Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 02, 1903, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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    E '
Catcliy Comic Opera
AH Star
A Chorus of Thirty Including
Twenty sweet - voiced,
Piquant-Faced Pretty
Formed Girls
"Unquestionably ,tho most pleasant
ntortalnmont Imaginable Is 'llcht
eoinlc opora. In this climate It Is
Indood the most legitimate form, of
theatrical amusement Local theatre-
soora have been quick to recocnlzo
this fact and will no doubt bo ready
to welcome heartily tho famous
loiympla Opera company, whoso sue-
ess In tho Eastern cities has been
Among tho organizations talented
principals may bo mentioned. Miss
Lottie Kendall, a charming and most
beautiful prima donna soubrotte.
Use Eunlco Clarke Drnko qulto a
noted soprano songstress. Miss
rhoresa Barkor, a well known con
tralto and character actress. Carl
laydn, n sweet voiced lyric tonor.
3arllck Major, a handsome and ills-
Kngulshcd barltona Leo Addo,
Basso, nobort Pitkin and Mr. John
Young, two clevor and Ingenious
Ono of tho strong fonturos of the
organization has always boon tho ox-
No Dessert
More Attractive
why uso gelatine and
I spend noma soakinir.
e ewootening, flavoring
I and coloring when
produces bottor results In two mlnnlwi
ErerytWng in tho paokage. Simply addhot. "" ,. "'"""""" " " """
wateJttndwttocriSDeifecSoL A!lmcotlnB not to adjourn until tho final
prise to tho honaowifo. No trouble, leas ex- '
ponso. ATy u to-aay. in four Fruit FU.
vorst Iemon, Orange, Strawberry, Rasp.
herry. At grocers. 10o.
! Dress
II h-iP.., ' "
House Furnishing
I Salem.
269 Liberty
do what
talalgia g4WM
I We
We kill and remove cancers and tumors without the aid of a knife.
Read the testimony of a prominent Salem man:
TO THE PUBLIC. In justice to Dr. Cook, and that the
world mav know w hat ereat work he is doinir, I wish to
!! inform them that 1 have been taking treatment from him
j!! for the past fifteen months and in that time he has re
;!! moved from my alimentary canal three tumors of can'
!! rrnus growths, as lanre as a man's hand, all from the
larger intestine. Also another cancerous growth from
I off mv right right foot and another from my right Z
thnmn. 1 ins lldi iin uccu ucLuiiipiiaiicu imuutii incur
nines done, thev killing the
t ,..:...-
;; roots ana nature usew caiimji mem uu, wuuuui me
nA nf trnifp nr ;nrprerv. I do not believe I could have
;; found equally successful treatment anywhere in the J
;; world ana cneenuny recommenu ur. j. r, vuv. mc
Z Botanical Doctor, to all who read this testimonial.
n I Cnnnr'or
We can do
It J. OVUH-i.
I it you need it.
j. F. COOK
f DestscBerBoUalcsl Doctor. Cures
In GitIfaoa
all her strength, rim
u uer strength, rind ir she s nervous
and melancholy, and loses appetite there
is surelv something uihn Vi.i. i.
riii .: ,i " ';.""" " "f"
--.., ....v.uo iUCuung gin approacnes
that important ne-
nod of change
when the woman
ly function is es
tablished. Time
ly care and proper
treatment at this
period may ave
much after suf
fering. The best medi
cine for young
girls who are
nervous, melan
choly, and irreg
ular of appetite,
is Dr, Pierce's Fa
vor! te Prescrip
tion. It cures
nervousness, diz
ziness, and melan
choly, promotes
the appetite, and
gives the body
robust health.
There is no alco
hol in "Favorite
Prescription" and
it is entirely free
from opium, co
caine, and all
other narcotics.
contUpation nnd wis very nervous for five
IPi w.HtJ? MM- m- Catt". of IMS 4th Street!
EO' w',1,"1K,oni D' c- "I trie? several dS
,"?yWt"othlnjr. had green nnd purple circle
friend or mine told me to try your ' Pnvorite
Prescript on 'and' Pleawnt Pellet, -which t did
Alter talcing one bottle of each she bepnn in lm.
prove on
prove and is still Improving. People snld he
looked ns though she were Koine
.V i . """s wc were Koinir into a Oecllne.
Z: "Y"' 'fa" oM' "here ore no circle
around her eye now and she Is healthy and
robust, eats as much as any child, and U crow.
Ing falter every day."
Dr. Pierce's Pellets regulate the bowels.
collenco of Its chorus. Tho chorus
may be tormed tho back bono of any
comic opora troupo. It should bt
grncoful, as well as shapely, tune
ful as woll as plastic; und, after
quality, quantity is also desirable. In
each rospect tho Olympic chorus is
said to possoss every requirement.
It consists of ten men nnd twenty
gins, a inir ana equltnuls propor
tion, and has boen drilled until Its
movements, vocally .and actually, are
oxocuted with the precision of a crnck
military corps' porformnnco of tho
No doubt the wolcomo to bo ox
tended by tho pooplo of this city to
tho theatrical favoritos of comic ope
ra win xaKo tho sbnpo or a mass
Tho engagement Is for Friday, Do-
comber 4. Seats on salo at box ofllce
Friday at 9 a. m. Curtain at 8:15.
', as , tei
J&w I '' 'if
Dressing Tables
New ones in
Birds Eye Maple
QuarteredGolden Oak
Will Please You
in ittinaiaiaiSiaii
We Claim II
growth and the spider like f
ii r ...:l.. iuA w
as mncn lor you or more
all Dlstasta Si!e, Llfcerry St.
A. O. U. W. and D. of H. Unite In En
tertaining Their Members.
One of the most Interesting and suc
cessful social lodge sessions held In
this city during this season, wns the
one fathorcd and mothered by Vnlloy
lodge. No. 18, A. O. U. W., nnd Viola
lodge, No. 88, Degree of Honor, last
Monday evening. Tho affair was held
In the Holman halls, nfter tho regular
lodge sessions, nnd was In tho naturo
of a reception to the old members of
uio lodge. A large attendance was
prosent and a most enjoyable time
was had. Addresses were made by a
number of the older member of tho
order, among them Hon. William
Armstrong. John Knight, G. Stols,
Hurt Marsh nnd othors. on tho prosonv
nourishing condition of tho order,
and tho necessity to leave tho ratos
as thoy aro, nnd not to tamper with
present conditions. Following the
feast of reason, a banquet was snron.l
nnd tho older mombors woro regaled
at a special tnhln. mi wM. ),.. ,
. ; ......... mu fcUUU
things were piled In great hoapa. All
present woro served with substantial
refreshments, and ono of tho happiest
ioigo gntnorlngs of tho season enmo
to an end at a lato hour.
Among tho old men In attendance
woro "Flat Wheel" Skinner, who had
boon n member for 24 years without
darkening tho doors of tho lodge
rooms, and who expressed his surprlso
nt tho prosonco of so many young
men, wnom no romemberod ns "kids."
Hon. George S. Downing was also
there, and onjoyod the mooting to the
full, though he acknowledged himself
a stranger, In spite of the fact that
he had been n member for years.
Maurice Kiingor flllod a chair there
for the first time In a score of years,
and John Knight renewed acquaint
ance with men ho knew In tho lodge
room IB years ago, and promised to
be a moro frequent visitor In future.
Others were there who had long been
nbsont, nnd nil expressed appreciation
of the manner of their entertainment,
and declared their loyalty to the old
lodge. Tho ontertnlnment was pro
vltlod by Mr. and Mrs. H. Snook, nnd
all doclared tho effort tho most sue.
ceeeful one over had In Valley lodgo.
Climatic Cures.
Tho Influonco of climatic conditions
in tho euro of consumption is very
much overdrawn. Tho poor patlont,
and tho rich patient, too, can do much
bottor at homo by proper uttontlon to
food digestion, and a regular course
of Gorman Syrup. Freo oxpcctoratlon
In tho morning 1b mado certain by
Gorman Syrup, so Is a good night's
rest and tho absenco of that weak
ening cough and debilitating night
sweat rtostloes nights and tho ex
haustion duo to coughing, tho groat-
ost dangor and dread of tho consump
tive, can bo provonted or stopped by
taking Gorman Syrup llborally and
rogulnrly. Should you bo ablo to go
to a warmor cllmo you will find that
of tho thousands of consumptives
there, the few who aro bonofltted and
rogaln strength aro thoso who use
German Syrup. Trial bottlo, 25c; rog
ular size, 76c At all druggists. At
Dr. Stono's drug a tort.
"Portland and Return Only S2.20."
Tho Southern Pacific Is now soiling
round trip tickets to Portland from
Salem for 12.30, good going Saturday
or Sunday, rotumlng Sunday and Mon
day, giving all day Sunday and Mon
day in Portland. Tho samo arrango
mont applies from Portland, giving all
Portland pooplo a cbanco to visit val
ley points at greatly reduoed rates.
W. H. COMAN, O. P. A.
Elijah In Soak.
Chicago, Dee. 2. Receivers In
bankruptcy today took actual charge
of DowIcTb property In ZIon City.
Dowle asserts he Is solvent, although
his liabilities xcd $ 3,000.000.
Clocks! Clocks! Clocks! of all kinds
and descriptions, Just arrived, which
will bo Bold vorr cheap, at W. Cal-I
vet's, practical watchmaker. 1S8 State
When You Want
Something to eat, Juat try the White
House. They can serve you at any
hour of the day or night
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Hare Always Bought
Bears the
Stgsature ef
Huie Wing Sang Co,
Fancy Dry Goods
Mode sp Is a sew Use ef
wrappers, all colors. White
wear. All kinds or waist
., ,aus
goods, silks, gests' and
ladles' fur-
nhhlsg goods, silk handkerchiefs,
ohlnaware. New line of winter goods
for salo cheap. 100 Coart street, Sa
lem. Or. Cerner of ulley.
A small bottle of Scott's
Emulsion costing fifty cents
will last a baby a month a
few drops in its bottle each
time it is fed. That's a small
outlay for so large a return of
health and comfort
Babies that, are given
Scott's Emulsion quickly re
spond to its helpful action.
It seems to contain just the
elements of nourishment a
baby needs most.
Ordinary food frequently
lacks this nourishmentjScott's
Emulsion always supplies it.
We'll tend you a simple lrt upon request "
SCOTT & BOWNE. o, rtl Street. New York.
v ...
Market Quotations Today X
Mike euttst a Coed lloat Market"
tfW "
Capital City
Bryant A.
Mills Quotations.
Ptnnell, Props.
Wheat 75c.
Buckwheat 80a
Poultry at Ctelncrs Market
Chickens 8c
Eggs Per dozen, 33c.
Ducks 10c
Hop Market
Hops 16020c
Potatoes, Vegetables, Eto.
Potatoee 30c.
Onions lHc
Dried Fruits.
Peachos 10c.
Apricots 10c
Apples 10c
Potlto prunes 4c
Italian prunes Be
Wood, Pence Posts, Eto.
Dig Or 24.00.
Second-growth 13 50. .
Ah 13.00 to 33.76.
Dody oak 14.60.
Polo oak 34.00.
Cedar Posts Oc.
Hldst. Pelts and Furu.
Qreon Hides, No. 1 i7c.
Qrojn Hides, No. I 1Qt.
Calf Skins 4 to 6c
Sheep 75c
Ooat Skins 26c to 31.00
Portland Mark's.
Wheat Walla Wnlln, 73c
Vnlloy 78c
Flour--Portland, boat grade, 33.750
33.85; graham, $3.75.
Oats Cholco Whlto, f 1.07c.
Ilarloy Food, $10 per tonj roltod,
U. .
Mlllstuff nran, 31!).
Hay Timothy, I15$1C
Potatoee C0C0a
Eggs Oregon ranch, 35c
Poultry ChlckonB, mixed, 9a per
pound; spring, lOo turkeys, llvo,
Mutton Drossod, 5V4c
Pork Dressed, i5Gl4c
Ueef dross, 606c
Veal 8c
Hops 1903 crop, 12022c
Wool Valley, 17018c; Eastern
Oregon, 1215o; Mobalr, 350174c
Hides dry, II pounds ant. upwards,
15 to l&He
Butter Host dairy. aO&22Ko; fan
cy croamory, 30ff32Kc; store,
Qraln ttui Flour
Wheat, Salem Flouring Mills 75c
Oat 32c
Ilarloy $18.50 per ton.
Flour Wholosalo, $3.60.
Live Btook Market
Steera 2Sc
Cows 2 He.
Sheep $1.50.
Droesod veal He '
Dreeaed hogs 5c.
Mvo hogs 4 He
Mutton 2c per pound.
Vool COSHc
Hay, FMd. EU
naDled oheat $11,
Haled clover $10.
Ilran $30.
flhorU $21.
Creamery and Dairy ProduoU.
Good dairy batter 20026c
Creamery butter 32V&C
Croam separator skimmed, at
Com - Q"nery. 324c
Atlvtrtlteoi tat, firs lists or ! la thJs clan
liKrf(4lbr(tlig(sror2Sc.50(aW((k $1.30
a aiioin,
aii overnvsiuee suns tame rsic.
Wanted. A girl for general house
work, at sood waMi to right party
mall family Apply at ISO Court
street, or oall up MalM 1181.
1 JMO-Jt
WanUd-To surshase a hop farm or
lasd sullauto for raising hops, with
in a few gyies of ialsrn. Address,
with particulars, "K. 11.," cars Jour
nal offles.
Wanteds Wood eboppers (isod pay
and easy Umbst. Inquire at 180
State street 11.244W
Lost A leather band-bag, bearing
Initials "J. W." Finder return to
Salem Abstraot h Land Co. for re
ward. ll-JO-31
2, 1803.
Three Choice Young Boar Register
ed Berkshire; weight 200 pounds;
terms reasonable. Thoso pigs aro
from tho flno brood bow I purchoeod
of Mr. Ladd, paying 350 for her.
J. W. McKInnoy, Turner, Oro.
For Sale or Bent Five-room house
no 25th atreoL Inqulro at 94 State
street lM-3t
Overcoat Bargains, Two good over
coats, nearly aa good no now, for
one-fourth tholr cost Mrs, 0. II.
Walker, at Salem Dyo Works.
For 8ale Or trado, & flno 10-acro
chicken or fruit ranch; flrst-clasa
buildings and Improvements; closo
to school, poetomco, Btoro and rail
way station. Will trade, for city or
nnlmprevod farm property. Addrcea
"W. J.,M Care Journal 11-5-
For Sale, O. K. Qrubbora. Best iu
Oregon; thvo stato premiums;
ono horse has tho power of 99; can
grub an aero a day, James Finney,
Brooks, Or. 10-35-1 m
For 8ale Inmproved and unlraprovod
block property In South Salon. For
Information Inquire of E. Hofor,
Journal ofTlco. 10-9-tf
Choice Farm For Sale. Throo milM
northwoet from Dreoks, having
dwelling house, barn and two hop
house, with 30 acres of hope, balance-
farming land, with running
water, oxcopt onough cholco timber
to supply tho plnco, M. J. Kgan,
For Sale. Bargains. Sovoral cholco
plocoe of property, both outside and
i Insldo. Call and se eownor, 407
High stroot 2H blocks north of city
hall. IMMm
Foi Sale Rlghty acres of land In
Washington county, for $450. A
bargain for some ono wanting to
mako a home. Some tlmbor on tho
place; somo cloarod. B. Hofor,v Sa
lem, Oregon. 10-C-tt
For Rent. Largo dbublo store on
Stnto stroot, 60-foot front, 80 doep.
Apply to M. Kllngor. 10-7-tt
Rooms for Rent Up stairs, Cottle
block, by day, week, or month. Al
so light housekeeping rooms. Klec
trio lights. Open all hours.
Commercial Bt, No. 333.
Phone: 29S5 Main.
MatUo Hutchtns, Prop,
Street Scraping, Street scrapings
and cleanings to ho glvon away.
Soo Ooorgo Qrlswold, street com
missioner, nt onco, ll-30-3t
Strayed Largo gray Scotch hound;
has boon soon In town; with a now
collar and lock on; following a
man. Plcaso return to Mrs. IS,
Kingston, 14U and Marlon Btreets,
Salem. Or. 12-l-3t
Motor's Darbor Colleu Of Salt Lake
City, offer advantages In teaching
tho trado that cannot be had tlao
whore. Avoid schools tho Oregon
and California, barbora' now laws
aro apt to cloeo at any time. Wrlto
today for our special offor to dis
tant studonts. 11-10-lm
The Proper Thing The popular
drink for family uso Is O. -8. soda
and carbonatod hoveragos. ISvery
body should keep these goods at
tholr homos. Call up Oldeon Stolz
Co. 'phone 421.
D. F, Jerman. Dealer In now and rco-ond-hand
house furnishing goods.
Oreat bargains In stoves and row
furniture. Highest prices paid for
second-hand articles, 210 Commer
cial street.
Say Havo you tried Kdwards ft I.useh
er's for meats. Wo havo the beet
sausage In town. Coras and try It.
and be convinced. 410 Hast Slate
Salem Truck and Dray Co. Oldest
and best oqulpped company In Sa
lem. PJano and furniture moving
a specialty OOloe 'phone, 8C1. Vf.
W. Brown A Son, proprietor. Offlce
No. CO State stroet. 9-1-1 ra
Dr. Z. M, Parvln At 2D7 Commercial
street, upstairs Singing school.
Rudlmental and sight reading class
es. Begins Wednesday evening, Oc
tober 14th. Class every Wednes
day evening to May 1st, neit Tul
tion. 31.00.
Unique Cleaning Rooms Shaw A
Johnson, tho cleaners, aro now lo
cated at 309 Commercial street
They do a general pressing and re
pairing hualneas. Specialties: Skirts,
silk waists, kid gloves, gents' cloth
lug, eta Phone 3614. t-38-lyr.
Or. W. 8. MrtMHlT Hereafter l
fMind in the llrey block, 276H Cora
fflerelal street, over Oregon Shoe
Co. Offlco telephone. 2931; resi
dence phone, 2761. Offlce hours I
to 12. and 3 to 6;
New Sweet Cider lead yeur order tp
the nearest grocery, or call up
phono 421. Gideon Stolx b. Co.
Mrs, L. Campbell DOe dressmaking
at her homo, on the ear line, near
the Bouts Balsm ssaotery. Country
trsuie soilait!. ll-ll-l-4-w
W. Calvet, Practical Watchmaker
158 Stato streot, make a spciaXy.
of repairing watches, clocks uA
jowoiry, and guarantee good yrafc
at reasonable prices. 1M2-Iyr
Ferguson's Restaurant S State
street. Open day and night Oa
20o meals aro bettor than any 36o
house In the state BJz 20c meals
for $1.00; 21 20o meals for $3.0.
Valley ledge No. 18, A. O. U. W. Mbeta
In tholr hall In Holman block; cor
ner Stato .and Liberty, ovory Mon
day OToning. VisIUng brothrea
welsom'o. jtoy IkJcInUro, M. W. A.
K. Aufraace,, Rocordor.
Central Lodge Nw 18, K. of P. Caati
Hall In Holnkri block, corner State
and Liberty 8t, Tuesday q &
week a 7SJQ p. nu A. B. Etraag
O. C, R. J. Fleming K. of R. tad 8.
Foreatsri of- America Court 8aer
wood rorketorii N 9. Meets JTrW
day Wght'ln Turner pleck.1 S. W.
Mlnturn. a R.; A. L. Drown. Bee
Modern Woodmen of America Ore
gon Cedar Camp No. 5248. Meets
every Thursday ovonlng at 8 o'clock;
Holman HalL Frank A. Turner, V.
C; A. L. Piown. Clerk.
Protection Lodge No, 3, Ancient 0
der United Workmen, sieeta evsrr
Saturday evening in the Holman
Hall, corner Stato and Liberty
streets. Visiting brethren wetoow.
J. O. Graham, M. W.J J. A. Bellweta
Record or.
Drs. M. T. Sclioettlc, Frank J. Bar?
and Anna M. Darr. Oradoatoa
American School of Osteopathy,
Klrksvlllo, Mo., miccossora to Dr.
Oraco Albright Ofllc" hours 0 ts
12 and 1:80 to 4:30 o'clock. Odd?
Fellows' Temple, Phone Main 2731c
residence phone 2603 red.
Ryan's Shaving Parlors Seven firs
clasi barbora ongagod. Finest bat
rooms In city. Wo uso anUseptto
terlltrors. J Ryan, Proprietor.
Evan'a Barber 8hop Only first-claw
shop on State streot ICvorr thing
new and up-to-uutc Finest porcc
lain baths. Shnvo, 15o; halrout 8 Jo
haUis, 25c Two flrat-clasa, boot
blaoks. O. w. Rvans. proprietor.
Hop merchants, 97 to 99 Stato
street, Salem, Oregon. Ropfosento4
by Jos, Harris.
WM. BROWN a CO Hops, Mohair,
wool, hop groworo' supplies. Na.
229 Commercial street, Salem, Ore
gon. Phono 1301.
and purchasing agent No. 211
Commercial street, upstairs, Salow,
Orogon. Phone 1651.
T. A. LIVE8LEY & CO Dealers la
hops and hop sttpplloa. Phono 1313,
offlce room 18 Oborholm bid, Si
lorn, Orogon.
J, CARMICHAEL Hop buyer. Offles
in uuin-ureyroan building, Saleaa,
Oregon. Sampled of cholco hops o
llcltod from all growers.
CATLIN & LINN Hop buyers. Roon
8. nush-Dreyman block, Salem, Or.
gon. Phono 1431.
ers. Room 2, Murphy block, Sales,
Oreron. Tolophone No. 871.
For water sorvlo apply at offlce.
Bills payablo monthly In advance.
Mao all complaints at tbo offloo.
Hop Wire Woven Wire Fencing.
Placo your orders now and g re
duced prices. Car of fencing to arrive
October 26tb; car of fencing In No
vember. Write and get prises.
60 Court $L, Sattm, Or.
Successor to Dr. J. M. Keens, la
White Corner, Salem, Oregon, Parties
doslrlng superior operations at moA
erst feo In any branch are In espeetatl
Express and Transfer
Meets all mail and passenger trains
Ilaggags to all parts of tho city.
Prompt servloe. Telephone No. 24L
Ivory vase, blue os4 whlto ehltia,
t4tye, dells. The cheapest plaee to buy
your Christmas goods la aUlsss.
The Variety Stotc
94 Coart St- Anaora M. Welch. Prop
203 Commercial Street
Regular Dinner at Noon 25c
Meals at all hours
Service a la Carte
B ECKBPLBN Pfoprieor