The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, November 23, 1903, Page FIVE, Image 5

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The Connoisseur in Cut, Glass.
Vnoose jWWKes, in preference to any other. There is a
daintiness of design, a clearness arid beauty and brightness
about Hawkes glass that is not found in quite the same per
fechon in any other brand. And yet it costs no more than
others. Of course, the price depends largely upon the elabor
ateness of the design. We have, for instance, fruit bowls at
au me way irom 90 10 szu; Don bon dishes from S2 25 to8-
Y"SATJ2 25 to $15; pepper shakers and salt cellars from
B5c to2.50 each: and any number of other superb table
pieces in wide variety of price and design. For wedding gifts,
what could be better chosen than a piece of Hawkes Cut Glass.
Corner State and
Liberty Streets,
tati Hiii h
8 1 1 1 1 III 1 1 1 1 1 1'
$ Local
X In thn
Social Realm: :
Jos. Harris was a passcngor for
orvalB this morning.
Willis McElroy was & passenger for
Bugeno this morning.
C. D. Qabriolsou. wont to Albany at
ribon for a brief visit
State Senator Hunt, of Portland,
pent Sunday in Salem.
Charles Pickett, of Eugene Is visit
ing old friends in this city.
L. K. Adams has returned from a
business trip to Portland.
Miss Laura Sharp has gono to Port
land to visit friends for a weoVa
It M, Thompson, of Portland spent
Sunday with his family in this city.
.Mr, and Mrs. F. I. Dunbar wore pas
sengers to Portland this morning.
Dr. Frank Barr wont to Portland
this morning on professional business.
Miss Jcanetto Meredith has returned
from a few weeks visit with friends
at Tho Dalles.
Judgo O. P. Torroll was in Salem
last ovonlng from Portland. He wont
to Mehama today.
J. P. Staigor was In Woodburn Sat
urday, attending tho funoral of his
nephew, Wllllo Whitney.
Miss Wlnnlo McCarthy spent Sun
day in Salem, visiting her parents, and
returning to Woodburn this morning.
President Geo. O. Browncll, of the
jonato, was In Salem Sunday, looking
over tho ground, preparatory to' tho ex
tra session.
J. B. Bourne, of tho Southom Pa
cine offlcos, was In Eugene Sunday,
visiting his sweetheart). Ho returned
this morning. ,
John P. Cordray camo up from
Portland this morning for a short
stay with Managor Moredlth, of the
local opora house.
Miss Halllo Thomas returned this
morning from an over-Sunday visit
with her parents, Hon. and Mrs. It 0.
Thomas, at Tumor.
Mrs. Dr. Dolman, mother of Dr. W.
B. Morse, loft this morning for hor
homo at St Holons, after a few days'
visit with hor son hero.
Prosldont Wohrung, of tho state fair
board, was In Salem Saturday after
noon, working on tho annual report
to tho governor's office.
Miss Cora Talklngton is homo from
Sealtlo, where she ofllclatod as brides
maid at tho woddlng of Miss Greta
Rosonbaum. Mrs, Talklngton, who
spent sovoral days in Portland, re
turned home with her.
. For a 10c cigar try ta Corona, or for a Be try Our Champion manufac
tured In Salem. Auo. Huckensteln, Manufacturer.
Time is Precious
And so is a reliable timepiece.
Tfatchos and clocks purchased at C
T Pomoroy's are always accurate
time-keeper's, and requlro the least re
pairs, with ordinary careful usage
They can always bo depended on. We
are selling a Waltham or Elgin move
ment In a 30-year gold filled case at
$12 50 We can furnish any style ot
Jeweler and Optician, 238 Com.
Put In Your
Pumpkin Pies for
At the California Bakery.
Gynnasluffl. Baths. Beadle Room. Library lo Coanectlos.
Y. I. C. A.-Coaercla! aa4 Cbemekcta Sta- Phone 2081. Caialoe fre
my (tuirte
I Judgo Burnett was a passenger for
'Albany this forenoon, to hold a short
term of court
South 8alem Personals.
Miss Stella Morolock wont to Port
land Saturdny and spent Sunday with
hor slstor, Mrs. Clyde Bollinger, of
that city. Hor slstor, Miss Pauline
Morolock, accompanied hor down, and
will remain until after Thanksgiving.
Prank Brown was a business vlbltor
In Portland Saturday.
Roy Miller, of Sumpter, who has
spent tho past wce'k visiting his moth
er, Mrsv Amolla Miller, went to Port
land Saturday, whoro his wifo will
Join him, and they will return to Sa
lom tomorrow and spond Thanksgiv
ing. Henry Fouk, of Fnlrmount Park has
gono to Linn county on bUBlnoss.
Supreme Court Decisions.
Tho supromo court hnnded down
Ave decisions at noon today, In cases
(heretofore heard. Thoy are:
Tho Gold Rldgo Mining Co., appal
lant vs. F. W. Talmadgo, ot al., re
spondents; appeal from Union coun
ty; Hon. Robort Eakln, Judge; ro
vorsed. Opinion by Associate Justice
Bascozn Glaze, respondent, vs. Her
man Frost, appellant, appeal from
Grant county; Hon. M. D. Clifford,
Judgo; nfflrmed. Opinion by Chief
Justlco Moore.
Ji D. McPhoo, ct al., appellants, vs.
L. S. Kolsay. rosnendont: anneal
from Baker counsy; Hon. Robort Ea
kin, Judgo; revorsod. Opinion by As
soclato Justlco Wolvorton.
F. U Richmond and W. T. Wright
respondents, vs. -Ogdon Street Rail
way Co.; appoal from Union county;
Hon. M. D. Clifford, Judgo; rovorsod.
Opinion by Associate Justlco Bean.
Joseph Dixon, et al, respondents,
vs. Clarenco Johnson, nppollnnt; np
poal from Grant county; Hon. M. D.
Clifford, Judgo; rovorsod. Opinion by
Assoelato Justlco Wolverton:
Wallowa's Taxes.
Slato Treasurer Mooro this morning
received a tax paymont of $2774 from
Wallowa county, tho last half of that
county's stito taxes mr 1903.
No man will be poorer at
Christmas for buying Schil
ling's" Best instead of the usual
M cheap" stuff.
'Your grocer's; money back.
Tl J U
Order For
No Strife For the
Honor and Glory
of the Thing
Few Men Want Office With
Little Possibility In the
Way of an Easy
Thero la no intensity of clamor for
places nt tho coming city olectton, and
candidates for mayor and aldermen
arc sny as tho maiden who begins to
cast hor first glances at tho boys. It
does not Booms to Interest tho average
pollUclan to got Into a Job whoro ho
can't get a salary, and tho systom un
der mhlch tho government of Salem
Is carried on precludes tho grnft. The
duties of tho offices and the necosstty
of carnost efforts to promoto Salem
Intcrosts la tho rnco of coast cities
for development demand tho best ma
terial, and every matf should bo will
ing to bear his share to get Buch men
to servo and olect first-class men with
tho least exponso posslblo.
Named for Aldermen.
In tho first ward substantial citi
zens petition for Frank Waters to bo
como a candldato for aldormnn.
In tho second ward candidates are
not dovoloplng, but thero Is a popular
feollng for Max Duron, If ho will take
ths nomination.
In tho third ward thore Is a fine pe
tition for Aldormnn Stole's return,
and also ono for Lon Oosnor. It Is not
known whethor the latter will allow
his name to bo used. Tho Young
Men's Republican Club may also pro
sont a candidate.
In tho fourth ward no ono has a po-
2 Some Say JJ
Itsttoo soon to buy Christmas elfts-not a bit of It. Now Is the
best tfrae to make your selection and avoid the crowds, and set H
y our slclc before the orettlest and most desirable rifts are am
rone. Everything Is brleht and fresh bow, while later on 5
thlnes are naturally soiled from bandllnr-we say come now
we f.r?.Je.a(,y for vou-thlnes selected will be put aside for you m
until Christmas. V
Patton's Book Store.
tltlon out, but Frank Boworsox Is
named by his friends.
In the fifth ward potltions aro filed
for George B. Jacobs and 4. W. Young.
In tho sixth ward thoro Is a good
petition for E. C. Churchill, and If
Frank Smith will mnko tho run his
namo will probably be put up. Thoy
would represent tho two ends ot tho
ward, that Is throo miles long and
half a inllo wldo.
In tho sovonth ward tho people are
slow In filing nominations with thq
city commltteo. Among othora men
tioned Is Mr. A. Vass, of South Com
merclal streot, and If ho would allow
his name to be presented ho would
probably be nominated, and would
mnko a public-spirited alderman. The
people of tho east ond of that ward
have decided not to present a oandl
date, and will support any good clti
zen from the other end of the ward.
Names for Mayor.
Among thoso now being dlftcuuer'
for mayor ot Greater Salem are It M.
Crolsan, Thomas Holman, W. A. Cu
Have Yon Seen
The Bargains
At tho great sslo, MO State Street?
Tfiey Ate Waiting Fo Yot
Ovflreouls that we warrant give you good wear
Punts guaranteed not to rip nor toar,
Fringes and paaeuientrie,jet trimming and laco,
Anything from a pin to a drosa suit oaue.
Umbrellas and gum boots for tho mud and the rain,
Dollar shirts for half, sweaters at the saints.
Hats and fine suits that will fit you so neat,
CoreeiM for 15, good underwoar oheap.
Ono more short month and we oloso this croat sale.
Why not be wise and the bargains avail?
Whan there aro goods that jou need in our Hue,
Just follow upHtalo Street to 140.
S. F tie dm an
sick, B. P. Meredith. A. N. Gilbert
and A. O. CondlL Cretan, and Connie
aro on tno school board, and'aro ex-
amplcs of what can bo done under
careful management, without increas
ing taxes, to wipe out debt, mako Im
provements and increase tho efficiency
of tho school Salem schools aro go
ing to tho front as among tho best in
tho state, but theso Rentlcmon say
thoy aro already giving a good share
of their Ume to tho public, and should
not bo asked to glvo more.
Hon. T. B. Kay asks Tho Journal to
say that ho will not accopt any noml
nation for a city omco, legislative
honors being qulto onough for him.
E. C. Cross and Thomas Holraan arc
montloncd as suitable- mon for the
first mayor of Greater Oaleni.
The Cramer Factory.
B. M. Cramer, of tho organ
wagon factory, of Corvallts, nrcoro
panlod by Mr. Montgomery, an oxpori
oncod sawmill man, who is to ha7o
chargo of tho proposed sawmill plant,
met with citizens at tho club room tast
night, and discussed tho matter In 0
thorough manner. In order to socure
tho desired addition to Albany's man
ufacturlng Interests It will bo neces
sary to ralso a bonus of $2500 to covor
tho purchase of a slto and U10 ship
mont of tho plant hero nnd securo se
curity for an indebtedness of $5000 bo
foro tho plant can bo moved. Tho
plant Is said to invontory at ovor 119,-
000, nt half tho original cost, making
a aluablo one.
P. J. Miller. C. H. Stowart nnd O. E.
Sox wore appointed a commltteo lo go
to Corvollls noxt Mondny to mako a
thorough Investigation of tho plant
and lions on it, and then report to an
other moetlng of the club. Albany
Got Wise at Last.
Tho caso of Kdwnrd Kberhardt.
plalnUff, vs. M. A. nnd Olaroneo Bunco,
defendants, recently tried boforo Jus
tice Horgan, has beon Bottled, after
an appeal was taken to tho circuit
court, and tho case will not bo trlod.
By tho terma of tho ngroomont Uic
Buncos buy Eborhardt's personal prop
orty, oxcept tho hay on tho Bunco
farm, which plaintiff will haul away,
nnd tho lnttor gives up his contention
for a lease.
One More Lawyer.
J. H. Iluborson, an nttornoy from
Nebraska, was today admitted by tho
supremo court for tho probationary
period of nine months, on recommen
dation of Frod H. Mills and II. W
Kotsco, of Klamath Falls.
Push Club Meets.
Tho regular moetlng of tho Grentor
Salem Commercial Club will bo hold
In tho olty iwllco court room Tuo6day
evening, Full attendauco desired.
J.'O. Qraham, See. ll-23-2t
Sent to the Asylum.
John Bradley, serving a two yuars'
seutenco In the penitentiary for lar
ceny, was committed to tho asylum
Saturday evenlUK- He was examined
by the' asylum physicians jinon com
plaint of Dr. J. D. Shaw.
Oregon Climate
Western Oregon has a climate- all her own. It Is just aapo
culiar to ub an our "two bits" or "tour bits." Slightly dieagreo
ablo at times, but who would oxohango this litflo discomfort
for the extreme heat and cold, the ovclonos. droughts, floods
and uncertain crops of other climes? No! Oregon is all right, S
only we must dross to Buit conditions. One needs, not a groat
im coat wuu Dig coiiar, oat a mecuum woicns ovorcoat, cut
long, so as to proteot tho lower part of the body, aud unlined
bolow the shoulders that convenience for walkinir shall not bo
2 sacrificed for unnecessary woight and warmth, when such & ! !
garmunt is mado improvious to water without making it look
like au ordinary rain coat, we havo tho ideal garment for 1 1
vrvguu. ouou aro mo vary Biyiian,
We sell Umbrellas with detachable Handles,
When you sot your umbrella down simply pull tho handle
off and put it in your pocket. It's a boon to a man who's
tirod of losing his umbrella, and costs no more than tho ordi
nary kind. A good ono can bo had for
Mountains of Salt.
Somo romnrkablo salt fonnatlons
aro found oxtondlng for 30 ratios along
tho Virginia rlvor In Novnda. Tho salt
forms mountains ot crystals, and Ih so
puro and clear that flno print can bo
read through a foot ot It This region
wan onco ovldently occupied by a
groat salt lako, as oloso by aro somu
wondorful wells, ono of which, 75 foot
In dlamotor, contains watqr so Intense
ly nnllno that a person bathing 'here
will float llko a cork. Exchange.
Thanksalvino Dance,
Do not forgot to attend tho Thanks
giving danco by tho Modern Wood
mon. Got invitations and tlokota (ram
members, at 25 cents.
Osteopathy docs not protend to euro
ovorythlng, but It In hardly too broad
a stat onion t to say that It euros every
thing curablo
Drs. Sehoettlo, Unrr & Barr, Osteo
paths. Grand Opora House. Balom. Or.
I Don't Wait Until 1
the man offers to
BUY your land; get
Title Straight
Then there is no de
lay when you want
to SELL.
You may THINK your
title is PERFECT.
Do -you KNOW it Is?
! Salem Abstract
and Land Co. 1
I A Grand Clean-up
Our entire stock of Shoes and Rubber goods to be
sold at saciificc prices in order to adjust our new
goods. Bargains for all, call early and get the
cream of it.
P. Manfred
i Successor to Jacob Vogt.
Cravenettes S
When tho sky is clear and
sun shining bright, you
don't feel right to walk down
street with a mackintosh on.
No, but tho or&venotto ia on-
tiroly correct for the bright
sunny day, and doosn't swel-
teryou either, and what's jj
more, you'd nover know it's a S
wator-ahod coat to look at it. $
That a tho beauty ef tho coat
Vrtii rraf Ifin nnm rt afvla 4
and swell appearance, to-
gother with thq maximum of X
comfort ana service, all in the
samo coat We carry a com
plete lino at
$12.00 to $25.00
To tell Poisonous Plants,
Much to be doslrcd Is a method ot
rocogulxlng poisonous plants nt sight
Whllo no gonoml rule can bo given,
Dr. II II. IUinby flnds that thoro aro
ovldont Indications and that certain
chnrautorlstlos often go with poison
ous properties. Ono ot thoso Is 'the
lurid purplo color of stems ot castor
oil, cleuta conlum, pokeborry and dojf
banc A narcotic odor Is common, is
nutiiy of Uio most poisonous plants,
though Inching In othora, and a milky
Julco Is Just causo for suspicion. The
must gonoral characteristic, however,
Is an aorld taste. This Is our lout
safe-guard, and it can usually bo relied
upon to glvo warning boforo a danger
ous quantity has boon eaten.
Must Move On.
II .W. Olnrk, an Indian bootblaok.
was last night arrested fur bolng
drunk. This morning Recorder Judab
gavp him until 4:34 this afternoon to
leave tho olty, reserving seutenco on
him. Claik recently complotod n
ter mln Uio penitentiary.
' ' ' '"
I Hard
; Wheat
Only $145 per
The famous
5 'Peacock Brand of flour, j
The finest flour ever sold
In the city. Try it once.
We will sell to you again.
I D. A. White
& Son
Feedmen and Seedsmen
I 301 Com'l 8t, Salem, Oregon. J
84-8a4ef !
265 Commercial Street f