Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 25, 1903, Section Three, Page TWENTY FOUR, Image 24

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protection of this discovery; and each
pledged himself to the other, Tom
walked over to a table near by and
withdrawing a cloth that covered an
oddly-shaped. thing, said to Bulwer:
"Horo is my discovery,"
This is what Bulwor saw. A largo
glass daso with sovoral glass bulbs
inside. Somo glass pipes, a copper
wheel and an alcohol lamp. Bulwer
novor saw, anything llko it inall his
exporionco and ho could only look in
astonishment at this marvolous ma
chine, It was a contrivanco boyond
his ability to understand at first
glance. Tom re-covorcd tho contrlv
anco with a smile on his faco and re
turned to tho table and resumed tho
talk. Ho took from tho drawer largo
rolls of papor. Thoso papers con
tained tho details of this machine.
For thrco days and nights Tom and
Bulwor wcro housod in this room go
ing over this wonderful discovery. Mr.
Richard Bulwor loft Hornollsvillo with
a satisfied look on his faco which
meant much to Tom and Increased
tho respect for Tom Bakorsfleld in
tho villngo, when it becamo known
that ho had a man of Bulwor's ropu-
tatlon intorostod. Somctlmo aftr
Bulwor had gono Tom received a let-
tor from him. Immediately arrange
ments worq mado to loave. After
loavlng monoy for his folks, Tom qui-
otly left the placo nnd no ono know
whoro ho had gono. Curious neigh
bors went away dltfappolntod. for
nono of Tom's folks know wlthor ho
had disappeared. He had satisfied
his mother that all was woll, and that
sho would soon hear from him, but ho
wanted to bo cortaln his whoroabouts
woro not known to anyone. Ills
wishos woro fulfilled, for not oven tho
wlsost In tho wholo villngo could toll
whoro Tom had gono. So, with tho
coming of othor ovonts In tho village,
Tom Bakorsfleld soon dropped from
tho minds of tho people In HornollB
vlllo and was a thing of tho past.
yet they all hoped it had cbmo to stay,
Thomas Bakersfleld was born twen-ty-aovon
.years ago of poor paronta in
Hornollsvillo, Now York. His father
was a mechanic, and Tom seemed to
bo taking after his fathor in a me
chanical way, for ho carried his head
about filled full of all sorts of no
tions. Many of thorn ho kopt to him
self. There was no getting around
tho fact that Tom was ingenious, lie
'made many boyish experiments, and
was n brilliant falluro in his ideas of
putting tilings into any practical exe
cution. Ho scorned to havo good Ideas,
but Inoked tho tact of making them
a success. Whon ho failed with his
Idea; ho would pass it by and try
something olsc. Onco ho thought ho
Jiad his fortune. Ho conceived a
preparation which would do away
with shaving. This preparation was
to bo rubbed on tho faco, and was
supposed to eat tho hair off, losing
ltar..catlng qualities whon it reached
tho cutlclo. Ho tried the experiment
pa hlmsolf, but whon ho rubbed off
tho preparation, ho found that it took
off not only tho hair, but a good deal
of his faco, too. Poor Tom was soon
dubbed a queer follow and not
much nttontlon was paid to him nor
bis ideas. As tlmo woro along, ho
wastod" nono of It. Ho worked and
Btudied, and became a practical me
chanic under his father.
In tho courso of events his fathor
passod on, nnd it devolved upon him
to Bupport tho family. Ho took his
father's place and kopt up tho work
nnd carried on his own oxporlmonts.
Finally he oamo homo very much
olated ,nnd told his mothor ho had
utruok It at lost Further than this
Tom would not spoak bt his dlscovory.
No amount of questioning nnd bog
ging movod him nn Inch. Ho simply
told thorn ho had discovorod a great
secret and that ho was cortaln of its
being all right. At any rato Tom
sold, ho was going to soo about it.
Accordingly ho had insortod in the
Herald, of Nov York city, tho follow
ing advertisement:
Wanted A man with $500,000.
Must bo woll up in tho sciences
and meehnnles, I lmvo a dls
covory Hint will revolutionize
the world. Addross T. B caro
Hornollsvillo Lcdgor.
Many lottors followod tho appear
nnco of this ndvortlsotnont. All sorts
of Information was asked for. Tho
conditions and what tho discovery
was. Ho was .bowlldorod with' the
bulk of mall ho rccelvod. With h!s
usual manner, ho kopt down any ox
oltemont from this sudden nttentlon
from tho wealth of New York city by
keeping housed up for n week. Tom
was not to be seen, Out of tho hun
dreds of letters ho selected ono from
a man signing Richard Bulwor. Bul
wor's letter seemed to plonso Tom nnd
ha liked the plain and honost convic
tion tho lottor oxproetiod to him. Tom
looked up Mr. Ilulwer In the rooonls
of mechanics, and found him to stand
Among tho highest. After having sat
Jaded hlmBOlf that Bulwer was all
right ho made reply to his letter and
asked to sue him at Hornollsvllle as
eoon as possible. In due tlmo Mr
Hlohnrd Bulwer arrived nt the quaint
village where Tom had boen born,
raised, and where ho had discovered
tho great est secret the world was evor
to know. Tom met Mr. Bulwer at tho
train nnd rightly guessed him by tho
Initials on his grip. Tho walk from
tho depot to tho socludod workshop
of Tom Dakorsueld's only served to
acquaint him with Mr. Bulwer. Tom's
olmpllolty and Bulwor's 'honesty of
purpose were at onco to be reen.
Thus tiie two nioee estential elements
of an understanding were mutually no
coptod before tho workshop was
rcaohed. Bulwer was ludeed a gen
ius. Quick to seo tho practical value
of anythlug in a mechanical or scion
tltlo way. he was n worthy counselor,
nnd an oxooptlon In that ho had money
enough to back any project he might
undertake Tom was fortunate In
gutting nn Interview with htm, and
thus securing his Interest, whloh
meant the uho of all the money neces
sary to carry out the schema Bulwer
vim woll Informed. He was aUvw es
pecially to any new produot of Ameri
can genius. Ha kept himself lu touch
with nil the latent Inventions. discov
eries, and ued his money freely In
roawirsh In mechanics and philoso
phy, Indeed, if the truth were known,
who -knows hut Bulwer had come to
see Tom merely to add one more new
Idea to his already Ueadfull. After
Tom had seaur)y locked himself and
Bulwer in the room where he had
everything ready for Bulwer, they sat
down at a table. After going over
It was about two years after Tom
hnd loft his villngo town that tho fol
lowing ltora nppoared In tho town pa-
fpor, away out In tho Wostern part of
Now York, in what was then known
as Claroncovlllo. Tho Itom attractod
much nttontlen: "A Strnngo Stato of
Affairs Many of tho citizens of Olar
onrovlllo nro complaining of n loss of
appotlto. Sovoral assort thoy havo
not oaten for somo days, and yet aro
In n porfectly hoalthy stato and on
Joying tho rest from oatlng. Many
theorlos havo beon advancod as to
this strango phenomenon, but no oni
cnu solve It. Speculation is In order.
The condition Is fast sprondlng. It
will bo watchod with Intorost."
Two weeks later anothor item ap
pearod in the same paper: "Moro
Strange Things for You Eating has
altogether ceased In our town. Not
n man enn bo found who has oaten
for over seven days. Tho periods of
fasting have varlod In many ensos.
but the actual oatlng has become a
flgdre of opoeeh People from ajl
over the country nro flocking tp Clnr-
oncttvme and nre affected In the
same way, We nro gaining rapidly
lu population, and ir this strango con
dition continues to exist, we will have
struck a bonnnsn that beats gold or
silver mines. No explanation has
been afferod. Can somo one explain?"
Tho nowspapor article spread the
nows over tho country and people bo
gun pouring Into Clarencovllle and all
the newcomers quit eating along with
tho balanoo of tho teeldents. It was
a fact worth noticing that after going
a cortaln distance from tho town the.
fieemlug intluenco became inoffectlve.
Only within a certain radius could this
s4at of affairs be found to exist Ono
cau scarcely Imaglno the revolution
in business. Groceries closed up their
doors. No one bought provisions, for
nono were needed. Cutlory, dishes,
kitchen utensils, and all manner of
eating paraphernalia lay Idly on the
storekeepers' shelves and In tho ware-
rooms. Housewives thought heaven
had suddenly come down to earth.
No mar oookinc. No more washing
dtabee. No mora kitchen work. JXv
all)' It was a wonderful oondltlou of
affaire In Clareneevllle. Many emi
nent seientista speculated, and some
visited the plate, hut none oould ex
plain. There wag no question but
the result of this strange phenome
non was quite as beneficial to the
people as they had found oatlng to be
In the past Clerks and alt manner of
working men idled away the noon
hour and at supper time were still
happy to feel they were all right even
though they had not eaten all day.
Uarencevllle was rapidly beeemlHg a
paradise on earth. Where thte strange
About a year previous to this
strango condition' of affairs in Clar
encovllle, Thomas Bakersfleld and
Richard Bulwer alighted from the
train and put up at tho hotel. They
wero looking for investments in real
estate. Thoy might locate there, so
it was whispered. Stopping quietly at
the hotel for Bcveral months, dis
cussion dropped as to their business.
Taking advantage of this Bulwcr pur
chased a threc-ncro tract of land at
the end of ouo of tho main business
streets. Ho soon had tho property
fenced in with a fence so high that no
one could seo over and ho was secure
from curious eyes. Pooplo who in
quired what was going on there wero
told that Bulwor & Bakorsfled were
establishing a branch mill for ono of
Bulwor's big Now York manufactur
ing concorns. Contractors wore em
ployed to construct two' Inrgo build
lngs. Very ordinary In construction
nnd nothing in the detail to Indicate
their purpose. They afforded abso
lutely nothing as to tho character of
tho milt. In duo tlmo tho buildings
wore completed and tho workmen dis
charged. Tho place, was then appar
ently closed up and no ono but Tom
and Bulwor woro to bo seen around
tho placo. Following tho completion'
of tho buildings several shipmonts ar
rived for tHo now mill. Tho some
what bulky matorlal was onclosed In
wooden frames, woll packed from the
public gaze. Tho only thing pie pub
lic could toll anything about was a
ten-horse powor onglno and a large
boilor. Bulwor and Tom personally
oversaw tho Installing of tho numor
oils crates into the mill building
Pnssersby could hear the Bound of
thoiammor and tho saw wJthlu tho
high fonco, but nono wero admitted
to see what was being done. After
a tlmo the oxhaust of a stoam pipo
showed activity had begun. Thon
presently a low, continuous humming
was hoard and kept up for sevoral
weeks, and nt tho tlmo of tho nrtlcks
in tho nowspapor tho humming in
the factory was still going on. Near
ly ovory day tho new firm had ship
monts of matorlal from Now York
towns. Nothing was evor shipped
awoy from tho plant nnd so tho rath
or mysterious mill remained a secret
so far as tho real purposo was con
cerned. It was in good running or
der and was ovldontly at work, still
nothing over came qut from behind
that high fenco enclosing that myste
rious mill with Its puff! puff! and Its
low musical hum.
Ono fine morning tho mayor of
Claroncovlllo was sitting In his offlcq
looking ovor tho morning paper when
in walked Mr. Bulwor and Mr. Thomas
Bakorsfleld. After tho customary sa
lutation and greetings, Mr.. Bulwer
Bald ho had a proposition to
mnko to tho mayor. Bulwor .bogan
by broaching tho strange condition of
affairs in tho city. Tho mayor ad
mitted that It was strange, indeed.
Bulwor then told him that tho Arm of
Bulwer & Bakorsfleld was responsi
ble for tho condition. Tho eyes ol
tho good mayor, Mr. Harding, oponod
very wide nt this. He was very much
interested. After tho mayor partially
recovored, Bulwor told htm that he
and Bnkorsflold had discovorod a se
cret which if put Into effect would
save all people from having to oat
He told him tho firm had come to
Clnrencovlllo to try the exporlmant
and the success was as well known
to the mnyor as to themselves, rlnoe
he, too, had ceased to eat. along with
the rest of the Claroncovlllltes. With
all this evldenco Mnyor Harding was
not without doubt that some trick
was being played eltho? upon the poo
pie or olse upon hlmsolf. Which was
tho victim the good mayor was Just
thon unablo to decide.
"It Is too propostorous to believe,"
he flnnlly said. "I must have evl
donco of tho proof."
"We have reserved ono proof, which
we think will soon convince you," ro
piled Mr. Bulwer.
"And that Is"
"We shall shut down the mill, and
If you then rogatn your appetite, will
you then believe?"
"That test Is perfectly satisfactory
to me and If It bears you out, you
gentlemen have my hearty support
for what you may ask," quota
Q 1A .Mill U.OM A.l....lt. ... -,......
mrv Ml mill was IWriAttllfl BCllll BOWf
with the Immediate result that everr
body began to want to eat again, and
the return of appetite became gea
oral. The mill' was closed for two
days, and during this tine even the
myov himself began to want to .eat
Upon resumption or the mill all ap
petites again disappeared. The nor
mal non-eatable condition resumed
ItseU with IU strange phenomenon.
The mayor was convinced. To Bul
wer and Tom he admitted the proof
of the suoceee of the discovery. He
was willing to go with them and aid
then in ptaelng it In practical use.
order that his Influence and testimo
ny could bo produced whenovor need
ed. It seemed essential to Bolwor
that they havo someone occupying n
responsible position to lond argumont
against tho incredulous. Tho mayor
said ho was obliged to assist tho in
ventors anyway because ho had sav
ed $250 since they started up that
mill, and ho wanted to Bhow his ap
preciation. Tho mayor was Informed
that tho object was to go to a Jargo
city nnd establish a plant That the
right would no bo sold. Tho mayor
would go with thorn and nid in tho
project Thero remained but pne
thing to do and that was to show Mr.
Harding tho plant nnd set out for
tho city. So Mr. Harding was es
corted to the mill. Inside, tho high
fenc.o it was a rather simple affair
at first glance. It belled Its myste
rious air. Mayor Harding first saw
tho onglno and boiler room; then he
was taken into tho preparation room,
nnd lastly into the room whoro the
actual results could bo soon.
Tom Bakoroflold hfid discovered in
deed a formula whereby eating was
ontlroly .unnecessary Bulwor, with
his. keen; mind, when presented with
tho discovery, had, readily discorned
the value of tho secret. Ho therefore
lont his monoy freely and ho nnd
Tom soon arranged for this experi
ment station, Finding tho people
losing their appetites and losing their
own as well, thoy wore convinced the
socrot was a practical success. Tho
mill had been built on lines to facili
tate tho working out of tho invention
Immense steam pipes led from the
boilor room1 through tho building. The
wholo mill worked as a unit. It was
virtually automatic, so complete In
its every dotail. Quantities of moat
and provisions had boen shipped aaily
to tho mill from secret sources. This
wns sorted and mixed in tho propor
tion as Indicated in tho formula. It
wns thon oxposod In a huge tank to
sudden blasts of cold apd thon blasts
of hot air, and steam Jets ingeniously
arranged to bring about the intor
mixture required in Tom's wonderful
formula. This disintegrated and
cooked tho pnrticles. To provont the
disintegrated partlc'cs leaving tho
tank partly cooked, Tom had invontcd
an odor gaugo which indicated tho
process of cooking. Tho gaugo was
so delicately constructed that tho va
rious chemical changes in tho cooking
and disintegrated wero registered
with accuracy. After reaching the
propor dogroo of dissimulation in thr
first big tank tho food was passed Into
a second tank and thero again exposed
to a similar blast of heat and cold.
By this tlmo tho particles woro all
light enough to float Oncb again
was It carried into a still larger tank
nnd tho same process of disintegra
tion carried on, and thon It was con
ducted in big plpos to a largo scaled
tank. In this last tank hugo wheols
revolved with lightning rapidity.
Those wheels stlrrod up this aerified
mixturo of meats and vegetables all
proportioned off oxactly In accordance
with Tom's wondorful formula, until
tho wholo Indicated a glvon bouyancy,
roglstored by another dollcato gaugo,
whon It was admitted Into a hugo fan.
which caught up all tho particles and
blow them out into tho air through
an Immeuso funnel, which protruded
through tho roof of tho mill. Thus
a vaporized mixturo of eatablos was
continually sent out of this lmmonsc
blow-pipe. Tho outsldo winds caught
it up and wafted It ovor tho village
and thus tho Inhabitants breath .d in
the microscopic partlclos and all ap
petttos vanished. So long as the blow
pipe contlnuod to sond out tho parti
cles of food Into tho air so long was
appetite kept down. Tho formula of
mixture was vry elaborate and re
qued a perfect proportion In ordor
to make the air sustain the particles.
Tom already had visions of cool eat
ables for use In tho summor and
Tjojtsd to expel by the use of his won-
deiful formula a food that eould bo
sent out heated and retain Ita warmth
for a limited uumtTor o! hours and tor
a given radius from the plant
Through Tom's discovery people took
on nourishment by breathing instead
Of eating. It was more satisfactory,
too. By breathing the food, one would
never breathe enough nt one tlmo for
them ever breathe too much. There
would be no such thing as eating too
the much. The particles would be toe
fine and not large enough quantities
Hvery breath contained food, so the
secret wee really simple as most mys
terious things are when once under
stood. The result of the visit of the mayor
was that the three prepared to go to
New York city at once. It was
thought useless to stay In a place the
she of Clareneevllle, when the sue
case of the discovery was beyond all
doebt The will being on their bands
and being faulty In that the bull lings
were hastily put up and not worth
removing, the will wna burned one
night by Torn and Bulwer. who claim
ed the fire to have accidentally caught
from the engine room. In this Are
consumed nnd all that remained were
the charred timbers and twisted iron
and Bteel. Tucked, away in JTom's
coat was tho precious formula. , Xli
depended upon that.
After tho flro Tom, Bulwor and tho
mayor left for New York city. As
Fato oeems to moro strangely work
Its wonders with men of genius, bq
Tom escaped not that hand that was
settling down over hint. vIt is not the
provinco of mortal man to discern al
ways tho wisdom of tho acts of that
fearful, unseen god, called Fato, nor
to avert Its crushing or enlightening
grasp, but it is man's provinco to
obey its will and bow to what has
over seemed tho inovltablo. So
rango. Fato.rodo In tho car t,v
merry party of three. ia ..!
of michL -whlln olo.. ..... WB
Umbers of a burning bride 1
and tho train, with Its human i
dropped -to-tho gulch bdow rv
nnnrinr flr lf t...-i-. . "Be
r..0 ... ,,, uuubiu cut the 1
.w vo0w-uBU ana lne bJ ,
t-itln AOTmnN. ,L. . "-H
......t.. uUU(, mo nsaes lay
formula, burned and fore- i
Thus ono of tho greatest In.
of tho ages slipped out of theT
of man nnd to this day no J?,
ovor figured out such a fonahk
Trim 'nnlrnflnl.l .il ... """!
.0iUU,u, mm wnich that
uiuu law wuum ioso their &
and quit eating. m
ftg-r I'flf BHrO-HMHHKP 1818 8818 861 0 8H8 O-KB 1 9 1 Q Ifrfra-HfrUj.
i iAa tin n.hof Ua Plnlv, !
i u uu wiicu no viami
j j We kill and remove cancers and tumors without the aid of a knife,
; j Read the testimony of a prominent Salem man:
! ! TO THE PUBLIC. In justice to Dr. Cook, and that the
.! ! world may know hat great work he is doing, I wish to
!! inform them that 1 have been taking treatment from him
for the past fifteen months and in thai time he has re
! ! moved from my alimentary canal three tumors of carv
I ! cerous growths, as large as a man's hand, all from the
! larger intestine. Also another cancerous growth from
! off my right right foot and another from my right
; ; thumb.. This has all been accomplished through medi
i ; cines done, they killing the growth and the spider like
; ; roots and nature itself casting them off, without the
; ; aid of knife or surgery. I do not believe I could have
; ; found equally successful treatment anywhere in the
worm ana cneerruiiy recommend ur. j. t (jook, the
Botanical Doctor, (to all who read this testimonial.
R. J. Spencer. We can do as mnch for you or more
if you need it,
j. F. COOK
Deutscuer Botanical Doctor. Cures all Diseases Salem, Lltertv St, j
Meats and Provisions
, ' Established 1884
I Ss3'W?rS
1 Jaftith tfrvitll tLSSHnUvJ m M8j(U j
Signs of Renewed Activity
In tho real estate world lndlciU b
creasing building opontloni tii
Spring, nnr1 prompt us to rank! i
that our facIUUos for Bupplrlcg hH
and soft wood, lumber, lath, iUs&
and othor building matoriali are u
ceptlonully good. Wo will be pl
to furnish osUmatoa on contact;
largo or BmalL A car of Mill C8J
shingles received.
. ., ..,, Near 8. P. P M
Phons C51.
A Condition and not a Theory "?.s
Confronts tho fasUdious man that
has soiled linen, and don't know
whoro ho can havo it laundered with
out injury and in an irreproachable
manner. Wo can relievo his mind
right now by assuring him that his
shirts, collars and cuffs didn't look
better when first purchased than thoy
do when sent home from tho
Salem Steam Laundry.
Phono 411. 320 Liberty 8L
M -y
::::::::A G E N C Y O F::::::::
( Oats For Sale.
J nop GROWERS SUPPLIES. Crude and stick Sulphur.
I J. ft. (Mmm. Aao.nt. on :.i o.i.m n
. . . , 0, fcu, UVUUUMViUU Q, UaiBUi, v.. ft
Ualwer deemed it 4Hito necessary
thct tho wayor should be taken Into ths complete evidence of tho nature
wme formal matters concerning the condition o&me from none eould tell the scheme and shown the plant in ai character of the discovery was
Est. m
e.s. lamport,
in Oregon.
Largest Stock
mv nrinpq on a fine
289 Commet cla! St
fcjfeiateju r