Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 25, 1903, Section Three, Page TWENTY, Image 20

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nnfaci rtf st flnntno
Masfca, Ancient Fish
Lone-. Its Ribs Etehteen
HaK a Ton, Cot Id Eat an Elephant for Ltmch and Use
the North Pole Fox a Tooth-pick
From dsop down In tho ico and
snow of Alaska to Uiroo Michigan men
ihoro has coin a hugo skeleton -of
such rom&rk&blo proiortlon8 and
shnpo that thus far it has baffled all
attempts at classifying it, and baa
puzzled somo of tho boat naleontolo
jslits la America.
Tlio fact that thoso bones baro come
clown through thousands, and perhaps
xnUIions, of years from a time when
Alaska nnd tho northern, seas woro a
tropical paradise, when Uio Great arc
tic region woo a land of lakes, rivers
auid luxuriant vegetation, makes Uiom
no of tho most interesting paleon-
tologlcal dlscoTorlos of recent years
FamibUB paleontologists havo agreed
that In Uio days whoa theso rcmarka-
Wo bones woro covered with flesh
what Is nw a world of Ico and raow
was a troplcnl land. Llzard-llko rop
tllos of such prodigious proportions
that tholr heads raeched into tho tree
tops, roamed Uio oarth. The huge
Ichthyosaurus, with tho beak of tho
porpolso, tho teoth of a crocodile, Uic
head of a lizard, and the vertebra of
a fish, splashed In tho warm waters.
Horned inonBtem, like Uio legendary
dragons, battlod wlUi creatures whoso
nrmorod skulls could ropol a batten
Ing ram. Winged Uilngs, half 'bird,
half ropUlo, cleft Uio air as do our
birds of today. OlganUc crocodiles
and tortoises crawled on tho shorts
of tho prlmovnl lakes and rivers. Air
sea, and land woro strangoly tenanted
In thoso oarly periods of tho world
porlodu to which scloutlsts bellovo
tho now relics belong.
Found by Gold Hunters.
After lying for. unnumbered cen
turies under Uio Ico of tho frozen
north, thon oxhumed by Alaskan gold
hunters, looked upon ns tho remains
of n burled god by tho Indians, fought
ovor and carrlod for hundreds of
mllos on dog sleds, Uioso romarkablc
relics (if prehistoric ages havo now
been brought to civilization and at
present aro at St. Charlos. Mich.
The largwt of thoso remains, which
hau been clnsslflud as tho polvic bono
of somo prehistorlo giant, Is ton feet
across and five foot high, and though
It la nulto dry It weighs 1000 pounds.
This hugo bono has lod authorities
to bollevo that tho animal could havo
been none other than a broutosaurus,
that.lt wns nearly a hundred foet In
length, and weighed probably 30 tons.
Ono of tho ribs of tho animal mens-
urea 18 foot, nnothor 14. and a slnglo I
vertebra found with tho remains, .
and supposed to ho Uio flint vortohra
of thu tall. Is two and a half feet In
diameter, and weighs CO pounds. Two I
of tho thigh hones found aro. nearly
olght riet in height. '
Not only In respect to the site of
Its bones Is the skeleton moro re
markable ' than the ordinary discov
eries of paleontologists. Around Its
-disoqvvry, Hh disinterment, and, final
iy, IU Journey on dog sleds up tho
Yukon and over tho Chtlkoot pass to
SknKway, art associated moro thrill
IntC adventures than art) probably
written In 'any other paleontologies'
discovery in America.
At the time of the discovery of the
flliumtie hnuss. Dr. A. Patterson, a
, . , ., , ,. , , .. ivs-rteurne nrat dug up with the r
Bn,Umtf UmUnlvowlty o M(chl.,MUn8 mmntM nmtly tow f-0
. ww... iwsNKi.
was looMw ovt some claims only a
few iwj, away from whsr the r
mains wn ftwml 1hs first sir,, , ol
th skwlotiw was brought to Dr. Pate
BH's nutlet by James Buck. (,.,, ,, .., ,,, ..,.
Dimw. Ark., who wm working the
vMw oh which the discovery was
"I'm Rolns to uftve trouble In thaw
ing utit " said Huck oh day. ' 1V
stiuck a plet't- of 'tilde' rack as high
as a house."
It was la the heart of winter and
Buck was thawing ground for wank
Iny whH warm waalker eaiue.
A sliort Uhiw after he cam back to
Dr. IaUNan and uxoUedly told him
that he had struck a huge bone. The
rumor quickly spread up and dawn
Hunan : oreek. Prospectors left
their work to come ami view Uie
"filud," astl scores of wiling auds aid
ed In tho oxoavoUoa.
Remains Buried Thirty Feet
The rtHimlHS wnr 30 feet down, sol
Idly lmbtjddl la lee and froaen eor.lr.
Iuch by lueh the ground was thawed
OM Rrnnrngaarus Fotfnd la
Trap Was a Hundred -Feet
Feet, and Pelvic Bone Weighs
out. Tho first bono, which Is now
known as the pevllc bone, was hauled
out by means of ropes. This was fol
lowed by tho rest of tho remains,
nearly all of tho smaller pieces of
which woro carried away. For a fow
days tho find created a tremendous
sensation and tho rumor quickly
spread among tho Indians that the
remains of one of their gods had been
It was thon Impressed upon Buck
by Dr. Pattorson that tho skeleton
might bo of priceless valuo. More
nnd moro Duck becamo possessed of
tho Idea that ho had mado a raro dls
covory, and soon ho abandoned his
claim. Somowhero ho had hlddon tho
bonos, and as tho wooks dragged on
ho began planning for tholr removal
l tuo United States. Dut Buck feared
10 approacn uio dominion govorn-
ment for a pormlt to tako the skeloton
out of Its territory. It would tako
time, and if tho bonos woro of great
valuo to sclonco they might rofuse the
permit nltogothor. So. ho hit upon a
dating scheme.
It was In tho middle of the Arctic
winter. Virtually there was no day.
But this was all tho hotter for Buck's
designs. Ho oullstod In his sorvlco a
number of daring natlvo guldos and
a number of dog teams.
Ono night Buck disappeared. With
him wont tho skeloton. Buck was
travollng swiftly up tho Yukon, toward
Whothor Buoks guldos betrayed
him, or whothor tho Indians wore,
keeping closo watch of what Uioy ro-
gardod as a snored rolic, is not
known, but hardly had ho started on
hli long, portions journoy boforo Uio
rod men woro In hot pursuit.
Just what happened to Buck on that
Uirilllng raco will never be known.
Varying roports camo back to Daw
son. In th 1 3 Buok had been killed; In
othors guldos nnd prospectors told
how tlioy had camo across Indians
who had beon shot to death.
Held, Enemies at Bay.
At least thrso times it U said that
Buck hold his onomloe at bay with his
rlllo. Thoro was not rost for hlmsolt
or his dogs on this raro to Skagway.
At that plaeo ho boxod his relics, and
it his summer ncocmpanled them to
San Francisco, and thonco to his
home in Arknnsas.
Thoro Buck mot nn old frlond from
Michigan, William McCrory, and also
wroto to Da Pattorson, telling him a
part of his story. Ha thon made lm
msdlato preparations for returning to
Alnsjni jn tno hopo of securing othor
,mrU of Uie 8Uoloton, nut his torrlble
hnrdshlps now began to show upon
Mm tn nn mne8 from whlon he novor
raeoverod e dl(M, a rilort Ume nR0
wUi,0Ut toimiK 0Ven his friends tho
whole story of his terrible Journey.
Dr. Patterson, knowing tho valuo of
Uie bonos, nt onco got possession of
them in conjunction with McCrory,
and they are now free to tho Invest!
gatlon of all scientists.
Thoee scientists who have thus far
examined tho remains ax press llttlo
doubt but that they aro thoso of n
bmntosniirus. The pelvic bone shows
a well-dunned ridge for Uie vertebrae
of the spine, ns well as a canal for the
cord. The, faet that some of the larger
vertebrae first dug up with the r
RCroWi nB0lh-r BvId,IVM tliat thc
,0flW Rf(t of ft Uroilt(Wnuni,
orflett lmM v,0
u.-. ...i ,.. .,.i. .. ...
.wnttmtv ifc nm Mtm, , ltmv Ml
th tali.
A new lllumlnant.
Hermtsn llau, a chemist of Bsia
via, has discovered rm illumlMUMg
UMterial of whiek groat Uttugt arc
predicted. Uy a eartalu vecUfylng
nrocosa. ho sotmratos tho methane
ami hydrogen from oil gas, and by a
ttreeouiw of about 40 ataioanhoros re
duces it to the Ikiuld form, la toe'
receivers. Th so-called "Ifquld g8"
thus ttjwlticetl may be used In the
Ulaee of ietroleuiN. alsohol or aoety
lene. RHd ivw .i light preferrable i
tho olootrie. Philadelphia Record.
Goes to the White House luaqa
sounter at noon. Open all hours of the
day and night.
"How much doo3 a man lovo a wo
man?" Tho quosUon, asked in more
than ono popular novol of Uie day and
mooted by several correspondents, la
of thoso to which thero can bo no
definite answer. As well assign a
fixed velocity to the wind, which
"blowoth whoro it llstoth;" Uio -wind
dies to a dead calm ono day and rages
as a hurricane tho noxt
Thoro aro men and men, nnd what
Is still moro Important In tho problem,
thoro aro also womon and women.
To on i man lovo may bo merely an
oplsolo, a flowor plucked by tho way
side, and worn until faded, then cast
asldo readily for another qulto ns
pretty li his oyos. To anothor man,
on tho contrary, It may bo as tho
breath of life, "bound with all his
heartstrings," his chorlshcd vino and
fig tree under which ho builds his
homo, and the loss of which leaves
him desolate Ono can mcosuro feel
ing nnd emotion only by tholr vlslblo
Thoro havo boon men, not a fow,
who, crave lovo, havo counted all clso
worthless without it, nnd finding Uio
ono precious drop lacking in Uio cup
of llfo hnvo cast tho goblot from them
and gono shrloklng out Into Uio dark
unknown, cursing fato nnd defying tho
futuro, in mad dospnlr at Its absenco.
Fortunatoly for tho raco, men and
womon alike, such lovers aro tho ox
copUon. Thoro aro many moro men
who love ns woll, but moro sanoly,
who, denied their heart's doslro, aro
honccforth bankrupt In love, yet vho
llvo tholr lives as befits men and do
tholr duty to tho worll nnd their
maker as well, porhaps bettor than
thoy might havo dono if tho venture
upon which they risked all their hopos
of happiness had been successful.
According to tho gospol no man
hath tho right to llvo sololy unto him
self. "Who art thou, O man," asks n
quaint old wrltor, "that thoii shouldst
expect happiness? Learn instead to
do tho work which God glvoth thee,
not bewailing Its hardnoss, and so
shalt thou find blcsscdnoss, which Is
bettor." Thoro bo somo who must
toll in tho dark whllo othors labor
In tho full light of tho sun, and 'coal
and corn aro nllko essential to tho
welfare of mankind.
With all tho rldlculo poured upon
tho head of tho lukewarm lovor, It
is doubtloss far bettor for all con
cerned that most mon lovo modoratoly
and aro not inconsolablo when disap
pointed. Tho man who succeeds In
llfo la not ho who bomoans tho fish
which has escaped him and tells him
Bolf over nnd ovor how greatly It was
to bo doslred, but ho who, recognizing
tho fact that tho loss Is final, forthwith
baits his hook and proceeds to cntch
anothor. Crying over split milk Is a
profitless occupation. Tho fox In the
fablo who decided that grapos boyond
his roach woro not worth having was
wise, and for Uioso who can achieve it
such bollaf, though it may not bo true
philosophy, Is unquestionably comfort
able. Neither Is It glvon to all mon cor
rectly to reallzo tho difference be
tween tho heart flood, "I lovo," and
the clear Ico drops, "I ostoom," a dif
ference which has somotlmes drlvon
othor mon mad. Thoy aro calm and
phlogmntlc, with no vain longings
for tho unattainable. To such a one
any well conducted woman who will
govern his household to suit him,
bear his children,. nnd mnko him com
fortablo 1b a satisfactory spouse. He
has small opinion of sentiment, but
ho cherishes his wlfo in his way and
is what tho world at largo terms a
good husband. If his wlfo dlos his
sorrow, which scarcely amounts to
A small kitten the property of John
II. Yore. T10 First street. St. J eptt.
Mo., to dead. The fact Itaolf Is sot so
iarUtsg. but tho nuuuor of the kit
teH's deaUi Is so uhhsuoI that it bos
aroused Mtueh Interest oe the part of
neighbors. physktsBB aud vetoriaar
leas in this city.
The kitteu, la a moment of Exces
sive itlay fulness, IS days ago. swal
lowed a hat pin. The animal was only
four mouths oM. and of the usual else
for such au ago. The hat pin was
seven inches hmg, with a stoae head.
Mr. Yore noticed the kitten plnyiag
with the oraameut. which came from
his daughters hat. Seou afterward
the nta was missing. Search was fu
tile, and the kitten, whtoh continued
to be as aporUve aa ever, gave no
symptom ef distress, uaUl a few days
ago, when It became III and subject to
fits. This started & controversy In
grief, Is sincere, nlbolt self-contained.
Ho waits a decent period before ho
boglnB to tako notice, no thoy say in
country neighborhoods, nnd fills her
placo with anothor. Ono should not
expect tho compass of a violin from a
Jew's-harp. Crockery Id far more
fitted to bear Uio rough usage of life
than flno china. It Is only wealUiy
people who theso days of careless
housomalds can afford to set tholr
dally board with SoVros or royal
DroEdon. A good appetite, which
rellshos and digests! plain food, is
by far moro conduclvo to health than
Uio cultivated palato of tho gourmot,
which can bo satisfied only with the
dainties of Lucullus and which taxes
tho skill of a cordon bleu.
As already said Uio woman In the
case has much to do with tho amount
of devotion upon tho part of tho man
Every electric light upon tho boule
vards on summer nights preaches a
sermon of Its own, with Uio hundreds
of moths and flics which, dazzled by
Its brilliancy, dash themselves against
It and dlo for tho sake of ono. brief
Instant of agonizing joy. On tho
othor hand, tho homely candle, though
It bo of wax, servos only to attract
a fow stray Insects, content to buzz
around It nt a safo distance from the
flame and to light tho bloodthirsty
mosquito to his proy. Thoro are
somo chemicals which will set flro to
Ice and thoro aro womon whom tho
vorlost clod In tho shape of man will
adore, and, if need bo, dlo for. And,
by tho Irony of fate, theso fow womon
are In most cases apparently destitute
of heart and car not at all for the
lives thoy wreck and tho misery thoy
occasion. Thoro aro also women with
hearts warm enough to lovo all hu
manity, the sort whom naturo croated
for wives and mothers, who novor
mnko any, man's pulso throb a beat
fastor, and whoso heart history is
summed up In tho-brlot ceuplet:
"Four words coraprlco It: I wns
never loved, Tho palm of grlof, thou
wilt allow, Is mine."
Moreover, whon a woman has won
the lovo of n man, however dovotod he
may appear, it is usually necessary
for hor to tako somo pains to hold
fast to his lovo If sho wishes to keep
It. Thoro aro oxcoptlons, but most
mon's lovo is a flro which caBlly dlos
for lack of fuol. Shakospcaro assorts
"Mon woro deceivers ovor,
Ono foot on sea and ono on shoro,
to ono thing constant novor."
Indeed, It sooms somotlmos as
though tho lovo of man woro llko a toy
rubber baloon; lot go of tho string and
It Is off In a Jiffy, whllo, for yet
another point of rosemblanco, thoro
aro lovos which must not bo kept In
a too warm atmosphoro lest thoy
shrivol to nothlngnoss in tho hands ot
the holder.
In this stronuous ora no man of
affairs can afford to mako lovo the
ohlof, much less Uio solo, business ot
his llfo. He rjuit hold It as a thing
apart, somothlns for himself alone,
and alUiough ho may covet tho earth
only Uiat ho may give it to some wo
man, ho must forgot tho woman for
tho tlmo, whllo he struggles with
othor mon for tho prize which ho in
tonds to lay at hor foot. And tho mora
of a man ho Is the moro thoroughly
ablo bo will be to do this, turning
baok to lovo, always, whon labor Is
Wondors will nover cense. A Pater
son (N. Jv) automoblllst bumped in
to n troo when trying to avoid running
over a child, was thrown from tho ma
chine, and sovoroly bruised. And yet
thoro aro persons who assert that the
days ot miracles have passed.
the household. Ono side asserted that
tho kitten had swallowed the bat idn.
The other ridiculed the Idea as phys
,ieaUy Impossible. Nelthor would
Jwiakea. however, and anally Mr.
Yore became convtn d that the only
means of soJuUon of tho mystery
lay la a seorrhlag examination of
j pussy's anatomy. No X-ray belug
, handy, eatoroforai aud a knife were
'used. 'The result was the recovery
of the bat pie at the cost of the cat's
life. The pin bad been swallowed.
Its .white head going down first, the
metal body following uaUl the point
found a lodging place la the nulmal.s
throat Before the dissection took
plaeo the case was placed before a
HHysleiaa and two vetemariaHs, Is
their oplnteH they declared that the
kitten eouhi not have swallowed a
pin of aueh leagth. Later when the
pin was produoed and shown to theml
they expressed mueh astonlshmeat
The story of Uie Sydney woman
who has Just beon flnod 1 in an
Australian police court for leaving
her child to bo reared In a chicken
run, with Uio consequence that the
llttlo ono could do nothing but imitate
tho fowls In every way, oven to roost
ing at night, has caused much com
ment in London.
At tho offices of Uio Zoological so
ciety tho opinion of an eminent orni
thologist was sought.
"Apart from Its pathos," ho said,
"It Is nn extremely intorosUng case.
I am unaware of any provious in
stanco of a child being reared by
"Tho ncarost approach to it hap
poned in Scandinavia, where a peas
ant, finding a wild swan frozen fast
In a lako, took It homo, revived it,
and mado it a domosUc pet.
"One very stormy night his wlfo wns
brought to bed with a child. Neither
doctor no nurso was obtainable. A
baby was born, and tho wlfo died.
Tho husband was In dospalr for the
baby's llfo, when ho remembered his
pot Bwnn, that was accustomed to re
pose in front of Uio kitchen fire.
Swan Nursed Baby.
"Ho took tho tiny baby down and
laid It beside tho swan. Tho bird
scorned to understand what was re
quired, and spread, its wings ovor the
baby, which it kopt alive and warm
for many hours until a nurso was ob
tained. "As regards children who havo been
roared by wolvos thero aro many
truo Instances, although the caso of
Romulus and Remus, who woro nour
ished by a sho wolf, Is, ot courso, a
"But Mowgll, tho llttlo wolf-chlld
hero of Mr. Kipling's 'Jungle Book,'
is founded upon fact Particulars of
snch casos havo beon recorded by
Colonel Slcoman and Sir R. Murchl
son. Thoy havo occurred for Uio
most part In Northern India, especial
ly in Oudh. Tho children havo nil
beon boys, and woro all apparently
"No grown-up pcoplo havo over beon
found among wolves. Tho ultimate
ond of thoso wolf-children has proba
bly been tho obvious ono consequent
upon tholr getting into a set of less
scrupulous wolvos.
Educated in Wolf Fashion.
"Thoso animals havo frequently
carrlod off Infants In the districts ot
Cawniwro and Lucknow. Somo un
doubtedly havo beon eaton, but oth
ers havo been brought up and educat
ed after tho wolf fashion.
"Somo havo beon reclaimed sovoral
years later, but havo novor got rid of
a strong wolfish smoll, and thoy have
boon known to receive frlondly visits
from llttlo compnnhs of tholr formoi
savago acquaintances."
Zoologists havo a 'ecord of a typl
cal caso whoro two soldiers of a
We Haye a Few
b To close out Any
:::::Call and
Willamette University
John H. Colkman, Pkhsidknt, Salem, Oregon.
College of Liberal Arts, Law, Art, Medicine, Masic,
Oratory, Theology.
PREPARATORY DEPARTMET Open io students tomFletlnir eichtb grade U
panrnent lower grades In preparatory department. Besides affordli
professional training, the University seeks to clve a thorough ptactlcil
education for all who are aware of the value of trained train.
THE NORMAL DEPART MEM-Offers a.ttcroi)hccuneln tre ineory J
practice of teaching. Meets all the naulremenls of state school !
Its teachers are In constant demand.
Catalogue Upon Application.
Hairitt &Lawwe
Ql1l Rl. -- &..- --. -I-- 1L.. 1UVDIMW
m "iuit viiwbviica sua ccttcr uxutciics iiuoAninvwi
There's where you get GOOD treatment aud GOOD goods
Slop in and for yourself.
King of Oudh surprised and capture
threo animals who came doira (
drink on Uie bank of tho Goomte
Two of Uio animals were avtfl.i.
young wolves, but Uio, naturo ot the
imru was a mystery until tho men got
near It, and saw that It was a Btn&l
naked boy on all fours.
Ho bit and scratched furiously in
resisting capture, and when taken in..
human socloty drank llko a dog, tori
up nis ciomos, ana ouw cat nothlnr
but bones and raw meat, aftor flnt
smelling it well.
Intellect Is Clouded.
Aftor many months ho learnt ..
say tho namo of a woman who adopt.
uu iiiui, uui coma novor artlculaU
moro than a fow words. His jn,
loot was always clouded, but, doe.
llko, ho was always excoptloniiu
qulck at understanding signs.
'People who llvo muc among sat
mals always gain somo animal chin
acterlatlcs, oven 'if such bo enntw.
to Uio ability to imltnlo a partlcultr
animars call. For myself, I Cw
cause a stir of curiosity among mm
birds by imitating their cries, and I
havo known mon who can in that
way bring back a tomcat to a cortiln
spot over and ovor again, causo qu!t
a commoUon in a rookory at nesting
time, or put a bird In a complcto state
of mystery as to the whereabouts ot
Its Bupposod mate."
Gllbort Whlto baa recorded a rt
markablo caso of a boy who lived to
much among beos that ho became a
very boo-blrd.
In winter he dozod away the din
In a state almost of torpor. Ho ipent
all his tlmo by tho fire. But In num
mor beos woro his solo food an4
amusoment. He rushed after them all
day long In tho sunshine, buzzed an
tho whllo llko a hoc.
Every kind of beo was his proy. He
was novor stung, although ho mail
havo caught thousands and sucked
thom for tholr honey. Some ho kept
In bottles, othors bctwoen his shirt
and his skin, until wnnted.
Ho would actually enter prlr&te
gardens to steal bees, sometimes
turning hlvos upsldo down. Needleei
to say, tho boy was a hopeless Idiot
Tin In Alaska.
Stream tin wns dlscovorcd la Alas
ka last year, and now It Is reported
that great lodges of tin ore have been
found nt Capo York, on Behrlng sea
Numorous individual placer miners
aro reported to havo mado small tor
tunos during Uio past summer, two
men, for example, having taken
tons of stream tin from claims nlonj
ono crook In Uio Capo York regioi,
using tho crudest hand methods. Hr
drnulic machinery will be taken nto
the district next season, when th ex
tont and value of Uio Un deposits will
be ascertained. Now York Engineer
Ing Nows.
Stoves II
old price takes them : ;
See Them:::::
'4 i
'iU'-ii- '-