The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, November 24, 1903, Page TWO, Image 2

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    "r,r' fr-
I' '
-JL. .
tiorlpps Newa Association Teieorama.
8 and O'clock Edition.
;,j.. -,,h
ally One Year, 94.00 In Advancs.
Daily Three Month, tl.00 In Advance,
ally by Carrier, BO Centa Per Month.
Weakly One Year, $1.00 In Avanoa.
'5e!Pok : : ..... 10
JaAMontt 85
TIh5o Mouths. 1.00
At Daue'a Grocery, South Salem.
-At Bowereox Grocery, Yew Park.
.Asylum Avenue Grocery Qtoro.
ffelectrlo Grocery, East State 8L
B W . r
J " '' 4 , 'f-M .'..
The Weather.
TdiTgTil aul' Tuesday, occasional
The Golden 8talr.
Tut away Uio littlo playthings
That Uio darling used to wear,
13ho will neod thorn on earth nover
:Sho bos climbed Uio goldon stair;
JSho la with tho happy angola,
jJljftd'g' long for hbr swbH kiss,
"Whoro her littlo foot aro waiting
Mn tho realm of ttorfoct bllsu.
Taj- asldo (tor littlo playthings
"Wot with " moUiors pearly tears
llavr wo shall miss littlo Nolllo
.AH Uio coming, weary years!
Fold Uio dainty littlo drosses
That alio novor moro will woar,
For her littlo foot aro waiting
Up ahovo tho golden stair.
ltls tho littlo curly tresses .
"ut from her bright, goldpn hair
D9 Uio angola kiss our darling
In tho realm 00 bright and fair?
U wp pray to moot our darling
HJpj a long, long swoot embrace,
"WOj-olio ll,tt)o foot aro waltfng
.And wj meet hor faco to face.
W. D. Smith.
Thoro ifro Indications that tho spo
cial 'ibsslon will last tho full twenty
vdn'B pornltlod by tho constitution,
"jioro Vlli bo a fight f6rcod by tho
opponents of a atato partago railroad,
In tho tntorcsts of tho big corpora
tions. 'Thoro ts liability of action bolng un
tlortakon for tho protection of the
shippers ami manufacturers In tho
.ihnttor of car shortaga.
-Other mattora of lraportanoo will
probabyl bo sprung and takon up, and
If thoro Is anything In tho signs ol
the tlmos It Is qulto likely Uiat'the
loglslnturo cannot bo held down to two
pr throo days.
Tho legislature Is a sovorolgn body,
and uo ono can Bay unto It, thus far
hnd no farther,
Tho governor Iioh shown hlmsolf
flrmly against a protracted session,
and ninny of tho luumbors bavo so ex
prossod thomsolvos. Hut tho fact re
innlus that tho tendency will bo to
toko) up matters that cannot bo dis
patched rapidly from tho naturo and
Importance of tho subjects Inrolvod.
H may be out of order to sny on tho
two of tho city election to the gentle
men cundldutea that tho people want
mora light.
A wolMlghtod capital city la a ne
cessity to the state and to the public
Spirit and prldo of the people of this
Thoro should bo moro light In tho
"old elty, and a few judlolously placed
In tho suburbs as soon as It can pos
.alhly bo nrraugod.
More lights means that the streets
and all proporty will he safer, there
will be more Intercourse among the
people, and moro attoudanoo on public
Thar should bo a few more lights
un Commercial street, In the main
liuslnusH part of town, or tho present
llghta should be of more cnndlo pow
er. A man ran hardly be seen across
tho streets In many places.
Thero should be a few lights placed
Jti etu'h of the unburn. If this ennnot
he dune out of preteut revenues. It
ymuld ,l better to have the IlKhts this
winter h few months, and cut them ofi
next summer.
UiVtit la tUe Ufe of a city. Ut
Kfeep a doctor in
the house. Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral
Tt rrlric f'Miv.?
.ivsi Vdij.vtr w
there bo a Httlo,mbr6 Hgfitt Whore
thoro is a will Uiero Is 'a way toigot
llghE .'
Burglars' Harvest Time.
"Bunny," bald Raffles, tho gentleman
cracksman, as ho took off htehlghgllfc
uio ami smooinca dock nis prcmaiure
ly whlto locks, "Dunny, this strlko Is
cortalnly a tapioca for us. Just think
of It, all Uio cops In town segregated
along ono thoroughfare, leaving us to
roam merrily around tho rest of the
town and kcop everything that don't
fly out ojf'our pockoi."
Tljo reason for RaDles' gleeful com
ment wds a little ndventuro wo had
last nlghL Wo Just arrived horo
from dear old Lunnon, whoro the po
lice haVo boon getting top nctlv'o slace
I took to literature as a sldo Una The
Chicago police aro different. Thoy
sloop, whllo wo work.
Well, anyhow, wo wont out on a
gontlomanly littlo rdventuro In ulf
ovonlng dross strictly a gentleman's
affair and, prying open tho wlndpw.
of a swoll Hydo Park shack, wo wont
In and commenced inspecting tho sil
verware, to sco If It had been smug
gled Into this country. About that
ilmo tho old comedfan who Hve'd thoro
opened a window upstairs and com
menced to air his volco with loud
crloa for police
When wo heard him Rafllcs and I
JuBt lay down on tho floor and scream
ed with laughter It was too funny
to think of tho man's rfbsurdness.
And Wontworih. miles away.
Aftor wo had rocovorcd from our
gloo enough to All Uio suit cases wo
hnd brought for tho purpose, wo stop
ped out lntho front yard and lookod
tip at tho old follow, who' was bollowi
Ing away.
"Rack to tho feathdrs, old Bcout,
thoro'll bo no' strlko settled tonight,"
said Radios.
"You stand and yoll for principle
Wo will walk."
With this witty paraphraso wo
walkod leisurely to our swoll apart
ments, sovornl mjlos away, mooting
no cops on routo. Intor Ocean.
Wants tlie
Editor Jeurnal: What Is tho plat
form of Uio city govornmont of or
ganized parties? On what system do
thoy proposo to lmprovo and tsxpand?
If you can And space in Tho Jour
nal, plcaso glvo mo tho Information.
Why not havo Iho inltlallvo and
referendum, or tho pooplo make thp
city laws and oxecuto thorn?
I favor tho man or party who will
mako tho govornmont of tho pooplo
tholr main plank or platform. There
nan beon a lot said about tho prosont
wator supply of this city of late. I
favor tho olty ownorshlp of It; then
If wo bring disease and death on us
wo will only havo to blamo oursolvos.
Wo woro forced in this Incorpora
tion with about 05 per contf of tho
votos against It. I don't llko a mi
nority rulo In nny part of a ropubllc.
Tho uoonor wo como to tho principle
of our Amorlcnn Ideas tho bettor. Lot
us adopt tho Initiative, and roforon
dtim. stand together and build up our
oity. CITIZEN.
Rare Volumes to be Sold.
Collectors of raro bonks have of
fered to thorn till 8 week an unusual
opportunity for adding to tholr treas
ures. Ono of tho booths of tho College
bazaar, to bo given In the rooms of
the woman's club. Fine Ars building,
Friday and Saturday, by tho V.i3ar
Alumuno association, Is to bo devoted
to the sale of a collection of 160 auto
graph volumes, porsonnlly contributed
by tho writers.
Among the authors represented are
Lyman Abbott, Arthur T. Hadloy,
Kdwnrd Uvvratt Hal. Seton-Tjtomp-son.
Thomas Nelson Page. Dr. Van
DyUo. Jane Addams, and Dr. Gun
Baultis. Chicago Is still further rep
resented by Mrs. Nellie Jvlpzle Gar
don's tales of tlio city's pioneer days
tfrunklin Head's. . sketches for the
Historical society, Ii Frank Hauni's
portrayal of the children's fatrytand.
and Oeorse Ade's fables. In some
oases a personal reflection nccompen
tea tint autograph, and to Set on -
ThempeoH's name "Johnny Hear" lulitu
hie footprint.
The difficulty of obtaining hooka
which carry with thein the charm of
aseectaUoti with their authors iHdl
rates that this Wooth w be most
attractive to book lovers.
nil 0 1
Please not that the polo season has
started. When the baaebaH player
appropriated Memorial Day. and the
football enUiuelaste made Thanksgiv
ing their qwh. we still had an old
fashioned Christmas to fall back on.
I)ut Uint Is annexed now by the polo
Let not the college studeat despair
who la too frail to Join the gridiron
squad. Thero la awlays a good ohaaoe
for him to get slaughtered during a I
fraternity Initiation.
Ex-President Thiel-
sen's Report fllafte
Shows That the Organization
Has Accomplished Some
Grand Results In
two Years
At tho meeting tonight of tho Great
or Salem Commercial Club tho annual
roport of tho presldept will bo made,
Uio full text of this important docu
ment being given below.
A committoo to whom was given
Uio mattcf of drawlnfe' ip"a roport oh
tHO aflegcd car shortage on tho So'uth
ora Paclflc will roport. Tho commlti
teo is composed of Jus. M. Kyle, Fred
Steusloff and John Dayne.
Tho mattor of a motor line to Che
mawa, referred to a committoo of
Mayor Bishop, John II. Albert and E.
A. Poarco will .probably" como up as
woll as' other Important matters, and
thoro should bo a good attendance of
public-spirited citizens.
President Thlelsen's Report
"To tho Membors of tho Greator Sa
lem Commercial Club:
"During tho two years this club
has boon In oxlBtonco, much has been
accomplished for tho advancement of
Salem and vicinity, through tho com
bined efforts of ofllcors and members
of tho club. 'Lost wo forget,' It may
bo woll to recall somo of theso things
to your memory, and at Uio same ttmo
draw your attention to somo other
things Uiat may bo done for our city
by Uio Incoming administration, pro
vided you bnck them up by' tho proper
"Almost tho first matter to be
brought to tho attontion of the club
was to assist In demonstrating that
flax could bo grown hero for its fibre
at a profit to tho growor and manufac
turer. It has now been demonstrated
by two years' of oxporlmont that this
can bo dono, and Mr. Dossc and his
associates aro preparing to establish
plants for retting and scutching flax,
and so soon as enough fiber can bo
produced to kcop a mill employed
thoy will orcct a linen mill at some
point to convert tho fiber Into Hnon. If
tho club "had succeeded In doing noth
ing moro than this In two years, the
tlmo and all ' tho money would have;
been well spent, and It Is the duty of
this organization to encourage tho cul
turo of flax and to seo to It that the
linen mill is located hore, and nooth
or place.
A request from tho club Induced
tho Southern Pacific Company to oroct
a noat passongor shed and waiting
room at tho stato fair grounds, which
action hna beon groatly appreciated
by tho patrons of tho company during
thoso wlntor rains.
"Fooling tho need of propor' Immi
gration lltoratu ro, tho propor bureau
compiled an excollont paraphlat, the
unlqm covor of which has made. the
'Adam and Evo, Oregon' prfniphlot
known over tho ontlre Eastern coun
try; flvo thousand copies of this woro
printed by Uio club, and later, at, the
solicitation of tho Immigration bureau
of tho Harrlman roads, the Biibject
mattor having beon revised, 100,000
copies woro glvon to this Immigration
bureau for distribution. Tho club If
about out of pamphluta for their own
uso and for tho use of tho Oregon In
formation Bureau, whoso headquarters
aro at tho' union depot In Portland. I
! think the lltoraturo furnished to this
bureau does us fully as much good as
any that 'Is distributed through any
other channel, and should be kept sup
Fur several years Salem has be;m
called upon by the Stato Hoard of Ag
rlrulture to furnlsn special attractions
for Salem dny at the state fair, pnd
j through tho efforts of the old chamber
1 of commerce, and later of Uits club,
their requirements have betn fairly
well met. mll this year, whon wr
were called upon to subscribe $1000.
N"I flnd this entry upon the journal
uf December 10. of last year 'The
president reported to the club that tin.
president and secretary of the Oregon
state fair had met the executive com
mittee of this club on the morning of
this day, and had ashed that the c'ubi
endorse, and prepare for. the subscrip
tion of n puree of $1000. In behalf of
the Greater Salem stake to be run for
at the state fair of 193, and. after duq
discussion, it was ordered that the no
tinn of the executive committee In
entertaining the proposition be, aud
tho same is, hereby ratified, and the
elub stands pledged ot the raising of
said purse for 1903.
"Tho olub being at that time en
gaged in tho fcadeator to raise funds
for Uio 100,000 pamphlets, it was not
docmod advisablo to do anyhtng for
thn'nnmn nnUl'lfttor." and tho commit
tcoayln thojimattor infiand .falling.
to do anything unui the weoK or we
fair, I regret to say, that thoy were
not ablo to ralso from our citizens
oren half of tho amount pledged. This
is tho only occasion whero Uio good
faltlj f tho club in keeping its en
gagements could bo called in quesUon.
anil I am informed there Is much dls
satisfaction among tho members of
tho stato board of agriculture at Uio
non-fulflllmcnt of our pledge, and I
would recommend that this mattor be
taken up with them by Uio secretary,
and, If our explanation Is not suffi
cient, to soo what can bo dono to sat
isfy tho board, as Uio stato fair, under
Its" present management, is too valu
ablo to us to allow any doubt as to
SaicmTs loyalty to tho fair and the
stato board of agriculture.
"I congratulate Uio elub upon hav
ing alilcd In Uio extinguishment of the
debt o( Willamette University. A,
lafgo number of pledges having been
obtained by tho University, condl
tloned upon Uio amount being raised,
to retire tho ontlro Indebtedness by a
specified Umo, wero about' to lapse by
expiration of tlmo limit, being applied
to by President Coleman, who asked
tho assistance of tho club a commit
too was appointed by whoso enorgetlc
efforts and Uio liberality of our citi
zens, tho amount was raised to free
tho InsUtutlon of debt. Dut fow of
our citizens ,reallzo tho commercial
valuo of Uio University and tho vari
ous business colleges, and private
schools of our city, to say nothing of
tho advantago to tho cause of educa
tion and culture,
"Not tho least of the achlovomonts
of tho club has been tho adoption of
tho amendments to Uio old charter and
tho oxtenslon of Uio corporato limits
of tho city. Tho Initiative In this
movemont was takon by this body,
heartily responded to by tho city
council and progrosslvo clUzena I ro
grot Uiat this, oncountored tho strong
opposition of somo of cur loading citi
zens, but I am suro that tlmo will dem
onstrate Uio Importance of bringing
tho legitimate territory of Salem
within tho control of tho health, po
lio ennd flro departments of tho city.
"By direction of th"o club, tho execu
tive committoo had a map prepared
for tho uso of our congressional dele
gation, showing tho continued and se
rious erosion of tho w'est bank of tho
river opposite tho city, and tho serlcus
encroachment of tho gravol bar upon
our harbor. Encouragement has boon
hold out to us by membors of tho dele
gation that we may reasonably expect
relief through tho govornmont, and
tho delegation would do tholr best to
secure It for us.
"A n!d-8iimmor carnival was held
horo during tho week ending July 4th
This involved a vast amount of work
at tho hands of tho secretary and hie
various Biib-coramlttces. It brought a
largo numbor of people In from thr
country and nearby towns, and tho ex
collont music and clover entertain
ments wero greatly onjoyed by our
citizens. While It failed to add anv.
thing to tho funds of tho club, wo had
at least Uio satisfaction of knowing
that no call was mado upon tho Guar
antee fund.
"Through tho exertions of a com
mltteo of tho club, a contract has beon
entered, Into with Captain SkJnnoM
whoroby tho latter will buljd a boat,
and oporato the same botwoon Tndo
pondenco and Salem, which will con
diico to a much larger travol and clos
er, relations between our city and Uiat
thriving city of Pltk.
"Those aro among tho moro Import
ant achievements of tho club, though
a host of minor matters havo had at
tention. "Among tho most Important of the
matters I would commend to your at
tention is tho problonu of securing
(Continued on third pago.)
It tho nioet longed-for de
,lre of o v o r r woman.
ble know w ht a power
ful ma to Utiuty It U
and eotludTora to irikj
br own a soft. gi'y
snd thick iu rotoiUc
CUnpaiaurely lew cf
them ana aw aro as y t
lbt Nwbro' l(i-rj.u . V ,
a rtokot Mduvimi dia
rawy, will enable th n
to iv&m haxr ai U.i K
and luxuruot m anjtao
OnuM Joire.
It tturk Q a Dew the
ert of ttctrmmg the
tponn tnat (J uk the
, kair root and thuj mak-
iwuaiHirun noa i-'iig-halr
Impos' We t then
pronMdt to trod'jftt a
wowth ol tliltfc, gtesiy
hatr tbat xn U-cooi,j
Uu (iriJe ot iu owner
jQuo trial will convince
OLxaa oaua cronas.
per sale by Daniel J. Fry. Bnd 10
n.nia In atfiniUB far taniala la Tha
HereM Ca, Detrelt, MUh.
Introductory Sale
- To Introduce the New Firm We Will Sell
New Pillow Tops and Backs at 25c a set.
New Cords, extra heavy, Sansilk covered 10c yd,
Filo Silk, best brands. 3 skeins for 10c.
Spatchel work, new designs, doilies, Center iej
Rounds, and Squares, Bureau Scarfs, Stand Covers andPill"
Meats and Provisions
Established 1884
A Condition and not a Theory
Confronts tho fastidious man that
has soiled lluon, and don't know
where ho can havo It laundered with
out Injury and In an Irreproachable
manner. We can relieve his mind
right now by assuring him ' that bis
shirts, collars and cuffs didn't look
better when first purchased than they
do when sent home from the
Salem Steam Laundry.
Phone 411. 320 Liberty 8t
W-l CM tMOtJ I
Oats For Sale.
HOP GROWERS SUPPLIES. Crude and stick Sulphur.
I J. U. Uranam, Agent, 207 Commercial St.. Salem, Ore.
HCg8fcKtHhHleiWiag'yf" 11
MMBsiJifii: I ffr Infants and Children
siii)JtaUiiiwiwmumcgi'iQ-1 .- S
BflMtStonndsoMBOTrolaof JJeaTS tll6 t
Eg 1 Signature W
I Promotes DigcslioivCliecrfgr- Jf fjf
nriaaandResLConluinsnelllicr n MkRiW
S OpfataCMorpliutc norMfitcrdl. W VI 1-M'
I 2iox"NA3tcoTic. LiV!
I jtoafetCOrSiNVllPtTaati H 1 l
ApettedTkraodyforConaUpa- If (V "O"
Hc4i,SourStomachwDiarrhoca I kj
WbNnsonvulsions.Ftevorish- U Wf !. Rliim.
nrafl and Loss or Sleep. B V lUr Uful
TacSimib Signature or H
tms eCNTHun aoMMN ' mwroRicrnii
All New Goods at Introductory Pricps; ;
Rostein & Greenbaum
302 Commercial Street
Signs of Renewed Activity
In tho roal estate world ladlcall W
creasing building operation! v.
Sprlnc, an prompt us to remladrt
that our facilities for supplying M
and' soft wood, lumber, lath, "hj
and- othor building matorlsli 1
ceptlonally good. We will be p!j
to furnlBh estimates on eonuw
larco or smalL A car of MM i
shingles received.
, . ... Near 8. P. Pu M
Phone C51.
wS&fffi. -v
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