Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 25, 1903, Image 1

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Lfl Agreement Was
Reached at Noon
Strikers are Assisting In Re
pairing Switches and
Trolley Wires and Cars
Will Start Tonight
NO. 272.
J Chicago, Nov. 25. Tho Btrlklhg
trect car men went Into a meeting.
Phlch at noon ratified the strlko sot-
Moment, thereby ending tho great
irlko, and notified tho company to
lako out trains. Operations will bo
Bommenced this morning. Fire Is un-
8lor tho big boilers, tho pickets are
Uhdrnwn, and tho men are assisting
Ejhorovor posslblo to ropalr switches
tand trolley wires. Tho company eje
cts by night to have resumed Its
Bgular traffic.
rho agreement, as It was nnniiv
dayended tho fight In tho Republican
ranks over tho appointment of a fed
ernl Judge of tho Kansas district, by
taking tho matter Into his own hands,
and naming John- Pollock for the
place. Tho Kansas delegation had
Just taken tho eighth unsuccessful
ballot In tho commltco room, when
the announcement was mado that the
President had tlecldod.
Nitroglycerine Exploded.
Crow's Point, Ind., Now 25. Five
employes of tho Etna Powder Com
pany, 70 miles from here, aro reported
blown' to atoms, and two fatally In-
Jured by the explosion of nltro glycer-
lno, at 7 o'clock this morning. The
explosion shook houses horo until
there was a small panic.
Has Unlimited Taffy.
Constantinople, Nov. 25. Tho porte
has sent a conciliatory message to
Austria and Russia, nromlslnc
Free Lunch
Free Trade
London, Nov. 25. Minister Choato
today gave a lunch to Bryan at Carl
ton House. It was a brilliant nffalr.
Among tho prominent guests wore Dnl
four, Ritchie, Sir Gilbert Parker and
Sir Clinton Dawklns.
Is the business men's candidate for alderman from the third ward.
He is a clean, self-made man, and wears nobody's collar. , Ho standi
for honest and economical methods, and will have the support of bust,
ness men and property owners generally at the Republican primaries
Fluttered Out Into
the World From Her
Gilded Cage
Our Pleasure Seldom Rings
Exactly True Unless
We're Doing Things
Borlln, Nov. 25. Tho elopement of
Princess Allco Is causing a greatoi
sensation Uian tho Loutno-Giron nftalr.
It is authentically stated today that
tho princess ran away a year ago with
a Saxon nobleman, and toured tho con
tinent In an automobllo. In retaliation
her hUBband had a Hason with an act
ross. Prlnco Frederick challenzad.
and fought a duol, badly wounding tho
noblomnn. Ho forgavo his wife, but
novor resumed othbr thnn formal rela
tions with her. The princess picked
up Mntornl In Italy last Fobniary.
Two Years for Nine Dollars.
Owenboro, Ky., Nov. 25. nov. Chas.
Wathon, a Baptist minister, convictod
In tho fedoral court of raising one dol
lar bill to ton, and passing It on a wo
man, wns today sontonccd to two
years In tho pon.
Fish-net Shirt and
theMeshes Of Stand
ard Nivy Size
Odell today came out
tho renomlnatlon of
longer boss,
strongly for
In an Intcrvlow today ho Intimates
that Piatt has withdrawn from tht
leadership. Ho says Hanna Is out of
tho question, as ho hni promised the
Prosldont that ho will work for him.
Ho says Now York will be tho pivotal
stato In tho noxt election.
The Tout Ensemble of the
Acutely Decollete Variety
and Not Much Of
Los Angoles, Nov. 25. CompUlnt
has been mado to tho poltco against
II M. Darling, who calls'1 himself
"Natureman. Ho wonrs only a fish
not shirt nnd Bhort trousers, and
preached on tho hilltops. Ho har
gnlnod many converts. Members of
the band roam tho fashlonnblo Btrccts
In tho early morning with llttlo or no
olothos. Darling Is a Stanford gradu
ate, and lives on donations.
Politician Lets Go,
San Francisco, Nov. 25. Sam Rain-
ey, a former Democratic boss, was
found dond In his bed this morning,
from heart dlscaso. It was unexpect
ed, as ho had been bookmnklng dally,
at tho Oakland raciu. Ho was quite
Some More Whitewash.
San Francisco, Nov. 25. Commis
sioner Poncock discharged Assistant
Suporlntondent J. V. Erwln, on no
count of lnsutuclont evidence. Ho woe
Indicted for tho postal dovico fraud.
Superintendent Richardson was re
buked by tho Judgo for his flimsy evi
dence. Richardson wau doomed guilty
of fraud, but was not Indicted.
Kaiser All Right
Ilorlln, Nov. 25. Tho physician"
bulletin today on tho kaiser's condi
tion Is satisfactory It makes no
mention of tho caoicor growth.
Will Sit
Twenty Days
Astoria, Nov. 25. Clatsop county
will probably havo ono bill presented
at tho coming special session of the
loglslaturo. County Judgo Tronchnrd
has tho mattor In hand, and will have
Two Regiments to be
Sent to Colon
This Is Done to Prevent the
Keeping of the War-'
ships at Colon Indefinitely
Washington, Nov. 35. Upon tho rot.
Iflcntlon by Panama of tho canal trert"
ty, tho Ninth and 8lztconth rogtmonta
of Infantry, now at Forts Xfadlson'-ondA
Slocunt, In Now York, nnd McPhoi-
son, In Georgia, nnd tho Twcnty-olghth
mountain battory wilt bo Kent to Uia
IsthmiM to tnko possession of Panama
and Colon.
If Colombia should roako an attompt
to send troops overlnnd to tho revolted
stato, this government will not wait
for tho ratification of tho treat). Tho
moro fact that Colombia undertook to
the bill drawn by District Attornoy All"0 ""'""& or "" on'i uo
len, as soon as tho latter roturns from ' con8ltljro ft monnco to froo transit on
attondlng court at Hllisbora It will " Rnu ' "" oi
bo introduced l.v nnnrasnntMlvn Pnn I ll8 lilted atnlo. t,iat tnoro "t llO
itlflcd, provided for tho appoint
ment of a. board of arbitration within
aoidays, to tako up tho wago qucs.
i no decision is to aato irom to
A day's work is to constitute
from eight to cloven hours, and the
:lmum watch to bo 15 hours.
either side will discriminate against
ilon or non-union men. A Joint
grjovnnco commltteo will hereafter
all complalnta Tho most lm-
trtant guaranteo In connection with
ie settlement was secured from May-
Harrison and tho aldermanlc medl-
Ion committee, which is, that if any
.n Is unjustly treated In reference
being taken back, the mayor and
imlttco will stnnd by tho carmen,
id seo that Justice Is dono by the
ipany In his reinstatement, Tho
nnpany agrees to rolnstato all except
ioso guilty of vloloncc. Tho decision
practically a dofeat for tho union,
ilU greatest contention, thnt of a
icd shop, is lost, although it gains
to minor points.
The strlko lastod 14 days, and cost
ie' company and strlkors alone in ox-
Ross of half a million, while tho loss
trade aggregates millions. Ono de-
larjfmont store reports a falling off In
trade of nearly $10,000 dally.
With All
on Board
Liverpool, Nov. 25. A rumor, which
cannot bo traced, Is current today that
tho Whito Star liner, Codrlc, collided
with a Lanport & Holt liner In mid-
Atlantic, and tho Codrlo sank with all
aboard. Tho rumor Is nowhere crodi
ltod, but friends of thoso aboard aro
anxiously awaiting nows of tho Cod'
rlc's arrival In Now York. Sho Is due
thoro tomorrow.
On the Panama Precedent.
Washington, Nov. 35. Roosevelt to-
Now York, Now 25. Tho White
Star officials bollovo tho Ccdrlc ru
mors aro unfounded, as tho vessel is
the hlghost. typo of tho compartment
class. They say a dozon holes could
not sink her.
Liverpool, Nov. 25. Tho Ccdrlc ru
mor has beon traced to a country
postodlco whero a man asked If any
thing had happonod to tho vossol. Ap
parently all the oxeltoment hero waB
stlrrod up from that causo.
Modern Woodman Dance.
Do not forget tho Thanksgiving
danco In Holman Hall tomorrow night.
Tickets 26 cents each. Oct Invitation
from mombers.
Governor Chamberlain's
ii Thanksgivnig
Proclamation jj
t Designating Thursday, the 2 6tfrday of November 03 ;
Governor Chamberlain has Issued the following annual Thanksgiv
ing proclamatien:
The President of the United States of America has designated
Thursday, the 26th day of November, A. D., 1903, as a day of general
thanksgiving, and conformable to a time-honored custom and In ac
cordance with the proclamation of the President, I, George E. Cham
berlain, governor of the state cf Oregon, do hereby set apart said
day as a holiday, and do recommend that, In so far as possible, all busi
ness be suspended so that the people may avail themselves of an op
portunity thus afforded to rest from their labors and to return to
Almighty God, giver of every good and perfect gift, grateful thanks
for the manifold blessings thty enjoy.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the
great seal of the state to be hereunto affixed at the city of 8alem,
this 12th day of November, In the year of our Lord 1903.
Governor of Oregon.
F, I. ounoar, secretary or utaie. j
nnhan, unloss thoro is a gonornl law,'
Introduced providing tho snmo rolleft
for all tho counties In tho stato, '
Tho occasion for tho bill Is tho Eult
filed In Columbia county, In which the
assertion Is mado that all tho foes
which havo boon collected by county
dorks undor tho 1895 Jaw nro lllOKal.
Should this contention bo sustained1
Clatsop county might bo forced to re
fund 125,000 In foc that havo beon
collected by the county clerk during
tho past eight years. Tho proposed,
measure will seek to forestall any nq
tlon which might 1)0 oroUKht ngatntit
tho county on that ground by ratifying
tho former actions of tho clork, and
at tho snmo tlmo fixing tho foes, which
shall bo collected by him In Uio future.
Changes aro contemplated In I ho
foes for recording deeds and mort
gages nnd In tho circuit court foes.
At prosont tho trial fco Is only $2, and
scarcely a cmso Is trlod that docs not
cost tho county from $75 to $100. and
often many times more. A provision
Is also noedod to govern the charged
for naturalization and declaration pa
pers. No rato Is fixed either by the
state or government, and In tho past
tho county courts have directed the
clerk whnt tiu to collect.
no fighting on tho Isthmus.
Tho fooling la growing that Colom
bia will declaro war against the
United States, but no development la
expected boforo tho arrival of General
Ilcycs nnd his follow-commlssloners.
Washington, Nov. 25. Tho gonornl
land offlco today notified nil local land
unices that temporary withdrawals
mado for forestry purpceea do not in
nny mnnnor affect tho right to roako
mlnornl locations or entries on lands)
Lso withdrawn,
Waw York, No?"3R,3!an1etiilulH!.
bard Ayro, ono of tho most celebrated
nowspapor mon In tho world, died
this morning of pneumonia.
Made Today
Cbocolato Caramols, Cnooolato
Chows, Chocolato Wafers, Pepper
mints, Chocolato Wafor Wlntorfpreons
Walnut Top Chocolato Creams, Tig
center Chocolato Creams, Peppermint
Wafers, Wlntergroen Wnforn, toft
Cabin Creams, nt
154 State 8L
Phone 1971 Main.
naiaiataia I a laia laiaiaia tat aaia i a i at a iota laiataiat
U Cash Store Charges You Only
for the Goods You Get
IA Pr Alit QtnfA charges you for ihe goods
IA VfiCUH OlUIt voueet and lor things your
neighbor got and failed to pay for. Then you hive to pay
Ifor all ot the extra expense connected wim me crcuu uu-
rv a Cash Store Once SiWtSE
there. That's been the experience of thousands of cus
tomers who deal wnh
Salem's Cheapest One Price Cash Store.
Rubbers, Rubber Boots, Duck Coats,
11 ckers, Rubber coats, uyercoais,.uoTn-
ing, Umbrellas, Shoes.
four Drv Goods Department has ben the talk of the
town this year, we nave me ngm tjuuua. us uui .m.
regular store" profits in two.
E. T. BARNES, Proprietor
Freeland Consi lildatcd Mining
SI Company Makes Fine
5: Showing
' The hVoeland Consolidated Mining
Company Is In a fair way to demon
; strate Uiat the SnnUam mining ills
; trict is one of the bent In the North
; west. The company keeps driving
ahead and now has some bodies of
ore uncovered that are not only large,
but run high In copper and carry fine
', values In (sold. The geological forma
tion Is perfeet for both quantity, qual
ity and permanence of ore bodies, and
the ore tteeif. a beau Ufa 1 e&aieopynte
Is "the kind that stay." The writer
has bad M year experience In min
ing and Hnheeilatlngly pronatineeii
the Freetasd Company's ores of flrt
class quality and of a character to
iMptre eoafldenee. The company owns
,ten full claims, well watered and tlra
ibered. easy ef aeeese and with devel
loewent work sufficient to give amir
lanee of permanenoy. Ttte prelimin
ary work U dene, the fact established
that the value are there, and lots of
'then, and the disheartening draw
.b&eks and delays wnlek almost every
I new mining company has to endure
(are things of the nat Another sa- j
'son should see the ml a on a paying
basis. The report of J H FUk, tb
weilkaowo ajsayer Is rtry flattering
Federal Jury Compnmlses
On Manslaughter
Portland, fr Nov 36. Albert Mar
tin, the Indian blacksmith, tried In the
federal court for th,e murder of IT H.
arant, Is guilty a( manslaughter.
After remaining closeted In the jury
room for seven hours, beginning at
11:16 yesterday morning, the Jury late
In the afternoon returned, a verdict
finding Martin guilty of the lcseer de
gree of the urime of taking human life.
In reaching the verdict. It Is quite
evident there was a compromise, and
from the fact that seven hours were
consumed' In reaching an agreement,
there can be llUle doubt that a part of
the jurors were in favor of a verdlet
of Burder In the flrci degree.
Thanks, Awfully.
Four marriage Mccmmni were Issued
In the county clerk's olflre thtu often
booh, as follew: KUbs M. Manners'
and Mrs, Martha J. Mosher, Walte;
Reynolds, witneM. Ones Banders and
Otteliu Uppendall, John Banders, wit
nese. H. J. Ftotb and Katherine lied
dekopp, Joseph Oraber, witness. C.
Gtason and Wte M. Illeks, R I) Hor
gan, wltnuMU
Ooll Is New rork Boss.
New York, No J. It hi praetl
entity admitted today that the leader
ship of the New York Republicans I
sow vetted In Odci and Piatt Is bo
New! Newl New!
Holiday goods.
Eiderdown wx&ppets, :
Eidetdowa sacques.
Wapist bags, toys,
Games, etc
Out stoye will fee
All day tomoygow
Don't fail to heat out
on iitst Hoot S&tutd&y even
ing, Novemfeef 28,
All ae invited
. . . . ...... i
i vot special aonocmcemexus see itiu page ad m tnis lsswe i