Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 25, 1903, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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Says Whitman Is
Bound to Be on Top
In South Carolina
Does Not Believe In Educating
Negrocs-Bot Does Be'
lieveln the Virtue
, of Shot Guns
Senator Tillman, of South Cnroll
a, addressed an audlonco at the the
ater at Savanah, Go., "Saturday night.
Tho striking portion of his utterances
follewB: "What others are going to
do I know not, but In South Carolina
tho whlto man- Is bound to be on top,
and when other methods fall tho shot,
gun Is In reserve. I don't want to
shoot a negro. People say I hato him,
but I don't. I bcllovo in giving tho
megro all rights but tho right to par
ticipate In tho government. That ho
is not fitted for. Tho inalienable
rights of tho constitution aro all for
whlto men.- I llko to seo tho negro
happy, but when his happiness makes
anlno Impossible, then he has got to
get up and got. If other means lall,
it will bo a quostlon of wljoso happl
mb can shoot tho stralghtor.
"Educato tho negro as highly as
you will. Glvo him political equality
and social equality will follow. Then
will como mlsccgonatlon, mongrollza
tlon, hol and damnation. Home had
slaves, negro slaves, and wo hear
nothing of them nftor tho omplro loll.
Tho contrast betweon tho Italian of
today and tho old Roman suggests
intermarriage with tho Ethiopian. Ed
ucato the negro as you will, you can
over educato him to tho staturo of
tho whlto man. It Is uscloss to edu
onto tho head whon thoro is not the
aiornl fiber. Educate xa you will, you
ennnot mnko him tho equal of tho
whlto man."
Have you Indigestion?
Have you
Beecham's Pills
To avoid indigestion
Thkl AMnttei feeling Is simply ft poorlj-workln ttomscb It nwds a lltUe help -co matter
how bad It my be, dow of Deechom's Pill will speedily giro relief. Tsio
Deeoham's Pllle for few days snHl troobto will disappear.
To aura Sick lloadachos
Sic headaches men an oTertaied steiraeli and ft derangement of Ibe dlgeetlre orgau.
neooham'a Pill ha" proTwl thwiwetrei ft boon for remorlag that dlttreieed feetlog and
discomfort. A dose will remOTO tbe Immediate cotue and If repeated f r ft f ew daji wiU enaUo
your system to work normally.
Sold Everywhere in Boxes, 10c. and 25c.
I oacca&cooaeeaa80e0eea6e0C'Meaa
M Trees
These shoule interest
Ithey do a place for hats, coats, umbrellas
i and rubbers, You
best advantaor of
The House Furnishing Company.
QiAfn 96Q Libertv Street. Albany
Introductory Sale
To Introduce the New Firm We "Will Sell
New Pillow Tops and Backs at 25c a set.
New Cords, extra heavy, Sansilk covered 10c yd.
Filo Silk, best brands. 3 skeins for 10c. '
Spatchel work, new designs, doilies Center -piece,
Rounds, and Squares, Bureau Scarfs. 'Stand Covers and Pillow
All New Goods at Introductory Prices
Rostein & Greenbaum
302 Commercial Street
Wiser Than Owls
Though They Don't
Look It
Have an Affectionate Dis
position But are Prone
to Jealousy and Are
Tho raven always pairs for Hfo.
and tho strongth of affection, tho fldol
lty, tho dignity which this Implies
soem to mo to raise nlm Indedoflntto-
ly, as It does tho owl. above birds
which congrogato In flocks, and sc
abjuro family tlos and duties through
a greater part of tho year.
A raven kept at tho "Old Dear" Inn
at Hungorford struck a closo friend
ship with a N-wfoundland dog. Whon
tho dog broko his leg tho raven wait
ed on him constantly, cared for him,
forgetting for tho tlmo his own greed
iness and raroly If ovor loft his sldo.
One night, whon the dog was by acci
dent shut within tho stablo alone
Ralph succ.oded In pecking a hole
through tho door, all but largo onouKh
rto admit his body.
Another, kopt in n yard In which a
big basket sparrow trap was some
times set, watched narrowly tho pro.
cess from his favorite corner, and
managed, when the trap fell to lift it
up, hoping to get at tho sparrows
within. They, of course, scaped be
fore he could drop the trap. But,
taught by experience), ho opened com
munications with another tame raven
in an adjoining yard, and the noxt
time tho trap fell, while one of them
lifted It up. the other pounced upon
the quarry.
A fomalo raven, known at that time
to be sixty years of ago, and who had
pairsod much of her vaily and middle
life with a strango companion, a blind
Sick Headaches?
you, combining as
can get them to the g
Do Your Ankles or Limbs 8we?
Aro Your Eyca Ptilfy? Wo nro
tl.o Solo Agents tor tbo Only
Tiling Known Thnt Cures tho
Kidney Diseases Thnt Cnuse
Dropsy, vlz.t Fulton Compound,
tt Is bow well known that dropsy U not it
Itsslf a disease, bat tt nearly always ft ij mp
t m of kldnej dlaoasa that accompanies tbe
chronic stages heretofore Ineuroble. llenr,
up to the tllscoTery of tbe Fulton Oomponndt,
3rapiy was inourable. It la bow, howerer,
curable lu nearly nine-tenths of all oases. Hera
U an Interrtttnc roooTory, to whloh we refer bj
Mr Peter Goyhmlx of MS Fillmor street
Hsu t'runolhoo. Woume ftlaralur j dtviwloul.
Hor physician had anally to tap her f Tory lew
1ajs. Bho was tapped uearly Jorty limes uud
i-r w worse from day to day. Tne physician
a mllT told her husband that she had llrltht'
nueivseof the Kidneys, that It was In an ad
f ituced chrunin a-ateand beyond medical alii
Her heart also savo hsr the usual tmuble neii
itisnaslusuoli a serloua condition the relative)
were sent for. Tbey put her on Fulton's iud
pound It stayed on the stomach, the tin,'
tbtarr tnat bad dona to for a week Tbe fcetom
week tb dropsy deollsed a little and the tm
proroment was ibon (radaal till her recovery
was complete. This cits was examined lnl
by rcpiesentatlTKSot the San Franolsco Btm
and the Orcrland Monthly, and tbe renulneLeai
of the run and the reconry were fully attsstec
In their columns.
Mrs. Thomas Chrlstol of 4?fl Twent y-seTentl
street, San Prftactseq, was atso swollen wlt
aropsy, as tbe renull of cbronlo kidney (tueaar
to more than setentjflTe pounds beyond be
normal weigbtt and bad to be mured lu abtrt
and was close to drain's door allbounh she liav
fo'ir physicians. Hbe was put on tbe tultoi
Compounds. Threo weeks showed Irsprot eiacn
and In six months she was well, and neisli
this reference, ,
If you baro 5trpy don't temporise. There
pnly one thlnsr known tbat will cure the rl-nml
kidney disease that Is brbtnd it and tbui t
1 ultoc's Compound. The Renal Cnropo'itin fc
Urmht's and Kldn-y Diseases, f 1; for I'lnU in
II.SO. John J Kulton a . 4f9 WnnMrttm
street, Han Franrluro, nolo cnropoumleis
for pamphlet, ne art tbo avlu ascitis lor thii
Palace Pharmacy, 118 State St.
porcupine, wag given, In tho yeni
1864, by Mr. J. H. Qurnoy, tho woll
known ornithologist, to the rector of
Bluntlsham in Huntingdonshire. She
seamed go dliconsolato nt the logs of
her Btirrondlngs thnt her new owner,
falling to get another raven, managed
to secure a geagull for hor as a conv
panlon. A warm friendship booh
prang up between the two blrde.
They followed one another about
everywhere, and the raven often tiBed
to treat her companion to pieces of
putrid moat which sho had burled for
her own consumption In the shrub
berlos. Thoee wore dollcnclos In tho
eyee of the raven, but thoy wore not
so good for a gull. In courso of tnno
whothor from Indigestion or not, tho
gull foil 111 nnd tho raven became
more assiduous than ovor In hor atten
tions, nover lonvlng hlra nnd plying
him with hor most nauseous titbits.
Tho gull grew worso, as wns porhaps
natural, undor tho troatniont, and Iobh
companionable, and one day, whon he
positively refused to touch a more Un
savory morsel than usunl, wlhch tho
raven had dunlod to horuulf and doubt
loss thought to be a panacea, tho
ravon, In a fit of fury at tho Ingrati
tude of hor patlont, fell upon hor
friend, klllod It, toro It to pieces, and
burying half of It for future consump
tion, devoured the real. Nlnoteenth
What a Heap of Happiness It Would
Bring to Salem Home.
Hard to do housework with an ach
ing back
Hours of mlsory at leisure or at
If women only knew tbo causo;
Backache pains como from sick kid
neys Donn's Kidney Pills will oure It
Salem people endorse this:
Mrs. F. Look, wlfj of F. Long sad
dler and harness maker, of Itoseburg,
aaya: "For a long time I was seldom
without backache and any exertion or
the slightest cold contracted brought
on an aggravated attack. -I took medi
cine trying to check it, but until ad
vised to try Doan'a Kidney Pills I
met with very indifferent Buocewi.
Doan'a Kidney Pills gave me such
prompt relief that I have no hesitation
In recommending them to others. My
son also usd a box and I heard him
express himself in high words of
praise for them."
Plenty more proofs like this from
Salem people. Call at Dr. Stone's
drug store and ask what Ms customers
For sal by all dealers. Priee SO
rents. Foster-Mllburn Oe Iluffalo, N.
V., sole agents fer the-United States.
Ilemestber the name Dean's ami take
no substitute. 10
"Portland and Return Only 12.20,"
The Southern Pad Re is now selling
Mtmd trtP tiekeU to PerUand front
Slm for $1N, good WrlHg Saturday
or Sunday, rtiriag Suftday and Mob-
ay. gliK all day Suadar td Mon
day in Portland. Tbo .same arransjo
jMoot aoattt) from. PorUaad. giving all
PortlsiMi 100140 s. ehanoe to vMt val
toy jtoiRls at groatiy rodtieed rates.
W. a COMAN. a. P. A.
jwMarkct Quotations Today,
I'tsnv (muvm a awu iivhi ruusxci
Capital City
Bryant A
Wheat 76c.
Mills Quotatlont,
Penned, Props.
Buckwheat 80a
Poultry at Qtel net's Market
Chickens Sc.
Eggs Per dozon, 30c
Ducka 10c.
Turkoys 12H0l4c.
Hop Market
Hops 1620c.
Potatoes, Vegetables,
Potatoos 30c ,
Onions lc.
Dried Fruits. -
Peaches 10c
Apricots 10c
Apples 10c
Petlto prunes 1c
Italian prunes Gc
Wood, fence Posts, Etc
Big flr 14.00.
Socond-growth 3.60.
APh $3.00 to JS.76.
Body oak $4.60.
Polo oak $4.00.
Cedar Posts 0c
Hides, Pelts and Furo.
Croon Hides, No. 1 107c
dron Hldos, No. i ?6.
Calf Skins 4 to 6c
Shoop 7Dc.
Ooat Skins ZEc to II. 09
Portland Mark'tt
Whoat Walla Walla, 71c
Vnlloy 75070c.
Flour Portland, boat grado, $TC
$3.86; graham, $3.7C.
Oats Cholco Whlto, $1.07c.
Barley Food $20 por ton; rollod,
MUlstuff Bran, $20.
Hay TlmoUiy. $10.
Potatoos G0C0o
Bggs Oregon ranch, 3032c
Poultry Chickens, mixed, 1010Wo
por pound; spring, 10UQllc; turkeys,
live, 1C1Cc.
Mutton Cross, 4tJGa
Pork-Droesed, C47o.
Boef arose, 6Co.
Voal 88c ,
Hops 1903 crop, 1222c
Wool Valloy, 1718c; Kastcrn
Oregon, 12lCo;, Mohair, 3637c.
Hides dry, 18 pounds ant. upwards.
16 to l&M."
Butter Bost dairy, 20c; fancy
croamory, 27WO30c; store, lCc
Qrsln and Flour
Wheat, Salora Flouring Mllla C7c.
Onts 32c.
Bnrloy $18.60 per ton.
Flour Wholosalo, $3.70.
Live Stock Market
Steers 24 o.
Cows 2Hc
Shoep $1.60.
Drossod voal OH C,
Dressed hogs 6o.
Llvo hogs 4V4c
Mutton 2o por pound.
Voal G0GMc
Hay, Fwd. Eto, ' '
IJalo chont $10$11.
Balod olOYor $9.6O0$1O.
Bran $21.00.
Shorts $22.
Creamery and Dairy Products
Good dairy buttor 2O02Gc
Croamory buttor 324c.
Cream separator skimmed, at
Com. Croamory, 32Hc set t
Advertltemtstt . five lists or leu. la this colons
iastrted three timet for J 5c. 50cWek $1.50
s ooatb. AU oyer fire Hoes ttthsMtns rale.
Wanted. Chambermaid nt Uio Salem
lodging house. 1 1-23-3 1
Position WantecLHy a young Japan
eue boy; will do saloon porter work
or offloa cleaning. Addrese HK.,"
Caro Journnl. IMO-lwh
Girl Wanted. To do housework In
a small family. Oood wages. Ap
ply forenoons at 362 Church street
Wanted Woodeaoppors, l'i mlUs
nortiiweet of Brooks. W. II. Hgan.
Wanted, At tho mute school, a wo
nutn to wash and Iron. Apply to
Thoe. P Clark, Supt U-lHf
ff!JX.'"tJsjtU ri i rir iJ
Per Sale. Four choice stoek boar
Iilgs; Poland China, weight 1S9
pounds. C. Nelson, Routo No. C, on
Uoarge A lion pla, hast Salora. '
For Sale Or trade, a fine 10-aore
chlolioa or fruit raneh; flrst-ekui.
bnlUHHfS and Improvements; close
t setiOoL postotnee, store and rail
way otaUoN. Will trade fer eUy or
nnltaprorod farm profwrty. Addrese
-W. J.." Care Journal. lit-
For Safe-O. K. arubhere. Best In
Oregon; threo state premiums;
one horse has tho power of M; eon
grab as aero a day. James Finney,
Brooks, Or. IS-M-lra
For Sale iBraprored and unimproved
bloek property In South Salem. For
Information Inquire of B. Hofer,
Journal offlee, 10-0-U
For 8alewAt a hargain, for a few
days, a nice 2-aore ehloken ranoh,
fair house, barn, eUx, with pleaty of
fruit rrieo feed. See Ryan ft Co.,
121 8UU atrovt 10-36-U
For 8ale Or t,rada f6rlown" proporty.
60-acro farm, Inqulro at 25 Mill
street ll-2i-twk
For Sale. At a bargain, a 2-lncli
heAvy Rushfonl wngon, almost now,
comploto with hayrack, also sot of
double work harness. Inqulro of B.
W. Snyder, corner of Summer and
Hollovlow, opposite vinegar works.
Choice Farm For 8ale. Throo miles
northwest from BraokB, having
dwolllng houso, barn and two hop
houses, with 30 acres of hops, bol
anco farming land, with running
wntor, rjxeopt enough cholco timber
to supply tho place. M. J. Bgrui.
For Sale. Bargains, Sovcral cholco
plocoo of proporty, both outside and
insldo. Call nnd bo oownor, 407
High street, 2 Mi blocks north of city
hall lMMm
For Sale Mighty aoroB of land in
Washington county, for $460. A
bargain for some ono wanting to
mrtko a homo. Some tlmbor on tho
placo; 8omo cleared. E. Hofor, Sn
lorn, Oregon. 10-G-tf
For Rent. 240 aero farm, near Salem.
For pnrt'culars, addrcsB "IL," P. O.
box 208, Salem, Oro. ll-20-3t
For Rent. Largo douhlo store on.
Stnto street, 60-foot front, 80 deep
Apply to M. Kllngor. 10-7-tf
Rooms for Rent Up stairs, Cottlo
block, by day, week, or month. Al
so light housekeeping rooms. Elec
tric llghta, Qpon all hours.
Commercial St., No. 333.
Phone: 2066 Main.
Mattlo Hutchlns, Prop.
Music Lessons Given. A specialty of
boglnners. Miss Lena Molsan, 430
Commercial street. 11-18-lwk
If you have property to sell Or ront,
or want to buy or soil, trndo or ox
change for other property of any
hind, or if you want a loan or Insur
ance soo It. R. Itynn & Co. 10-20-tf
Balm of Figs Remedies. 382 Marlon
strcot (from 2 p. ta to 3 p. m.)
Bright lady assistant wanted.
Meier's Barber College Of Satt Lnho
City, otters advantages In tonching
the trndo that cannot bo had Mno
whero. Avoid schools tho Orogon
nnd California barbers' now lawn
aro apt to oloso at any tlmo. Wrllo
today for our spoclal offor to dis
tant students, IMO-lni
Tho Proper Thing Tho popular
drink for family use Is O. 8. soda
and carbonated bovoragoa. Every
body should kcop thoso goods at
tholr homos. Call up Gideon Btolt
Co. 'phone 42L
D, F. Jerman. Doalor In now nnd second-hand
houso furnishing goods,
a reit bargains in stoves and row
furniture Highest prices paid for
second-hand articles. 210 Commer
cial street
Say Have you tried Kdwards & I.usch
ur's for moats. Wo have tho bost
sausage in town. Come nnd try It.
and be convinced. 410 Hast State
Salem Truck and Dray CeOldoat
and best equipped company In 8a'
loin. Piano and furnlturo moving
a specialty ORloo 'phono, 801. W.
W. Brown & Son, proprietor. Office
No. GO Stato street 0-Mm
Dr. Z. M. Parvln At 207 Commercial
street, upstairs. Singing sohooL
Itudltr.ental and sight rending class
es. Begins Wednesday evening, Oe
tober 14th, Class every Wednes
day evening to May 1st. nexL Tul
tlon, $1.00.
Unique Cleaning Rooms Shaw 4
Johnson, tho cleaners, are now lo
cated at 209 Commercial stroet
They do a general pressing and re
pairing business. Specialties: Skirts,
silk waists, kid gloves, gents' cloth
In, etc Phono 3014. 6-28-lyr.
.Marsha! Sale.
Notice H liorety Klven that under
tho provisions of ordinance No. 300
1 will on
at 1 o'oloek p. in. at tho pound In the
olty of Salem, wJl ut puhllo mieilon,
the following described Impounded
animal, U)-wlU
One Urxo red, inulay cow, tag on
ear with Initials "J. II. MeK."
Unleeo the above JflrlUodnniiiial Is
claimed before wild dato, sale will be
without, reserve.
P. W. Ol WON.
City Marshul.
Halom. Kevember 17, 1(X). ll-17-fit
Dr. W. 0. Mott Will hereafter b
found In tho Iiry bloek. 276V4 Com
rnerelal street, ever Orenoa Shoe
Co. Offleo teleohene, 2931; real
deaeo phone, 2761. Offlw hours 9
to 12. and 2 to 6.
New Sweet Cider -Send your order to
the nearest grocery, or eall up
Dhone 421. Old eon Stols & Co.
Mrs, L. Campbell Dos dressmaking
at her home, oa tho car line, near
the 'South Salem cemetery. Country
trad soUelUal. lMM&vd-w
W. C. Calvet, Practical Watctimajgn
16 Stato etrool, ma1ca1ocfi3v'
of ropalring watches, clocks and
Jowolry, And guarantees good work
at rtasonalilo prlcos. 11-12-lyr
Ferguson's Restauran.t 96 State
street. Open day and night Oar,
20c meals aro bolter than, any 26o
houso (n tho state. Six 20o moals
for $1.00; 21 20c moals lor $3.00,
Valley lodge No, 18, A.O. U.W. Moot
in tholr hall in Holman block, cor
ner Stnto and Liberty, every Mons.
day ovonlng. Visiting brethren
wolsomo. Roy Molntlro, M. W. A.
E. Aufranco, Recorder. '
Central Lodge No, 18, K. of P. Castle
nail in Holman block, corner Btaw
and Liberty Sts. "Tneaday of aob
wook at 7:30 p. m. A. 13. Btraas
O. a. It J. Flemlns: K. of TL and 8,
Foresters of America Court 8h"er
wood Forcetera No. 19. Moots Fri
day night in Tumor Moot, B. W.
Mlntunr. O. TLV A. L. Brown, Bee
Modem Woodmen of America Ore
gon, Cedar Camp No. 6246. ' Meets
eviry Thursday ovonlng at 8- o'clock
Holman Hall, Frank A. Turner, V.
O.VA. L. Brown. Clork.
Protection Lodge NoJLariolent Or
uur uunwu tvurKuiou, ravels or or?
Saturday ovonlng In tho "Holman
Hall, cornor Stato and Liberty
streets. Visiting brethren woIooqm.
J. O. Qrahtun, M. W, J. A. SeUwood
Drs. M. T. 8clioettle, Frank J. Barr
and Anna M. Darr. Oraduatea
Amortcan 8chool of Osteopathy,
Klrksvllle, Mo., auccossoro to Dr.
Ornco Albright OniC' hours 0 to
12 nnd 1:30 to 4:30 o'oloek. Odd
Followa' Temple, Phono Main J7S
rosldcnco phono 2C03 rod.
-.-7.0.rJ?P.R.IAL.NP nATHS
Ryan's Shaving Parlors Sovon 0rs4
clasj barboro ongngod. Finest bath
roomB In olty. Wo uio Antinoptio
sterilizers. J Itynn, Proprietor.
Evan's Barber 8hop Only first-class
shop on Stato streot Every thing
now and un-to-oato. Flnott porce
lain bailin. Shavo, 16o; haircut 26o
baths. 26c. Two first-clans hoot
blaoks. O. W. Evans, proprietor.
Hop tnorohnnts, 97 to 99 State
streot. Salem, Orogon. RoproBcntod
by Job. Harris.
WM. DROWN A CO Hopii, Mohair,
wool, hop growors' suppllos. No.
S29 Commorolal atrsot, Salora, Ore
gon. Phono 1301.
SQUIRE FARRAR Hop merchant
and purchasing ogont No. 318ft
Commercial streot. upstairs, Satan,
Oregon. Phono 1CG1.
T. A. LIVE8LEY A CO Dealers la
hops and hop supplies. Phono 1211,
ofllco room 18 Oborholm bldf, &&
lorn. Oregon.
J. CARMICHAEL Hop buyor. .Offlae
in Rush-Broyman building, Salem,
Orogbn. Samplos of choice hops ac
llpllnd from nil growors.
CATLIN A. LINN Hop buyers. Room
8. Ilush-Breyman block, Salem, Ore
gon. Phone 1431.
HUBBARD A CR088AN Hop buy.
ers. Room 2. Murphy block, Balotn,
Oretrnn Telenhone No. 371.
For water sorvlod apply at offlee.
Rills pnyahle monthly In advance;
Mao all complaints at the officii.
Hop Wire Woven Wlro Fencing.
Place your orders now and get re
duced prlcos. Car of fencing to arrive
October 31th; ear of fenolng In No
vember. Write and get price.
60 Court St. Salem, Or.
Successor to Dr. J. Mr Keene, in
White Corner, Salam, Oregon, Parties
desiring superior operations at tnod
erat fee lu any branch are fn oapeolav'
Express and Transfer
Meetn all mail and passenger trains
BftHHKe to atl iwrtH of Uio city.
Prompt service. Teleoheso No. 211.
rx.r-yru-uu".u, ri.i"i.rui"ijr,i"N",i-noi nanA , - -i -
II 1 l.I I II L- -.. .1.11-
liaiiuaaiaiiivi iiw, ihwi, iur uuu
ilrn.nw tlilnat in Ohltis. Wire strain
erfor eothloni.
The Variety Store
04 Court St. Annora m. weicii. pmp
203 Commercial Street
Regular Dinner at Noon 25c
Meals at all hours
Service a la Carte
B ECKBRLBN, Pfoprtetcr