Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 03, 1903, Page TWO, Image 2

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Corlppa News Association Telegrams.
' ' 3 and 5 O'clock Editions.
Dally Ono Year, 94.00 In Advanc.
Oafly Three Months, 91X0 In Advance.
Oally by Carrlor, 50 Centa Per Month.
Weakly Ona Year, 91.00 In Avance.
Oao Week $ 10
Oaa Month 36
. Three Months 1.00
At Journal office.
At Oaue'a Grocery, South Salem.
At Beweraox Grocery, Yew Park.
Asylum Avenue Grocery Store.
Electric Grocery, Cast State 8t
t-HHWHHIII M I 1 1 1 1
i f 1 mini mtu n 1 1 1
The Weather.
Tonight and Friday, fair.
Not speaking for Itself, but for a
largo number of inumbors of other
parties, who have left the Citizen's
jnovoment In disgust, The Journal
makoB this statement of reasons why
tany honest man who favors good gov'
onimont should learo It:
Tlio Citizens' council abandoned
the popular loan plan of funding t.lc
city bonds that fell due tho past year,
ito save tho oxponso of a special elec
tion, when tho Interest they would
have savod would have several times
liald the expense.
They refused to glvo the peoplo the
bonetlt of Uio Australian ballot law,
on tho ground of expense, and, In
atoad, forco the poll tax law, to koep
ae many as posslblo from voting.
They went back on their own light
ing contract, the beet the city ovor
had, under which they claim the city
hns savod fll.COO, after the managers
hold a socrot mooting at which It was
propound to hold up the contract tq
promote "real ostato Intoroats."
They enacted a restrictive bicycle
ordlnanco that was unoalled for, tlion
went back on it, and when It was re
vived by voto of tho mayor, rofusod
to enforce It.
'Thoro arc but few of thoso loft In
tho Citizens' movement, aside from
thoso In ofllcc. and men like I'ohla
and LnrHon, who woro too houost for
tho Insldo manipulators, and wore re
fused nomination by niou who wantud
to use thoiu.
Tho Journal for ton roars has con
tended for Direct Nomination primar
ies, and tho Uepubllcatm are tho first
to' glvo that right to the people of
choosing their own candidates.
Tho Citizens' have adopted a close
corporation, partisan plan of nominat
ing candidates, which places tho nom
inees under tho direct pressure- of a
few manager, who are uot above
serving selflsh human imprests.
llev. P. S. Knight was selected by
nn Inside committee, headed by Judge
Jltdah, who placed him before the
convention, and the convention was
not oven left to choose among a mini
bqr of eligible Republicans and Dem
ocrats who would have made aa good
a mayor.
This Is not saying that there are not
HOod men atlll holding otflce under the
Cltlaen's movement, or that there are
npt some good men nomInatel thl
year, but they are being dictated to
liy selflsh personal Influence op
poI to progreee, and Inimical to
good government.
The nominations for mayor and
aldermen were hawked about by a
elfeoiatItutd central oommlttee,
not made by the people of the wards,
or of the city at targe. Oh top of this
pledge have been exacted, ami se
cured, for Ihem io obey the orders ol
ftHOthmr eomllaUoH. The lteimbltean
itsiulueee are responsible to the iwo
ple dlreft. Inatend of through two or
threo ring.
Tttbtv are the plain reasons why The
JeurNal beltevw th eCttlaeia' ticket as
constituted In thh caiHpAljfn. shoHkl
Hot be aumOfte4. Title is said with
out rellectlaH n any iuiu'h motlvee,
aat without soerUlciNg the right to
sustain au kojtett, tHttoiMHtiPNU now
punliuui Hinagemet of rlty affaire
at any time In Ute future.
In place of Itetng the protector of
the electric light cowpaay. Tfc Jour
nal ha beH the only itaper to critt
else the manageiHont, aud has de
manded hotter lights ami reductions
of tho lighting bills when the service
has fnJM.
In th ahttg-MMit by the Itepuhnceu
rftttal8H committee the rotations of
H. V. IloJ4K Jr., to the street commit
toi, of whteh Mr. Pohlo was chair
Mavu The Journal do uet aseume
that any corruption was charged
against Mr. UpUe.
The mattrs nuhllehfU for the cam
jwlga oommlttoe are vt to contain
overatateuients, Ut Ma Dolso's ol
Joctions to Mr. Herman Pohlo being
ronomlnation for alderman In the sec
ond ward, were made In hia own In
terest, rather than In the lnterost of
the public
Mr. Boise cannot deny that he lias
boen chairman in this Citizen's cam
paign of one of the most Important
committees, and that nearly all the
meetings this year, and in other
years, have been held in his office.
The fact remains that If Alderman
Pohle had compiled with all of R. P.
Boise, Jr's, demands It would have
beon highly proper to retire him from
the Citizens' ticket, when It has now
tho appearance that he was retired be
cause he did not meet Mr. Boise's de
mands. - x
From the unrofutcd statement of
the cose, R. P. Boise, Jr., is the man
who should be retired from the man
agement of city politics.
To charge that a raanagor of a po
litical party seeks to use that party
for his own personal advantage Is not
a charge of corruption.
But for an alloged xnon-p'artlsan
manager of a reform movement to
object to an alderman for doing his
duty Is a matter for consideration.
The Timber Locator's Woe.
A reader of the Areata Union who
has boon through tho "mill" with the
land officials, has handed into this of
fice for publication the following
questions, propounded to him by the
special .agent. As they, were repro
duced from memory some of them
may bo a little out of tho way, but on
tho main wo believe them to be fairly
1. Whon and where woro you
born, hnd are you sorry it happened?
2. Wero any of your ancestors ov
er hung, and what for?
3. Are you taking up this land to
defraud ithe government, and If so
why aro' you so wicked?
4. If you build a mill on this land
will you sell the lumber or give It
5. What Is' your business, and
what do you save oach month?
C. Do you know tho dlfforonco be
tween speculation and tho doctrine of
Infant damnation?
7. Were you ever married, and If
so why did you happen to be so care
loss? 8. Who aro the grontest sniashors
Dot Norto timber locators or Carrie-
9. What Is your laundry mark, and
how ofton do you sond your clothes
to wash?
10. Is tho land offloo. groater than
the supremo court, and if so, why
Ik Do you uso Force, and what
is your opinion of sawdust as break
fast food?
12. What is home without an au
to? 13. Are you In favor of oxpansion,
and what Is your chest .measure
ment? 14. How far Is it from here to
thore, and If not, why so?
15. Wero you over In Jail, and who
balled you out?
1G. Is It truo that you stole the
money -out of tho ltttl eboy's bank to
pay for the claim?
17. Wero you ever baptised. Inoc
ulated or fumigated, and did It take?
18. Do you know what made Mil
waukee fatuous, and what Is your
liquid capacity?
19. Tell all your private affairs
whloh have taken place since child
hood not revealed by the aliove ques
tions, 50. Are you a union man or a
51. Don't you feel ashamed of
yourself for trying to keep the poor
script syndicate from getting hold of
your claim?
82. Were you over In love, and
how long before you came to?
SS. How many running feet of
logs Is there on your claim, and how
long will It take you to cut ((own all
the treee. working 16 hours a day?
SI. Who Ib the author of the fa
mous saying, "back to the woods?"
St. Now will you he good?
M. Who hit Iltlly Pateawu. and
what will be the outcome? Lakevlew
Albany Carriage Faetory.
UotnM. Dee. Sd: It It how an an
snrod fact that the CorvslUa cnrrhM
aiul organ factory will be' moved to
thin city and established as an up4o-'
onto plant in connection with a good
sawmill. Mr. Cramer can onre the
loan of WW. which h desired aid
him In starting In buslnei from an
Albany ejtlaea. so all that how re
mains before the factor' le moved to
this city la to secure the $900 bo
nus. Judging from the current of
public opinion on thta qgtoUon this
will be an easy matter.
The Aloo Club will inat tonight to
make arrangements for raising the
bonus. The oitlsens of Albany will
probably be requested to ooatrlbute
to the fund of $900 bonus tomorrow
morning, and It is ejcHeoiad that the
entire amount will be saoured In n
few hours.
Holiday Publications That
Are Worth Looking at
This Time of the
The Christmas Century Is, a great
big annual, overflowing with colored
plates, poems, stories, and high-class
lltorary performances too numerous
to catalog in a small newspaper. But
the spirit of the thing Is what quite
gets away with us the rlahnoss of
printing, contents and- general make
upa great big overflowing horn-of-plonty
stylo of publication. It Is
nearly heaven on oarth among peri
odicals. '
Outing is a splendid monthly of
sport, travel and adventure, spiced
with sketches of country life and
wholesome outdoor Action. Each
number has a review of the sporting
events in which the editor, Casper
Whitney, tolls what he thinks about
things, and if it is not just what other
sporting mon think, it is generally
better than they. think. His fearless
defense of humanity in the troatmont
of game Is also worthy of commenda
tion. '
Petorson's Magazino Is sustaining
the roputatlon It has Justly earned of
offering to its readers a most happy
combination of bright, ontertalnlng
fiction and clever articles on ub-
Jects of timely Interest. This art of
presenting useful Information In a
manner to hold the attention of the
casual reader is one not easy to at
tain, and Pearson's Magazino Is to be
congratulated on the success It has
always achieved in this line. The
loading article In the Decombor Pear
son's is the first of a series on the
organization and management of the
gigantic industrial corporations of
the present day, to bo contributed by
Mr. Henry George, jr. His initial ar
ticle deals with the methods of
"finance" employed by tho stoat
Amalgamated Copper Company.
Frank Losllo's; for Christmas has a
"Christmassy" expression from cover
to cover, and tho contents is moro
Christmassy still. It Is Christmas
for humanB and for tho animals, and
good-will invades oven the realms of
McClure's for Christmas has a star
foaturo on Rockefeller and tho Stand
ard Oil oligarchy, by Ida M. Tarboll.
Ida doesn't do a thing to the greasy
old octopus, but stand him up and
raako him faco right-about and ro
veal his true inwardness from tho
records. But he will go right on do
Ing businos8 and founding unlvorsi
tlos to oducato coming gonoratlons
In the gentlo art of skinning your fel
lowman. John La Fargo begins his
series on tho hundred greatest pic
tures, really tho groat magazine fea
ture of tho month.
Paul Elder & Co., San Francisco,
have a beautiful Decombor numbor
of their Impressions Quarterly. Tho
contents and tho printing aro equally
beautiful. Tho articles on home dec
orations are alone "worth the price
of admission.''
The new publishers of Everybody's
Magazine declare the holiday Issue of
the publication to be much the. beet
they have yet producod. It is not the
typical Christmas number made up
of stilted fiction and pictures of the
festival In many lands. It is just an
especially lively and entertaining
magnslne, full of really good stories,
clever pictures, and well-written and
timely articles. The TUdgway-Thayer
Co., Union square. New York, are to
be congratulate! an their brisk and
ontchy editorial department. It le
the brightest thing of the kind pub
lleheil In an magnslne or newspaper.
w -.., nn.. v.., n
Its. continue the J. Hdgar Rose pa -
pors on photography In the Cnicad...
It has tae-u.ua! list of articles II-
Instrntad with camera work from I
of the heat world
for a sample copy.
Like most of tho holiday month
Ilea the December Atlantic has nor
pages of advertising than reading,
but aa tho advertising Is mostly about
holiday books, it Is almost equally In
tereetlng. There Is always a literary
charm about the Atlantic that is ab
sent from almost all other monthlies.
It has not that got-np-to-sell stylo
about It that so many df tho success
ful periodicals have.
OInn & Co, Boston, send us a new
work on Elementary Piano Geometry
a subject we know as little about as
navigating an airship. It Is by Prof
Baker, of the Unlvorsity of Toronto,
and is Intended aa a preparatory
work for children In tho last years of
the grammar grades and tho first
years of the high school.
The Pacific Monthly marks the
close of Its tenth volume with the
publication of tho largest and best
number of that magazino that has
erver boen Issued. Indeed, it is no
stretch of tho truth to say that it Is
the host number of any periodical
ever Issued on the Pacific Coast. In
volume, It Is twice the size of the
Issue for December of 1902, and a
glance at Its contents will provide
evidence that, in tho value and high
character of Its articles, the Interesi
and quality of Its fiction, the vigor
ous timeliness of its editorials, and
tho profusion and beauty of its illus
trations, tho magazino has surpassed
all provlous effort.
For an example of unadulterated
nerve, the offer of tho United States
to arrange terms of settlement be
tween Colombia and Panama stands
at tho head of the list.
The United States Is arranging to
, rccognlzo Klng Petor Karageorgevltch.
J 0f Son-ia. It took somewhat longer than
It dld t0 8nnke tth panama but
,h ,,, f f,. amn
The dispatches noto tho grafting of
an oar on an "unknown wealthy wost
jerner." As the romovlng of one ear
was the old-tlmo punishment for rob
bing sluice boxes, the wealthy west
erner may bo excused for his seem
ing modesty.
The mud now being raked up on the
streots is Htorally of tho campaign va
Whon Satan took tho Savior on a
high mountain, and, pointing out the
kingdoms of the earth, offered to give
them all, If ho would fall down and
worship him; It Is relatod In certain
contemporaneous history, that "a
promlnont politician," who was on tho
summit looking at tho samo property,
tipped tho devil a wink, and, getting
him to ono side, whispered: "Say,
mister, If ho doosn't tako you up on
that proposition, I will."
How's This?
Wo offor ono hundred dollars re
ward for any caso of catarrh that
cannot be curod by Hall's Catarrh
Curo. F. J. CHENEY & CO.,
Toledo, Ohio.
We, the undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney for tho last 15 years,
and bellovo him porfcctly honorable
in all business transactions and finan
cially ablo to carry out any obliga
tions made hy their firm.
WEST & TRUAX, Wholoalo Drug
gists, Toledo, Ohio.
Wholosalo Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Curo Is taken Inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of tho system.
Testimonials sent free. Price 75c
por bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Hall's Family Pills are tho boat.
Easy Life of Women.
The negro housewife of the West
Indian Jungle finds housekeeping
very vaay. Fruits and vegetables
grow wild all about the huta, and the
rlvor abounds with fish.
On a wash day all she has to do is
to pick a few of the berriee of the
MAlerry tre. take her clothes to
the river, and use berries as she
would use ordinary soap. Even her
cooking pots grow on the treee, the
calabash cut in halves being used for
this purpose. Calabashes are used
'omu rer iMiwm. uauinm ami jugs lor
1 TOrry,B walw frow riv,r' WB,,
! lh T" ?"" . exctJtont cups.
, l. 'on
7 or nvr cup oi w, me negroes
picks half a doasa loaves from the
Hwe bush growing at her door, boils
them, aqueeoes the juice from a si
gHrmne for sweetening, and the co
. oonnnt supplies the mills. Thus she
has a delicious cup of tea without
depending unon tho grocer for It.
She makes tho mats for her floor
out of the dried loaves of the bana
na. plaited and eewn together, as tho
old country people make their rag
mats. later Ocean.
Cherry Pectoral
for the children. One dose at
bedtime quiets thejr uight
coughs and prevents croup.
Ask your doctor. i&22z
BgS. ggggSfaf BBnggSw ggn IsWft BggSf Ml SB, gVJ gg "V vfln
Tho Hind You Havo Always
in uso for over 30 years,
- and has occn innuo under his per-IKz-T
Bonal supervision slnco its Infancy
&cU& Allow no ono to deceive you in tlif.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " JuBt-as-good" aro bnfe
Experiments that triflo with and omlangcr tho health of
Infants and Children Experlenco rRainst Experiment,
CaiTia is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
Borit Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contacts neither Opium, Morphine nor other NarcoUo
substance. Its ago is its guarantee It destroys "Worms
and allays Fevcrlshncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep,
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Boars tho
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
SATINS Bright colors worth
CUSHION CORD ,ercenzed, bnghr. colors, only 10c
PILLOW TOPS With backs,
NECK RIBBONS 2 3'4 inches wide, only 10c a yard
SILK RjBBONS up to 1 12 inches wide, only 5c per yard
LADIES HOSE Fleece lined, 12 l'2c a pair
MUSLIN Bleached a yard wide, only 6c a yard
LACE CURTAINS 2 U2 yards lor g, 50c a pair
See our Stand Covers, Pillow
and Table Covers, all new desirable goods.
Rostein & Greenbaum
302 Commercial Street
Meats and Provisions
Established 1884
A Condition and not a Theory
Confronts the fastidious man that
baa soiled linen, and don't know
wbaro he can havo it laundored with
out Injury and In an irreproachable
ruanuar. We can relieve his mind
right now by assuring blm that bis
shirts, collars and cuffs didn't look
better when first purchased than they
do when sut home from the
Salem Steam Laundry.
Phone 411. 320 Liberty 8L
::::::::A GENCY O F::::::::
f J, 6. Graham, Agent
Vt-eft l Ml tfr4MagMfreMfr
Bought, and which lias beca
has homo tho signatiiro of
Signature of
50c a yd, now 25c a yard.l
new designs, only 25c a stt
Shams, Doilies. Bureau ScaifjJ
signs of Renewed Activity
In tha raal atata world lndlwl 1
creasing building operaUoni tii
8pring, aW prompt ui to remind i
that our faclllUea for inpplylog bin
and soft wood, lumber, lath, hlnjk
mil nthnr hnftrilnc? materials V
cptlonallr good. Wo will bo pie
to furnlah eatlmatea on eontrttA
largo or amall. A car of M1U CW
ehlnglea reoolred.
... .. Nwr 8. P. P" DpHl
Phona 651.
For Sale.
Crude and stick Satokur.
207 commercial &. aim. & I
- - --- fc.aMaaaaJeaa,i