The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, November 24, 1903, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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Young Men's Repub
lican Club Gets Down
to Business
Executive Committee Makes
Arrangements For the City
Campaign and' Prepares
a Constitution'
Thfc executive commltc of the
Toun Meno Republican Citib met last
r'eninc, for consultation, andau ten
thuslastic meeting was tho resulL
There was & good attendance, only
two members of tho committee being
absent. Tho members of tho exicu
tire commltteo present arranged for
the appointment of assistants In tneir
Respective trams, and divided tho
words Into districts, to each of which
an assistant will bo assigned as tho
campaign progresses.
The noxt meeting of tho club, It
was decided, should bo held at tho po-
llt court room noxt Friday at 7:30 p.
Hju., and e committee was appointed to
l?rrantro for that meetlnc. consisting of
- ..- u, a
a. Graham, A. W. Prescott and L.
Stlnson was also named to secure
tho attoridanco at that tlmo of tho Re
publican nominees for mayor and al
Aermen, and anothor commlttoo will
secure a list of spoakors.
The commltteo on constitution, pre-
Tlously appointed, read tho draft of a
constitution and by-laws, and, with
slight amendments, this -adopted, and
will bo reported to tho club with roc.
mmcndatlons that it bo adopted.
Tho ago limit fixed In tho constitution
Is 4G years, and it provides for a rog
ular series of meetings of both the
dub and tho cxecutlvo committee.
Following tho disposal of tho rou
tine business, several enthusiastic ad
dresses woro made by mombors of the
oiub, and tho best of goodfollowshlp
prevailed. '
Never Heard of a Sweat Box.
Eighteen years a member of tho
(Chicago police forco and novor luard
f a "sweat box."-
Such was tho admission made by
I These shoule interest
fthey do a place for hats, coats, umbrellas;
land rubbers. You
I best advantag of
The House Furnishing Company.
Salem. 269 Liberty
I We do what
We kill and remove cancers and tumors without the aid of a knife.
Read the testimony of a prominent Salem man:
TO THE PUBLIC. In justice to Dr. Cook, and that the
I woild may know what great
I inform them that 1 Hive been
for the past fifteen mon'hs and in that time he has re
moved from my alimentary canal three tumors of can'
cerous growths, as large as a man's hand, all from the
larger intestine. Also another cancerous growth from
off mv right right foot and another from my right 3
thumb. This has all been accomplished through mcdi- V.
cmesJone, they killing the growth and the spider like !.
rrmunnri nature itself castine them off, without the..
; ; aid of knife or surgery. I do not believe I could have . .
;; found eqi ally successful treatment anywhere h the..
;; world and cheeifully recommend Dr. J. F.Cook, the ..
i- Rotor.;.-.! rwtnr fn nil who read this testimonial. '
I R. J. Spencer. We czn do
if you need it. ; ;
j. F. COOK
Dentsclier Botanical Doctor. Cures all Diseases Salem, Lltertv St. J !
Policeman Sullivan, ot tho Rawsoa-K
street station whjlo testifying boforo
a jury in Judge dray's court yesterday
afternoon. Attorney Benjamin Short,
bollovlng that tho wltnoss had not
heard tho question correctly, asked:
"Do you mean to say that you have
been a momber of tho Chicago police
force for 18 years?"
"Yes, that Is correct" ropllod tho
"And you do not know tho meaning
of a 'sweat box?"'
"I never heard of a 'sweat box,' and
I wouldn know ono If I saw it
Sllonco prevailed In tho court room
a full minute, whllo Attorney Short
gazed at tho witness. It becamo ovl
dent that tho witness was not Joking
and, as no ono voluntcored to explain
the mysteries of tho "sweat box," a
lawyer, Morgan, was Bummonea aB
an export, and enlightened tho wit
ness. Tho question as to tho meaning
ot "sweat box" caraa up In tho trial
of William KIpp for assault,
How experts' opinions dlfforl "Foot
ball," says a Los Angeles divine, "is
hell. It is unmanly, cowardly, ma
Hclous, and should bo stopped by tho
police." A San Francisco preacher ox
claims: "Football Is a noblo gamo,
and overy healthy lad should play it"
Evidently tho 'Frisco team must have
beaton up tho Los Angoles lads badly
of late.
From across tho sea comes tho glad
tidings that Emperor William Is able
to go o-shootlng again. Ho is badly
handicapped, however, by tho tempor
ary loss of speech, and consequent In
abllltly to express his foollngs when
ho misses his aim.
Push Club Meets.
Tho regular moetlng of tho Greater
Salem Commorclal Club will bo held
In tho city pollco court room Tuesday
evening. Full attondanco doslrcd.
B. HOFER, Pros,
J. Q. Graham, Soc. ll-23-2t
Clocks! Clocks! CIockbI of all kinds
and descriptions, Just arrlvod, which
will bo sold vory cheap, at W. Col
vot's, practical watchmaker, IBS Stato
strooL cod
Tho Carllslo Indians' victory ovor
tho Philadelphia team must havo re
minded Philadelphia of Braddock's do-
Bu u , H Kind Yon Haw Atari Bccjll
you, combining as ;
can get them to the
Street Albany
We Claim
woik he is doing, I wish to
taking treatment from him
as mnch for you or more ! !
II Q$&
To Say I Have Gained
in Weight and
Am Well After Years
of Hecurt Trouble.
Dr. Miles' Ho&rt
Cured Mo
Ter three yar I rwrered much from
heart troubla and at timn I thoujht I. would
drop dead. Tkera was a fetllnc of oppre
fkta about my heartt tuMtherisf and chok
tor spella, and I eetua net sleep on my left
nde. At timet I was m daproued that I
Mold hardly walk. I htgta taking Or.
Mliar Nervine and Heart Cnra and k
happy to. I thai X n kqm have that
woro-oot lock. 1 have rahuvdln welcht and
(at Bttf ectly well, I wlU navtr be without
ysarritarruuj, eodiieart Cw. uracil, now
eighteen, tattered eicesdlnjlr worn ntrr
suaeta. I wit him Ncrvis with th but
malts. Bto health has. been rood aver
itoca I gladJrreconioeMjrpar remedies."
-Mtt Anna Baowx fad Cedfia.Mebtana.
Arospn wt U waerb Bets- JttMtiM
u in jolt as much danger a the foot
hardy lad who venrarrt on tain lf at the
firtt appearance of frteiforweather. Heart
oltcase U the moat common causa of sodden,
death. StatUtica show that ana pertoa ia
every four bare a weak neart, that weak
hearts are aa common as a weaknets ot any
other onran. When the heart U weak the
pubs ll ihepuar, the blood li thin and poor,
lie drcalatlpa a)uniaa,caulnff cold extrtm
ltfa. ttr. Miles' Heart Cue U a neat haul
and blood tonic. It regulates the heart'i
action, lmproret the circulation and tendi a
scream of pure, red blood throcch every vein
and artery, renewing health and itrenfth. f
AH drnreUu cell and guarantee fint bot
tie Or. MQt' Remedlec Send for free book
e Nerront and Heart DUeaM. Addrcaa
B Ullee Uedhrtl Co, Elkhart, Ind.
Daily Journal Will
Give Away Hun"
dredsof Magazines
And Makes a Special Sub
scription Sale Day
Heavy Reduction on
Daily Nov. 27th.
No. 1.
Journal subscribers will this yoar
bo glvon a special bargain day and It
has boon sot for Friday, November
27th. On that dato you can get Tho
Daily Journal for ono year, cash in
advanco, by mall, for $3, or by car
rlor for 5. This is a flat reduction ot
ono dollar, not only for tho uso ot
your cash, but to savo us, as well as
our subsedbors tho tlmo and troublo
of numerous payments during tho
year. It saves us work and it saves
tho subscrlbors cash. Ilomombor tho
date, Novomber 27th. All who pay
up arrearages, if thoy havo any, con
on that dato get tho bonoflt of this
offor, Kvon It your subscription is
paid up to tho prosont tlmo or In ad
vance, you can got tho benefit of an
additional year on that data If you
cau't coino to tho odlco on that date,
send It In sooner, and tho credits will
be made on that dato, Novombor 2G.
No. 2.
To new subscrlbors we wlH giro a
sample subscription to The Dally throo
months for one dollar, and In addi
tion present them wlUi tho groat
Metropolitan Magazine froe for that
period. This Is one of the greatest
magazines In America and will be
glvon freo for three months to now
subscribers only.
No. 3.
To any of our subscribers, old or
new, who pays a year In advanco, 6
by carrier or H by mall, this groat
magazine will be given free for ono
ywr. See the announcements of this
wonderful magaslne elsewhere in this
paper, and prepare to preflt by our
Hirst offer.
Tradc Marks
Copvhiohts Ac.
JAnrooa unitag a tkHrt mtki ducrlMlna utr
Bkklr wrtiu tar oioci a In mtnnUt u
oiwdoa UKiff MMtt4llc Cwnuin
itotuuncHronMMutL Iluxliook un fUsttU
mmm ft- Ohm umo fvt piwig ftmnt:
Im, Ubat cul la Uta
Scientific flmtkm.
A V4jJr HhMtnUd WMktr. 7nUlt
euUOen ot 4Jr elMte tnmniL Twist. U
Market Quotations TVyX
Waka Salem a Good Hon ITUrSwr X
Capital City
Bryant A
Mills Quo'tStlona.
Pennell, Props,
Wheat 75c,
Buckwheat 80q
Poultry ct etolnera Market
Chickens 8c.
Eggs Per doxen, 30c.
DuckB 10c.
Turkoys 12iiHc,
Hop Market.
Hops 1620c.
Potatoes, Vegetables,
rotatoos 30c '
OnlonB lc.
Dried Fruits.
Peaches 10c.
Apricots-10c. J'
Apples 10c.
Pctlto prunos 4c ,
Italian prunes 5c. v
Wood, fence Poets, Etc, .
Big flr $4.00.
Second-growth tS BO.
, APh-3,00 to IS.76. ,
Body oak J4.C0. f $i Ct
Polo oak J4.00.
Cedar Posts iQc
Hide. Pelts and Furt.
Green Hides, Ma 1 i07c
Oreon Hidos, No. i 1D,
Calf Skins 1 to 6c
8hcep 76c ,
Goat 8kln Z5o to S1.0I : r
Portland Marktt
Wheat Walla Walla, 71c.
Valley 75 7Cc.
Flour Portland, host grtdo, $375
?3.8G; graham, $3.75.
OnU Cholco Whlto, $1.07c.
Barley Feed $20 por ton; rolled,
Mlllstuff Bran, $20.
Hay TlraoUiy, $16.
Potatoes 6060c
Eggs Orogon ranch, 3032c.
Poultry Chlckons, mixed, 1010o
per pound; spring. 10 8110; turkoys,
llvo, lG16c.
Mutton Gross, 45a
Pork Drossed, 0W7c
Boot Gross, E0V4c
Hops 1003 crop, 12022c
Wool Valloy, 1718c; Eastorn
Oregon, 1216o; Mohair, SKOSJc.- ,
Hides dry, 16 pounds am. upwards,
16 tn'16Hc
Butter Best dairy, 20c; fanoy
croamory, 27W030c; storo, 16c
Qraln and Flour
Wheat, Salem Flouring Mllls-i-G7c.
Oats 32c
Barley $18.60 per ton.
Flour WhnlesaU, $3.70.
uive utooK Market.
Stoora 2o, '
Cows 2 Mo.
Dressed Toal 6Hc
Drossed hogs 5 He
Llvo hogs 4V4c.
Mutton 2o per pound.
Voal 56c .V
Hay, Faad, Eta.
Bale cheat $1O0$11.
Balod clovor $9.6O0$1O.
Bran $21.00.
Creamery and Dairy PraduoU.
Good dairy buttor 2025c
Creamery buttor 32Hc.
Cream separator aklmtned, at
Com. Croamory, 32c, not.
AdvmfeMuette. five lists or leas, la tWi eolsae
iasertedtbre tints for 2 St. 5 Ot a Wk $ 1. 5 O
a Boats. AU ovtr nvdiots at lb cam rata.
Wanted. Chambermaid at tho Salem
lodging houso. ll-S3-3t
Position Wanted. Ily a young Japan
ese boy; will do saloon portor work
or offloo cleaning. Address MF..M
Oaro Journnl. 11-13-lwk
Girl Wanted. To do housework In
a small family. Good wages. Ap
ply foronoons at 362 Church street.
Wanted. Woodohoppers, Vt mlLs
northwest of Drooks. , W. If. JJgau.
Wanteds At tho muto school, a wo
man to wash apd Iron. Apply to
Thoe. P Clark, Supt. 11-12-tf
For sale. Hoar
choice stock boar
I'eland China, weluht 12t
PAUndf. C. NeleoR, Route No C, on
Oeorge Allen ptace, Rast Salwa.
For Sale Or trade, a fine 10-aere
fbleken or fruit ratten flrstHilass
bulMlHge and improvement; elose
to sehool. iKwtofflce, store awl rail
way staUett. Will trade far eUy or
uamitved farm property. Address
"W. JS Care JoMrnaL ll-C-
Per Sale-O. K. Grabber. Deet in
Oreaon; three state premiums;
one horse has the power of 09; ean
grub an acre a day. James Finney,
Hrooks, Or. 10-X-lrn
For Sale Inraproved and unimproved
block property In South Salem. For
information inquire of K. Hofer,
Journal offloa 10-9-tf ,
For 8ale At a bargain, for a fow
days, a alee 2-aoro chicken raneh,
fair houso, bars. et&, with plasty ot
fruit Prise I860. See Ryan & Co.,
Ui State street 10-Js-tf
i - T- T"-iXw"y:vrXLtqr' ' mj"-' -? ",""' iinnwwMi.,
Fop Sale CT-trndo for town"PropertXi!
60-acro farm. Inquire at 25 Mill
street. lV21.1k..
For 8ale. At a bargain, a 2&-lhch
heavy Ilushford wagon, almost now,
complcto with' hayrack, also cot of
doubly wbrk harness, Isqlro, of B
W. Snyder, corifoot Summer ana
BolloYlow, opposite1 vln?ar works.
Choice Farm For Sale. Throo mlloo
northwest from Brooks, having
dwolllng housd, barn and two hop
houses, with 30 acres of hops, bal
anco farming land, with running
wator, oxcopt onough cholco timber
to supply tho placo. M. J. Egan.
For 8alc Bargains. Sovoral cholco
plocoa of proporty, both ouUldo and
Insldo. Call and so oownor, 4uV
High otrcot, 2 blocks north of city
hall, IMMm
For Sale Eighty acres of land In
Washington county, for $.460. A
bargain for aomo ono wanting to
mako a homo. Some limbor on tho
placo; nomo cleared. E. Hofor, Sa
eom, Oregon. 10-6-tf
For Rent. 240 aero farm, noar Salem.
For particulars, nddroas "H" P. 0.
box 208, 8nlcm. Oro. ll-20-3t
For Rent. Large uoublo storo on
Stato street, 60-foot front, 80 deep.
Apply to M. Kllngor. lO-Wf
Rooms for Rent Up stairs, Oottlo
block, by day, wook or month, Al
so llKht housokooplng rooms. Eloo
trlo llghta, Opon all hours.
Commorclal St, No, 333.
Phone: 2966 Main.
Mattlo Hutchlns, Prop.
Music Lesaona Given. A spoclalty ot
boglnnors. Miss Lena Molsan, 436
Commorclal street ll-lS-lwh
If you have property to sell Or rent,
or want to buy or sell, trado or ox
chango for othor proporty of any
kind, or It you want a loan or Insur
ance soo R. It Ryan & Oo, 10-26-tf
Balm of FIqs Remedies. 342 Marlon
street (from 2 p. ta to 3'p, m.)
Bright lady assistant wanted.
Moler'a Barber Collotje Of Salt Lake
City, offers advantngOB In teaching
tho trado that cannot bo hod .tio
whoro. Avoid schools tho Oregon
and California harbors' now lawn
aro apt to closo at any tlmo. Wrlto
today for our special offer to dis
tant students. 1M0-lm
The Proper Thlno Tho popular
drink for family uso Is G. 8. soda
and carbonated bovorngos. Every
body should keep tboso goods at
their homos, Call up Gideon Stolt
Co. 'phono 421.
D, F. Jerman, Doalor In now and sec
ond-hand houso furnishing goods.
Groat bargains In stoves and now
furniture, Highest priced paid for
socond-lmnd artlolos, 210 Commor
clal stroct.
Say Havo you trlod Edwards & Lunch
cr'a for moats. Wo havo tho best
sausage in town. Como and try It,
and bo convinced. 410 East State
Salem Truck and Dray Co. Oldoat
and best equipped company In Sa
eom. Piano and furnlturo mortal
a specialty Offlco 'phone, 801. W,
W. Drown A Son, proprietor. Office
No. 60 Btate street 9-Mm
Dr.2. M, Parvln At 2D7 Commorclal
street, upstairs. Singing school
Rudlmental and sight reading class
es. Doglns Wodnesdsy evening, Oo
tobr 14th. Class every Wednes
day evonlng to May 1st, noxt Tul
Uon, fl.00.
Unique Cleaning Rooms Shaw A
Johnson, the cleaners, are now lo
catod at 209 Commercial street
They do a general prosslng and r
pairing business. Specialties: Skirts,
silk waists, kid gloves, gents' cloth
Ing. eta. Phono 2614 6-28-lyr.
Marshal Sale.
Notlco la lierely ulven that under
tlio provlKlons of ordinance No. 200,
i win on
at 1 o'clock p. in. at tlio rotund In the
olty ofSalein, soil at public auetlon.
the following dotcrlxMl lmioundea
animal, to-wllc
One large red, muley sow, tax on
ear with Initial "J. II. McK."
Unles the above dAMrlbedatiuual Ik
olalmml before wild dato, sale will bo
wltltout resorve.
I). W OllWON.
Oi tv Marshal.
HfliWH, November 17, I WW. U-17-et
Pr. W. S. Mott Will hereafter b
found la tho Drey block, 275 V4 Com
mercial street over Oregon Shoe
Co, Office telephone, 2931; real
dence phone. 2761. Offleo hours I
to 12. and 2 to C.
New Sweet Cider. Bend your order to
the nearest grocery, or call up
phone 421. Oldeon HloU ft Co.
Mrs. L. Campbell Doa dreesoiaklog
at her home, on the car line, near
the South Salem cemetery. Country
trade soUeiUrf. lHUm-d-w
W. Ci Calv'et, PraotlcairWatSKmiiwn
168 Stato street, makoa a specialty
of rppalrinfi watchos, clocks aaA
jdwdlry, arid guarantees good wortc
at reosonablo prices. 1M2-Iyr
Ferguion's Reatalirant 05 Stat
street. Opon day aud night vae
20c meals aro bettor than any 26o
hoiisb in tho stato. Six 20c meals
for $1.0,0; 21 20o moalsfor $3.Q2i,
. II Ml iiTmmBiH M
Valley lodge No, 18, A.O.U.'W.Moots
in tholr hall In Holman block, cor
ner Stato and Liberty, 6Tory,'jMfon
day ovonlnij. "Visiting,, broffiroa
wolsomo. Boy MCIntlro, M". W? A,
E. Aufranco, Recorder.
Central Lodge No. 18, K. of P. Castle
Hall In Holman block, corner Stat
and Liberty St. lMwdny of d?
week at 7t30 p. ui A. B. Strum
O. P., R. J. Fleming IC of R. and 8.
Foreetera of America Court She
ood ForoBtera No. 18. Meet WtU
day night In Tumor block. S, W
Mlnturn. O. R. A X. Brown, Beet,
Modern Woodman of America Ore
gon Codar Camp No. 6246. Meets!
orpry Thurtdoy evening at 8 o'clock
Holman Hall, Frank. A Turner, V
O.l A. L. Brtiwn. Olotk.
Protection Lodge No. 2, Ancient Of
dor United Workmen, moots every
Saturday oventnc in the Holm
Hall, cornor Stato and -Liberty
atroota. YlsIUng brethren woloom.
J. G. Graham, M. W. J. A Bellwoe4
Dre. M. T. Schoettle, Frank J. Barr
and Anna M, Dsrr. Graduates!
Amorlcan School ot Oitoopathy,
Klrksvltlo, Mo., auecoasors to Dr.
Grace Albright Ofilc hdUra 9 to
13 and 1:30 to 4:30 o'clock. Odd
Follows Toraple, Phone Main 37311
residence phone 2603 red.
Ryan's Shaving Parlors Sovon first
class bnrboro ongsgod. Finest bath
rooms In city. Wo use antiseptic
storllltors. J nyan, Proprietor.
Evan's Barber Shop Only first-class
shop on Slato stroot Evory thlaf
How and up-to-oato. Finest porce
lain baths. Shave, IBoj hMr-cut 25o
baths, 26c Two flrsbclaSS hoo
blacks. O. W, Evans,, proprietor.
Hop morchnnts, 07 tq 09 Stat
street, Salem, Orogon, Ropresonte4
by Jos. Harris.
WM. DROWN A CO. Hops.' Mohslr,
wool, hop growors' supplies. No,
229 Commorclal street, Salem, Ore
gon. Phono 1301.
SQUIRE FARRAR Hop merchant
and purchasing agent No. 31Qft
Commorclal street, upstairs, Sclera,
Oregon, rbono lflBl.
T. A. LIVE8LEY A CO. Dealora ia
hops and hop supplies, Phono 1211,
offlco room 18 Oborholm bide;, ga
lem, Oregon.
J. CARMIOHAEL Hon burar. Offlas
in Dush-nreyman building, Salea,
Orogpn. Saroitles of cholco hops so
llrltod from all growers.
CATLIN & LINN Hon buyors. Roots
8 DuBh-nroyman block, Salem, Ore-
rnono nai.
HUDDARD & CRO03AN Hop buy.
era. Itoom 2r Murphy block, Salem,
Orwcnn Tolonhnne No. 371.
For wator sorvlci apply at office,
dills payable monthly In advance.
Mae all complaint at the office.
Hop Wire Woven Wire Fencing.
Placo your orders now and get re-
duoed prlqos. Car of fencing to arrive
October 26th; car ot fonolng u No
vember. Wrlto and get prices.
CO Court St.. Salem, Or.
Successor1 p Vr J. M. Keener la
White Coruor, Saleni, Oregon. Parties
desiring suoorfor oporattons at mod
orat fee in any branch aro. In ospeclaV
Express and Transfer
Meets all mall anil sassettKer trains
RaKKsgo to all part or tho city.
Prompt servloe. Telephone No, 241,
Ilsndkerehlet Uc, Hook, for ehll
drnti, new thins in China, wire attain,
erfor euehleui.
The Variety Stoic
04 Court St. Annor M. Welch. Prop
203 Commercial Street
Regular Dinner at Noon 25c
Meals at all hours
Service a la Carte
E ECKBRLBN, Proprietc