The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, November 24, 1903, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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y'iwm' ii'
The Salem Stores
At Sale Prices
Everything needed in tho linen
linofor the Thanksgiving feast is
hero at your disposal at prices
f.hnt will niirnrinn tho most nr.nna-
micai housekeeper. Beautiful pat- m
terns and excellent qualitios of
damasks by the yard, napkins,
lunch cloths, table sots, carving
6lotbs, tray cloths, etc. Only
Vonotian drawn work loft.
Tho moat beautiful assortment of aprons in tho city. Soo
display in our Commercial streot window. Thoy aro tho choic
est and daintiest productions just recoived from New York
especially for our holiday sales.
Adjourned Unltl Friday.
Washington, Nov. 2. After dshato
botwoon thoso asking ndjournmont ot
tho Bpoolnl session and Its ipjipononts,
tho houso today adjournod until Fri
day. At tlio Vhlto Houso today no
tice was glvon out that, on account ot
tho doath, In Now York last night, of
Jlnosovolt's undo, Jamoa Graclo, the
White Houso ls,ln mournlner, and there
will bo no further social entertain
xnonts, after today, uitll Decomhor
7th, whon. thoro la to ho a caulnot din
nor. Tho I'rcsldont will attond tho fu
noral Friday.
Dined With Teddy.
Washington, Nov. 24. Roosovolt
dined tho Dutto labor leaders today,
Also Congressman Dixon, of Montana
Cortolyou and Wright dlseusBod the
wago quoHtlon at tho tabic, noosoyelt
Assured his Dutto visitors tho govern
mont wob proparcd to favor working
man whonovor tho good of tho public
Borvico was not hampored, nnd was
told In roply that all that labor asked
was a square deal. "You will always
pot that," said tho President, so long
as I havo anything to do with tho ad
ministration of public affairs.
qUIcapo, Nov7iT Wheat. 7OK0
Gold Dust Flour
Mdo by
Gldnay, Oregon.
Mado for family uso. , Ask your
eracer for It. Ilran nnd shorts al
ways on hand.
A. T. Walfl, Agt.
W'l I . ,1 l J.
Fresh Peanut Taffy
Chocolate Chips
Edward Ellla.
144 8Ute 8t
Potatoes, Potatoes,
Call and see 0s before you
sell your Crop van alstine, qordon a co.,
TflAioc TO. "KTvf&.f!ri!ulte 4 275H Commercial St. oc
r .,-. .-,, .
i 75 CommerclalSt.
Values of Silver
Our grout fall wnro salo of Rogers Knives, Forksv .Soup ,Snplonj
aud Tea Spoons Js still going ou and scores of customers nre being
mada banny by caviug 20 nor cent on theeo old reliablo goods.
ROQEHS "lB-n" and our own SPECIAL BRANDS aro tbo best
comls on tho market, and were nover before sold at so low a figure
in Salem. Cwisult our stock and lenrn our prices before buying.
CHAS. H. HINGES, Jeweler and Optician,
88 SUt Street. Next door to Lsdd A Bsstt's Bask.
a few pieces of that beautiful
No play that has ovor boon wrltton
has aroused such widespread dlsus
slon as David Bolnsco's poworful
drama "Zaza," In which that magnetic
actress and local favor! to, Florence
Itobortfl, will appoar at tho Grand
Opera Houso on Wodnosdny night.
and, dcsplto tho crlos of tho narrow-
minded fow, as to tho moral callbor
of tho story, tho theators havo been
packed ovorywhero, and tho verdict of
tho public has boon that "Zaza" Id
a good play, with a strong heart Inter
est, convoying a moro powerful and
lmprcsslvo lesson than any drama that
has ovor boon produced on tho Ameri
can stngo.
As a production "Zaza" Is Inflnltoly
moro attractlvo than tho nvorngo play;
the groon room scono, whero tho so
crotB of tho dramatists art, and tho
stago managor's tricks and dovlcos foi
producing vnrlous stago offects aro
shown, being particularly lntorostlng
to tho general public.
Miss Roberts has achlovod a tri
umph an the unfortunato girl, who bo
comos a Parlslonno footllght favorlto,
ftnd hai performance has placed her In
tho front rank of omotlonal nctraesos
Seats on alo at box ofllco Wednes
day at 9 n. m, Curtain at 8:15.
Japs Are Not Waiting.
I-ondon, Nov. 24. The ISxohauge
telegraph oorrogpomlont nt St, Peters-1
burg wires today there is no foundn
tlou for the story that a Japanoso fleet
Is stationed to Intorcspt the Hussion
squadron bound for Korea.
Now the Country Is Safe.
Now York. Nov. 21. A daughtor
was bom today to Mrs. William K,
Vanderhllt, Ji
Jersey Bull
Oregon. TV Illoter, No ?3,694, A,
J 0. C, took first prorotum at all
Northwest fairs In 1903. Ready for
aortlco Oh Garden Road, near S, P.
track. U F. MAnS, Prop.
Ot bad! accounts,
Prompt servicd No
! collections, no charges
Phone Main Sbl.
A. R. MORQAN & Q0, Manasers
Revere Sheridan and
Matlock In the
Noble Patriot Rides Night
and Day In a Pullman
To Save His
- Milage
Washington, Nov. 24. Congress
man Cushmnn, of Washington, Is mak
ing a rnco against time to savo $1400
mlleago bofore tho oxha session ad
journs. Ho recoived news at Tacomn
that tho session would probably speed
ily adjourn, and Immediately took a
fast train. .
To Correct a Deed,
Amelia Managro today brought suit
In tho circuit court against J. B. Man
agra and others to reform a deed by
which block 109 In St. Paul was con
voyed to her by defendants, but that
lnsetad block 03 was Insorted in tho
doedln placo of tho right description
of tho place, and nho asks that tho
court correct tho deed, and for her
coats. J. U. and O. L. McNary aro at
torneys for plaintiff.
0 -
Took an Appeal.
Topokn, Kan., Nov. 24. Tho mutin
eers, who woro sontonced to life, took
an aPI'oal today.
Robbed a Postofflce.
Mantlcoko, Pa, Nov. 24. Four
masked mn blow tho postofflco vault
this morning, obtaining $3500.
Mrs, Ollschlager
a Legal Wife
County Judge Scott this morning do
elded tho controversy over tho ap
pointment of a guardian for Henry
Ollschlager, an Insano persons', by
honoring tho petition of Mrs. Mary
Ollschlager, wlfo of tho Insano ward,
and appointing Theo. M. Barr as guar
dlan of tho porson and estate of Henry
Tho controversy camo up ovor tho
petition of Mrs. Ollsehlager, when tho
nephews of Mr. Ollschlagor, who re,
sldo In California, nskod that Geo. O.
Bingham, bo appointed guardian, and
that Mrs. Ollochlagor bo declared to
bo not tin wife of the Insano vte.rH
They contonded that Ollschlager njvor
marrlod the woman that she was inly
his houwkoepor, and did not havo
the right to bo considered his wife.
Aftur tho hearing of thu case, conduct
ed by I II. D'Arcy nnd Governor
Chamberlain for Mrs. Ollschlagor,
and Bonham & Martin for the n .ph
ews of Mr. OllBohlngar, Judgo Scott
took tho mnttor upder advlsomont,
and this morning h.o decided tho caso
for Mrs. Ollschlagor, Judge Scott
"Tho nlflre I haVd lookod Into tho
enso. the nioro thoroughly I am con
vinced that the view of tho caso taken,
by me nt tho close of tho trial was
tho correct ono. The casoa oltod by
Meesr. Bonham & Martin nro not par
allel with the ono at bar. 1 must do
clde tho controversy In favor of Mrs.
Ollschlager, and my holding will be
that Mr. Barr bo appointed guardian.
He Is fully competent, and, as hla ap
pointment was flrst petitioned for, he
will be appointed, and 1 will not turn
him dovffl. Mr. Bingham whose ap-
polfttmont was also asked for by tho
Other parties, is also fully competent
and qualified, but I cannot set aside
the potltlon of Mrs. OllsehlHger, and
Mr. Barr Is appointed."
Ma Martin, attorney for the noph
owe of Mr. Ollsohlagor. gave notice of
an appeal to the circuit court, and
the case will probably terminate In tho
supreme court for final adjudication.
his Weak Point
He would terrortoe the neighbors In
a matt outrageous vny, breuk the wide
world's standing record in athletic
every day: while In nugilteile elrctas
he could wipe wen In the dust, utif
ebow roaster tricks at feaeing tauiih
at every cut and thrust. He slew tic
era la ihe jungle, aad scalped redskins
on the plain. He ehaed lions o'er the
lUountalHB and barpooaed them o he
hri. He cohW break a bucking
bniRclio, yc. and roue a Twes st-eer;
ellng a Uowia K-4f or hatthet. thi aw
a t ootaeraus or sunar. 1 hajbrendtn
nhts n ftarteil dW th, jwrOy fuyj
of Mara. And he'd lick hta weight In
woMcau kick them higher Uian tne
tars. But his shoes wete In hie nock
et and his lace was ghastly wUi f. he
was slkMit as an oyster when he
t limbed the stair at utght -Danvi'lf
ill! i Conraetvtat News
V C9
Jno. F. CordrayH Mgri
Wed. Nov. 25
A Society Event
Mr. Frodorlck Bolasco Proaqnts
Florence Roberts
and a superior company In the sen
sation of tho ago
By David Bolasco
Special, sconory, Special costumes,
Special effoctfl.
Scats on salo at box ofllco Wednesday
at 9 a. m. '
Orchestra first four rows 75c
Orchestra next 2 rows Jl-00
Orchestra lost 3 rows $1.60
Balcony 1st 3 rows $1.60
Balcony noxt 2 rows $1.00
Dross Clrclo 1st 3 rows $1.50
Dross Clrclo last 4 rows $1.00
Gallory , 50c
Big Mills
Shut Down
According to previous announce
ments tho Booth-Kolly Lumber Com
pany's logging camps woro all closed
Saturday ovonlng, and tho men paid
off, and told that their sorvlccs would
bo Indoflnltoly dlsponsed with. ""ThTs
throwB sovoral hundred men out ol
omployment. A largo numbor of the
loggers are In Eugene todny, and many
will remain hero until after Thanks
giving boforo going to tholr respec
tive homos In dlfforont partB of tho
stato. Many will go to tho camps on
tho Columbia and ovor In Washing
ton, but reports from tho Columbia
brings tho Information that Bomo of
tho camps thoro havo also closod
down, and work may bo scarce thoro
As before stated tho big mills at
Wendllng nnd Saginaw havo boon
doled down for sometime, but it was
given out at tho company's ofllco this
morning that tho Coburg and Spring
field mills woro still running. It was
also stated that It would bo only a
short Umo boforo tho other mills
would Btnrt up again. However, this
Is somowhat at varlanco with tho
stntomonts mado by Sonator It. A.
Booth in rccont interviews.
Tho car famlno might bo soon re
lloved, nnd tho mills rcsumo opera
tions In a short time, according to
tho Btatemonts mndo this morning.
Reduction of Wages.
Tho omployos of tho Booth-Kelly
Company havo been notlflod of a new
schedule of wagos, which will go Into
offect Docombor 1st.
This schodulo makos a reduction ot
25 cents per day on all men receiving
$2 a day or loss, and GO conts a day
on all reoolvlng more than $2 per day
The Pacific Lumber Company oper
ating mills at Drain, Alca and Rouao,
havo boon compelled to shut down,
with tho exception of tho Drain mill,
on aocouut ot bolng unablo to ob
tain cars.
This company omploys sovoral hun
dred men, and their payroll amounts
to $1 ,000 or 115.000 per month. Noar
ly all tho employes are now Idle.
Mr. Campbell, tho manager of the
plant, says conditions are not bright
It wouldn't bo a bad Idea If the log
islaturo of Oregon would look into
this ear (amino business, and pass
somo stringent measuros that would,
assure us thnt a repetition would not
occur soon again.
To Derail the Train.
Cherbourg. Franco, Nov. 24. Two
attempts wore made to derail the train
bearing tho king and queen of Italy
Sunday, while they were returning to
Rome. A soldier, nenr Marseilles,
piled rocks on tho track, but was dis
covered Threo anarchists were ar
rested near Arias for putting spikes In
tho rail. Tho officers succeeded In
suppressing the news until this morn
n i
, A Sport Dead.
London. Nov. 54. Sir John Maple,
a noted horseman and sportsman. Is
Wanted.- Wood choppers good pay
aad easy tlmbar. Inquire at 180
gtate Btnt ll-21-2w
For RentriNlaly furskbsd room, at
tev tfVOoeaairelaV strt, two doors
south of Oak. 1WB-3L
For Sale. Twaty acras of land. thre
mllaa from Ofaesaawa. Ns&rly aogh
Uuhw ou it to pay for It A. V
rrecott, ITS Mill stree Salem
11 JWtd-wlt
'' Ch'arged With Theft.
Burt Gordon, until recently a bar
tender far Glltnpr & Cooper, of Dal
las, was arrostod In Salem last night,
on telephonic request from' tho officers
of Independence, charged with rob
bing his employers of ?100 in coin. To
day Mr. Giltner camo to Salem, and,
after identifying tho man, telephoned
to Sheriff Ford, of Dallas, asking him
to como with a warrant.
Gordon refuses to talk. Ho had on
him, when arrested, G5.65 and a pistol
which Is also claimed by his employ
ors. Ho will bo taken to Dallas this
Axle Grease
Good Axle Grease
Wo havo worked up qulto a buBl
nesB on Dixon's Graphite Axel Grease
It's good stuff. As long as thoro Is a
particle of tho graphlto on a splndlo It
Is sllppory. In fact It contains Juet
enough grcaso to glvo It body to hold
together. Try a box, and you will uso
It always.
Then there's Dcerhako's Castor
Oil Grease, one ot tho best of its kind
that was over put up. Romcfnbor a
poor greaso works up into a stiff tar,
and makes your wagon pull as heavy
again as it should. Get good greaso.
And buggy whips nnd robes. Wo
havo plouty of both, and can savo you
money wo think on prices. Wo'll
lot you dccldo that.
Implement Mouse.
255-257 Lfberty 8b, Salem.
Farm Machinery, Bicycles, Automo
biles, Sewing Machines and Supplies.
N. H. Burley.
Sewlnjj Machine Repairing.
Otr Winter Business
A complete lino of umbrella
covers to select from, prices from
$1.00 up. Handles 25c up.
T6 fit all makes of wheels.
Sliipp & Haitse?
Opposite Capital Nat. Bank.
Football Supplies
Three New Shapes
Iti Blucherand Bal shoes
? New last, best fitter on ?
5 earth i
g Seo our new enamolaml hox jj
call snot-s at j ;
99 State St. Salem. Oregon. !
(mcr,o SnmE
Tho BAAila o.lvortlal In BiinHov'g nnnara will U Ml SUt( fr " i
day only. Our store vras crowde
the same today. lavaaUffafci. It vr
W'Evoy Brothers, "
et Ready f ot the i i
i: Spread? i
( r I I
; You, should take adii
I vantage of our great sale -!!
of table linens. OnMum!!
; days more in which to fin ; ;
I lrfMta n t a -1. .i. if li
, , jruui tiecu at me sale '
li prices.
' . ii
;; Don't Be Late ii
Doped by a Doctor,
Roy 0. Cornelius, a youth from tin
country, was arrested last night foi
stealing a shirt from tho Btoro of Mni
Fraser. Ho was brought Into conrt,
and stated that ho had been undet
tho Influence of liquor at tho time, uj
did not know anything about tho nut
ter. Ho volunteorcd tho informatics
that Dr. Nick, at Fanny Davenport1!,
on Ferry Btreet, was treating him for
a disease, and that tho doctor had pre
scribed tho liquor ho had consumed
last night, as medlclno. Ho stated be
had paid tho doctor $5 for tho treat
mont rocQlvcd, nnd was being bene
fitted. The caso will bo disposed of
this ovo'ning.
Is Fighting Woods.
Washington, Nov. 24. Tho sub
committee on military affairs held i
mooting this morning, at which IUth
bono submitted a list of wltnesiee
whom bo desired summoned to testi
fy relatlvo to Woods' Cuban admlnli
German Market ,
Just opened, noxt door to Hr
rltt & Lawronctfa grocory store,
a clean, now market, whore all
kinds of moat can bo had. Low
prlcoa and prompt dollrory our
9 motto. Wo make a sneel&ltr of
flno Gorman Bausago of all
kinds) Olvo ub a call.
frffrfriitttecf toeHStH
Onegon Fife Relief
Oregon's Great Mutual Insurance Co.
S15.440.588 Insurance at risk
Safe, economical insurance for tk
people. Head office. McMlnvllle, Or.
U, A. JOHNSON, Asrcnt for Marlon to
Salem. Oreson.
MMra4- f f -1 9-t
We have a fine tract of timbei Ftp
land near Cottage Grove1' jfe
1000 acres will make
about 4 million feet to 1-4,
section. From 100 rods
to 1 1-2 miles of river
This is a snap.
Two acres, with gocd 5 room
house, large barn, plenty
Ul HUM, !. UVIC ui ' ft
cheb, for rent at 55 00 1
per month, t 2 inile East
of Asylum.
d all day Monday, aad wi warn
111 pay yett.
Court Street,
R.R.Ryan I
&Co. i
. W HJ iA