6 "TV" "V n " fc . M,& .- DAILY '' yfS A 4 r' &mffrm f,?l 'Iwl-lwrS: JOURNAL,: Evou xiil 3 SALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1903. T P'f?i ATION FIGHT ON POR TAGE RAILWAY eatest Fight of the Special Session to Be the Re the $165,000 Bill ' La of i a y ,.' V ( iCHEME TO DELAY INDEFINITELY THE OPENING OF THE UPPER COLUM BIA RIVER BASIN amies and Sliippef s of the Inland Empire and Real Friends of , Portland Should! Resist tfeet Haf titnan Combination Oregon Podtceffs Should Sect e Ptffelic Owiesfip of tf&e State Postage Railway and Not fee Left to the WLetcy of a Canal That Can Be Strangled in Congress at Any Time by the Corporations. The greatest fight In the) coming session of the leQlslature will not be' rover the assessment and taxation law, but for the repeal of the State 'ortage Railway at The Dalles! The Oregon Railway & Navigation Company Is fighting the state In Its efforts to relieve the farmers and shippers of the Columbia basin and ints the State Portage Bill repealed. Pledges are being secured from members of the legislature In advance of the session to secure the repeal of the Portage Commission bill and the Expropriation of $165,000 A8 A MEASURE OF ECONOMY AND TO Rave the taxpayer. hhe state Is up against Xhe O. R. & N. Co. In trying to get right of way for the Portage road, tho big corporation having tracks that are In the way and must be moved to let the state portage through. On pretense that tho federal government will build a canal twelve miles long and costing $4,500,000 and relieve the farmers of the great Columbia pasln, the state Is asked to abandon Its portage railroad, and leavo the producers and shippers to tho tender mercies of the Hanrlman syndicate Rhtll they get ready to complete the twelve mile rock-canal. country to sea level at Portland and Astoria. This proposition was bo fa vorably received that It passed' tho Portland Push for Repeal. Isonator Hunt, of Portland, was In 4o city looking after some mattora connection with tho special Besslon expressed himself aB opposed to cmflnlng tho session to tax legtsla- on. Foremost ho montI6ned tho re il of tho Stato Portage Itnllroad np )prlaton of $105,000 mado at thr session. LTho Portland delegation have bon (pressing thomsolvos'ln favor of ro iling tho law proposed to build una trato a stato portage railroad at JSb Dalles, similar to the one built tho stato undor the Pennoyer nd- mistration at tho Cnscado Locks. i now portago railroad If built by 'UKSstato as proposed by tho last leg Lfrora Lewiiton, on Snake tlvor, In Idaho, and permit continuous rtilp- bnta from.' all tho Uppor Columbia lant legislature almost without oppo sition Now It Is demanded It bo re pealed. WHY? What Has Been bone. The State Portago Hallroad Com- I mission Is composed of the Governor, Sjecrstarjr of Stato and Treasurer They have spoilt 12500 In making surveys and have bogun condemna tion proceedings to got tho right of way, bringing .notion through tho At torney General. They ran against the O. U. & N. Co. that Is resisting the building of the State Portago Rail way, anil Attorney Genoral Crawford has a suit pending boforo Circuit Judge Bradshaw at The Dalles Febru ary te.TO of court, with W. W. Cotton, attorney for tho O. R. & N. on the nMit)Hnaiiigitatstg A Cash Store Charges You Only for the Goods You Get Apffl4H CtnrA charges you for the oods VjIuIU OlUIC you get and lor things your i neighbor got and failed to pty for. Then you have to pay for all of the extra expense connected with the credit business. Try a Cash Store Once fKTfiK there, that s been tne experience 01 uiuumhusui v.10 'toniers who deal with THE NEW YORK RACK w Salem's Cheapest One Price Cash Store. nt,0.c Dnhhpr Rnnts. Hnck CoatS. Riif.k ftrsf Rubber Coats. 0 vercoats,.Cloth- iner Umbrellas, Shoes. totst Dry Goods Department has be. n the talk of the lvw . wi?. ii,. ,;nht annAa We rut the town this year. wciuvc...c ,6,bw - regular store proiiismiwu oUier Bldo. Tho Btato offorcd to set tle with Uio corporaUon on nny reo- sonnblo terms, but as usual tho cor poration prefers to litigate and bloc!; tho stato portago. Tho Stato Por tago Commission havo' fully dono their duty In tho mattor and will win out If tho special sosslon, doos not re peal tho bill. Tho Stato Portugo wfll got tho right of way, unless tho act under which tho commission ia proceeding Is repealed. WHO WANTS IT REPEALED? A. CorporaUon Fight. Tho Portland Oregoulan whoso ed itor, If not & director, Is a "closo til Ileum" of tho corporation that Is re sisting tho state portage, Is making a grand-stand display of alleged op position to tho portag) rallwny. It Is parading tho proposed government ship canal thai Ib to cost four and a half millions. It Is aslcod that nil proceedings for a stato portage mil road be suspended; that Uio law ere' atlng tho Stato Portage commlBtlon and appropriating the money to build the portage be repealed; that mem bers of the legislature pledge them selves to that as a measure of econ omy. It Is incidentally stated that the grand canal proposed by tho tov ornment might be completed In five years; that all the money will be forthcomlHg, and that there is ioth Ing In tho way of this great or tor prlio for the relief of the farmers and shlpitera of tho Columbia basin. The great plea put forth for Immedi ate cessation of work on the stato portage sounds nice, but has a sus pIclotM odor, and If (he Oregonian succeeds In having the law repealed . that paper would be entitled to the everlasting gratltudb of the O. It. & N. Co., and It Is not genornlly paid In resolutions of Uinnks. What a State Portane Did, The state built one Utile portage road at the Cascade under the Pen noyer administration that cost fGfi. 000 and it saved the farmers more than that amount the first year It was operated. The government canal at the Cos cade looks, that had boon dragging along for fifteen years was rushed (c a flnUfo. as tho-eontraetara had no fur tbtr graft In delaying the const mo tion. The UUle state paring at Uw Cas cade lock was a eM that gave tin .amier protection ami they were in central of the situation. A far at the laJlueitee of the state portage ex tended freight rates weat down an J wheat price went up. Where the InHiieace of the etaf portage stopped the freight went MJ. and wheat went dowa, schedule form lug aogebacfe at a poll half way from Tho Dalles to Pendleton, where thoy wore forcod into competlUon with tho Northern Paolflc. Tho of fuct of n second stato portago railroad would bo folt by tho Bhlpporo and producers to tho head of navigation on ho Columbia and Snako rivers to Lowlston. What Repeal Means. Aro tho men of Eastern Oregon ho oaally deceived that tboy will bo led Into abandoning tholr hnrd-fcarncd victory for a Btato portago on the wheozy promise of a government ca nal that mUst bo dug through colli! rocks and shifting Bands for twolrc mllosT It Is not certain that congress will grant tho rest of the monoy needed, Tho government work is at tho morey of dolnys by contraotora and ongl iioors, by tho war department, by poll tlclnns.Snd will bo constantly delay ed by corporation!). Ropcnl tho stato portago hill and you tlo up tho farmers and ehlppors rf 1-Jaatorn Oregon for at leant tun years and probably twenty years. Tho only appropriation now avalln bio for tho government canal Is whftt was left of tho old Dolph ship rall wny Bchemo, that drnggod along for twenty years and gavo no rollof. Tho proposition to repeal tho state portago railway hill 1b n doublo-shot-ted Bohomo to contlnuo tho block gaino that koepn tho producora and shippers from gottlng tho bonout of walor compotltlon1. THE PEOPLE SHOULD' FIQHT THIQ 3CHEME DECAU8E THE PHE TEN8E OF QAVINO. MONEY FOR THE TAXPAYER8 18 A FRAUD. THE PRETEN8E THAT THE FARMERS DO NOT NEED THE PORTAQE ROAD BECAUSE THERE: WILL DE A GOVERNMENT CANAL DUILT 18 A FRAUD. THE DU8INEB8 MEN AND FARM ER8 OF THE COLUMPlA BASIN (CoHllnuod from pago sir.) E. T. BARNES, Proprietor I , J 11 S iiaif ICiaUfflilfrtKrrf1" urni tiS State St. Phone 1W1 Malik Made Today I Chocolate Caramet. Ohwietatfl Chew. Ohoeolate Wafers. Pepper I hjIbu. Chocolate Wafer WistergreesB, , Walnut Top Chocolate Cream, Fig feeuter Choeotete OraR, Peppermint Wafers. Wintergreen Wafew. Log Cabia Creams, at Otir Store Will Be Closed All Day Thursday It's Out Intention -That every -customer shall receive fall value for every dollar scent under our roof. Wo value the enduriov appreciation of those who transact tmslaess with us. We sell etwd reliable goods at Just and honest prices An examination of ourstockwlll readily orove this. Tomorrow Only Wednosdny ia our rogular weekly aurpriso ealo. This makes our 151st weokly wilo Tomorrow wo place on enlo a grand assortment of colored pictures which nro oorrcct copies of tho world's greatest works of art. Piclurea tlmt will go a great way toward brightoningyour homo. Uur iug this sale, you inny tuko your choice of any of ihem for 5c each wo! I worth 16 and Sfiooaoh. Limit 3 to a customor. Baskets Novor before have you had tho gowl fortune to got such bargains in baskoU. During tliisnalo you oun get uy of tho boskets shown on our second floor for rrt- . I 80 their markwl price!. Mi op jKirtunity you cannot afford to overlook. Pi yo etched tafeeurettes, sicoad floor Skirls A full lino of drummors sample sklrU just received com prising all tho nw and up.to date creations in won res and designs, fashions latest fancies iu Uio ladies tailor art colorn, black brown, oxford, It gray, blu, (an, Scotch mixed buii ingff aud tioinospuns. All are IxHtutleH, uo two alike and aro oxblusivo styles. ' $4to$J2.50 Handkcrcltlcfs Are creating ' quito a stir iimong tho ladies who appreci ate tho saving quulities of this iniignifioiontofrr. Twonty live dozen liuiidkerchitfH, no two allko, drummer' Mtniplwi, ure pluothi before you ntirrwintHblo prions. All ure handsomely omhroiderod with pretty do signs. 1 5c and 20c kind JOc 25c kind iSc 30c kind i 9c Txy Meyers Vtecofifced ofed shoes for Men. H yJ HsVssVsBwi't?fv Rl ll I ' w'wk I 1 Bf I HirtSUulfMr HirvJTjilurcd wtfaMDMUAatM Men's Overcoats 'llio very Utwt myw, tondti lit the mot perfuot iriMnuer of tlnj tailoring art; and at price wjiiah OHimol fail to get your money. This handsoin iihw model Is ouo you fihouhl mo and trv on; it'- one that will MlWy you In every do tail. $J0 to $22.50