) ' THE PAU.Y JOURNAL. AUBM,. OnptqtQ TUESDAY, NOVEMBER M, 1608. FIVfc The Connoisseur in Cut Glass. ' sae 3E vmrrw I'ww " GOOD MER NAMED FOR : MAYOR WM4MWMMsrtaMrMBifM . Uiooses Hawkes, in preference to any other. There is a daintiness of design, a clearness and beauty and brightness about Hawkes glass that is not found in quitethe -same per fection many other brand.. And yet it costs no more' than others. Of course.the price depends largely upon the elabor ateness of the design. We have, for instance, fruit bowls at all the way from $6 to 20; bon bon dishes from 52 25 to S8- SJSWPershakeis and salt cellars from 5c to2.50 each: and any number of other superb table pieces in wide vanety of price and design. For wedding gifts, what could be better chosen than a piece of Hawkes Cut Glass. &A' , MRAHM Frank W. Waters and Henry B. Thielsen Petitioned for i PRATUM SCHOOL PRESENf Hal Patton Gives the School a Splendid Dictionary A Flow of Language In His Speech That Made the Dictionary Rustle Its Leaves TBAIMI Corner State and Liberty Streets, Salem. mfr &a&&n- ij., r W'H-B 1 38 Ml H-frM"M-friHH I4 and ia looking after matters connected Social Realm! Local Events In thA f-frl'B 1 1 It IHHW III 8 1 1 it PER80NAL8. i . j. H ft. Sapplngton, of HUlsboro, Is In Salem. Fred Van Fatten wont to Gorvals this morning. Willis McBlroy was a passenger for, Bugono this morning. O. L. Starr, of Dallas, Is a business visitor In Salem today. s Dr. J. L. Hill, of Albany, was n Sa lem visitor this morning. Dr. Smith, of Jefferson, was a Sa lem visitor this morning. Roy. Wm, Coney returned last o& enlng from a visit to Albany. Mrs. C. H. Hingos went to Portland this morning for a brief visit. "W. Brundy, of Sprlngnold, is in tho city for a short business visit. Mrs. Edward Martin, of Tumor, is visiting friends in Salem today. S. T. Burroughs was a passongor for Gorvals on this morning's train. Sheriff Colbath wont to Sllvorton this morning on offlclal buslnoss. nobt. Potter, of Mncloay, has boon 111 several months, and Is not Improv ing. I Samuels, of Portland, is visiting tho local agoncy of tho Equltablo Llfo today. Geo. F Mason, of South Salem. who has been 111 several weoks, Is im proving. J. P. Soronson, of Portland, a land dealer, Is In. tho city, on business at tho capltol. ' Clydo Fulton, of Astoria, a brother of Sonalor Fulton, Is In tho city on legal business Judgo J. C. Moroland, of Portland, arrived in Salem last evening for a short business visit W. H. Rlnglo and I Muollor, of HUlsboro, arrived In Salem last ov enlng on business. Judgo G. P. Torrell was In Salem last evening, from Portland. He wont to Mehama today. Wm. Fabor, of Portland, was in Sa lem last cvonlng, going to tho north end of tho county -today. Col. C. A. Coggswoll camo up this morning fiom Portland, on business beforo tho stato land board. J. F. Stoiwor, of Joffereon, camo down last ovonlng for a visit with his mothor, Mrs. Frodorlck Stoiwor. II M. rtranson returned last ovonlng from a two wcoks' sojourn on his homestead on tho Sllotz reservation. Hon. J. M Hansbrough, of Rosa burg, arrived in the city last evening, with tho special session. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Homyor leave this afternoon for a Thanksgiving visit at CorvaiHs, J. D. Dohannon, the monument man, of South Salem, wont to Stayton this morning to erect a couple of monu ments, among them ono over tho gravo of tho lato Mrs. O. G. Schcll berg. Hon. and Mrs. F. I. Dunbar returned this morning from a visit to Portland. George Richter, of Portland, camo up this morning for a few days' visit with relatives, and to eat his Thanks giving turkey with his mother. 8outh Salem Personals. Mrs. W. H. Armstrong and llttlo sons, Carl and Edwin, wont to Albany today, and will spend Thanksgiving with Mrs. Paul Schmidt. Mrs. J. H. Robnott, of lone, and llttlo daughtor arrived In tho city to day, and will spond a fow days with her slstor. Mrst Frank nrowtv nrwi mother, Mrs. Sarah E. Murphyv Hor husband, Dr. J. H. Robnott, was re contly appointed physician at tho asy lum farm, whoro thoy will llvo. 0 For the People. Not wishing to see the producers of Eastern Oregon robbed of their only hope for lower freight rates the port, age railroad at The Dalles The Jour nal proposes to expose the scheme to sidetrack that enterprise. The grain growers of the great Co. Itimbla basin and the Inland Empire will get no relief until they get a state portage road, and there should be no fictitious or unnecessary delay about their getting it ..Read, The Journal exposure, and send the paper to some one who should be enlightened on Mils Im portant matter. Hundreds of copies of this issue go to business men and legislators and newpsapers all over the state, and we would like to hear from them. If The Journal Is mistaken in this matter It would like to be shown. If there Is another side to this mat ter let us havo It, and we will print It If the portage bill Is repealed a great permanent Injury will be done to East ern Oregon, and the whole state. Last Spring J. G. Graham, of this city, while at tho warehouse of bis Arm at Pratum, conceived tho Idoa that tho local Bch'ool should bo pro vided with an American flag, and con sequently, at tho closo of tho school, he formally prescnto' a beautiful flag, 9x12 feet and this was hoisted with appropriate ceremonies, Mr. Graham making tho address, nssistcd by Hal D. Patton, of this city. Tho latter at that time promised on sorao future oc casion to present tb tho school a dictionary. Accordingly, a fow days ano. Messrs. Graham and Patton ncaln drovo to Pratum, and after a short visit to tho school, Mr. Patton nro- sonted to the teachor, Miss Marguor- ito Potorson. ono of tho latest Wob. stor's unabridged dictionaries, in tho best binding. Mr. Patton mado n handsomio speech of presentation, and the children choorod him to tho echo, fully enjoying tho valuo of tho big volumo to tho school. Mr. Graham nlso addressed tho school, and those Additional Candidates For the Position of Aldermen in Several Of the Wards Last night two petitions woro start od for Republican candidates for mayor beforo tho Republican primar ies, to b$ hold Wednesday, Novem ber :tsh'. Ono petition, with tho requisite number of namos has been filed for H. D. Thiolscn, who conducts nn In surance, real cstato and loan ofllco, at 230 Commorclal streot, and resides on Court street Tho Bocond petition is for Frank W. Waters, who has served in tho city pouncil, and conducts tho Salem Ab stract & Land Company, In tho First National Dank building. Ho resides on Capital street Both gontlomen are -citizens of tho uignosi character, and olthor ono would mako a compctont mayor of Groator Salem If elected. Tholr names will bo submitted to a direct voto at tho Republican prlmarlos. More Names for Aldermen. Petitions havo beon flled for It A. Crossan In the second ward and J. F. Goodo In tho flfth ward, subject to tho 3 School doors will swing open on Wednesday aid hundreds o! happy youths will be turned loose for tho holidays, with books in hand that wilt not bo touched till Monday, and mladi fall of vhtonsot turkey and thoughts of an all too short toaioa of freedom and fun. IITn't forgotten I that bw 9H for yonr boy, hayo yon? Bitter lot hta haft It to wear p0 u ThankBlvlj,wheftOtborsar4droise(i In ttiolr beat. He'll look better g for it, aad bo better too. Don't bettors it? Thn you've not studied these $ boy natures. Tti, It adds Immensely to a boy's ael(-repect and dignity to be clothed like a llttlo gentleman, Got Woolen Mifl Salts for Boys havo been tested (or 12 yean and in almost evtry home ta the csntraLWlU Ismette Valley and nobly have thoy stood the test. Those who've seea our present line will tell yoa that such an aisortnont you'll not find ho whoro (or milee around In fact, our stock this seami Is nearly twice as $ m Christmas Buying Is 80 hard and distasteful when one does tint knnw uh in Jut when you enter our store von win find it but on easy muter to make yourseleetions. We have presents for every member A m of the family from the little inexpensive raeaentoes that cost 2 but a mere trifle to the richer and more excenslve gifts, besides we wish It understood our stock Is marked at very popular Aft " Pattern's Book Siote. All kinds of atringB for guitar, violin, banjo, mandolin or-any other string in strument Call on W. Calvot, practic al wntebmakor, 1C8 Stato street cod Ovarian hoadachos aro not difficult to rullovo oeteopatbically Drs. Schoettlo, Ban & I3arr. Osteo paths. Grand Open House. Salem. Or tKmtKSt two gontlomen hnvo n warm placo In tho hearts of tho children of Prntam. Mr. Graham on ono occasion offered a pnzo ror mo uost composition on Mongolian phoasnnta Tho prlzo wn warmly contested for. Anothor prize was offered on Mr. Graham's last vlii- it, Abraham Lincoln bolng tho subject of the essays to bo prepared by the pupils, and tho contest is bolng par tlclpated In by a numbor of tho pupils. All kinds of repairs for musical In struments. Call at W. Calvet, practic al watchmaker, 158 Stato stroet eod The Ladles of the Christian Church. Will bo supplied with a Thanksgiv ing market, whore tho beat can bo obtained for your Thanksgiving dinner. Seo D. A. White's feed store window, 301 Commercial street. Wed nesday only. A clear Havana 12'jc cigar. For sale by all dealers. Aug Hucken stein, Manufacturer, Salem, Oregon. Time is Precions And so Is a rollable timepiece. Watchoa and clocks' purchased at C. T Ponvoroy's aro always accurate time-keepers, and roqulre the least re pairs, with ordinary careful usage . They can always be depended on. We are selling a Waltbam or Blgln move ment in a 20-year gold filled oae at 112 50 We can furnish any styfc of , ensa. C. T. POMEROY Jeweler and Oplioikn, 3S8 Com. Sc One little group of supplies, Schilling's Beit lea bUnf powdtr ceOM fltreri( uuta makes no trouble to you or your grocer. Moncyback. mUtt ooa direct 'primary Wednesday. Drlnging out Wntors for mayor makes It nccossary to soloot a now ma for nldorman In that ward, as Iiq has already been petitioned for that ofllco. The Direct Primary. Undor tho direct primary plan of making nominations thoro will bo no Republican city convention, but all candidates will bo chosen by a direct voto on tho Australian ballot plan at primnrips hold In ench ward, tho cnll for which Is printed In this popor. Un der this arrangement It takes only tho signatures of flvo citizens to bring out any man in the ward for aldorraan and submit his name to a nonulsr voto. In splto of this a few wards aro still without candidates, but tho tick ets will probably bo filled beforo to morrow at 3 p. m . whuu the voting begins. All the nominations for aldarmsn In this, afternoon were as follows; First ward No nomination. Second ward It. A. Crossan. Third word Gideon fitols, Iin Owi ner. Fourth ward Frank Hwersox, Frank Hughes, Chns. Ooodale. Fifth ward Geo. H. Jacobs. J. W. Young, J. F Goode. Sixth ward H. C Churchill. One J yet o noralaate. i large as (or any prevloiB aeaaon. Ilere's tho way thoy run,: Children's Stilts $ t. 50, to $7.50, Yootlts' Soils $5 to rwrr Children Cxritna4rn 'oaallalseaand .' M and Youths' VCTCOatS nCU nrlcea Salem WoolenMill Store 0. P. Bishop. Proprietor. KTra4M4aHTHgtt4KBW3fta-ra i! ji. ij. ii ii ii ii H Seventh wnrd A. Vass, Fred Hunt. Other petitions aro still out. Tho Republican city committee meets this evening, and will arrango for printing a ttakot for each ward. Say, Misses, Don't You Know That you can't gel a good Thanks giving dinner unless you havo rood grocortos. Now Just go to IJranson & Ragan's and seo what thoy can do for you. If your watch needs repairing bring It to W. Calvot 168 State street, prac tical watchmaker, who will repair it In on artistic manner. cod Oysters 1 Oyotera! For oysters go to Strongs RosUiU rant Lost. Two diamond glass cuttors. to llrown & Lehman. Return It i . Put In Your Order For Pumpkin Pies for Thanksgiving T EXTRA QUALITY. MADE FRESII EVERY OTHER DAY. J3t At the California Bakery. A X ASSOCIATION NIGHT SCHOOL X X tWT STUDENTS ENTERING DAILY PRACTICAL SUBJECTS: BEST TEACHERS: SMALL COST. CytanaslBB, Baths. Resilosr Roots. Library ia CoofltcHaa. Y. M. C A.-CoamercUl aad Caeaeketa St$. P&one 2081. Catalog tout Have You Seen The Bargains At the groat salo, Mi) Slate Street? They Ate Waiting Fot You Ovorooals that wo warrant jjlvoyou flood wear Punts Kuarunteod not to np nor tar, Fringes and pawomntrie, jot Irimmiog and lac, Anything from a pin to a droso suit caso. UmbrollaK and gum boots for the mud and the rain, Dollar shirts for half, sweaters at iho same, Uatsand tluosuiU that will lit you bo noat, Corseta for 15, good underwoar otioap. One rnoro short month and wo olose thia great aalo. Why not bo wise and the bargains availT Whon there are goods that you nood in our line, Just follow up Stato Street to 140. S. Friedman gmTmtiiiniiiniiiiHHnrmTrmrmTfrq Don't Wait Until the man offers to BUY your land; get your Title Straight Now 8hot at tho Danker, 1ondon, Nov. 24. A man bollovod to bo Insano mado an nttorapt this morning to nsBasnlnato Konnotb Qra ham, socrotnry ot tho Unuk ot 15ng land, tiring four Ineffoctlvo shots. Ho was arrested aftor a norco tight Tho attack on Graham occurrod in tho library ot tho bank, Tho assailant Is y Londoner named Robinson, Ills Insanity tnkoa tho form of roballlon ngnlnst thu unequal distribution ot wealth. PEnaONALS. J. W. MoKlnhuy, of Tumor, wan la tho city today, 11. W. Smith, ot Tumor, is spondlng the day In Halom. Miss Miller Dead. Miss Maud Mlllor, daughtor of Mr. and' Mrs. A. A. Mtltur, on ftoilth Liber ty stroet. who has boon un Invalid for throe years, dlod at noon today. And this la Gotham's nineteenth annual horse Bhow. Ape does not wither or custom stnlo Its yqruo. ' MM. " "H'lJ Then there is no de lay when you want to SELL You may THINK your title is PERPECT. Do you KNOW il is? I Salei Abstract i and Land Co. l 1 F.W. WATERS, Mgr. lUUiUi Emuiiii 4UgStOC(MgH)l(t)f 3 Hard ! Wheat i ; Flout ; i Only $t.t5 per sack;: j The famous unexcelled ; Peacock Brand of (lour. ' ! The finest flour ever sold ; ; r in the city. Try it once, 1 1 We will sell to you again. ; j f D. A. White Bt Son t Feedmen and Seedsmen ! ! 301 Com'l St. Salem, Oregon. ; ; - ;; mustifrtu t 9t ( lH6lf KfMT'f f lf lIOHHg ji A Grand Clean-up I Our entire stock of Shoes and Rubber goods to be sold at sacrifice prices in order to adjust o.urnew goods. Bargains for all. call early and get the cream of it. P. Manfred I Successor to Jacob Yogt 265 Commercial Street il fell I MHHMtiH4ftmt!tt8mt -Mi. Ju