Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 28, 1903, Page TWO, Image 2

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f c
5 K
H dollar
?w W
There is
M&T& ' buyioc your
'i are not confined to any one stylo. We
hp,ve all the fashionable shapes. We don't rpnke Hats, but
wo sell tho best that wo can get.
Wo have Hata at 1,'3, $3, and ?4 that would pleao any man. All
tfie now Fall and Wlntor blocks are horo and Every flat Is Right
We don't eellHati that'll disappoint you. If you buy your Ilats
here, you will save Hat troubles -and savo Hat money
G. W. Johnson & Co.
Clothiers and Hatters.
(6orlpp News Association Telegrams.
3 and 6 O'olock Editions.
UaMy One Year, 94.00 In Advance.
Oafty Three Months, 91.00 In Advance.
dally by Carrier, 60 Cents Per Month.
Weekly One Year 91.00 In Avarice.
' i' " '""" ' -
Ono Wook $ 10
Ono Mouth 36
Throo Months 1.00
At Journal office.
At Daue's Grocery, 8outh Salem.
At Doworffox Grocery, Yew Park.
Asylum Avenue Grocery Store.
Electric Grocery, East State 8t
HII I i H H H II I I I I 111 I I
The Weather.
TonlRht and Saturday, partly cloudy,
Thoro nro thoso who aro Indlfforont
to tho progress of Groator Snlom ns
thft'Capltal City of Oregon.
Thoro aro n fow persons In ovory
community who aro Indlfforont to ev
erything hut tholr own affairs.
I)ut tho avornRo Amorlcaa citizen
wrmts to b puhllo-splrltod, and not
just simply hog for htmaolf all ' tho
Tho Journal 1h regarded by samo an
being ahead of tho prooosHlon In Its
dpruandn for Qroator Salem, but It Is
Demands for progrosa must bo made
by Home one, and from tho ladles who
aro improving Marlon square to ;hoso
who nro demanding asphalt stroot Im
provement, wo sympathize with thorn
This olty cannot stand still, and It
cannot roslst tho spirit of progroafl,
without driving people away who
should become pormnnunt citizens.
Greater Salem should havo some
better streets ns soon as possible.
Ono'slruitt should be asphalted this
aomlti? year.
A sewer system that will Ruarantoo
good drainage to the city and suburbs
Is almost a sanitary necessity.
PA1NTMD WIUTIC The work can
be ordorml done nt tho sptelal bos
filou. Wilson avDtiue should be parked,
and wo should not wait for a few
' publlo-sp1rltl ladles to oat cookies
mid drink tea at each nthttr'a homes
to rnls the fund Whr there Is a
will Ur Is a way.
The Journal believes the people
want these things done, and don
rUtit and right away, not after w are
nil dead and gnnit.
If they are never demanded and
never undertaken, they will never
come about tliemsolven. OttliMit of
nil imrtte favor Uiwm impixivemeuta.
nnd what the peoplo demand they will
find ways attd means to secure.
And who can My ttteee demauds
are wrung or even unrHnahle?
.URB3. Tho throe new wards of this olty
Mind your doctor.
He says: "Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral
fpr coqgli." &&:
that much eaving, at least, iu
Ilats here. Besidos that, we
aro entitled to havo tholr taxes large
ly expended within their own borders.
Thoy aro not rosponslblo for tho old
city debt, and should not bo called up
on to pay that debt at prcsont.
For at least five years tho people of
I tho now wards should havo tho taxes
'collected from their property expend
ed for needed Improvements.
Thoy hoed streots, Bidowalks,. cross
walks, lights nnd other. Improvements,
nnd can got thorn out of tholr own rev
enues, If nllowed to.
Each of tho now wards, as soon ns
posslblo, should havo a light chomlcnl
or flro engine or hoso cart and on
glno house, ns Yow Park has.
This will only cost a few hundred
dollars, nnd enn bo pajd for out of tho
first yonr's taxes, or the first fow
yoors, i
Beyond tho nocossnry oxpenso of
flro protection tho now wards should
ho left froo to mako Improvomonts to
tho full oxtont of tholr revenues.
Tho older pnrt of tho city, gottlng
all tho licenses, foes nnd flnos can pay
tho interest on Its dobts, nnd havo a
llttlo money loft.
It has been provod for sevoral yi-ars
thnt tho oldor part of tho city can pny
intorost on all its bonds, and pay off
pnrt of Its dobt each year.
Tho revonuofl of tho new wnrde are
not needed, and should not bo used to
pay off tho old city dobt.
Thoro aro persons In tho old city
limits nnd In tho now wards who say
wo will count tholr population and
tnlto tholr taxes and give them ns llt
tlo ns possible.
Thoy will now clamor to hnvo tho
old city dobt wiped out Immediately,
.and will opposo all expenditures for
Improvomonts In the new wards.
That Is n nnrrow and selfish policy
that should not provall. Lot a policy
of fair nnd Ubornl troatmont of tho
now wnrds be Inaugurated.
If tho new wards had boon taken
Into tho city ton yoars ago thoy wouhl
now be in far different condition lrom
what they are.
They would all have Improvod In
proportion ns Yew Park has, that was
then tnkon into the city and has made
John Hi Albort a rich man.
If n Ubornl policy Is exercised to
ward tho now wards for flvo years nil
Mia nrrmarii In Ilia... ...III .n.A lK.A I
...v, ,.., .w.tj ,i. i..w.t 1.11 vuuiu iitvu
the markot at double Its present val
ues, and there will he two housos
landing In them where there is ono
The man does not live who likes to
be made a doormat of.
It Is not good diplomacy to make a
doormat of your friends.
It Is a good plan to make proper
use of tho doarmni-before your own
door, to keep the house clean.
Just observe how much d!rtls car
rled In off the dirty' streets ami dirty
crosswalk. Tho floor of stores and
otUee show IL .
Have you a doormat In front of
your place of business, In front of
vour residence
All the churches should have door
mta In front of their etranna, for
the aliment to wipe their feet upon
bfore entering.
Tho 'doormat is tko exception and It
shcuM, he unlvoreul. DJvery hcuso
Hliould have n doormat, a bath tub n
book shelf.
Otto Wilson for alderman In, the.
third wsrrl wouhl mM a wkh in hie:
prime and with hU future before him
to srvs the people there.
Ns ie a tfuocsssftil Business wan
who give emptaymeat to others, and
does not depend om political Jobs to
geA his living.
The mere fact that he is a bicycle
dealer and own, and operates mi auto
mobile prove that h Is allva. and
would flight for good streets,
A young man in the prime of life
who has hla etako to mak In the
progress and upbuilding of the. com
miiBlty Is a valuable, man for alder
man. At the oomtnt Republican primary
i . iimii wir.
in tho third word the peoplo who want
clean, progrwslvo young men in pub
lic affairs should seo that Otto Wilson
is mado tho nominee.
Ho Is a natlvo son, a life-long Re
publican, has never held office, and
would mak ca creditable man to havej
in the city government.
Tho Groator Salem Commoclal
Club should take up the matter of se
curing letter carrlor sorvlce for the
territory in the now wards.
Part of the population is now served
once a day, but is only on the free
rural mail routos. All of Greater Sa
lem should havo freo delivery.
Tho govornmont will not establish
free carrier delivery unless tho prop
er amount of sidewalks nro estab
lished. This proves that tho suburban
wards aro In need of Improvements,
In order to get tho benefits of civiliza
tion. Two Centuries' Shrine.
Pottstown, Pa., Nov. 28. Asl tho
oldest cdlflco of that denomination in
this country, tho celebration of tho
200th anniversary of tho organization
of tho congregation of Swamp Luther
an church, located In Now Hanover
township, Montgomery county, Is at
tracUng wide spread attention among
Lutherans. Tho celebration opened
today and will contlnuo through to
morrow, consisting of historical ad
drosses and other exorcises, partici
pated in by promlnont clorgymen and
laymen of tho denomination.
' Although tho two centuries that
havo passod since tho handful of
I.ulhorans met and organized havo
clouded much of tho congregation's
early history, tho claim that It stands
first among the Lutheran organiza
tions of tho country is authenticated
by tho records thnt nro still pro-
served. Tho mombors first worshiped
In tholr homos, Rev. Daniel Falcknor
bolng the first pnstor. Various clorgy
men served until 1712, whon Dr. Hon
ry Molcholr Muhlonborg, ono of tho
most noted Luthoran clergymen of tho
18th contury, came and served until
Tho first church was erected In
1721, nnd In 17C7 It was supplanted
by anothor, tho structuro that stands
thoro today. In 1867, on tho 100th an
niversary of its orcctlon, it was com
pletely remodeled, and again in 188G
It was improved. Vory llttlo In tho
lntorlor, with possibly tho exception
of tho wainscoting, remains of tho old
edifice- as it originally was, but tho
substantial stono walls romaln almost
tho samo as when constructed. Tho
plpo organ, built In 1801, by Charles
Dlffondorfor, Is still used by the con
gregation; A Famine In Diamonds Threatened.
Was tho ilarlug headlines over a,
half-page nrtlulo In last Sunday's Ore
gonlan, in which tho correspondent
graphically oxplalncd tho finding and
final disposition of the king of all
gems, and, If truo, will seo ono of tho
blggoet rises In prlco of a single ar
ticle ovor hoard of boforo. For this
reason, any ono with a fow hundrod
dollnrs can make an Invostmont which
will bring him returns groator than
town lots In a boom town. It will pay
you to Investigate this mattor at any
of tho Jowolry stores, but wo hao a
new plan this yoar, better than ovor,
and boforo buying, in or out of town,
come nnd seo mo-, I can put you In
a way of possessing a fine stono on
which you can any time ronlizo a por
centage on your invostmont Wo havo
made arrangements with direct Im
porters, and can mako you prlcos,
which, If you are In the market for a
gem of this kind, you cortalnly will
buy. C. IL Hlngos, next door to Ladd
& Hush's bank, 88 State strete, Salem,
Some Practical Work.
Hon. Levi Chubbucri, special In
spector of agriculture In the deport
ment of tho Interior, has b.en spend
ing several weeks at the Salem Indian
school, matting experiments and lec
turing to the teachers and employes
on practical agriculture. By Mr
Chubbuck'fc efforts th- civil service
regulations were abolished, so as to
permit the employment of nKrirultur-1
nl college graduate at farniois mhI
dairymen. He will also spend torn
Urns at the agricultural coll g
There la no doubt .hat New Yoik
uauioiice will contribute liberally to
tae fund Utnt will be raised tomoimw
nlght. by collection In all of the Catho
lic churches of the country for the
benefit of the Catholic University of
America. Cardinal aibbons has made
an urgent appeal for generous contri
butions and believe that the Catho
lic who have given freely to so many
other need of the Church will be
euually liberal Iu supplying the needs
of the University.
Oy sterol Oysters!
For oystora go to Strongs Reetau
Bxperta report
short J3000.
Baker City cash
Tho direct nomination plan has giv
en the Republicans tho strongest and
best candidates that havo ever been
put up In this city.
A boom for tho presidency is very
nice, but tho average merchant is
protty woll pleased over tho prospect
of a good, booming holiday 'trade.
Frank Wrightroan sounded tho key-
noto of tho Republican campaign,
when ho eulogized the- grand young
man at the front in the White Houso
Why should tho govornmont have
to buy a right of way to build n ca
nal along its own river tho Colum
bia.? . Don't Uncle Sam own tho Co
lumbia? To hear Portland push talk,
'one would think the Hcrrlman syndl
cole owned It, and the government
had to got tholr permission to build
a canal along Its banks.
A direct nomination convention of
tho people shuts nobody out from bo
lng a candidate, allows every citizen
to say who shall bo tho candidate of
his own parly, and leaves no machine
dictating who tho peoplo 3hnll put up
for office. That 13, altogether demo
cratic und American.
Hauling on gravel and hauling off
mud has boon tho policy of this city
for forty years. Shall that continue
for forty years moro? Anything bet
tor than that Is regardod as almost a
crime by soma of tho mossbacks, but
nothing !s too good for tho streets of
beautiful Salem, if the money Is hon
estly oxponded. Thero has been
onough grnvoi haulod on to make a
fine foundation for crushed granite,
crushed rook, or ovon crushed grav
el. Some porsons havo even advanced
to tho asphalt stage and ar onot con
sidered nutty on other matters,
Somo talk Court straot; some Com
mircl.il street; somo Twolfth nnd
stnto from the S. P, Depot to tho Wil
lamotto Hotol; but wnntovor slroot
mnkos tho first break for a perma
nent Improvement, at least as good
as the farmers and county Judgo havo
built out to Liberty, will reap a bar
vest. Let's import some of thoso Lib
erty haysotds.
Advocating streot Improvomonts
doos not necossarlly advocato Job
bery. Tho peoplo want ono hundred
cents on tho dollar for tho monoy
Does not this town nood a street
Improvement policy thnt consists of
something besidos dumping unscreen
ed sand and "goose-egg" gravol on
our principal business nnd residence
stroots? Men whoso brain hasn't ex
panded boyond tho unscreonod goose-
ogg stago ought to quit expending our
road and street funds for a while.
Is unscreonod gravol dumped on our
struts any bettor at tho hands of Citi
zen Frlzzal! or Cltlzon Grlswold than
It was at tho hands of Republican
RIggs? v Men should bo oloctod to tho
council rogardlsss of party who hnvo
advanced at loast to tho brokon recl:
stage on tho road highway of develop
Nourasthenla, St. Vitus' dance and
brain-fag aro conditions that usually
bafllo drug troatmont, but oach re
sponds gratlfylngly to osteopathic
measures. Osteopathy courts investi
gation. Drs. Schoettlo, Darr & Barr, Osteo
paths, Grand Opera Houso, Salem. Or.
Two boys, Andrews and Anderson,
ran away from home at Springfield to
Join the navy
Bbe&rbiff the abora cap WML news
Iftem the can rich in every ingredient
l whn enur uuo ooay ouwunx-
Carres our guirante as to ft
carotul prapv&uon. ricniiess ana
i purvy u n amsroni irom uw
watery Drams vn rau a rwi-
i wsstOTwrioox if nana you
WW D4 convincea uiium cch.
Look tor our cap lasel.
Highland, Uliaois o'
SBjaflallBg dteHPJMdBoguia-
Prrmatefl DitfcaHon.Chccrful-
tttaaandltesLContalns neillier
OiimuMorrdune norXincral.
'2ox "KAkc otic .
jlYfliffr JVy-
Apseftcflkfaeuy forConslipo
Tkfof Soiir StereiaclvDlarrhoca
Vbtfns .Convulsions .Paverish
ncra and Loss OF SLEEP.
TatfSMciU Signature of
SATINS Bright colors worth
CUSHION CORD Mercerized, bright colors, only ft
PILLOW TOPS With backs,
NECK RIBBONS 2 3'4 inches wide, only 10c a rail
SILK RIBBONS up to 1 12
LADIES HOSE Fleece lined, 12 12c a pair
MUSLIN Bleached a yard wide, only 6c a yard
LACE CURTAINS 2 1'2 yards lorg, 50c a'pair
See our Siand Covers, Pillow
and Table Covers, all new desirable goods. ,
Rostein & Greeiibamn
.302 Commercial Street
Meats and Provisions
Established 1884
A Condition and not a Theory
Confronts tho fasUdious man that
haa soiled Unon, and don't know
where ho can havo It laundered with
out Injury and In an irreproachable
manner. Wo can relievo hla mind
rlRht now by assuring him that his
shirts, collars and cuffs didn't look
better when first purchased than they
do when sent home from the
Salem Steam Laundry.
Phone 411. 320 Liberty St
'itTifTEIjPi ijUsjrHWMIsWfeyl
::::::::AGENCY OF::::::::
I GR AIN'bdybrs and shippersof GRAlNl
J. G. Grata, Agent,
For Infanta and Chilrli-n
The Kind You
Always Bought
For Over
Thirty Years
rnofMTun ompa:i . rraw yom em.
50c a yd, now 25c a yuij
new designs, only 25c a i&l
inches wide, only 5c per yaidi
Shams, Doilies. BureauSarfJ
Signs of Renewed Activit?
In the real stato vrorld lndltttiB
creasing building oporatloni tU
Sprinc, an prompt ua to remind 1
that our facllIUoa for supplying W
and soft -wood, lumbor, lath, aMitf
nnrl nthnr inillrllnrr materials U
optionally good. Wo will bo pie"
to furnish eaUmatea on contit
largo or smalL A car of Mill CM
shingles received.
, , .. NearS. P.PmM
rhono Ml.
t a ian a &&HH-&r&w9l
For Sale.
Crude and stick Sulphur.
207 Commercial St;, Sato, Ortj
Bears the .
Signature w
rft J Hod
-- "' -S-