TWELVE THE DAILY JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1903 P" "JfBWiy" wm im i jiiUpwwaaBW wmwi lw "" "7""!!"""" iw j"i "yTfT"""TffT?7 I ... II ' " , Two Big Stores UNIVERSAL PROVIDERS Two Big Stores AN EVENT UNPARALLELED IN THE HISTORY OF MERCHANDISING IN SALEM A SALE BASED UPON RELIABILITY OF WORTHY GOODS OF ALL KINDS. Our purchase of the Holverson Store wan an event which la talked of In business circles all over the Pacific Coast as a great venture. It has placed us In a position to dictate prices and to sell goods lower than they can be sold for by any other firm. Our great REMdVAL AND COMBINATION SALES are eagerly patronized by the prudent people of this community. Our firm has stepped to leadership, far we own more goods than any other firm In the Willamette Valley. Wo hope to continue growing and build up our business on public confidence unbetrayed. Money can't buy this. Action can, In the patience of time. This public confidence Is an asset which we prize above all things. Is'nt It safe to trade with such a flrm7 Our full regular stocks embrace DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, LADIES SUIT8, WRAPS, FURS, ETC., LACE CURTAIN8 QUILT8, BLANKETS, TRUNKS, BAGS, FURNISHING GOODS OF ALL KINDS, HOLIDAY GOODS, ETC. WmmsM L - ITS ZVBt it l, VK. I Winte Needf s All grndos of comforts and blankets, pillows, shoots, pillowslips, counter panes, etc. All solccted with tho greatest caro by export choosors. Cotton comforts 68c. Cotton comforts 90c. Cotton comforts $1.50. High grade comforts $1.98 and up. ALL. WOOL COMFORTS mndo oxprossly for high-clans trade. Sale price , $3.98 Extra quality comforts, filled with puro storlllzod cotton, lioavy satin cover, hand quilted. Sale price $2.45 BLANKET8 Beautiful all wool pure will to blankets, niado from tho purost of selected hand-picked wool, protty borders. Sale price $7.20 and $9.00 teat Sales UNPARALLELED rOIl HONEST VALUES EXTEN SIVE SHOWING OP nAIN COATS FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN. (W LADIES NECKWEAR Our ncckwoar buyor Is a gonitis In hor lino. Sho brings us now Now York's latent fad and fanclos In col lars, tlos, etc., A glanco at our Im mense holiday shipment will convince you that wo havo no rivals In this lino. Vijftv hi ifi psi Children's rain proof eoats $2.25. Ladios' Automobllo coats $3.15. Lad I os' Automobllo coats $4.05. High grade coats, vory stylish, guaranteed to shed the $J rain, $7.20 to $17.10. STYLISH RAIN COATS FOR MEN Prlostloy's gonulno Cravonottos, tailored by theraost skillful workmen guarantool In every particular. MEDIUM GRADE RAIN COATS AT VERY MODEST PRICES. All grado3 of slickers, oilcloth, sou westers, otc. SNAG PROOF BOOTS FOR MEN AND BOYS. Department For Ladies Ready-Made Goods Special attention given to this de partment by tho most experienced and competent help. Every garment Is guaranteed to fit and glvo perfect satisfaction or back goes your monoy. m wi Don't Fail to Investigate Out Great Holiday Sale of Ribbons MS CALL rATAD. I pjamms tFaYiA. J&nal THE MOST RELIABLE PAPER PAT TERNS SEAMS ALLOWED. Dressmakers use them. V Toys ISlFSf Dolls CHRISTMAS GOODS MUST BE CLOSED OUT GREAT SACRIFICES WILL BE MADE In order to close out ovory Horn of holiday goods. LADIES' SKIRTS A vory oxtonslvo stock of walk ing and drees skirts, ranging In prlco from $1.50 to $15.00. all tailored In tho latost way and our SALE PRICES bring thorn within tho roach of ovoryono. LADIES' SUITS 80 stylos to solect from and more now onos will arrive In a fow days. JACKETS Our ladloB' Jackote range In price from $2.00 to $18.50. Somo linos are offorod at HALF PRICE. l Shoes for Men, Women and Children Popular makes In every grado from the choapost to tho best. SELTZ SHOES aro known fr.r and wide. For oorvlco nnd comfort they havo no oqual. SALE PRICES ON ALL. "Men's Neckweat You may as well savo Be to 15c or 2Cc by coming to us for pour tie. Wo show an oxcollont lino of tho '" latost styles. S ri Everything in This World Was Made for Santa Clatss. This is the Making up Season for Xmas. Not n day too oarly to conimonce Xmas' fancy work. Hero you will find tho largost and most comploto stock In the city to soluet from. The tomptlng prlcos which wo quote- on all tuoso lines will please tho noodle worker nnd in al;o hor our frlond. Embroidery Silks, Knitting Silks and Yarns Battonburg and point laco braids and threads, rings and buttons, lace braids, art linond, cushion cords, cushion tops, STAMPED PATTERNS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Stamped llnons, llnons for drawn work and cushion tops, silks and velvets for fancy work. CUSF'N TOPS No other storo can boast of such a complo stock of cushion tops. Cushion ticks filled with down, ' k down and plno noodlos. Our salo prlcos on thoso linos will make you our customor If you come to Investi gate prlcos and comparo qualltlos. ay HOLIDAY lM FANS IJSALE tt v PRICES && HOLIDAY J-ff ft KERCHIEFS Sn -PRICE8 Ttftmks and Salt Cases A suit case makes a handsome lift. A special line for the holidays will ar rive this week. Don't fall to see our axtra grade. SOLID SOLE LEATHER CASES. ' We will muko the prloe su as to wiv you maufty. A& HOLIDAY J5JP TOWELS AnVf 8ALE eSSEF PRICES jn HOLIDAY fS tr UMBRELLAS Bp1 at !"$; 8ALE PRICES oV HOLIDAY iKVT SHIRTS KtVx AT PT) I SALE I 'Vr PRICES Remnants Lace Curtains W aim to close out every laoe curtain in our storo before Christmas d) Nearly all the odds ami euds are koiiq. bq now we are working on tho regular llnoa. Great Sacrifices are being made to accomplish this purpose. LflCtrCUOTNS ;-i-- i AiiW?i )ur heavy fall tiade has left ub with hundreds of short outs In dress goods, silks, lacea, embroideries, ribbons, etc. In fat there aro ends of every Kind of priced gauds to he closed out at SACRIFICE PRICES. JHE GREATEST STORE IN SALEM FOR PETTICOATS SILKS, LUSTRALS, MOREENS, ALPACAS Reguier $1.15 and $1.25 blaak lustre petticoats. Special 90c A spoclal lino of silk petticoats In colors. Special $5.00 m ALL .E7t IV our V11.C -V W Cls ZS T. uni inAV r- """ GOODS '"rafTsiSif'y THE LARGE8T AND MOST COMPLETE 8TOCK OF Silks In the Willamette Valley on sale at very reasonable prices. We want to reduoa hoth stocks and must do It by January first. Ladies Leggins Black stockinette, extra - good grade, 77c and 90c. Golf Gloves The beet assortment In town to' solect from. &fr5 il HIGH yRK GRADE ( TsMM K,DS JKT FITTED r"i!ifct BY "SjlvSg EXPERT H ' FITTERS Je L. Stockton & Co. J Le Stockton Si Co HflflSH XB fiflUHHi aat J. L. Stockton & Co