Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 25, 1903, Page FIVE, Image 5

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    "7?vSki !y
F T-I-F. .-
Dainty Styles In
The Barr store shows a great many charming and dainty
styles in Ladies watches, and every single one of them is just
as good inside as its beauty cf exterior would naturally indi-
CflfcrH,r M 5ei5fMStlyc?!,thcCrtr; jud?ed fay general market
standards. At as little as 16.50, we show some really charm
ing, ladies watches -20 year gold filldd cases-Waltham or
Elgin works-handsome engraving and finish, and will give a
lifetime of satisfactory service. At 18 we have some splen
did styles in 14k gold filled cases, warranted for 25 years
remarkably good watches for so modest a sum, and hosts of
other grades await your attention here, if by any chance a
ladies watch is something you must soon purcnase.
Corner State and
liberty Streets,
Social Realm!
In the
Ex-Mayor C. P. Bishop is In Port
land. Architect Knighton was In the city
IL TV Druco, of Portland, was in the
city a few days.
Attorney H. J. Digger went to Wood
burn to try a case.
M. L. Jonos, of Brooks, was a Salem
visitor thlo afternoon. .
Mrs. C. H. Hinges has gono to Tho
Dalles to tako part In a concert.
Mrs. F. W. Sottleraier, of Woodburat
enmo up this morning to visit Mrs. O.
TV. Jones over Thanksgiving.
Dr. W. W. T. Williamson came up
from Portland this morning for a brlof
business visit.
Ansel Clarke, a studont nt 0. A. C,
passed through Salem today on his
ivay to Portland.
Clifford Mollon has been qulto ill fo.r
sovoral days, and goes to tho Salem
hlspltal this evening for treatment.
James and Lloyd Mott, students of
tho U. O., will take their Thanksglvlnn
dinner with tholr parents In this city,
Kola Ntes wont aown to Portland
last ovonlng on business connected
with a hop deal. Ho returns this
Rev. II. A. Kctchum goes to Mon
mouth, by invitation of President Ross
Jor, to preach tho Thanksgiving Ber
mon tomorrow.
Mn and Mrs. Geo. Colllna aro. In
Portland to visit their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Chatton,
over Thanksgiving.
Rubo Lewis was last night nrrostcd
n a chargo of drunkenness, and he
was th3 morning glvon flvo days In
tho city Jail, bolng unable to pay a fine
of ?10.
O. Y. Lansing returned this morn
ing from Spraguo, Wash., whoro he
attended to tho delivery of a numbor
of orders for fruit treos from his
Quaker nurseries near this city.
Walter E. Bliss, of Portland, spe
cial agont for tho Mllwaukco Mechan
ics' Insurance Co., Is making an of
ficial visit to Salem today, looking af
ter his company's deposit in tho state
Frod A. Erlxson and F, F. Tocvs ro
turned this morning from Portland,
where, last ovonlng, they attondod the
annual meeting of tho Muscovites, tho
Odd Fellows' shrine. Mr. Erixon
crossed the hot sands In his first pll
A clear Havana 12,c cigar. For
eteln. Manufacturer, Salem, Oregon.
Time is Precious
And so Is a reliable timepiece.
Watches and clocks purchased at C.
T. Poraeroy's aro always accurate
Ume-keopors, and require the least re
pairs, with ordinary caroful usage
They can always be depended on. We
aro selling a Waltharn or Elgin move
ment In a 20-yenr gold filled oase at
$12.60. Wo can furnish any style of
Jeweler and Optician, 2M Com. 8t
Put fnYour
Pttmpkm Pies f
At the cauioraia oaicery.
u...rui cuToniun nll V
-"T.J.w.. ddct
Y, . SSSSiuiUmUU St. Phone 2081. ttUlot free
Ladies' Watches
grlmngo to the shrine, and thoy at
tended tho annual banquet after the
regular lodgo session. Thoy report an
enthusiastic and interesting meeting
of this order, with a largo attendance
from all parts of the state.
South Salem Personal.
W. H. Armstrong goes to Albany to
day, whero ho will spend Thanksgiv
ing with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schmidt.
H. Landon and son, Loulo, who aro
working near Sclo, aro In the city, vis
ltlng his family, In South Salem.
W. D. Simpson Is lying very 111 at
his homo on South Commercial strct.
Miss Leila Colo, of Portland, Is In
tho city, visiting her sister, Mrs. Leo
Miss Southc, of Portland, Is spend
ing a few days with friends In South.
At St Joseph's Hall.
The young ladles of St. Joseph's
church have boon making elaborato
preparations for a whist party, to bo
glvon at tholr hall on Chomeketn
streot Thanksgiving ovonlng. Tholr
guests aro promised a most pleasant
and entertaining evening. Vocalists
of charming musical powers will
blond their volcos In sweet song, and
aftor tho usual valuablo prizes aro
awarded to tho winners, with consolai
tlon to tho disappointed, refreshments
will bo served to closo tho day's f ast
This Is tho Initial party of tho season,
as tho young ladles aro arranging to
havo ono every two weeks in tho fu
ture, to which thoy cordially Invito
all their friends.
Otto Wilson for Alderman.
Mr. Wilson, who was brought out
In tho third wnrd for aldorman, is n
clonn, progressive young business,
man. and. if elected, will, bo tho only
automoblllst in tho council. Ho will
stand for good buslnoss administra
tion, and bo a creifltablo roprosonta
tlvo nf tho host intorests of the Capi
tal City.
Attention, Silver Dell Circle.
Tho ladles of Sllvor Doll Circle, W.
of W., aro requostod to raeot nt tholr
hall at 2 o'clock sharp, Thursday, to
attend tho funeral of our beloved
neighbor, Maud Miller.
Your grocer moneybacks
Schilling's Best; he is glad to
pay-out the money ; it costs him
nothing; it isn't his money.
.ale by all dealer. Aug Hucton.
Order For
or Thanksgiving
f W'X J
Looking For a Wife
' at the Grand
If Found In Salem the First
Four Words of This Head
line Will Be
Tho big musical comedy "Looking
for a Wlfo" .will be tho attraction at
tho Grand Opera Houso for Saturday
night. This Is said to bo ono of tho
comedy hits of tho year, and will be
presented by a company of 25 selected
people, chosen for tholr ability to
portray tho different parts Uioy aro to
play. Some of tho best comedians
on tho Btngo, and tho prettiest and
cleverest girls to be found, mako up
the company. Special scenery is car
ried by the company for tho entire
production, and tho costumes and ef
fects aro said to be far abovo what is
usually seen with this class of at
tractions. Tho musical numbers have
been selected with care, and only tho
best aro used In "Looking for a Wlfo."
In a musical comedy, the elomonts
that make It a success are catchy mu
sic, now songs and dances, and last
but not least, clovor performors. And
It reports of press and public aro to
bo credited, "Looking for a Wlfo" haB
all theso eloments, and Is ono of the
successes of tho year. Seats on sale
We w III ce closed all day.
LET US BE THANKFUL. If we can't be thankful for tbe
things we have got, then let
things we haven't sot. ir
thankful your not tbe turkey.
Pattern's Book Store
at box ofllco Saturday at 9 a. m Cur
tain at 8:15.
Charming Florence Roberts
In Belasco's Greatest
Everybody who Is Intorostcd In tho
stage or anything pertaining to the
drama will be Intorostud in tho forth
coming nppearanco of tho versatile
senilis, Florence Roberts, at thtf Grand
Opera Houso on Wodnosday, In David
llelnsco's romarkablo comody-drama,
"Zaza." Florence Itoborts stands alone
Florence Roberts aa "Zara'
In the Weet aa the repreaentatlve atai
Interpreting comedy and emotional
drama, and eaeh year her art and
popularity grows greater.
The nlay MZar la ona of the mas
ter creations of the last decade, and
has aroused more discussion probably
than any play that haa ever been
written, from both a dramatic and
moral standpoint. It U a strong moral
Dlay. for It delivers a sermon In a
more convincing manner than any
theory from the pulpit tZazaM la n
Dlar for people with the power to
comprehend and understand the great
neea of IU motive esd Its develop
ment To the leaser minds It means
f W-T.4M t " aSZk- --
""'"' ?"
'nothing except what of evil they can
construe for themselves.
As & drama it is a marvel of con
Btructlon and stagecraft. Tho story
Is absorbing and enthralling In its in
terest, and all tho emotions that tho
human heart BccmB capable of arc
touched upon.
Miss Roberts will prcsont tho play
with a company of exceptional quality
and tho production will bo elaborato.
Curtain at 8:15.
Linn Coun
ty News
Albany Fire Alarm.
Horald, Nov. 25th: Tho now auto
matic fire alarm system Is ready for
use. It was partially tested last ev
ening, between 5 and 6 o'clock, and
worked very satisfactorily. At 10
o'clock this morntntr, Immediately nf
ter the town clock strikes tho hour,
tho en tiro system will bo tested, on
alarm being turned In from each of
the 12 alarm boxes In succession.
Linn County School.
Herald, Nov. 25th: Tho schools of
Linn county woro novor In bettor con
dition, says School Superintendent
W. L. Jackson. Mr. Jackson is cow
visiting tho schools throughout the
county, and says thoro Is an unusu
ally largo attendance everywhere, es
pecially In tho rural schools.
In somo places tho schools aro
crowded, tho buildings and facilities
being unablo to satisfactorily accom
modato tho attendance.
Thoro has been a scarcity of teach
ors all year, and thoro aro yot threo
districts In tho county whero no school
Is being conducted, becauso of tho
lack of teachors.
Democrat, Nov. 24th: Tho Albany
Collogo Studont recently gavo tho
as be thankful there are some
else occurs to yen bo
graduating years of flvo ot tho girls as
1937 to 2000, and Intervening num
bors. Tho glrlH havo Just received
somo flno orango and Mack pins with
tho dates designated upon them, ac
coptlng tho Joko at faco valuo.
The Evangelistic Meeting.
Dotnoornt, Nov. 24th: Tho highest
Intorcst yot nttalned In tho evangolls
tic meeting at tho Christian church
was 'reach (Hi last night. Singing
Evangollst T. 8. HandHakor gavo In
splratlon to tho music, nnd In his solo,
"What Then," mado a profound Im
presiilon. Mr. Handsakur is ono of tho
foromost singers nf tho Christian
church. Evangelist Lockhart held tho
great audlonco for 30 minutes In lap I
Intorost, nnd nt tho closo of tho rer
mon sovon people took their stand for
The New York Racket
Will remain closed all day tomor
row for Thanksgiving.
Will Scrap Tonight
San Francisco, Nov. 26. FItz.lin
mons Is a declared favorlto at 10 to f
In tho fight with Gardner tonight. He
weighed in at 3 o'clock, leaving hli
training quarters early this morning.
Fits Is over his cold, and Is In the
best of condition. All sents are sold,
and groat Interest Is being taken In
tho fight
1 Don't Wait Until I
the man offers 10 I
BUY your land; get I
I Title Stt&ight
Then there is no de-
lay when you want 1
I You may THINK your
title is PERFECT.
i Do you KNOW it is?
i Salem Abstract
and Land Co. 1
a III Sill ill BiJlll '
jilUIlllflllllUl ,
Bchooldoora will swing open on Wednesday and hnndrodiol happy
youths will be turned looea (or the holidays, with books In hand that will
not be touched till Monday, and minds lull ot virions ot turkey and
thoughts ot an all too ibort eeaton of freedom and Inn. Havon't forgotten
that new soli for your boy, have youT Bettor lot him have It to wear on
Thanksgiving, when others are droned tn 'their beat. He'll look better
fur It, and be better too. Don't believe It? Then yon'va not studied thoae
boy natures. Tea, Itadda Imtnenaely to a boy 'a aelt-reapeot and dignity
to be clothed like a little gentleman,
Ot r Woolen Mill Soils for Boys
have been teited tor 13 yeara and In almost every home In the central VIU !
lamette Valley nnd nobly have they stood the tilt. Thoae who've aeon ;
onrpreaent line will tell you that such an aaiortmont you'll not find 'el to-
whore (or mllae around In (act, our atoek this teases la nearly twlee ai j
large aa (or any prevtona aeauon. Here'a the way ther runt
s-is tr irf c- i.
j niiaren'souHs.p.au, lop.av, xooins otms$aio x
fC Children OvHCOA.t: ,or "l ,,MJ Bnd
Jt ami Youths -VCrCOaXS bUU prJcM
Salem WooleaMill Store
0. P. Bishop.
Thanksgiving Day Malls.
Tho Salem postoltlco hours for sorv
lug Thanksgiving day malls will bo
frrom 11:30 a. m. to 12:30 p. m. No
money orders will bo Issued, and no
froo rural mall delivery will bo mado.
This will give all tho carriers an op
portunity to enjoy dinner with tholr.
families, nnd soo tho football camO
with the children.
All subscribers who doslro will ho
servod with tholr Thanksgiving Jour
nal nt Tho Journal ofllco.
aaaaVi VwL fk J9"KBMt
I Goods 1 65 State St.
IMfiaislmilf !!! I
An Overcrowded Store
We have a good location for u
' . of -room and we have decided to
1 1
i! Stoves and Ranges
! ! so we raw move about Wo have
stove that have a reputation, nnd those coming In now to buy will $
1 1 find the prtotf Interesting, to Interesting that when you buy a stove
or rHK of us you'll lauKh with
o and a complete stock of eeiwal
1 1 inenta.
!! Mill &
i i
J J Hardware Dialers, Corner of Stati
pa r it r.n. h- i 9
nfl PJH4aBeMalMHlrMhHs1-fr4td
Wrtihlngton, Nor. 25. RoprcsonU
tlvo Jonos today introduced a bill ap
propriating 25,000 for surveying nnd
laying out a road across tho Mount
Ilalnlor forest rosoryo, from a point in
Yakima county to tho custom bound
ary of tho Mount Rainier National
Modern Woodman Dall.
Thanksgiving dnnco in Holman hall
tomorrow night Securo ticket front
niomhcrs or at door. Admission SS
i !
House I
tiafMHf KMW9ifr
hardware store, but wo aro (hurt J
see It wo cannot got out enough
nothing but good honest well-mado
hardware and ajsrlQultural Imple-
KM, i
and Commercial Street Salem, .
1 1
t -J
at I
h :