Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 03, 1903, Page FIVE, Image 5

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JOUrlMAL. 8ALHM, 9urJyj9DAy DECEMBER 3, 1M0.
'! I 'i i i ill i pilim tui' 7VTi, i'i ilitlT1 'tii i7
TWe r bojr in this t.wn who real), thirst tot a Watcb. Nothing
f, w. ?" 7 m a ? by Jm for Chrlm W RlM m h eo
welLwWMch M.eoul4eII,,be-prmdxorTnot one,9f the raake-shllt wa'ch
'? 7w?'f?r ?a' ,,UCM & nh school carry, but roily
d.pondbCfmp!tc.th.th.cncmy till ho re.ch.i manhood, and lon.r still
it be wishes. The BarY Store hai ..ood raanv W!.h. In .!, t... m
ezaetly All these requirement and that are by no means too costly for inch a
purpow. 8ome.of them eoit $3.50 and $10 00 or $15.00. There are a good
wsmy parents In Salem who. If thty one taw them, would donbt no longer what
thy had betler kay the boy for Chriitmas. Does this appl to you?
Wo expect to tell a rood many Ladies' Watchm for Hhrliim.. .!. r'.,,,..
beautiful specimens await the chooser, at
i Corner State and
kL&erty Streets,
whim iniiiiitiuiimi
Social Realm!
M. Ii. Hamilton wont to Portland
this morning.
A. Lv Fraior went to Portland today
ifor a short rlslt.
J. C. Siogmund was a visitor in Gcr-
Irais this morning.
Hon, Thos. D. Kay wont to Portland
this morning on business.
W, D. Pugh left this morning for n
Rew days' visit In Eugene.
Ma and Mrs. W. N. Gatens went to
Portland this morning for a few days
George Mourcr, of South ' Salem,
ypnt to Eugene -this morning for o
Row days' stay.
'Miss Genovlovo Froorkson, of Port
land, Is in tho city for a fow wcoUb'
visit with frionds.
W. W. Hall was a passenger for
Woodburn this morning, for a brief
f visit with friends.
Mrs. R. S. Bonn came down from,fv' arrested ns vagrants, and George
FBugeno yostorday, and is making a
fcshort visit among old-tlmo frionds.
Mrs. C. B. Wolvorton roturncd from !
Portland this afternoon, after attend -
ing tho production of Ben Hur last
Mr! nn,l Mr. vi T. Ttnrnes returned
this morning from Portland, where
they attended tho performance of
Ben Hur laBt night.
Hon. W. S. U'Ren, of Portland, Is in
tho city, to tako part in an argument
of tho Initiative and roforendum case
in tho supreme court
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Volmor loft this
morning for San Francisco, where
thoy will spond tho winter, returning
l'-to OreEon In tho sprlna.
Govornor Chamberlain loaves this
afternoon for Portland, and Saturday
afternoon ho goes to Soattlo,, whore,
n Sunday, ho will dollvor tho mo-
morlal address at the Elks' lodge of
sorrow in that city.
Mrs. Sol Snydor loft this morning
for her homo in Murray, Idaho, aftor
an oxtondod visit with her aunt, Mrs.
J. II. Smith. Hor husband, who also
pent sovoral days hero, loft last
night for points south, to look for a
location, as ho does not doslro to con
Unuo his rosldonco in Idaho, whore
his health Is poor.
South Salem Personals.
Mrs. Laport, of Albany, Is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. William Wolch, for
a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Thompson loft
last night for Jotforson, where thoy
will visit rolatlvos for a woqk.
Frank Brown loft yosterday for Mt
Angel on a short business trip.
Miss Susan Wentworth, of Portland,
la visiting frionds in South Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Goswick and fami
ly returned this morning from a short
A clear Havana 12e cigar. For sale by all dealer. Au0 Hueken
stein, Manufacturer, Salem, Oregon.
Time is Precious
And so is a reliable tipepleoe.
Watches and clocks purchased at G.
T. Ponxeroy's aro alway accurate
time-keeporar and require the least r
pairs, with ordinary careful usage.
They caa always bo depended on. We
are selling a Walthara or Htgln move
ment In a 30-year gold filled oos at
$12.50, We can furnish aay style of
Jeweler and Optician, 298 Com. St.
Give U Yonf
Pumpkin Pics
"extra quality, made fresh every other day. j
At the Caliiomla Bakery.
all the way from $9,00 to $50.00 eah
visit to their old home In Madison
ville, Kentucky.
The Price of Furniture.
A. H. Damon, plaintiff, vs. J. N.
Shants and Mrs. J. N. Shants, de
fendants, is tho tltlo ot a suit filed In
tho first department of tho circuit
court this morning. The action is
brought for tho recovery of $1077.80,
tho value of furniture alleged to have
been converted to their own use by
tho defendants about a year ago, and
for $200 damages. W. H. Holmos and
Webster Holmes are the attorneys for,
tho plaintiff. Mr. Shants is the owner
of a second-hand furnlturo store, and
is said to have bought a quantity ot
furnlturo from some parties last year,
which property Mr. Damon alleges be
longed to him.
Work for the City.
The police during the past night ar
rosted n number of hobos, and those
were' this morning dlsposod of by Ro
corder Judnh. Among them woro A.
A. Koernor, Ooorgo Doylo. A. II.
Birch, Toney Beckor and Charlos Duf-
"owara ana u. r. Alberts, tor Kooping
Iot0 ,10U" Tn0 flrat u,ro0 nara0('
woro "ncd 10 oacn. and w,1 8orvo
1 "r urae, wnne uto omor lour wore
floated, and nt onco left tho city.
iDoylo, Birch and Duffy woro in the
crowu ot nouos givon ueas oy mo po-
lice last night.
Not Hoodlums.
In the rush of dally newspaper
work, tho editor ot this paper over
looked tho uso ot tho word "hoodlum"
In tho reporter's account of tho college
studont dloturbanco last night. The
dlsturbnnco was uncalled for. nnd
cannot bo Justified from any stand
point, and tho young mon are desorv
Ing of a nowspapor roast, but thoy
aro not hoodlums.
Divorce Granted.
Judgo Bolso Inst evening granted a
divorce In tho case of W. P. George,
tho Front-streot boarding houso keep
or, ngalnBt his wlfo, Mary P. George.
Tho divorce was granted on the
ground that tho defendant had treated
plaintiff in a cruel and inhuman man
ner. Appointed Administrator.,
County Judge Scott this morning
appointed Don. G. Woodward admin
istrator of tho ostato of Boniface
Mauch, dooeasod.and fixed tho bond
at $4000. Tho bond was at onco filed
with the county clerk, and lottors of
administration woro ordered to issuo.
Tho eetnte Is valued at about 13000.
A hundred years ahead of its'
tfme -Schilling's Best will
trade and goods improve so
much in i oo years?
At your fTucwr" j momjrbttk.
Order For
- "" "",w'
Mwwwucienitwfw -
a i icei uiai ur. wngnua mctn-- j. , ;
S od ot oxtracOn'tectJi! great j S Ita'a toottixtracted at Dr. .?
S blessing to humanity. I had an 9 Wright's denial office and can it
J ulcerated tooth extracted, l(hlSvtrutWunJr ay & I
g out palu. ';-' -'''' T Jfecl a particle ot pain.
Aaststant Poatmastor,
Salem, Or.
H ffreiOIieHH -
Effort to Enforce the
Role in New and
Old Wards
Opinion of Officials and Can
didates. Who Drew the
Charter That Law Don't
Apply in New Wards
The now charter of Greater Snlem
contains a provision that a voter
must havo paid his poll tax of three
dollars for tho year In which an elec
tion takes placo bofore ho can vote at
a city election.
It provldos that tho street commis
sioner must fllo with tho city record
er a list of thoso from whom ho has
recolved the monoy on Saturday ev
ening ot this week, nt 5 p. m., and that
will bo tho voting list for each ward,
unlosB tho votor Is oxompt by law.
Tills law, It rigidly enforced, will
work a hardship, especially In the
wards of Salem, whoro tho city had
no Jurisdiction to collect a poll tax
prior to Octobor 1st, whon tho char
ter wont Into effect. Tho poll tax In
tho old wards was not collected under
tho now charter altogether, although
It cannot bo denied that tho city has
tho right to enforco tho rulo In tho
four wards of tho old city. Streot
Commissioner Ooorgo Grlswold will
enforco tho law without fear or favor,
and It Is not believed that ho will tako
J Even The Blind J
m Can see H-Strone eyesleht Is not essential to choose the best M
2! raakeofa"FOUNTA!NPt-N." Any old pen nay look all rlcht, S
v but will It write all rlcht? A Mind nan would pick the V
M "SWAN FOUNTAIN JEN" out of dozens of others, after a M
m short trial of each Yon try It a while If not satisfactory a
W come back and cash In. W
Pattern's Book Stone
any partisan advantage to favor one
sl'do or tho other. Ho will simply on
forco the law, aa ho finds It But' hit
right to onforce It In tho new wardr
is called In question. Thoy wore not
under the jurisdiction of the city until
October 1st. They belongod to a
number of county road districts,
whose supervisors collected the tax.
The poll tax provision In the Great
er Salem charter Is causing a great
deal of oommont The action ot tho
city council In ordering the street
commissioner to have a deputy at
each polling place to enforce collec
tion of the poll tax before a voter
can cast bis ballot will shut out a
great many from voting,
The committee that framed this
charter adopted this feature, and all
voted for it oxoept John II. MoNary,
who regarded it as an unjust qualifi
cation, that works a hardship on many
young men and others, to whom the
payment of thre dollar for the prlv
liege of voting Mtnii an oHonms un.
It t-ofliM hard on student ami young
men getting a start In lifw, and scores
ot whom are mimml by the tax eol
lectors by m fault of thJr own. Tkey
ar to U stood up on eJeetlofi day
aad mado U ny. w l rofHiod the
right to vote.
Judge JnobJi aaya ho dooa not think
It was the ltratloi of tho ooycn to
try to collect any poit Ux In tb bw
wards, or mako tho poll tax a Uat of
...U 41An .U. Cllatfril&ltttIV
vjjr unnu iun inn wnw a
patnloM, and 1 easBOt say too T
much In ptaMw of the work.
Vcy rotpoetuU.
MR. B. KAY8.
$alm, Or.
The work waa dano at Dr. B.
HL Wrlght'a Dental Offlao. 8a-
la. Or.
MtwTiKyou iaio)wt
did not
voting in those wards.
Judge Bonham, who ban frequently
been legal advisor for tho Citizens'
council, says if tho charter requlrca
tho streot commissioner to mako his
list of rotors from thoso from whom
ho has rocclvod tho tax, ho can havo
no basts for acUon, so far as tho now
wards aro concerned.
John Bayno and W. T. Slater, Cltl
eons' candidates for aldormon, and
members of tho charter commission,
wort both ot tho opinion that It was
not Intended to apply tho rulo in the
new wards. But the way tho law rcada
it may havo to bo enforcod by the
Judges of election. ,
and Referendum
The famous caso of A. A. Kaddor
ly,, et al., appellants, vs. tho City of
Portland, ct nl respondents, on the
decision of which tho operation of the
Initiative nid roforendum amendment
hinges, was argued boforo tho su
premo court this afternoon. Tho casa
comes up from Portland, whoro the
circuit court decreod that tho lnltla-
tlvo nnd referendum nmondmont waa
no part of tho constitution of thtf
state. There wore other quostlonii
involved, but tho main question, and
tho one that attracts tho public Intor
oat, Is tho nttaok on tho nmondmont
to tho constitution, and there Is an ar
ray of logal talent ongagod lu arguing
thu caso boforo tho court Ralph R.
Dunlway appears for tho appellants,
and in support of the Initiative and
roforendum, and L. A. MoNary and J.
P. Kavanaugh for tho city of Port
land, and against tho amendment, nnd
briefs amicl curiae havo bcon filed by
John II. Mitchell, J. B. Waldo, J. C.
Moreland, J. N. Tral, Geo. E. Cham
berlain, C. B. S. Wood, Tllraon Ford,
George C. Brownoll and W. S. U'Ron.
Ex-Govornor W. P. Iord has also filed
a urlof oy permission of tho court.
Inwhlch ho nttackB the validity of tho
nmondmont, holding Uint it was ille
gally adopted, holding In offset Hint
tho Initiative and referendum amend
ment, bolng proposed while othor
amendments wero pending, In viola
tion of tho constitution, Is void, nnd
no part of the constitution; that the
subsequent vote wat but a legal rati
New Make of SewlriQ Machine.
000. C. Will, the od sewing ma-
chlno dealer, has received a new make
of sewing machine, named the IIW-
redgq O. This machine la made on
entirely new principal. It will sew
and tuok without any creases the
thlneat or loosest goods that can bo
bought In Salem, or velvet and tailor
aade poods. This machine Is a won
dr, (he work It will do. Doing nil
othor machine will do, and thing wo
uoatl to think wa Impowdble to lie
done on a sowing machine. If you
aro thinking of Netting a new ma
chine call and examine the new mako
of maahlne at Oeo. Q. Will's.
Dasket Ball.
MoMlnnrille ColUme Girl vs. Wil
lamette University Girl. Friday er
enlng In 'varalty gym. at 7: JO p. hi.
AdmlMloft JC ceU. . 1J J-Jt
The work waa done at Dr. II.
K. Wriglit'a I4mUI Offlee, 8ft
lew. Or.
I had Hla ywy bad tth
traded by Dr. Wright's Pain- ?
leas method, and It la with Z
great ple&aure Uiat I reeom
mend him to any one In need
of hi srvlee.
ComHjerciaJ Btrtwt, galea. Or. T
i mt
Salem, Or. X jt
'qn waimi
H " i'
Fot Wife
,. . A Uv
v w f .: iT
18- J
m I I jasBVr i.
w-i ak74A ijtffcJr A via a
. i
Detachable Handles ii
! !
Wo can give you on our umbrellas, a featuro that makoa i
j tho umbrella cost no more, but more than onco may provent J j
x your losing it, or having it stolon. Evorsooono? If not come
X in and let us show you. ! !
ii We carry cheap umbrollas, as low as COq nnd 75o, but th !
i ; kind wo would recommend, and tnat aro fitted with dotachablo j
j J handles, run from $2 to $5 ;
j j Any Man Would Appreciate Ao'JlJin- j j
i i brclla For
k wwHHa4aaa
Had Hand Crushed.
R. M. Ilakor, a Southern Paolflc
freight brakeman, of Portland, had his
loft hand sovoroly pinched while
coupling freight cars ot tho freight
dopot In this city, today at noon. As
a result ho wll) loso ono or two Angora
off tho loft hand. Agent - Houston
promptly called a cnb and took him to
tho otllco ot tho company's physician,
where his wound was dressed.
Must Make Concession.
Trinidad, Colo., Dec. 3. It la gen
erally understood today that Mitchell
and tho mlno lenders havo agreed tho
oporators must concodo tho solootlou
of pit bosses nnd enmp physicians,
othorwlso tho strlko'wlll bo mndo gdn
oral nil oror Cplorado,
0, P. O. Elks.
MoeUng tonight. Initiation. Or
chostra ruhoarsol nt 7 o'clock. Ban
quet. H- H. OMNOUH.
Bxaltod Ruler.
A girl for gonoral housowork, at
good wages to right party. Small
family. Apply at 189 Court stroot, or (
rail up Main 1281. 11-30-tt
I Don't Wait Until!
the man offers to I
BUY your land; get I
Title Straight
Then there is no de
lay when you want
to SELL.
You may THINK your 1
1 fitle is PERFECT, f
Do you KNOW it is?
i Salem Abstract
and Land Co. 1
If.W. WATERS, Mgr.
jrjiimiiiinmuuiiiuHniiinnnmnimiiid i
s Tfttee New Shapes
X In Bluohor and Ual aliooa
1 New last, best fitter on
Bee our now enamel and box
ealfflliot's at
99 3tat St. 3la, 0r80B.
raothor, or any ono for
Hint matter, would bo &
pair of nice whlto blanket.
No finor quality is raado
auywhero than vro make
right hero in our Salem
mills, and wo easily under j
sell othor morchants who i I
must buy through whole
salo houses. Our blankets j
aro made in all colors and j j
rango from $3 to $12.50
Holiday Frosent.
As my stock Is so oxtonslvoly uc
for Christmas presents, my atoro will
bo open evenings until Christmas.
Pleased to boo you call, and 'boo, If
you can And something to suit la my
tock. 0130. O. WILL,
Tho Music and Sowing Machine Deal
ur, opposlto Bush Bank.
Otfr Winter Easiness
A com plots lino of umbrella
covers to select from, prices from
$1.00 up. Ilrmdloa 2Co up. .
To fit all inakofl of wheels.
Shipp & Hatiser
Opposite Capital Nat. Bonk.
Football Supplies
steel .
JJt .
' ' li