Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 01, 1903, Page TWO, Image 2

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    I 1
BissH. j
TIjjE ftm JOURHfiL
Be-rfppe News Association Telegrams.
3 and 5 O'clock Editions.
Dally One Year, 14.00 In Advance.
Dally Three Months, $1.00 In Advance.
Dally by Carrier, 50 Cents Per Month.
Weakly One Year, 11.00 In Avsnce.
JoUrnal special delivery.
Oae Week $ 10
One Month K
Threo Months 1.00
AJ Journal office.
At Daua's Grocery, South Salem.
At BewersoK Grocery, Yew Park.
Asylum Avenue Grocery Store.
Electric Grocery, East State St
The Weather.
Tonight partly cloudy; Tuesday oc
casional rain and cooler.
Consolidation of school districts
now being effected In many counties
of tho state under tho new school law,
will probably bo undertaken by sever
al districts In Jackson cdunty. There
Is movement under way to consolidate
the throo districts In Sams Valley into
orio district and to put In a graded
sohool. The proposition is being dis
cussed of Joining to tho Talent dis
trict No. 8, lying to the east of Talent
and the Wagner Creek and Anderson
Ctaric district that He to the west of
TfllttnL Talent now has one of tho
beat graded schools In the county and
the three adjoining districts, being
unable to maintain the advanced
grade In their school, are anxious to
seouru tha-beneflts of the Talent
The farmers are learning that the
ftystem under whloh the rural districts
havo been conducted Is both expen
sive nnd lacking in the thoroughness
that a school should havo A throe
month term and twenty-live classes
for a dozen scholars glvo no practical
results in the way of oducatlng the
fanner boys and girls, and, as this Is
an ago of brains, In whloh the Ignor
ant havo no chnnco for sticcoes. the
farmer who denlroB that his children
shall havo nn education Is compelled
to send them away from home. The
consolidated district gives to the coun
try sohotars the same oduoational ad
vantages thnt those of the city enjoy
nnd It brings a decrease In expense to
the taxpayer and tho retention of the
home ixlluenco to the children. The
day pf the small district and tho un
graded school Is rapidly passing, and
In Its place Is coming the large dis
trict and the graded, fully equipped
sdhool. In charge of able and pro
gressive teachers.
Municipal house cleaning In differ
ent parte of the country discloses the
fnot that too many city legislatures
and department heads have yielded
to the power of graft. Kecont roveln
tleiM have shown deplorable rotten
tiMM among officials, and it would
seem that only a beginning has been
It ha lotig been accepted as a fact
that while Tammany rules New York
lo4llHf and bribery will be the m
epjeuetie features of municipal admin
talnutoH. It ha been generally ad
mitted that no TuminuRy pqHUcImh
take to olttce holding for hie health,
and, judged by the willingness of
New York peopto to retain Tammany
In power, the eeneluelou must be that
they regard the rake-off as a neces
sary Aril, i
Uul other clUee. while shocked at
New York's political 'demonstration,
littve labored under the delusion that
the conduct of their own public ser
vsjiu wu above reproach. This seem
to have ueon a buneMtable mistake.
Ilrtbery and corruption have (lour
lahed In other municipalities even
move luxuriantly than In New York.
SbsjuetaM veeallty has been uucor.
ered In Philadelphia, St. lwls. Min
neapolis and Grand Rapids, and yes
terday It was announced that Milwau
kee should be added to the list of
ettiee Is dlscraro
The chief offenses are those of ac
oentlnc bribes for franrhlses and
other privileges from city councils
nod from levying blackmail from
the onUawed chuso in return for
peKee uiwteecJo. All the evtdeaoe
om to aHftw that the morals of
musician! elHefctht were never at to
low an ebb, and that the seductions
of graft hare beea Immutable.
Perhaps, these disclosure following
one ujwa anotlter. may awaken the
people to the neoeselty of stamping
out the evil by the selection of more
hewtarable, mon for the administration
of WMBtoiMai affairs. Certainly some
thing must be done. If the eltlas of
the country are not to be run In the
Interest of those who want valuable
privileges,' and are willing to bribe of
iflclals to get them. Spokeaman-Ile-
General Grosvenor, the vetoran
Ohio congressman, Is not bapply un
less he U figuring on election results.
And tho strange part about the mat
ter Is that the Oh loan Is seldom far
out of the way. The other day, dur-'
lng a debate In the house, the general
becomed Involved la a controversy
over politics, during which he gave
out his prediction regarding the re
sult of the election next year. The
total number of electoral votes In 1904
will bo 47(5, so that 280 are necessary
to a choice. Of these Mr. Grosvenor
conceded as surely Democratic only
151 the votes of Alabama, Arkansas,
Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mis
souri, North Carolina, South Carolina,
Tennessee, Texas and Virginia; In
other words, the solid South, with
Maryland not included in it, but Ken
tucky counted in. As sure Republican
states, Mr. Grosvenor sots down the
California 10
Colorado 5
Connecticut .. 7
Illinois 27
Indiana A ;.-.;.... '15
Iowa 13
Kansas 10
Maine C
Massachusetts ... ifi
Michigan .' 14
Minnesota - .."." 11
Nebraska 8
New Hampshire 4
New Jersey 12
North Dakota .'. 4
Ohio 23
Oregon 4
Pennsylvania 24
Rhode Island '.... 4
South Dakota '4
Vermont 4
Washington S
West Virginia 7
Wisconsin 13
Wyoming ' 3
Total 263
This leaves the following in the
doubtful list:
Delaware 3
Idaho 3
Maryland 8
Montana , 3
Nevada 3
New York 30
Utah 3
Total C2
A study of these figures show that
to win tho Democrats must not only
carry all of the states conceded to
the Domocrats, all of those placed in
the doubtful list, but as well get' 26
of those votes classed by General
Grosvenor as surely Republican
surely not a pleasant prospect for the
leaders of the present minority party.
It Is certain that Dry an could not
carry a single one of these states
classed as Republican, and It Is Just
as oertaln that of those spoken of as
doubtful he would not get a dozen
votes. Unless there Is a mighty up
heaval before next November It will
be seen that "Okl Figgers" Is very
conservative In his election predlc
tlons. Land Board Meets.
The state land board yesterday af
ternoon met and decided the swamp
land contest lietween Senator Mara
tsrs and others on the one side and
J. W. Iiamaker and others on the oth
er. About 11.000 acres were Involved
in the transaction, and the state board
decided to advertise the lands in con
troversy, and sell it to the highest
bidder, thus giving both contestants
an equal show at securing the proper
ty; in the case of the lands not being
contested the board fixed the price at
1.00 per acre,
The land board, during the month
of November, received $il.M8.S$ on
aecount of the several funds In the
bauds of the board.
Ohio Hospital Fire.
Qallionolls, O.. Nov. 0. Hire today
In the Ohio hospital for epileptics
gutted the first How. Attendants
Waiters and Woods, by heroic work,
safely reeened M patients, some un-
coMelotts, through n sssowd story
window by ladders. The fire Is sup
posed to hare beea started by some
one smoking, which Is against the
The Pair Store has secured a corner
on dolte. Wt hare been able to buy
dolis so ohsap this year, that we can
gtre you the best values ever seen In
Salem. Just think, a dressed china
doll 13 Inches long for I cents, at the
Fair stare, IT4 Commercial street
The last of the society folks who
Insist upon staying late at their coun
try houses In the mountains are re
turning this week, and. from aa
nnmcemenU appearing daily, this will
be the most brilHant season In Goth
am's history. There are many de-
I butanes, and sevral smart weddings!
P, S. ptGHT
for mayor
Citizens Spring a Sur
prise on the Peo
ple Endorse the Present City
Administration and All
the Nominees for Al
derman ia Each Ward
The Citizens' convention met at the
city hall, and after listening to lev-
oral speeches, nominated Rev. P. S.
Knight for mayor, appointed a perma
nent campaign committee, adopted
laudatory resolutions, and adjourned,
ready for the campaign of tho week.
Thore was a full attendance of dole
gates present, and a good-sized crowd
of spectators, principally from the
three now wards, and considerable en
thusiasm was created during the pro
gress of tho convention.
R. P. Boise, Jr., called tho meeting
to order, andplaced in nomination ex
Mayor Bishop as chairman. Mr. Bish
op thanked the convention for the
honor, and said:
"I have been elected mayor of this
city three times, and while during my
term of service there have come many
kicks, there have also been many
words of commendation and encour
agement, that have lightened the bur
den of the work somewhat.
"I now wish to explain why I re
signed as mayor of Salem
I did not
resign because I wanted to move
away. I want to live In Salem, and to
have a house In this town that will
cost $10,000, and, If I have my health,
I will have a residence of that kind. I
did not resign on account of the load
tho Independent municipal govern,
mont of tho greater city would bring
me. Nevor In tho history of the town
has there boon a need of a moro care
ful business organization than thore
Is now."
lie oxprossod his pride In the rec
ord mndo by tho Citizens' Sdmlnls
trntlon in tho past five years, and
said that he favorod public Improve
ments consistent with tho ability of
the city to pay, and lie stated that the
city was not yot ready to own its
own water works nor to pay out $5000
a year for Marlon squaro Improve
ments, though he favored an expen
diture of $600 por year for each of the
two public parks.
Jos. II. Albert was elected secre
tary. A committee on credentials was
appointed on motion of Oliver Jory,
consisting of Oliver Jory, W. F. Booth
by, Silas Rlggs.
On motion of J.' M. Payne, a com
mittee of three was appointed on res
olutions, the chair appointing J. M.
Payne, R. P. Boise, Jr., nnd D. A.
The credentials' committee reportod
the delegates' names as published, as
First Ward.
Thos Burrows. D. J. Pry, A. M. Dal
rynwle. J. A. Taylor, John M. Payne.
v Second Ward.
SI. Bredemler. W. F. Boothby, M. O.
Burea, R. p. Boise, Jr.. Silas Rlggs.
Third Ward.
O. ateiner, John Savage. Jr., W.
H. Cook, R. W. Berry by N. J. Judah
proxy. S. T. North cut t by 0. P. Bishop
Fourth Ward.
W. H. H. Downing. P. J. Larsen, a
U Hoyer. Joe H. Albert, C. I WatL
Fifth Ward.
H A WkllB llanrv ll..rrn,.. Ti... I
. ... -....,., ...... j unuunn, 1WUP
PresunlLCharle Scott. L. B. Gardner.
Sixth Ward.
Wn. Lansing, b. S. Citable, Q. T.
Doty. J. T. Kress. W. 1J. Matthews
Seventh Ward.
Albert Nye. H. O'Flyng. J. A. Tan
ner. Jas French. Oliver Jory.
The report of the committee on res
olutions was called for. read and
adopted. The resolutions reviewed
the past history of the city, and
pledged a continuance of the present
On motion of Thos Burrows, the
temporary ocers wore deeJar& to he
the permanent officers of the eon.
The BojulMitkm of a cannleate for
mayor was culled for, and Jn4e N J.
Judah. In a welt-delivered nomination
speech, named Rev. P. S. Knight. The
nominations were cloned, and th con-
entlon. by a unanimous, rising vote
gave him tho honor without opposl
tlon, and Mr. Bishop declared Rev.
Knight the nominee for. mayor. Upon
motion of John Bayne, the entire
meeting ratified the nomination by a
rising vota
Upon motion of N. J. Judah, the
convention ratified the nominations
for aldermen named in tho several
wards last Saturday, as follews:
First ward J. H. Campbell.
Second ward W. T. Slater.
Third ward Otto Wilson.
Fourth ward F. A. Erlxon.
Fifth ward Enos -Treenail, II. O
Sixth ward J. N. Skalfe, P. A.
Seventh ward John Bayne, H. S.
The committee to conduct the cam
paign, consisting of Dr. W. A. Cuslck.
Thomas Burrows. R. P. Boise, Jr., Wm
Cook, Jos. H. Albert J. E. McCoy, T
D. Jones and John Bayne, was, upon
motion, declared to .be a permanent
oxecutlve commltteo, to have charge
of the campaign s of tho Cltlzons
movement, and was given power to
fill any vacancies that might occur on
the ticket
Tho business of tho convention be
ing disposed of, addresses were made
by Dr. -Cuslck, T. I Davidson, Judge
Boise, J. A. Joffrics, D. J. Fry, Jos.
H. Albert, J. M. Payne and N. J. Ju
Upon motion of Judgo Judah, a
committee of three, consisting of N.
J. Judah, G; Stclner and J. M. Payne,
was appointed to call upon Rev.
Knight nnd notify him of his1 nomina
tion. Aftor the committees had been
exhorted to do their best in tho cam
paign, the convention adjourned.
Alexandria Is Flfty-Nlne.
London, Dec. I1 The bells of the
pari:', church at Sandrlngham chimed
a merry peal this morning in honor
of the birthday of Queen Alexandria,
wl)o today entered upon her sixtieth
year. Tho tenantry of tho ostate kept
holiday in honor of tho occasion, and
tho cottages and more pretentious res
idences for miles around were gaily
decorated with bunting and ovor
greens. A large house party Includ
lng besides the mombers of tho royal
family a numbor of tho intimato
friends of thoir Majostlos was present
to help celobrato tho occasion. Dur
ing tho day tho privato wire to Sand
rlngham was kopt busy with tele
gram of congratulation from tho
Queen's relatives in Donrnark, and
other parts of Europe. Her Majesty
was the recipient of a large numbor
of valuable gifts.
Climatic Cures.
Tho lnfluonco of climatic conditions
in the euro of consumption 19 very
much overdrawn. Tho poor patient,
and tho rich patient, too, can do much
bettor at home by proper attontlon to
food dlgostlon, and a regular course
of Gorman Syrup. Free expectoration
in tho morning Is mado certain by
Gorman Syrup, bo is a good night's
rest and tho absence of that weak
ening cough and debilitating night
sweat Restless nights and tho ex
haustion duo to coughing, the groat
ost danger and dread of tho consump
tive, can bo provented or stopped by
taking Gorman Syrup liberally and
regularly. Should you bo nblo to go
to a warmer ollme you will find that
of tho thousands of consumptives
there, the few who are benefitted and
regain strength are thoso who use
German Syrup. Trial bottle, 26c; reg
ular bIzo, 75c At all druggists. At
Dr. Stone's drug fitoree.
Tourist Car Rates Raised.
Chicago, Dec, 1. The increased
rates on Pullman tourist cars recent
ly announced became operative to
day, and it now costs 1 to ride in a
tourist car from; Chicago to Oallfor
nia. Instead or $6, as heretofore.
Itatca throughout tho country are in
creased proportionately. The compa
ny give as the reason for the ad
vnuce that wage, aa well as the coat
o building and equipping the tourist
care. Is much greater than formerly
ajul that the service could not be
maintained at the okl rates with
Iowa Implement Dealers.
Davenport. Iowa. Doc. 1. Membon
t the Iowa Retail Implement Dealers
.awwenaon, several numtretf in nura
I tier Are gathered In Davenport for
their annuel convention, wkdeh will
he In session during the nest three
days. Tho aseocatlon la one of the
largest and strongest of Its kind In
Ote country and Its conventions are
always of great inteeeet to the trade.
The presiding omeer of the conven
tion Is O. V. BcVert. of Northwood.
and the secretary, D. M. Grove, of
Nevada, Iowa.
Hair Viaor
Only 35? Your gray hair makes
you look 20 years older. No
need of this old age. Restore the
(nlnr Koin vnrnin i-".7V."-
.v.w. .., jwva..fc. UnU.1
- XtM J - ft . Ij
Tho Kind You Havo Always
in uso for over 30 years,
in - nnd has Dccnmauo under his pcx
(Z2j sonal supervision Binco Its Infancy.
, 6ccUi2 Allow no one to deceivo yon in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd " Jnst-as-good" arc but
Experiments that triflo with nnd endanger tho health of
Infants nnd Children Erpcricnco i gainst Experiment,
What is CASTOR I A
Cai"ria is,a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
gor.'i Drops and Soething: Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It
contaim neither Opium, Morphine nor other Rarootta
subsvance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms
and allays Fovcrlshncss. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic It rcliovcs Teething- Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It nssimllatos tho Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy nnd natural sleep,
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Soars tho
The Kind You Haie Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
thc etwrituitcoMMfiT, tt MunitAT BTRtrr, nxwtorhcitv.
SATINS Bright colors worth 50c a yd, how 25c a yird,
CUSHION CORD .Mercerized, bright colors, onlr 10c
PILLOW TOPS With backs, new designs, only 25c a set
NECK RIBBONS 2 3'4 inches wide, only 10c a yard
SILK RIBBONS up to! 12 inches wide, only 5c per yard
LADIES HOSE Fleece lined, 12 1-2c a pair
MUSLIN Bleached a yard wide, only 6c a yard
LACE CURTAINS 2 12 yards lorg, 50c a pair
See our Stand Covers, Pillow Shams, Doilits. Bureau Scarfs,
ana iaDie covers, an
Rostein & Greenbaum
302 Commercial Street
Aleats and Provisions
Established 1884
A Condition and not a Theory
Confronts tho fastidious man that
has soiled linen, and don't know
where he can have It laundered with
out Injury and In an Irreproachable
rannnor. Wo can relieve his mind,
right now by assuring him that his
shirts, collars and cuffs didn't look
better when first purchased than they
do when seut home from tho
Salem Steam Laundry.
Phone 411. 320 Liberty 8t
::::::::A G E N
Oats For Sale.
HOP GROWERS SUPPLIES. Crude and stick Sulcanr.
I J. 6. Graham, Acent
Bought, nnd which has been
has homo tho slsnatnro of
Signature of
new aesiraoiegooas.
Signs of Renewed Activity
In the roal estate world indicate u
creasing building opemUons till
Spring, am' prompt ua to remind j
that our facIUUes for supplying Ivi
and soft wood, lumber, lath, iBlntW.
and other building materials are
cepUonally good. We will be plte4
to furnish esUmatea on contne
large or smalL A car of MM CM
shingles received.
. .. .. Nsar 8. P. PM Diprt
Phone 81.
C Y O F::::::::
207 cc-mmamii st. saiaa. on