Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 03, 1903, Image 1

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tttowie Remains in
Charge of AH its
rush on tho stores, as many, who had
exhausted their cosh, had been In no
tual want of food for tho past few
days. Thoy havo confidence, despite
me Dank s remaining closed, that Dow.
le'a stnement that ho Is "now rid of
stinkpots and devil parasites for good
and all," will be verified. Dowlo has
Isiuod a notlco that tho "vlpors of the
press" won't bo admitted to tho city
again. Tho court this morning Issued
an order that Dowle remain In chareo
flf thn Inilllaf rtna na lin ! V..n- .1.1 -
to manage them than an outsider. He
jmust regularly roport to the 'receiv
NO. S7&
Bays He Is "Rid of Stinkpots
and Devil Parasites
for Good and
i Chicago, Dec. 3. Zlon City is near
ly normal this morning. Faith In
Jowlo's ability to ralso tho coin is
still good. Employes of the laco mills
Emd other industries havo accepted
rado orders on tho stores for pay-
sent of wages. Thero was a great
Pleads Hypnotism.
Phlcago, Dee 3. Emll Itooskl, one
of tho car barn murderprs, will plead
hypnotism when placed on trial for
his life. His attorney this morning
said ho had tho opinions of some ex
perts that Rocskl wan tho subject of
hypnotism, and had been and Is still
under a spell exerted by Peter Neld
errater, one of tho gang. Iloeskl Is
passlvo nnd dull wltted, and a degen
erate. He Is 18 years old;
1 Holiday Goods
Dolls, Games, Toilet I
Cases, Shaving, Sets
2 Stumped Linens, Cushion Tops, Fancy Shawls,
2 Tablo Linens, Etc.
17ntiinmAniliiit ., iwIhaimaIii Inn n.tn.n it
JIVIIIVIIIUUl tllllbUUl CklClllUl) lUlt LHlbVD ULI-
ply to Holiday Goods na well ns to all regular t
lines. If you prefer to give
Practical Presents i
wo can supply you with Clothing. Shoes, Hats, ! !
!! Underwour, blankets, Comforts, Neckties and
! ! everything in Ladies' and Men's Furnishings. J
! Salem's Cheapest One!Pice j
' Cash Store. 3
A JLAU uu n i unit luiiwuui ::
E. T. BARNES, Proprietor
1 1
iw iiotaciiai frrWM)-ar4aiwgfli -ie
That of an Ear on a
Wealthy Westerner
Name Unknown
Operation Pronounced a Suc
cess and the Only Marks
of Operation Are on
the Other Fellow
New York, Dec. 3. Dr. Nedler an
nouneed today that tho ear-grnftlnu
operation, begun November 18th, Is
successful and nearly hsalod. It Is
tho first time In medical history that
such an operation has boon per
formed. Tho wealthy wostemor,
whose Identity Is still secret, shows
little outward trace of tho oporatlon,
beyond a few scars, which, tho sur
geon says, will eventually disappear.
To Make Him Disgorge.
New York, Dec 3. It Is reported on
the streets that n new suit will be
Bodies Found Today
Buried Near Their
' Recent Home
Charles Bonier Arrested for
the Crime-He Claims to
Have Bought the Old
Folks Property
were- adopted, for transmission to tho
sonata. Among thoso making ad
dressoa wore Dr. Sarah Elliott, of tho
woman's council, formor rosl'dont of
Salt Ijiko. now living In Philadelphia.
Mr. Owens, who Is a olvll engineer,
nnd was a resident for 20 years of
Salt Lake, visited tho meeting. Ho Ib
provided with a quantity of documen
tary ammunition, to bo used by
Smoot's oppononts In tho Bonato. Ow
ons claims tho fight Is so blttor, that
Smoot's recognition means a 'grave
calamity to Utah, and declares the
contest of greator moment than that
of Roberts, who was refused n seat In
Messenger Was Under Age.
Orogon City, Doc. 3. T. P. Cowing,
local manngor of tho Wostorn Tele-
graph Company Wednesday dis
charged Hoy Hlngo, tho mossongor, on
Instructions received from tho Child
DufTalo. Dec. 3.-Tho pollco thU lMhor Commission of this state
morning discovered tho bodies of . Young Itlngo Is only 13 years of ago,
Frnriji Frahr and his wifo burled In a J tho nttontlon of tno labor com
mission was caiifu 10 ins caso by Mrs.
Sarah Uvans, of Oswego.jthls county,
who Is a mombor of tho commission.
shed pear tho residence, from which
thoy mysteriously disappeared No
vember 20th. Tholr skulls had boon
crushed with a hammer, which was
aftorwards found In tho shed. A
search for Charles Bonier, who movod
Into the house tho day aftor tho
Krnhrs disappeared, resulted In his
nrrost at Erlo this morning. Fralu
and his wlfo wora each past SO yonrn
oli) Tho supposition of tho doteo
Uvea Is that Donlor commlttod tho
ff-g-t-afre-fa-ffrHaQ a i s-t-g-fog-fratM-H) a i a lao-nH-a-MH-o o i m
Rides a Wheel
Fred A. Erlxon, candidate for alderman from the Fourth ward,
rides a bicycle.
From past experience wheelmen know why they prefer an alder
man who rides, to one who don't.
4loiailtotaioigcta4fa4lliaiotaiaisiata laiaia
brought against the United Statos
Shipbuilding Company, In which Mor
gan will bo named apiong tho defend
ants, by au Interior mnnufneturor, who
alleges he Invested $50,000 on Mar
gnn's prospectus, In which ho mndo
false statomonts, thoroby obtaining
monoy under false pretenses. Notlco
murder to pain possession of tho
property. Bonier, whon arrested,
claimed to havo bought tho property
from tho old couple, paying $2200 for
It. Ho exhibits a deed bearing thd
Frnlirs' signature, but tho monoy can
not bo locatod. Dotectlves aro work
ing on tho theory that tho signature
Mnnngor Cowing was notified by
loiter from Mrs. Trumbull, seeretnry
of tho commission, that Hlngo, bulng
under tho required legal age of 14
years, his Immediate discharge as
messenger In tho employ of tho tele
graph company was demnndod. Tho
lad Is not physically Btrong, having
lung trouble, hml n local physician
has mado a statement to tho effect
that 'he physical condition of the Ind
nccoMltnteo outdoor life; that the
conflnomont of n school room would
bo detrimental.
This la the first Instance, locally in
which tho stnto child labor commis
sion has Intorforod In nny way with
tho employment of minora.
of tho suit will probably bo filed Jn a is a forgery, and Bonlor is guilty of
few days.
Kaiser In Dad Shape.
Borlln, Dee. 3. Desplto donlala. the
kalsor will bo obliged to spond Janu
ary and February In the South. Ho
was unable to attend tho opening of
tho Reichstag today
deception and murdor.
Big Sums for Human Life,
I.ob Angoles, Cal Dec, 3. A Ji(ry
In tho United States district court
this afternoon gavo a verdict against
tho Southern Pacific Company in tho
lnrgost nmount ovor awarded for the
loss of a human llfo In this stnto.
In tho suit of Mrs. Cora Voninn
against tho railroad company for C0,
000 as compensation for tho death of
her husband, who was killed in tho
disastrous wrock near Martinez, on
Decembor 20, 1002, tho Jury rcturnod
n vordlct awarding Mrs. Vornon $27,
Submarine Torpeda
Boats Threatened
Today Navy Department Has Rushers
the Yankton to Their
Assistance, Llfo Savers
Watching Them
Norfolk, Dec. 3. Thoro la a terrific
storm off tho Atlantic coast today.
Tho government submarlno torpedo
boat Moccasin 1r Jn distress tliroc
miles off tho shore. Tho Bubmnrlnot
boat Adder Is standing by, apparently"
under control. Tho gunboat I'oorla
Is trying to town tho Moccasin, Ufa
savors at tho station nro waiting or
tho sea to subside, when thoy will go
'to tho rescue.
The navy dopartmont has rushed
tho Yankton to Cnpo Henry to nld tho
Moceaflln nnd Adder.
Will Qlve Turkoy No Quarter.
Pnrlfi, Dec. 3. A dispatch received
huro from Constantinople mys tho
governments of Austria and Itussla
Imvo not yet acknowledged tho reply
of tho Porto to their Joint noto con
corning tho Macedonian raforms, and'
unless tho rofarm schomo Is accepted'
unconditionally they will addresB an
ultimatum to tho Sultan.
The Woman's Missionary
And Aid Society of tho Congrega
tional church will hold n Joint moot
ing In tho parlors of tho church on
tpmorrow (Friday), December 4th, at
I p. m. A full attendance Is earnestly
doolrod. By order of tho president!.'
Charged With Drlbery.
Kansas City, DoDa. 3. Htnto Sonn
tor Jesse Jewell surrendered todny,
to answer tho ehargo of soliciting
n $2000 bribe for himself and two oth
Hot After Smoot
Washington, Dec. 3 A meeting of
womon's clubs, and othors opposed to
seating Senator Smoot, took placo ' or sonalors to vote ngalnst tho baking
this morning In the Church of tho 'powder trust. Ho plendod not guilty,
Covenant. Ilesolutlons of protest and was roleasod undor bonds.
Fresh Nasval:
hemond iOc
154 State St.
Phone UN Maift.
iK3)Z!S!3K&2BS3EBmsmxisnmx& ckaariwsaaasaBtgBagBa '' jamwa i&wa.MhvmMrCT.:
i dm q
T f tit 4 fRT The children have bee tatog Christmas for weeks. Now the
M f)llUl V 11 &W8 whoIe c,tv has ""SW fac enthusiasm, and everybody is a child
A &P &&& J JL W VY again. Meyers Store has been one of Salem's most attractive fea-
VBatsiatwsmmmmmKsxxfsmmaivM iwjjmoi tares. This vears disolav is more cnmnlet nJ Mti tu
(Trr Tnur ,. , - T 4t t t if - ----w . ( ., iuhu I.KU
bciore. i real nviiun.x o x ukc, wnere a worm oi auorenmus iascinatc tnose who fust want to see, but bet
ter than that where gut goods are sold m the easiest and most practical way known. You can find the whole
world almost in miniature-housekeeping- storekeeping- railroading- automobiling- sailing- soldiering- riding
oiiving ana on ana on inrougu almost every puaac ui me, aus everyiuing in a wuifl OI activity that makes evcCY
cuiio buuui wuii uresisidDie okuuu
Irresistable Bargains
Irrefutable bargains are given
during this great garraeat sala.
Every Milt, Jockt. skirt and, waist
in our cloak department la Using
offered at crwUy rdiMd price.
Ladies Suits worth 1.8 75 red to $4 37
$7.50redto 19-85
f 4.60 red to 3.00
" P6 reJ to 15.03
Now Is tho time to select jour
materials for your party or recep
tion gowns. Among all tho protty
fabrics shown wo would suggest
Crepe de Chine, Rolleunos, Hen
rlettaa. Nun's Veiling, Albatross.
You may feel reasonably euro to
find tho right thing here at the
right price.
A great variety to select from.
See court street windows for dem
onstration. SCOTCH PLAIDS
In all the newest combinations of
colore, 27 Inches wldo; corroot
colors, 12c yard
Heavy quality, 32 Inches wide,
elegant for school druseon,
23c yard.
Bxtra heavy, double faced for -klrnonns,
ilrewuog saequM, bath
rubofi. children's cloaks, etc, 27
Inches wide, ail colors 65c yard.
The Munilng Combi
nation Suits in medium
and bear weight fabrics
The best foundation for
taiteful and ityllih drM
it a salt of perfect fitting
Mnnting Underweay.
There is no other high
grade snderwrar so Inei
penilTO and there is ne
other Tow priced under
wear te good.
Ftee S,ata-
Ilsides tlie thousand and one
thimts tu interest vouiiir and n'd In
side our More lirrn will be tlui addtrd
attraction o( onrcoinertr, whieti will
be given nt reifiilnr Interval iinrlnv
the Holiday Sxann, We snt jou
to come in uud enjoy tliet-e ootiperts
with ii. and make yonrtfUes at
Saturday, Dc-.
7 p. m. to 9:30 p. m.
At this sale all remnants are
placed on a table by themselves,
where you may make your selec
tion, with ease, without going to
the different department for
them. All renBt are red need
Their maker price, far tkle day
Here Is an ideal Christmas gaft
ftometblflg that makes a man blest
yotir tboughtfulnese every time be
puts it oa. We thought our ascon
meat good, but we're bees told
that It Is more than that Tts true
that ererbody seeras to Had Juet
what they went. 0 to 9104X3
Hverythlng new and snappy that
haberdashers ovnr tho sea and at
homo have to offer for tho wlntet
and holiday season Many are con,
fin ml stayiee, and will not bo found
outside of this store. Have you
seen the "Hngltsh Square," the
latest in swell neckwearT Many
new Ideas and patterns Just
open ad.
The fl in fit nwirt
inont wo have ovor
had tho pleasure
of showing in a
greet variety of
colors, suoh as
TinWmanWni Good WorKmanalilp K
UmlaSallnl W "s ktKiwifi! " UM eeMtolei Jm
Terry Cloth .Robe.
Cotton Blanket Robe.
Eiderdown Robe.
Flannel Robe.
Men's Trousers
Pull and complete line of all tho
new designs and patterns In a
great variety of stripes and shades
as can only be. made by Itoseawald
ft Well, America's fpreaOst trous
er makers. An Imuiemo line te
select from.