Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 03, 1903, Page THREE, Image 3

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and Displayed
ays f
We invite you one and all
to come i and see our
o Holiday Goods C 7
The Stock and Assortment is much
' LARGER than ever before ; and
prices not any higher. Contrary,
many of our linss are much cheaper.
Remember that we Import all our
Goods and save 20 per cent. And
still better, the Factdry had made
better prices and we are giving the
Benefit to our Patrons. Come and
before the great rush is on and have
it set aside. Hundreds of Xmas
Gifts luve already been bought and
stored aside for Christmas Delivery.
Then you will be sure of your
Second Year Preparatory
Class Gets After the
First Year Boys
Yokohama Tea Store
Fine Roasted Coffees and Teas A Specialty
Phone 2411 Black. Free Delivery
JTho Aiistrlans arc the greatest tea
, drinkers In Uio world, nnnunlly con
tsumtng seven and throe-fourth pounds
uor head. In England the consump-
1cm Is about six and throe-fourths
sund per head, and In the United
rstatOB only one pouud, two ouncos.
President Will Speak.
Washington, Doc. 3. A committee)
of the Grand Army of the Republic,
from Gettjsburg. called on Hooeevelt
today, and extended an Invitation to
deliver the Decoration Day address on
the battlefield next May The Presi
dent will accept.
The Entire Stock
I We have purchased of Jacob Vogt must
be sold at a sacr ifice, Come early and j j
get your bargains, ; ;
! !
Successor to Jacob Vogt. 265 Commercial Street i :
aWe0SH'0 -HM-tH-04f ltOfrgHHB
Last nliht, while the members of
tho first yoar's preparatory claw of
Willamette University were being on
tertalued nt the homo of Rev. H A.
Ketchum. corner of State and Church
streets, a disturbance was areateri by
a number of student belonging to n
rival claw, In an attempt to break up
the gathering, and, na n result two
of the members of tho disturbing force
were arrested and lodtod in tho count
ty jail by Deputy Sheriff J. U Skip
ton and a force 6f "toon token to the
scone of disturbance, at the request
of Mr. Ketchum.
For some time class feeling has run
high In the University, and Bevornl
weeks engq two classes clashed
causing considerably disturbance In
the University, until the faculty was
compiled to tnke steps to suppress
the trouble. L.nst evening the mem
bers of the first year preparatory class
were entertulned at the hospitable1
home of rte. and Mrs. Ketchum,
when the rival second year prepara
tory class proceeded to the home of
Mr. Ketchum In a body, with the evl
dent Intention of breaking up the
The premises were taken by storm,
and so disorderly became the crowd
that the pollde officers were tele
phoned for. Hfforts were made to
Bain entrance to the building by force
and to bad became their conduct that.
falling to find the police, some one
slipped out of the house, and hastened
to tho sheriff's ollloe, and secured the
nsslstnnce of Deputy Shorlff Sklpton,
who, with Bevernl men, wont to tho
The first man arrested by the of
fleer was Moeo Averlll. who was
caught In tho net of throwing objucts
nt the second story window of the
house This follow was at onco plncod
In the hands of one of the ofllcor's as
sistants, and soon a second hoodlum.
one George Simpson, wne arrested
while In the act of trying to break I
through n trap door Into the house
from the basement, ho having wlnoil
admittance to the Imsemont by force.
Doth of these fellows are momuors
of the second year preparatory clase,
and both were given cells In the Mn
rion county Jail last night, where oth
er alleged lawbreakers were their
companions, and where they made
themselves as comfortable ns possible.
Members of the offending class ex
cuse their actions by stating that re
cently one or thalr socials was (lis.
turned by the first year class in n
similar manner, and that last nlght'fi
action was simply an attempt to pin?
even with their opHMients.
This morning Deputy Sklpton swore
to a ctmplalnt, charging the two
young men with disturbing the peace.
The defendants were taken to the of
fice of Justice of the Peace Morgan,
and, on being arraigned, pleaded guil
ty to the charge, ami were fined 1 10
each. In default of imyment. they
wero romnnded to Jail
Arrived at the Jail, the two young
men paid their fines to Die sheriff.
and wero djsehaYgod. '
About 36'co-cds; 'accompanied the
two young men to tho court room, and
Inter back to the Unlvorslty.
GDne East
to Remain
John Slemer. the young German re
cently taken to Iown to answer to the
charge of forgery, has confeesod his
crlmo. and Is now in tho penitentiary
at Fort Madison, to serve ten years
The Dally Advertiser, of Clinton.
Iowa, in its Issue of November 23d
says of tho ense:
"John Slemer. the man Sheriff Mor
an brought bank from Salem. Otr
to .answer to the charge of forgery
was arraigned in the district court
this morning. He plead guilty to the
charge, and Judge Wolfe sentenced
him to ten years nt hard lnbor in tho
penitentiary at Fort Madison.
"A. few days ngo when Sheriff Mor
an was at tho panitoiitlnry nt Snlem,
Oro,, with the requisition papers for
John Slemer. an Inmnto of that lnntt
tutlon, and who was wantod hero to
nnswor to tho charge of forgery. Slo
mer protested his tnnoconco, nnd said
he would be nblo to prove and nllbl
"All the time whllo on the long trip
to Clinton the prisoner maintained
thnt he would havo no difficulty In
getting away from the charge nwnlt
ing liim here. Of course. Sheriff Mor
an gave him some information to
think about.
'JAnd Slemer changed his mind.
Sa' unlay he mads a confession to
Sheriff Moron, In which ho admitted
his guilt. In his confession he gave
the story complete.
"Slemer Is 34 yenrs of age, and n
married man. His wife and child are
at lltllsboro. Ore., and do not yet
know that he has left the penitentiary
nt that place When Sheriff Moron
recolved the man he went after he
lost no time In gutting out of the
stnte. Slemer was In tho Snlom prls
on when Tracy, the bandit, nnd hlB
pal, Merrill made their bold escape,
nnd saw thorn shoot and kill tho two
prison guards.
"Sheriff Moron says Gbvornor Geo.
B. Chamberlain, of Salem; the gov
ernor's private secretary, W. N. Gat
ons, and C. W. Jnmes superintend
ent of the prison, extended to htm ov
ery possible courtesy that they wont
out If their way to assist him In at
tending to the business he hnd tc
transact at the stnto capital nnd n
the state penitentiary."
Branson A. Ragan.
Keop all kinds of grocories, and
they are tho best thnt can bo found
In tho city You don't know it until
you havo tried them
It is :t pleasure for mo to rec
Ommood Dr. Wright's painless
methods of oxtractlon. Had h
vory badly decayed tooth ex
tracted, aml.sny that It positive
ly did not hurt ma
Snlom, Or
eeiiof loiaiateifrn-npf t-
German Market !
Just opened, next door to liar
rltt tc Lawrence' grocery store
a clean, now market, where all
klnde of meat can be had. Low
prices and prompt dellrory our
motto. We make a specialty of
fine Gorman sausage of all
kinds. Give us a call.
4f J JftJL ffi.Jt jk
i iMnrt.ii i
. u
p See t vLLVRHiLH
jwju.ip.. if Liy .-t . j- T ' i in in M
M ... . . .... )
n I'nvo c ana rtreacritin 11 m
M for their most delicate I
m patients. I
m ulu ana runt.
m For Salo by H
1 A. 8CHREIBER, Salem. I ,
gf 163 State 8t I
; Wheat
Only $.5 per
The famous unexcelled $
l I Wanrtl.? ll.irJ f I ...... es
! ! The finpt flftnr fVfr ciiM
in the city. Tiy it once, f
; We will sell to you again. $
!! D. A. White
! 66 on
o reeameii anaocedsmen x
!! 301 Oom'l St. Salem, Oregon.
We Have a Few
Hbeating Stoves
$ To close out. Any old price takes them J
:::::Call and See Them:::::
Phtnt: Main S9S3.
Jy llllUMI lasSSMHIM Sll llll llllll !!
tHBMM rt rrli'l 'W-mr ! i-" ' r"nini
Have Yott Seen
The Bargains
At the great snlo, HO State Street?
They Ae Waiting Foif You
Overcoats that we warraut give you good wear
Pants guaranteed not to rip nor tear,
Fringes and passeraeMrie, jet rimniig and lace,
Anything from it pm to x urose suit oaso.
Umbrellas and gum boots for the mud and the rain,
Dollar shirls for half, sweaters at ihe tame,
Hats and fine suits that will tit you so neat,
Corsets for 15, good underwear aheap.
One more short month and wo close this treat gale.
Why not be wise and the bargains avail?
When there are goods that you need in our Hue,
Just follow up State Street to 140.
. Friedman
We have a fine tract of timber
land near Cottage Grove
1C00 acres will make
about 4 million leetto 1-4
section. From 100 rods
to 1 1-2 miles of river
This is a snap.
Two acres, with good 5 room
house, large barn, plenty
of fruit, 12 acre of vet
ches, for rent at S5 00
per month 1-2 mile Bast
of Asylum.
If yeu have property to sell Or rent,
or want to boy or sell, trade or ex
change for other yropsrty of say
kind, or If yon wast a loan or In Mir
aocs. see It. It. Itysn & On lfl-SC-tf
R, R. Ryan
& Co.
Notice of Election.
Notice Is hereby Klven that an eloc
Uon will be held In the CUt of Salem.
OroKon, on the first Monday In Do-
cenber, 1001, the same being the ser
enth day of said month, and that the
polls for said nlection will be open from
10 o'clock a, m. until 4 o'clock p. m.
on said day, for the purpose of TCtlng
A Mayor, to fill the unexpired twm
of offlco of Hon. C. ' P. IHtkou, re
signed. One Alderman from the first
ward, for a period of two years. One
Alderman from the second ward, for
a period of two years, Ons AUwrroaji
from the third ward, for a perlo4 of
two years. Oas aUerman from the I
fourth ward, for a period of two years
One Aldorman from the fifth ward, for
a period of one year. Oae Alderuan
from tho fifth ward, for a period of
tw years. One Alderman from the
sixth 'ward, for a period of one year
One Alderman from the sixth ward.
for a period of two years. One Alder
nito from the aerentu ward, for a pe
riod of one year. One Alderman from
the serenth ward, for a ptrtod of twe
years. And FOIl or AGAINST the
lisuaaee of bonds to redeem tho issue
made by the city of Halem In 188C, la
the tHW of MfiOO, for bridte par
Tho potting places for said electlea
shall b as fallows'
First Ward Freoiand's factory. Dl
visum and High street. ,
Beoofui Ward Police eourt room,
City Hall.
Third Ward-PreKwi'!i store, Htatc
street soar HlgJc
fourth WardRoe; Kroat llrery
sUble. OoMrasrchHl and Tjade strtets-
FlfUi Ward W. L. WaaVs eooper
shop, Uhsrtr streud, sr Wade's
SUUi Ward Oar barn. Twenty-first
aad Hate strewU.
SovtwUi Ward Jury fruit dry,
OoNMHsroiaJ and Hush stxrts.
DmQ by order of the Common Courv
dl of the Oily of ialsm, Oregiin. this
Md day of November, IMS.
flj N J JUDAH.
City Recorder, Baleta Oregon.
193 Commtrcial 31.
Ortr Jht Journal.
1 he man who can do the most and beet work,
quickest and ohoopest, is the man you want
to do your work.
All I nsk Is a chnnco to prove what I say Is
It Is more to your Interest that you have
this proof than It is to wine.
Elliott, the Job Printer.
Willamette University
John II. Colkuam, Pkehidicnt, Salkm, Ohkcion.
College of Liberal Arts, Law, Art, Medicine, Music,
Oratory, Theology,
PREPAiMTOnY DEIMnTMET-Oren to Madenie concletlnv elebth rde it
partncBt lower endes In jrcrarstory deparlncnt. Besides affordite
professlonil tnlnlnr, the University teersto five s irorot'irh rrctleal
edocatlon for all who are aware of the value of trained train.
THE NOPMAL DEI'ArnMEKT- Offers a It(rf Pit fturieli He fleets rrd
cractlce of teachinr. Meet6 all ihe n quire rntnts of ttete fificol law.
Its teachers are in constant demand,
Catalogue Upon Application.
Harritt & Lawrence
Sell more Groceries and better Oroccrles (ban ANYBODY
There's where you get GOOD trealment and GOOD geods
Slop in nnd for yourself. ci.p p. o. onocbwv
HS-Ml4-a-W ha - f -lffC rts)r8se)M0te ?
Capita! National
Only Natknsl Iisnk In Marlon
county 1 ranraeta a itMieral
bunking bminnt.
J. II Altert . President
E At CrolKn Vice Pres
Jos II. Albeit Cashier
Dep' li()i nt ffr eieefal In
iun t i'kwi ho with to
mm muijuy K4MeUily bo
ban tsveuuly ih wll ameuntf,
aUoto thoM who have money on
haml Hhlrti Is net earning lu
trrett I'f Kt of one ilol'ar r
more received at any time. Pass
txjok Issuik) io -hth depositor,
lutertut oredllwl en Jsnnary 1
ami July 1
Ci4t-aKIPiq)t4-sitliei Ht4-efw94
i jo3ec3?u sDoioXa.TTasfirat l
court trer
eseerieBced cutter aod fitter- Will jfuirauue all work Aieo clean-
Opera House Btock
loir, presslBtr and re wlrloe