Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 28, 1903, Image 1

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NO. Z14,
rovernor Chamberlain Takes a Stand Against he Scheme to Side-track the Portage-Oregonian Now Charges Tactics anl
cays i ney Unly Want to Charge The Law a Little So They Can Buy the Right pi Way.
. .
representative Ginn of Wasco County Makes An Unanswerable Argcrment Against Repealing Or Changing the State Portage Law-He Says If the Inland Emptre Gets Any Re-
iiuvwiuig mc jl iwcui vreusirtUUUW TTUUiOUCUy iV OliMC JTUCiagC
(Tho Dalles Dally Chronicle, Republican, Novombor 25.)
The Salem Journal cays that on pretense that the federal oovernment
till build a canal twelve miles long and costing H500.000 and relieve the
Krmers of the great Columbia basin, the state Is asked to abandon its
fertage railroad and leave the producers and shippers to the tender mer
les of tho Harrlman syndicate until they get ready to complete the 12
Bile rock canal. The people should fight this scheme because the pre
ipse of saving money for the taxpayers Is a fraud. The pretense that
he farmers do not need the portage road because there will be a aoverrv
recnt canal built Is a fraud. The business men and farmers of the Co-
Bmbla basin should unite to fight the repeal of the portage road bill.
5-epare to fight the men who will lobby the legislature to repeal the por.
Sage railroad appropriation.
fort to Repeal Will Fall Through.
Koseburg , Review, Domocratlo, No
vember 25.)
fho Salem Journal Is opposing tho
Bpeal of tho appropriation of $105,000
Uon la opposition to building tho pro
posed road In support of Its claim
the facts are cited that the proposed
government canal, to cost $4,500,000.
has beon agitated for tho past 15
br a portage railway, claiming the (years, and nothing moro than su-voys
R. & N. Co. ta backing tho sglta- have yet beon mado. That nt least
five years will bo required In which
to build that canal. That the poitogo
railway , built at tho Cascades djirlng
tho Pennoyor administration, at a
cost of $05,000, saved to tho pro
ducers of Eastern Oregon tho full
amount of Its cost tho first year of
Its operation and hastened tho con
struction of tho canal and locks
thoro by taking away tho lncontlvo
for opposing legislation therefor and
tho bribing of contractors to delay
the work. As tho special sowlon of
the loglslnturo Is called only to iomo
dy the defoctlvo tax law, nil discus
sion of tho portago railway matter,
either pro or con, will llkoly prove
Governor Chamberlain Opposes Re
peal. (Oregonian. Novombor 27.)
Governor Chamberlain ovlderftly
does not believe that the state should
give up the portage project.
"Tho national government," mid
ho last night, "has novor done cny
thing townrd opening tho Upper Co
lumbia until hls stato inndo Improve
mont3 tmneceswiry."
Hts Excellency explained by oiling
that tho national government billed
to open tho CnBcndos until that ob
struction wan reduced by n portage
railroad. Ho remarked that the na
tional government would bo Just ns
slow about Colllo Falls until that ob
struction wan likewise surmounted
by a portage road, and added:
"It's easier for tho railroads to do
font tho Improvement In congress
than In the Oregon legislature. Re
peal of tho poftane lnw would ilolny
the Improvement."
Only Want the Law Changed.
Tho schema to get rid of tho Btnto
portage railroad at The Dalhu is not
mow to repeal tho bill passtd by tho
last legislature creating tho portafco
commission and appropriating $165,
000 to build tho portage nt once.
Tho cry Is raised In tho Orogontnn,
and It emanates from tho engineer
Ing department at Washington, (hat
tho stato appropriation tshalt bo used
to buy tho federal govornmont tho
right of way so that tho govornmont
can build the canal.
If that scheme Is carried through
tho Ilarrlmnn syndicate will got tho
greator bulk of tho $105,000 and will
still bo tn control tit tho situation t.nd
ahlo to dolay the building of tho oa'nal
forover nnd a day.
Will any legislator bo caught by
that kind of badinage?
Tho Orcontnn cunningly Intimates
that the Portland board of trado may
advocato changing the law so ns lo
allow tho appropriation to be used
to buy tho right of wny for Uncle
Sam. . What would not tho Portland
graft got In clean cash If they could
forco tho stato to buy tho 5. Ik Jl N".
right of wny nnd then beat tho port
tago by land or wator olthcrT Fifty
thousand n year to tho gang would ba
cheap nnd easy for tho double scr
vlco to tho corporation.
Can't Build Portage, 8ay Harvey
All tho uncertainty which confronts?
tli luglBlaturo convofl from quo singlo
question: Will tho national govern
ment continue construction wKlioUt
stop when It seta nbout tho workf
It so. tho legislature will doubtless
provldo mentis for securing groumf
for the canal. Otherwise It 'will go
nheml with tho portago; at least any
attempt to glvo up tho portago will'
meet wtrong resistance. About (M4,-
( Continued on page seven.,
Bs Claimed By a Port
land Warrant
Should go to the Express
Messenger Whose Good
Marksmanship Brought
the Man to Ground
lbert Salmon yesterday filed In
o ofllco of tho secretary of stato al
aim for $3uu, "tor mo arrosi jam
ipturo of Hay Harshman (alias Jack
illlamp) for attempting to hold up
to O. It. & in. train at uoruott sia-
?n." This" roward Is claimed under
iio smtuto providing ror "a sinnuing
bward of $300 for the arrest of each
Orson who shall nlaco or attempt to
pace any obstruction en any railroad
ick, or who shall mlsplaco any
vltch on any such roaa, whereby tho
luo of any pi-rson parsing ovor said
and may be tndangored, and for the
arrest of each such person engaged
tho robbing or attempting to rob
any person upon or hnving In charge,
In wholo or In part, any stngo coach,
wagon, rnllroad train, or othor con
vojanco, engaged In carrying pas
songors, or any prlvnto conveyance
within tho stato; tholr roward to-bo
paid to tho paiBon making such, arrest
immediately upon tho conviction of
tho person so arrostcd; but no rorard
shnll bo paid except after such con
viction." Salmon Is said to bo a warrant
broker, making his headquarters In
nnd about tho court houso In Multno
mah county. It does not appear
whether ho captured tho robbor Mm
oolf, or whether ho claims tho reward
for hlmsolf or for some ono olso. This
Is the robbor who was shot nt the re
cent hold-up on tho O. R. & N , and it
seems if any ono is entitled to the ro
ward It would be tho mossonger who
find tho shot that laid tho follow low,
and enabled tho officers to secure
Two Federal
Washington, Nov. 28. E. Lawrence,
of Vermont, has been nppointed to
succood Assistant Attorn oy Cbtistl
nncy, resigned, and R, W. Webster, of
Kentucky, to succeed Daniel Miller,
recently tried for postal fraud.
Depends on Testimony
of a Newspaper Syn
dicate Rustler
The Accused Official Explains
How He Incurred Large
Expenditures In
Advlcos are to tho effect that ev
erything Is quiet at San Domingo.
rO-t-e4048tHOIr04tatCiaiOaif IC-I
A Cash Store Charges You Only
for the Goods You Get
AfYAdit QtnrA charges you for iru goods
VJCUU OlUlC you get and tor things your
neighbor got and failed to pay for. Then you hive to pay
for all of the extra expense connected with the credit bus
iness. Try a Cash Store- Once SiMST.
there. That's been the experience of thousands of cus
tomers who deal with
Washington, Nov. ?8. Ray Stan-
nurd JJaker, who procured tho publi
cation of tho Huncle article In tho
North Amerlcnn Review, denouncing
General Drooko, will bs summoned by
the Mnate committee on military af
fairs. On hla testimony will largely
hang the decision as to Woods' eligi
bility for higher office.
Col Wood's answer to Itathbone's
charges was mado public today. It
contains OS closely typo-wrltton pages,
onch of which bears Wood's signature.
He denies all charges of unfairness,
also denies positively that ho Influ
enced the article against II rook o. Re
ferring to expenses, he says every
cent Is accounted for by vouchors,
which the committee are at liberty to
examine. He says expenses wore
necessarily high, on Hccount of his
position, which compelled him, as
American representative, to entertain
foreign representative He could
- have charged tho expenses to hid own
. . salary oceount, ns he was perfectly
J I1 entitled to do, thus Increasing his
.'salary, but preferred the government
should know exactly how he oxpond-
tho latter promised to glvo him threo
million tlollan, which he had collect
ed for charltyv
Offers a Cup In a Race, In Which It
Is Hoped He May Participate.
Now York, Nov. 28. A Ilerlln dis
patch today says, becauso of lll-houlth,
tho kaiser has withdrawn tho offor of
a cup in tho trans-Atlantic yacht raco
of IOOjL Instead ho substituted an of
fer ot aVup"to bo" raced Tor In J 805.
The dispatch caused general rogrot
among yachtsmen.
Holding Train Men Responsible.
Indianapolis, Now 28. Conductor
Hastings ot tho Ulg Four work train,
which collldod with a freight, killing
16 nnd Injuring 14 others, was nrrcBt
cd nt his homo hero this morning, nnd
takon to Pekln, Ulluols. Dispatches
say tha engineer will also bo nrrcbted,
nnd both tried for responsibility for
the wretk.
Made Today
Chocolato Cararaols, Chocolate
Chews, Chocolato Wafer, Popper-
mints, Chocolato Wator Wlntorrrecms,.
Walnut Top Chocolato Croawa, Jig
center Chocolato Crews, Peppermint
Wafers, Wlntwgroen Wafcra, UjK1
Cabin Creams, nt
Z inn's
1 104 BUte Bt Phone 1871 Main.
Goo Is
jmWaaBm ilSlMrKtf HUf
Sensational Sale of Ladies Suiis and Jackets
Monoy saving opportunities galore during this salo. No firm can hIiow you tho styloa or anvo you
tho raonov wo cnn. A romarkablo ualo of Ltidioa Rondy-To-Woar apparol is in progress lioro this
week. All tho newest nnd most stylish garments shown this eoason, tho pricing tho greatest econ
omy ovont of iho year. "
Ladies Suits
Formerly $8.75
Ladies Suits
mm mum
' newspaper men on various work was
' neceeeary and that many article
Il'were published which were for the
! benefit of Cuba.
l it ls-rperted that Roosevelt has as-
i i ' eured Hanna that be would withdraw
; J the Woods noceinatlen, if it oouW he
j preved that he was reaponelbie for
)Uie attack on Hrooke in tit magasine.
! ! Reticle, although retired, can be Hirt-
Salem's Cheapest One Price Cash Store.
Rubbers,' Rubber Boots, Duck Coats, ;;
Slickers, Rubber coats, uvercoaTsuom- ; ;
ing, Umbrellas, Shoes.
Our Dry Goods Department has be4.n the talk of the
town this year. We have the right goods. We cut the
"reeular store" profits in two.
E. T. BARNES, Proprietor f
ed it. He says the employment of
One Insane Man at St, Paul, Who
Has Escaped.
St. 1111. Nov. JgvI'eier BlltoU, Ih
Mne. whe attempted to nseaalt Presi
dent Rooeevelt a meet bane, eeogpttl
from the state ieeene aahias yeeter
day. The poNae believe he la In Min
neapolis. Washlagtoa. Nev. M. Rev. Father
Wattete. ekUmiag to bs asef riant pas
tor of 8C Jean's Cathedral at Altoona,
PeaJL. waa arreeted this roorBlnB by
detectives, aad taken to a hoseJtaL
The erteet aaMmaeed that tie turno
to meet Preeldeat Roosevelt, because,
Formerly $27 50
Ladies Skirts
Konnprly $4.fi0
Ladies Skirts
Only a Few Left
of tlioso protty bnakots which
wo aro soiling nt
One Half
tholr marked price. This is
nnothor grent monoy saving
opportunily woll worth your
timo to invostignto na it on
utiles you to Hoouro a nioo
hiiekot fur just half whut you
would ordfnurily pay.
Formerly $26
Formerly 85c
Ladies Waists
W TaaV
Formerly $12.50
Ana so ob tbroorb our entire stock
of ready -to wear nnueois. luvts
From 7 p. m. to 0:80 p. in.
Couionnt onjoy youreolvos
thin ovening and bring
your friends with you.
LlfT itT;
( Mtrx
On Wednesday l)ea 2 wo
will conduct our
i 52 Wednesday
Surprise Safe
by offering you high grade,
blaok mercerized lustrnl pet
ticoats with the colobrated
McGkk Adjuotaulk Yokk
of rogular $1.75 valuos for
Wednesday Only
wr4M Hit it H bUlHi tlm
The Cfothes Game
Any body can play tho clothe
gnmo, and wo aro a "n in nor nt it,
too. These Hart Sohuffner & Marx
suits are tho clothes for it, nuoh ob
you aro glad to bo seen in.
No matter what your clothes
need may bo wo have tho right
things to supply thousand to sat
isfy your taste and your pocket.
$0 to $25