U of-Little Benefit Unless It ls Do nested. Nearly everyone will admit that aa a. nation wo eat too much meat and too little of vegetables and tho grains. r Dusinoss men, offlco men and clerks, and in fact everyone engaged 1b sedentary or indooc occupations, groins, milk and vogotables are much noro healthful. Only men ongnged in a sevens out door manual labor can livo on a heavy jnent diet and continue in health. As a gonoral rule, moat onco a day is sufflclont for all classes of men. women and children, and grains, fruit and vogotables should constitute tho hulk of food eaten But many of the most nutritious ioodo aro difficult of digestion and it io of no use"to' ttdviso bralti "workers to rat largely of grains and Vegetables whoro tho digestion isMoo weak to as nlmlldto them properly. It Is always best to got tho best results from our food that Bomo aim- ; jrio and harmless digestive should ba ; taken after meals to assist tho re- miod digestive organs, and several years' experience have proven Stu ! art's Dyspepsia Tablets to bo a vory fe, pleasant and effective dlgestlvo t seraody which may bo taken dally with Itho best result Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets can hardly bo called a patont ,modtcIno, as they do not net on the bowels nor any particular organ but only on the food eaten. Thoy supply what weak BtomacliB lack, pepsin dlnstaso and by stimulating the gastric rlands increase the natural secretion of hydrochloric acid. Feoplo who make a dally practice f taking ono or two of Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets aftor each monl aro sraro to havo perfect dlgostion which means porfect health. Thoro Is no danger of foimlng nn in jurious habit as tho tnblots contain absolutely nothing but natural digest Ives; cococalno, morphino and similar drugs havo no placo in a stomach modicjno and Stuart's Dyspopsla Tab-, lots aro cortalnly tho best known and most popular of all stomach remedies. Ask your druggist for a fifty cent ilMickago of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab rets and after a weok's uso noto tho improvement in health, appetito and nervous energy. Asks for Canteen. Washington, Nov. 21. In his first oe8saotMt(5ivsasMc ff&aki ! These shoule interest ?;they do a place for hats, coats umbrellas! "j and rubbers. You ! best advantag of iTlie House Furnishing Salem. 269 Liberty 0eeecoceaaeMt)ei naita8iai8iai88is,'Pfrfrat't0vltvtqa' I We do what We kill and remove cancers anl tumors without the aid of a knife. Read the testimony of a prominent Salem man: TO THE PUBLIC. In justice to Dr. Cook, and that the world may know what great work he is doing, I wish to inform them that I have been taking treatment from him for the past fifteen morrlis and in that time he has re moved from my alimentary, canal three tumors of can' cerous growths, as large as a nun's hand, all from the larger intestine. Also another cancerous growth from off ntv right right foot and another from mv right thumb. This has all been accomplished through medi cines 'Jone, they killing the growth and the spider like roots and nature itself casting them off, without the aid of knife or surgery. I do not believe 1 could have found equally successful treatment anywhere n the world and cheerfully recommend Dr. J. F. Cook, the Botanical Doctor, to all wno R. J. Spencer, if you need it. We C2n do J. F. COOK DeatscBcr Botanical Doctor. Curts annual report aa chief of staff, General Young makes an urgent appeal for the canteens. Ho' says ho "hesftatW to tiko the matter up, becauso congress failed to take action on their re-establish ment, but ho doesn't feel at liberty to Ignore a measure which is unani mously advocated by all tho offlcera having tho best Interests of tho army at heart, and their recommendation is ontltled tq consideration. He saya the canteont promote morality, sobriety and discipline Ho says tho work of the general staff, so far, shows tho wisdom of tho authorities in promoting the measure. Ho also pays a glowing tributo to the army in tho Philippines. Doth togu lore and volunteers hnvn nhnu-n . markablo efficiency, devotion, pati onco' forbearance and humanity throughout tho entire campaign in tho island. He says, under tho clrcum. stances, whero tho Bovorost mtosurtsa wero JuBtifled, offlcors and soldiers woro both rogular, and showed for bearanco to tho utmost possible limit Instances of misconduct woro very raro, and generally aroso fron mis crodlted zeal. Under tho now law, the organized militia has attained a dlgnl ty and standing never hnd before. Tho growing dignity and efficiency of the forco is ono of tho most encouraging features, and shows tho intorest tnk en. Ho recommends tho coast army bo increased on tho lines suggested by Gonoral Chaffco, and invites attention to tho necessary increasing commuta tlon for offlcors and soldiers, ospeclal ly In tho East, whore the cost of living is high. A Great Jag Producer. Nltroglycerino Is occasionally vsed In modlclno, and it now appears 'hat soldiors of the British army have be- como nddltcted to cordite which is more than hnlf nitroglycerine as n stimulant. An Investigation by Major Jennings shows that oven a vory small tiunnblty produces vary powerful offect. The taste is sweet, pleasant and pungent, and whon a llttto Is sucked by Itsolf from a strand the offect Is a strong tondoncy to sleep, with a vlolont headache and noises in the oars, for thirty-six hours or moro, Tho worst rosults follow its uso in boor. Intoxication follows at ence dcstructlvo and brutal, soon falling Into deep slumbor. The cordfto vie tlms ago rapidly. OASTOXtlA,k Sun tha ,4 Th Kind You Han Alvwr BoagH c&ffle& AS you, combining as ; I Han Trees I andflall i can get them to the Company. Albany Street. ioeJ We Claim i reaa mis resumoniai. as mnch for you or more all Diseases 5ale, Liberty St. THE D AILY JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1903. Brights Disease Not Rnrc, but Common All Kid ney Dlscnao U Bright' Disease Tho 8th to 10th Month It Be comes Chponlo and Incurable by All Known Alcana Except tho new Fulton Compounds, which Record 8Ttf o! Recoveries. Wa fcata before at a llttla work on hlflnej leaw br JosephF. Edward, M. D.. of Phila delphia, that coutalns coma IMoc that every one ought to know. Many peopla Imagine Brtght'a DUcaso ta rare, whea, la faet. It TulibeoK aela out tbat thoktdneya hare but oua faietloo. Tit, tho elimination et the ura Ju'Ti"" '?no" arecauea urlgat'a Ulieaa Ur Edwards add "For the benefit of phnl elanj wLo may rd tbli booU I will glrn a lUt of tho ea-ea which 1 attribute to IMshl's Utvue, Tlx. t Aiuumaoana Uiomi tlon of tho Kidney. le.-nrntlon of the Kidney. Tatty Destuieratlon of the Kidney. Inflammation of the Kidney udenro Ulaeaae of tha Uldaey " Thua, all kidney dlxtta fcolof Drlght' D! ease, toe eenoua qutition li. le It aaule, or chroalof ta other worui, It it la the primary or VP&Kl ,ue' w Artor " el" to tenth moDth It bcoomea oaronlc and li theu Incurable by all known manna eieept the Fulton Com- pounda ioi Kjaneya are noi aonaittte. The rha kldneya are not aonaltlf e. Tt 8 oo n B notlo ( tho trouble till It hai ere air klrodr faitefiaJ. !rTAuhii LftM,Ai..t. faatecid. i .1,. ... 7..-...Z. ... -;,".-.?- -"i v..-"-" In the flrit ataita tha Renal Componnd will cure It QUlckVf If It ta of mora tKaii a m tn ,.. ttamllaKltla tha only Ihiaf known that will SV.'tlLi 'opwof thamathtm elie will wtcltn all mcdltal worka aaarldaaet that tolhla time K Vt.J1?., ,w,u "S.10111? h 0UrM ChrunU .If0.1 ul"e- The irookhotderi ef tha Jchn 1 Fultoa Oo , butlaeas ad pifeailonal men ul j?aa rraaclsoo, ara tha first reople In the world to announca a poeltlto euro, preaentlnir a flcflolto pnrcantaje of reooTerles (7 per oant), and lTlnt out tha llita of the cured, all amon P" g etronio wall-deflned oaiaa. If you hats ; lnd of kidney trouble, there li only on thin, to take. Tha Itenal Campbnnd far Brtihfa UlaeaaelallitorDUbetei.ll 10 John J mi ton U..4(M Waahlngton alreet. San Frandaeu, folo compoundera. Free aaalyaaa for patients. lispalcl free We are the nolo ateata. Palace Pharmacy, 118 State St. THREE GREAt OFFERS Daily Journal Will Give Away Hun'' dredsof Magazines And Makes a Special Sub scription Sale Day- Heavy Dally Reduction on Nov. 26th. No. 1. Journal subscribers will this year bo given a special bargain day and it has boon not for Friday, Novombor 27th. On that dato you can got Tho Daily Journal for ono year, cash in advance by mall, for $3, or by cap rior for 5. This is a flat reduction of ono dollar, not only for tho uso of your cash, but to savo us, as woll as our subscribers tho tlmo and troublo of numerous payments during tho year. It saves us work and it saves the subscribers cash. Itomembor tha dato, Novomber 27th. All who pay up arrearages, If Uioy havo any, can on that dato got tho benefit of this offer. Even If your subscription Is paid up to tho present tlmo or in ad vanco, you can got tho benefit of an additional year on that data If you can't come to tho office on that dato, send it In sooner, and tho credits will be made on that date, November 26. No. 2. To new subscribers we will give n sample subscription to The Daily threa months for one dollar, and in addi tion present them with the great Metropolitan Magazine free for that period. This Is one of the greatest magazines in America and will be given free for throe months to now subitoribera only. No. 3. To any of our subsarlbors, old or new, who pays a year in ndvanao, 0 by carrier or ft by mall, this great magftaiat will be gives fre far one year. 8m tke anMMineementa qf this wonderful wsgasine elwhere n this iwpr, and prepare to preUt by our great offer. Beware of Olntmenta 1er Catarrh that Contains Mereury. As wrcry will sursly itestroy the sense of smmU. awl cowpiately de rang tks whole system, whoa str lag It thnmah Ot mucous sorfaeea. Shtch articles siioukt sever be used ax eept oa preMriptton from retwtalite payelciaaa, aa the ttamage they will do is Ua-feid to the good you ean pos sibly derive from tham. Hall's Ca tarr Ottr. BaaaufaetHred by P. J. Che wy St Oa, Toledo, Ohio, eontaJna no HHury, aad t takes lotarnally, act ing directly upon the blood and mu- eoua surfaces of the system. In buy Is? Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure yen get th geauiae. It Is taken J a Urn al ly and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cbeaey & Ca Testimonials free Sold by druggists. Price 76 e per bottle. Halt's family pills are the test I lS I l)J.-t . "N i.i! T A JiVXTElK. WUOldUOUU AQOayA XMakaStlim a OcwdjoatWtrftfr "X1 Capital City Mills 'Quotations. Bryant & Pennell, Props. Wheat 76c. Buckwheat 80a Poultry at etelner'a Market Chickens 8c Eggs Per doson, SOc Ducks 10c. Turkeys 12WCPH0. Hop Market Hops 1620c Potatoes, Vegetables, Etc. Potatoes 30c. f ' Onions lHc Dried Fruits. Poaches 10c "' Apricots 10c Apples 10c Pctlto prunes tc Italian prunes Dc Wood, rence Posts, Etc Dig flr-44.00. ,i Second-growth 1 3 BO, , j i APO-3,UU tO 93.7D. . 4 Body oak J4.60. Polo oak $4.00. , Codar Posts Oc. ' Hides, Pelts and Pure. Green Hides, No. 1 i"c Green Hides, No. V 1S6. Colt Skins to Be '- Sheep 7Ec. Goat Sktns 25c to Sl.Oe. Portland MarKit Wheat Walla Wnlla, 71c Vnlloy 75i0i7Cc. Flour Portland, boat grado, J37G $3.86; graham, $3.75. Oats Cholco Whlto, $1.070, Barloy Food $20 (por ton; rolled, $21. Mlllstuff Bran, $20. May Timothy, $1C. Polatoos E0G0c Bggs Orogon ranch, 3032c Poultry Chlckons, mixed, 10104o par pound; spring. lOHfllo; turkeys, llvo, 1501GC Mutton Grose, 4CUa Pork Drossed, CHB7c Beef Gross, GCWc Voal 88c Hops 1903 crop, 12022c Wool Vnlloy, 17018c; Eastern Orogon, 12Q15o; Mohair, 35Q37HC Hldos dry, 16 pounds am. upwards, 15 to 15UtC Buttor Boat dairy, 20c; fancy uroamory, 27HG30c; store, 16c. Grain and Plour. Wheat, Snlom Flouring Mills 07c Oats 32c. Barloy $18.50 per ton, Flour Wholosale, $3,70, Live Stock Market Stoors 2Wc. Cows 2 Ho. Shoop $1.50. DroBsed voal (J He. . Drossod hogs 54c. Livo hogs ic Mutton 2c per pound. Veal 6Cttc Hay, Feed, Eta. Balo choat $10$11. Balod clovor $0.50$10. Bran $21.00. Shorts $22. Creamery and Dairy Products. Oood dairy buttor 80025c Creamery buttor 32V4c Cream separator skimmed, at Cora. Creamery, 32Vio, set. Pedestrlanlam as a muscle-develop- Ing oxeroise Is popular with some till letes, but It Is not viewed with over much fuor by the average Chlcagonn theso days. CLASSIFIED ADS AArtrilatffltati, flv Uses or It. U this toloreo littrttdthrtt Umttfot 2c. iHciVtHe. Sl.HO Boaib. All oyer five lues tt I bo um rata. WANTED. Position Wanted. By a young Japan we boy; will do saloon porter work or offlco cleaning. Address "F.." Care Journal. 11-IIMwk Girl Wanted. To do housework in a small family. Good wages. Ap ply forenoons at 352 Church street 11-lCtf Wanteds WoodehoppersN li raJl.B nerthwMt of Brooks. W. II. Kgan. 11-17-lwk Wanted, At the mute school, a wo man to wash and Iron. Apply to TO. P Clark, gupt 11-12-tf FOR SALE. V For Sale Or trade, a Use 19-aere thleksfi or fruit raaeh; flrsNtlass bnlhMRgs aad ImprovemeBts; close Ui sehoe), postotllce, store and rail way station. Will trade for city or unlwjHeved farm property- Address "W. J.,M Care Journal. UC Far Sale, O. K. Grabbers. Best In Orogon; throe Mate premiums; oae horse has the sower of &; oaa grab aa aera a day. James Finney, IlrooHa. Or. le-Mlm For S.ale Iomprored and unimproved btoek proporty la South Salem. For (formation Inquire of B. liefer. Journal offleo. 10-9-tf For Sala At a bargain, for a few days, a nlee 2 sore chicken rasoh, fair bouse, barn, eta, with pleaty of fruit Priea $650. See Kraa Co., 123 8Ute street 10-JHf Jf FORu-SALE.. For Sale Or trado forjown proporty COacro farm. .Inquire at 25 Mill street. l-ifelwH For 3ale.-At a bargain, a 2J4-Iricu heavy Kuahford wagon, almost now, 'comploto with hayrack, also sot of double work harness. Inquire ot B. W. Shydor, corner of Summer nnd Bollovlow, opposite vinegar works. ll-20-3t Cholco Farm For Sale, Throo mllos northwest from BrobliS, having dwoltlng house, barn and two hop houses, with 30 aares of hops, bal ance farming land, with running wntor, cacopt enough cholco tlmbor to supply Uio place. M, J. Egan. 11-12-U For Sale. Bargains. Sororal cholco plocce of property, both outstdo and insldo. Call and bo eownor, 407 High stroot, 24 blocks north of city hall. lM2.1m For Sale Eighty acres of Washington "county, for land In $40. A bargain for somo ono wanting to mako a home Some Umbor on tho placo; Bomo cleared. E. Uofor, Sn lom, Orogon. 10-C-tf FOR RENT. For Rent. 240 ncro farm, near Salem For particulars, address "II ,' V. O. box 208, Salem, Ore. H-2Qtt For Rent. Largo doublo storo on State Btreot, 50-foot front, 80 doep Apply to M. Kllngor. 10-7-tf Rooms for Rent Up stairs, Cottle block, by day, wcok. or month. Al so light housekeeping rooms. Elec tric llghta Opon nil hours. Commorcltl St., No. 333. Phone: 2065 Main. MatUo Hutchlns, Prop. MISCELLANEOUS, Muslo Lessons Qlven. A specialty of beginners. Miss Lena Molsan, 430 Commercial stmit. 11-18-lwk If you have property to sell Or rent, or want to buy or sell, trado or ex change for othor proporty of any kind, or if you want a loan or Insur nnco, boo It. )L Ilyan & Co 10-20-tf Dalm of FIqs Remedies. 332 Marlon stroct (from 3 p. in. to 3 p. tu.) Bright lady assistant wanted. 10-27-lm Motor's Dsrber Colleoe Of Salt Iako City, offors advantages In teaching tho trado that cannot bo had Uao whero. Avoid schools tho Oregon and California harbors' now lawn aro apt to cloao at any tlmo. Wrlto today for our special offer to dis tant students. 11-10-lm The Proper Thlno Tho popular drink for family uso is G. S. soda nnd carbonated bovoragos. Every body should koep thoso goods at their homos, Call up Gldbon Stolz Co. 'phone 421. D. F. Jerman. Dealor In now and sec ond-hand houso furnishing goods. Groat bargains in stovos and row furniture Highest prlcrn paid foi secondhand artlolos, 210 Commor olal street Say Havo you tried Edwards &. Lusch- er's for meats. We havo tho best naucngo '.i town. Como and try It. and bo convlnoed. 410 Kant Slate etroit Salem Truck and Dray Co. Oldon! and best equipped company In Sa eom. Piano and furnlturo moving a specialty Ofllco 'phone, 801. W W. Brown & Son, proprietor. Office No. GO Slate street 0-1-1 m Dr. Z. M. Parvln At 207 Commercial street, upstairs Singing sohooL Iludlmental and sight reading class es. Begins Wednesday ovonlng, Oo tob4r 14th. Class every Wednes day evening to May 1st, next Tul tlon, S1.Q0. Unique Cleaning Rooms Shsw A Jebnsou, tho oleanors, aro now lo cated at 209 Commercial street They do a general pressing and re pairing business. Specialties: Skirts, silk waists, kid gloves, gents' olotb Ing. eto. Phono 2614. 5-28-1 yr. Marshal Sale. Notlco It lieroty lvcn that under Uio provisions of ordlnanco No. 200 1 will on SATUHDAV, NOVKMHBK 21. at 1 o'clock p. tu. at tlio pound In the oltyof Suloui, sell nt publlo auction, tho folluwlnu denerllxtd linpoundod animal, to-vIU , Onn large red. muley oow, tag on oar with Initials "J. II. McK." Unless the above dawrlbed annual Is laluied before vald date, sale will l williiHji rerve. D. W OliTKON. City Marshal. Halem. November 17, 1008. 1 1-17-5 1 PHYSICIAN ANP flUROgON. Dr. W. S, Mott Will hereafter b found In the Ilrey block, 276Vi Cora merelal street, over Oregon Bso Co, Offleo telephone, 2931; reel deuce phone. 2761. Offleo hours I to 12, and 3 to 6 New Sweet Cider. Seed your order to the nearest grocery, or call up phone 421. Otdeon Stole k, Co. 9-10-tf DRESSMAKERS. Mrs. L. Campbell Dos dressmaking at her home, on tho car line, sear tha South Salem cemetery. Country trado sellout!. IMMn-d-w SEVEN n WATCHMAKER W C. Calvet, Practical "Watchmaker. 158 StatS'otrcot, makes a spoclaltr ofropnlring watcfio, clocks" anuT joVolry, artd guarantees' good work nt reasonnblo prices. 11-12-lyr RE8TAURANT. Ferrjuson's Restaurant 95 Stata street Opon day and night Our 20c meals aro bettor than any 25o house In tho state Six 20c meals for $1.00; 31 20c meals for $3.00.v LODGES. Valley lodge No. 18, A. O. U. W. Meeta ' In their hall In Holman block? cbr nor Stato and Llborty, evory Mon day ovonlng. Visiting brothroa wolsowo. Boy Mclntlro, M. W. A, E. Aufronco, Itecorder. Central Lodae No, 18, K. of P. CaaUa Hall in Holman block, corner But and Llborty Sta. Tuesday of each week at 7 s 30 p. m, A. B. Btntas O. a, R, J. Fleming K. tt It aa6B. Foresters of America Court 'Sher wood Forektora No. 10. Moots Fri day night In Turner block. 8. W. Mlnturn. O. It; A. L. Brown, Boa Modern Woodmen of America Or Ron Codar Camp No, 5246, Meets ovory Thursday evening at 8 o'clock Holman Hall, Frank A. Turner, T. 0.? A. L, Brown. Olork. Protectldn Lodne- No, S, Ancient Ot der United Workmen, moots every Saturday ovontnc In the Holmaa Hall, cornor Stata and Libertx streots. Visiting brethren woloom, J. a arahani, M. W.; J. A. Sellwood uocordor. OSTEOPATH8. Dre. M. T. Schoettle, Frank J. Heir nn nna m. uarr. Graduate American School of Osteopathy, Klrksvlllo, Mo., successors, to Dr. Graco Albright Omo" hoJ 9 to 12 and 1:30 to 4:30 o'olock. Odd Follows Tomplo, Phono Main 2721r roaldenco phono 3808 red. TONSORIAL AND DATH8, Ryan's Shavlno Parlors Seven nrs. olast barboro engaged. Finest baUn rooms In city. We uso antlseptle storlllxors. J rtyan, Proprleton Evan's Darber Shop Only flrst-class shop on Stato stroot Evory thlnff now and up-to-bato. Finest porce lain baths. Shave, IGo; haircut 25o baths, 26c. Two Hrst-class boot black, q W. Bvnns. proprietor. BENJAMIN SCHWARZ A SONS IIop merchants, 07 to 00 State stroct, Salem, Oregon, Iteprosontod by Jos, Harris. WM. DROWN & CO. Hops, Mohair wool, hop growors supptlos. No, 229 Commercial street Salem, Ore Ron. Phono 1301. SQUIRE FARRAR Hon merchant and purchasing agent No. 210)4 Commercial street, upstairs, Salon, Oregon. Phono 1051. T. A. LIVE8LEY A CO. Dealers la hops and hop suppllos. Phono 121L nOIco room 18 Oborhelm bldg, Sa lem. Orogon. J. CARMICHAEL Hop buyer. Office In IliiBh'Ilroyman building, Bales, Orogon. Samples or choice hops so llrltod from all growers. CATLIN A LINN Hop buyers. Itooa 8 Bush-Broyman block, Salem, Oro gon Phono 1431. HUDOAno A CR088AN Hop buy em. Iloom- 2, Murphy blook, Salem, Ornson Telephone No. 371. WATER COMPANY. SN SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFICE CITY HALL. For wator servlcd apply at office, mils payable monthly In advance. Mao all complaints at the office. WIRE FENCING!. Hop Wire Woven Wire Fencing. Place your orders now and get re duced price. Car of fencing to arrive October 26th; car ot fenolng in No vember. Write and get prloes. WALTER MORLBY. CO Court 8t, Salem. Or. DENTISTS. C. H. MAOK Successor .to Dr. J3. M. KJsene!' In White Corner, Balam, Oregon. Parties desiring superior operations a) mod era t fee In any branch are In eepeciaV request EXPRESS AND TRANSFER. CAPITAL CITY Express and Transfer Meets all, mall and passengor trains Haggage to all parts of the city. Prompt service. Telephone No. 241. IfECKAUN-HenniCK A HOMYeit yAnJ E.T.x tp.".6. KOItTlIA.NKfiOIVINO MNNKK Lrg Mia, paint) Blu and Ooid, ll.W (aboH Hlua n. Waiu 31 iHiiao at pf Urluttr ltviltbk to Hf, The Vaticty Stofe 94 Court St. Aooora M. Welch, frop THE EUTECAFB 203 Commercial Street Regular Dinner at Noon 25c Meals at all hours Service a la Carte E ECKBRLBN, Proprtetcr