool drese goods. 0 inches wiUe, per yard 38c 3c Valenciennes Lao, yd lc 7c OutiBK FlannaL yd iV,o $1 Dlack Silk Peau de Sole, yd ..66c No. 5 All Silk Taffeta Ribbon per yard Stje Sc Cotton Batting; roll 4c 3c White Table Damask, yd 34c 8cWhte Towels 4c 13c Blue Striped Tloklug. yd 9o 7o Best Callooee. yd 4c 39c Wash India Silk, yd Xc Children's 39o Union Sulta 38e Ladlea 18c black cotton Stok- sings 'tv - 5o JJrokea lot of Qorsta, half ;nrlce. "Ladles 7c Union Suits 4Sc THE CHEAPEST STORE IN THE NORTHWEST. M'Evoy Brothers, &X' Futs High., grado fuYs flutters beauties that suggest a frosty Xmofl In face of wluter's biting blasts. Wo hare tho boat tho Market affords at prices as high as $35 eaoh, and for overy dollar ex ponded on furs hero yon re celvo more than a hundred cents worth of style and satis faction. UMBRELLAS FOR CHRISTMAS Of course you will havo an umbrella on your list Hero you will find tho best lino In town to select from. Handles and covers tho prettiest and best, and prices tako llttlo Jnmps from 7Sc to $6.00 each. Make your selection early. SUIT CmSES If your friend travels much, give him a suit caso a Christ mas gift. .Wo woro never bet ter equippou 10 supply your needs In this line. Prices from $3.50 to $J5 That organization has gone body, soul and breeches into the hands of those who aro opposed to improve ments. Most of tho nominees are mon who will bo active only to In volve the city In litigation, to defeat tho charter and close the saloons, which, under the state laws, they know very well cannot be done, and Captain Mahono admits that, by tar ing they propose to get a local option law at the bands of the next legisla ture. What worklngmen want li steady employment, tho charter sus tained so that Improvements In hi suburbs may be undertaken. Many houses will be built in the new wardi, as soon as it Is known they are posi tively in tho city. Vote for men who stand for tho charter, and who can not be pulled off by a few rich proper ty owners, whenever an attempt I made to Improve a street or lar 1 sidewalk. Jap3 Outbid Russia. Glasgow. Dec. 3. It is authorlu tlvely stated this morning that CnlU has sold the nowly-constructed bat tleships Llbortat and Constitution ta Japan for 19.000.000, this being scl eral hundred thousand higher th the price offered by Russia. Dost Spool Silk, spool Best Saxony Yarn, skein . . sk IIandkerch,ef8 Be8t Sans S1,k- baU Good sized Dlankets ..U J, ..5 ..It ll ReUe blankets very cheap. Men's Mo Silk Neckties .- "" Rajte loo suspenders Mel's 2fo suspenders JS Men's 3C wool ox -15e Men's 39o fleeced underwear . --1 t,5J fur boas, price T ll.BE blaak silk memorized sklrts-W Odd lot children's 36c underwear.! .wi Mqrwool . fascinators, price Better ones, -vory cheap. S3 French flannel waists J1150 fine wool waists Bargains la every department jut 9 J 4.