EIGHTEEN THE B AILY JOURNAL, 9ALBM, eftBM4, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1003 mMfe. Jk m hi mi mm PAINL Dental News T oday r. i B. E. Weight Has opened Branch Offices in Salem in the Steasloff fcc tiding, comer Liberty and Court Streets, opposite Jos. Meyers & Sons Big Store. Out Ofefects We have hundreds of satisfied pat rons In and around Portland. We have had a large business coming to us from this section and we feel that there Is no risk whatever In going to the great expense we have In fitting up our Salem offices. Our reception has been, so far, very gratifying. Out Aims We aim by careful, skillful, high class dental work, with the very eco nomical charges we adopt, to get a large share of your patronage. What has proved a great success In Port land should do so here and we will try to win your esteem and confidence by our methods of doing business. B. E. Wright Has the largest Dental Parlors in Portland corner Seventh and Washington Streets, and has the largest practice on the Padfio Coast. Residents 'ri. o Salem -U We will be glad to have you call and loarn our methods of doing business, also see our handsome offices, all fitted up with the latest ap pllances In HIGH CLA88 DENTISTRY. No expense has been spared In caring for the comfort of our patrons. We Have Come To Stay f A Natural Artificial Teeth ,f . , . )',' 1 , .'" That explains Itself. Our artificial teeth follow out nature so effect ively that It Is difficult, If not Impossible to tell the teeth are made from those nature supplies. Our plates have gained for us a great reputa tion and we are always the lowest In price, CONSIDERING OUR HIGH CLASS WORK This Is Out Special Offe Until December first we offer as a special Inducement to Introduce our skilled methods to Salem patrons GOLD CROWNS FOR THE NOMINA LFEE OF &J5 jtmJp $4.00 Consultation Free We are always glad to give you advice regarding your teeth, to save them If possible. We are your friends. Do not hesitate to ask us about anything pertaining to dental work. Teeth Extracted Without any pain, and Without any charge wnen plates ate made Dental Office 2 Week Days 8:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. 7:00 p. m. to 8:30 p. m. Sundays JO a. m. to-1 2 m. On Tems Ate Strictly Cash. That la why we can do work cheaper Residents Atound Salem We extend to you a cordial Invitation to call on us. You won't bs asked to have anything done. You will find oo much that la different In our DENTAL OFFICES from what you have been used to. Our work, Our prices, our ways. We wish to repeat here our Portland great success. We Have Come To Stay No Pain Expert Dentists Any and every mode of palnlesa dentistry that Is known In any part ol the globe. We know of and adopt everything that tends to ease snd allay nervousness In the dental chair. Nothing could be better than our PAINLESS METHODS. U "., Ctown and Bridge Wotfk This Is one of our strongest points. .We have the best experts in thli 1 branch of dentistry to be found anywhere, and we only desire the op portunity of showing you some of our excellent CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK. We have been highly praised and recommended for this claw of dentistry. Remember Our fees are the lowest that can be charged consistent with FIRST CLASS DENTAL WORK. We buy all our materia at wholesale In large quantities and give our patrons the benefit in that way. Jujm Stwesloff Btsiidingf Wtig ht DENTAL Qffic: Telephone, Main 259 1 Come Liberty and Cotwt Streets Item