i'wp "r " f!nl,w'3iBf ' qwr-mp TT? T fitt " THE DAtLY JOURNAL, SALEM,, OnEQON.WEDNESDAY, NO,VEMBEJR 85, 1903 TWENTY-ONE' "T TT n Fwrnis oxs si K .jhBHR IK air Liberty Street f b 1 Hi v u"1 . c Stof e Whose Patrons Return Again and Again We want yon tade today, tomoow, next yea and the yeas following T&ese tkingsjj well know can not fee unless out goods and out conduct metit them W WKP a p frKHfrfrKfrfrHfrH T 1$ We are making tho most lasting and moderate-priced lounges and ' 1 1 T couches. One. for ?t 50 Is not much good, but from $5.50 up you will not 5 regret your purchase. &4tOI9ftg-HSK-04HHiaiCil9tOi4etHM--t-g-fiatiB -. " . ! 1 1 1 1 WtlHHlltCM-MPf qHM8frf HHflt-C-ffHB Never boforo havo factorloa i re duced such wonderful offsets In led room sets. Good, substantial, fullmlza Threc-pleco seta at ? 14.00; solid oak at 118.00 and up. This Is truly the Iron Ago, and no where Is It more apparent than In the uso of Iron Hods, Wo start thorn at J8.B0 and show from 40 to 60 patterns. frtOlfriQ-ieHaHDH&'tft-Kht-Q-ffrfretCjifttOlflJ-W It 81deboards and Buffets. Thoy arc S good at $12.00, ?13 SO and up to 175.00. X No furniture about tho house should X be hotter made nor more carofujly se- j Dining Room Extension Tables. We show tho most extensive lino In the city of Salem. They will extend to 6, J 8 and 10 foot, and arc- strong and dur- ! able at $4X0, 5.50 and up. i - " 1 ' H ? i i !! o leated than Chalrs( and Hookers. Tou will bent npprcclato what wo havo In theso lines by visiting our show room A Combination Desk and nook Case is one of tho most handy articles about a well regulated homo; $15.00 gets a nlco ono; J 12.(10 are nnl so largo. 4iieioigtieittHioi8isioif -wi i i e i am iiii eioeiMf ! ci iiiiiioiaiiici !! 4 -fcH (HHitt KM k 1 CMhM4M4MMhMfr-4f4MfK Our Carpet Department will bo a Z revolution to you If you lmvo not coon It lately, showing, as wo do, mora floor coverings than all tho otboi,' Salem storoB combined, Wo always carry from CO to 75 ploaptt of .Ingrains, and Z am proparod 1a sow or lay all kinds T correctly, Wo show Itoom Ruga of stnndard sites in Ingrains, pro-Drussolls, Tapon. try and Ilody Iirussels; Axmlnstor, 8myrnan nnd Wiltons. Wo certainly I ran pleaso you In those Odd eUoa tnado to ordor. We are strong In JJnoloums for X kitchens, dining rooms nnd lmlls. It Is worth cbo. C5o, OOo, CGo, 7Gc and up, f per yard. ttlthor grade- will beautify your floor and llghtou your labors. Bedroom, Parlor and Library Tables to captivate the eye and satisfy the purse. lo olu o 3 I You oan easily tftttsti the, heart of 1 1 your wife or daHghtfr wjjh n, Dressing - Table, either In Wrd'Hye Maple or i i Oolden Quartered Oak, , . ' !! A nlea. neat l)5k will not eost you x tHtMb, and will b found both useful i ami ornatnwital. -' " rialW)il(Hllil' KHmtUtlt444H4H- i9it9tW9i0tiitil99ttl9tmiteiil9l9li9ii9i9i6iZiilt9i9l9i M ATTRESSES in connection with our upholstering we make matresses, we make almost any kind but we are particularly proud of our SHk :l0SS Mattresses. We Deiieve Tnem superior eyen iu uie iiuebi jnecp yyuui m lung luhcu nan. 4tW4iilfflIllleHst0Hltf MttHtfr8frf 4-eHtH-3 Retnembet out new location 269 Liberty Street Next to Jos. Myes &, Sons. THE HOUSE FURNISHING CO. Stores Salem and Albany i I ? i i I jud.-.A.afoufc. -