The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, November 23, 1903, Page THREE, Image 3

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    FLORENCE! 1 ' '
Oneof David Belasco's
Strongest Crea
A Strongly Emotional Play,
Presented By an Actress
ofCharming; Personality
and Great Power
Fashionable society anil theatre
goers of all classes are greatly inter
ested In the forthcoming engagement
of tho brilliant aotress , Ploronoe
Roberta at tho Granfl .Opera House on
Wednesday night In tho wonderful
Buccesg "Zaza" by David BdIospo.,
Tho story of "Zaza." Is a very pa-
Ithetlc ono. Reared from tho guttor
by a drunken aunt, tho French girl
Ia taught that tho only llfo worth
living Is that undor U19 glitter of tho
I Cafe Chantant lights. In this way she
bgrows up and becomes a music hall
artist of fame. She inetDufresne and
Ihor llfo is changed. Tho ilrst nure
emotion sho has evor had Is her love
for this man who takes hor to the
Country and establishes a Httlo homo
Utter six months of what Is bliss to
her sho discovers that her lover is
married man. She visits the wife
fand child for the purpose of denounc
ing the man, but the little child un
conslously wards off tho blow at the
i happiness of the family circle and
("Zaza" falls to carry out the purpose
of her revenge. She goes book to the
(stage, becomes a star of great mag
Lnitudo and refuses to have further
lenllngs with hor lover.
David Dolasco has shown tho mas-
Iter hand In the dramatic construc
tion and made of "Zaza" a drama of
funwontod power furnishing nn omo-
tlonel actress nlmost unllmltod oppor
tunities. Miss Itoborts has nchloved
a triumph In tho charactor and shon
It is stated that tho company and
scenic production are worthy of tho
letar, enough prnlso is glvon.
Scats on salo at box ofllco Wodncs-
Jay at 9 a. m. Curtain 8:15.
Tho Ilrst flvo articles in the Hay
lunau Varllla treaty aro to this
Article 1. The United State guar-
antoes and agrees to maintain tho
independonco of tho ropublle of
Article II The ropubllo of Panama
codes to the United States Ave miles
nif each eldo of the canal and three
En.irlno leagues at each terminal and
Ilso any other lands necoseary to the
construction or maintenance of the
irtiial and Its auxiliaries.
Article III Tho republic of Panama
Slants to tho United Statos the right
exercise the same power and au
thority over such lands "as if it wero
sovereign," and to the exclusion of
such power by Panama.
Artlcl- IV The republic of Panama
jrants to the United States the use
If all tin rivers, streams and v. a tore
for navigation or so far as la neces
sary to tho construction of the canal
ind its auxiliaries, including pur
oses of sanitation
Artlflc V The republic of Panama
trans to the united states in por-
botuity a monopoly of any system of
communication across Its territory by
mal or railroad.
The remaining twenty-ono articles
of thia treaty deal for tfio, most rart
p-flli. question of .administration. For
example, Article VI" dedans freo for
al time the fort at Either entrance
ui mo canal, Ineiudlnfc Panama nmi
CoWn, and provides that no. .duos tit
any lUml, sboll be imposed by tho
republic of Panama en any vessel
using the canal of bolot.ging to or em
Ployed by. the United States. It ..
vldes also that the ports of Panama
and Colon and others leading to tho
canal shall be free to the commerco of
the world, and that no duties shall be
Imposed except on merchandise des
tincd to bo introduced for consump
tion Into the republic of Panama and
on vessels which touch at Colon anil
Panama bihImIo not eras the cnml.
Custom Houses and Guards."
The Panama Government, however.
is allowed underfills article to es
tablish at these ports such custom
houses and guards as -may be deem!
necesenry to collect duties ou import
atlons designed for other pnrts of tho
Republic To the United States is
given the right to make use of the
po.-ts at the two extremeUes of the
canal as places of nnchorngo In drder
to mnko repairs, for loading, unload
ing, depositing1 or tmris-shlpping car
goes which are in transit or destined
for service of the canal and other
ArtlcleVI furthor provides that nil
damagos caused to prlvato land own
ora by inundation or by tho dovintlon
of wntor courses or In other ways
arising out of the construction or
oporatlon of the canal shall be ap
praised and determined by a Joint
Commission appointed by the Govern
ments of the United States and the
Republic of Panama, and tho United
Stales In turn agrees to bear the sols
It la commonly inherited.
Fow aro entirely frco from It.
Talo, weak, puny children
afflicted with It In nlno cases out of
ten, and meny adults suffer from It.
Common Indications are bunches In
tho neck, nbscosscs, cutaneous erup
tions, Inflamed eyelids, soro cars,
rickets, catarrh, wasting-, and general
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and Pills
Eradicate it, positively and absolute
ly. This Btatomont is based on tho
thousands of ponnanont cures thoso
medlcinp liavo wrought.
" My daughter had scrofula, with eleven
sores on her neck and about her ears. Hood's
Sarsaparllla was highly recommended and
sho took It and was cured. She Is now tn
good health." Mas. J. U. Josm, Parker
City, Ind.
Hood's Snronpnrllln promlsos to
euro and keeps tho promise.
with their families, shall bo oxompt
from military sonlco of the Ronubllc
of Panama; that tho United States
may Import Into tho canal zone freo
of duty any materials required In tho
construction, maintenance and opera
tion of tho canal and auxiliary works.
and all provisions, medlelnos tni.
lug nnd supplies for use of all por
sons In the employ of the United
States and for their families; that the
canal, when completed, shall im nun
tral In perpetuity and shall be openod
on the terms provided for by Section
1 of Article III of the Hny-Pnuncefort
treaty of November IS, 1&Q1; that the
Two Kids anVtfGun.'
1 "d nacldprjt pecjurerd near Catli
fmm a fe dAysfago, and ono which
nearly cost "Dimples" Wntklns his
Jlfp. "Dimples." as ho Is familiarly
called, and his brother, Ray, had been
on, a duck hunt, as far down tho tlver
as Daniel Jaock's. They had Jbut ono
gun betwene them, a slnglo-barrel
shotgun, nnd woro on their way home,
without game, passing Walllka's point
when tho accident took placo. Tho
gun had boon lying on tho soat, cp
parently In a safe placo. whon by tho
rocking of the boat It fell forwnrd.
and. the trigger catching, the shell In
sldo was discharged; "Dimples" sat
directly in front of the muscle and
the full chargo of the shot passed
through tho calf of ono of his legs. So
close was tho gun that tho powder
scorched his clothing, soys tho Sun.
Ray hastened to pull the boat to the
landing at the old mill, where ho sum
moned Crocker, who lives close by.
and tho two carried "Dlmplos" to his
home. Dr. Bales being absent, the
wound was dressed by David Ingram
and Mrs. 0. W. Rales, nnd later he
was taken to Portland, accompanied
by his parents. Astoria Notts.
i i
Q Oats contain in concentrated form the
Vital elements necessary to lurnanilifc.
H-0 Oatmeal gives oV these elements
so prepared that they arc ready to slip in
to the human tissues almost as soon as
eaten. You cannot get a more whole
some breakfast than H-Q. ' ?
CWhy should the children mate KtndvheaiuJ Because It
pays them well, and alio furnishes instruction and atrimrment.
d,C?et a package of H-O and find out why. A Kinderbeast
pujile in every package.
bratvn and
r; "W JMl
,', 4
PSS&f '-M? '
: i' , . , BSSSSBSSISR.
IsSbW ssssU!tV iF
sVssssT sssssBsBysV &
PL a VnfliWiCrMlilM
ij" jlv&Es'Swil. 4KdUBnclMHH7Kf,ffiBT
v ' ' - aSSH'P &1i$NBBPWtiSmpffi HBP '
s, t -r uu t 'jjfc MB--''" l
' !1s. ""TWfflJ , -HI
Increasing the Receipts.
A. O. Ulnckwoll, ix)stmastor at Lit
porta, Toxns, 25 miles from Galveston,
has beou arrested on chnrgos of irrog
ular sales of postage Btnmps and 1b
hold under bonds to nnswor to tho
United Statos court at Its next sos
slon, Thero aro 208 counts against
him, nnd his arrest rovenlod a unique
method of swelling tho sales of stnmnB
at his pottomca In the purchiiso o(
goods for his own use Postmaster
niackwell would pay tor the samo In
stamps. The BtRmp receipts from his
aflla grew to such an extent that tho
Laporte office was advanced from
fourth-class to presidential class. The
Increase continued, and Anally result
ed in an Investigation, which resulted
In Ulackwell's arrest, The charges
we preferred by Unltod Statos Dis
trict Attorney Marco McLemora
Florence Roberts as "Zaza."
lakes pale, thin children fat
ind chubby. Overcomes
rasting tendencies and brings
jack rosy cheeks and bright
It's surprising how quickly
:hildren respond to Scott's
ilmulsion. It contains just
the element of nourishment
iheir little bodies need. They
thrive on it.
Even a few drops in the
3ab's bottle have a notice-
ible effect for good. Nothing
jetter than bcott Jimuision
for growing children.
We II tni t umfU Im i
cost of Uie indemnities granted by
said Commission.
In another article tho ropubllo of
Panama authorises the now Pannma
Canal Company to Mil and transfer Its
rights and concessions to the United
States, as well as the Panama Rail
road and all or part of the shares of
that Company. It Is stipulated, how.
ndn n odtoeei paabrdlH sbrUlu shs
ever, that tho property outside the
canal swte owad ty Die Company
shall revert th Rsttttblt? o(
Other Important Provisions.
Other important proriskws of the
convention are:
The Republic of tamma agjwes to
secure for tae United Ikttw Use Wn4s
and rlgbu Uu are acquired In Uss
towns of Inuama and Colon to effect
Ue luiHtHresnents provided for tn Use
treaty aod su horlie th United States
to Impose and collect qwltaole water
noes during nfty years. At Use t-ni
of that tine tho use of the water shall
bo freo for the JnnsdjIUM of Ptuianui
and Colon escepi so (v is may be
necassMUjr for the oporstion and main
teoaac of Us VMUer system and sux
ItUrls t Usstt Dto Rorwbrk of Pnnama
staaN not wore lor official lt
psUelsos ovf Us totograpk sad t-lf
pkMM NHS ( ts essssartssl Uutn
thoso required frasa oWrisUt of Use
United aiAtes, Out Use KofsslsMc of
Paoaats shall penssft issssUfrsUon and
fSroo ncess to the wads and xork
ss of the canal nnd Its auxiliary
to all -iupkyt- or whatever Nation
.ispubllo of Panama shall have the
right to transport over the Canal Its
vessels, troops and munitions of war
at all times free of charges; that the
Republic of Panama agrees to eases
any treaty with a third Power whleh
In any manner modifies or conflicts
with this convention; the Republic of
Panama agrees, If It should become
necessary at any time to employ
armed forces to protect the eanal or
the shins using tho same or the rail
ways and auxiliary works, to provldt
thi- netossary forces for such pur
poses, and that if It cm not effect' w-ly
handle the situation tht- Panama Oov
ernsnont shall allow Use United States
to employ whatever totem may be n
asary for that sole purpose, the said
foreo to bo withdrawn when tlif
norosslty for Its presence has chsuI
thnt when tho circumstance demand
Ui Unltod States way soad for to
tht Uthtnbus without advice or or.
nt of the Pnnaata Oo'nmnt, ihar
no rnnrge either in the Oovernm nt
or laws aad trssules of the Rfpuhllc
of PannsM shall wUhont Use constat
of the Unltod Stats, affect in any
ws) thri Bjovtsloos of Usls treaty
I'rovi4oa hi also mad that the 'olnt
C'orumlsion for the determination of
dnmhcetf to Use property of nriratn
owners arising from the eoaatracUon
of the aaal shall eossstst of two ror
uu nominntMl by the Prestdowt of
th- 1 ailed 8Ism and t by tho Oov
wiiiiiMt ( Parutnia, and that la cos
What a Heap of Happiness It Woujd
Drlng to Salem Homes.
Hard to do housework with nn ach
ing back
Hours of misery at lolsuro or at
work .
If womon only know tho causo;
Backache pains como from sick kid
neys .
Donn'fl Kidney Pills will euro it.
Salem people ondorso this:
Mrs. V, Long, wlfo of P. Ixng sad
dler and harness makor, of Roseburg,
snys: "FOr n long tlmo I was seldom
without backache and any oxortlon or
tho slightest cold contracted brought
on an aggrevated ntladc I took modi
cine trying to check It, but until ad
vised to try Doan" Kidney Pills I
met wlUi vory indifferent success.
Doan's Kidney Pills gavo mo suoh
prompt relief that I havo no hesitation
In recommending them to others. My
son also usod a box and I heard him
oxpross himself In high words of
praise for thorn."
Plenty mqro proofs llko this from
Balsm peoplo. Call at Dr. Stonq's
drug storo and ask what his customers
For salo by all dealers Prlco 50
cents, FostarMIlburn Co., Buffalo, N.
V., solo agonts for tho Unltod States.
Roraember the namo Doan's nnd tako
no substitute 10
W Sale Ten I Eiffion Boxes a Year.
I fiLSSflBSS!sfSIfi I
imwbib'hiiiii'm!?i'iFLS ' -
We Have a Few
Ibeating Stoves
J To close out, Any old price takes them i
:::::CaIl and See Them:::::
E & CO.
Social Events.
The Shirt Waist Club met Friday
noon with Mrs. Harry R. Cuslok. This
Is an organization of the yemvjtor mat
rons and maids, and its brlsf history
has been marked w'th many Hlaasant
funcUens. la order to continue on a
morn dsflnllo basis tho club at this
iii'Ung organised, electing Mm Cu
sick president, and Miss Mary Stewart
stxretary and treasurer Refresh
mints and a general good time fol
low el
Willamette University
John II. Colkman, riiEsiDKNT, Salkm, Oiikuon.
College of Liberal Arts, Law, Art, Medicine, Moslc,
Oratory, Theology.
PREPARATORY DEPArYTMET-Ocen to studcots complttlnif clehtb enit it
parinient lower units In preparatory department. Besides afford loe
professional training, the University seeks to give a tcoroush practical
education for all who are aware of toe value of trained brain.
THE M0RMAL DEPARTMENT-Offers a.ltioroush courje In Ibe Jhtory ind
practice of teaching. Meets all the rtaulrements of state school law.
Ito teachers are In constant demand, "
Catalogue Upon Application.
attty. trUod UMf a HMr mmi4 dUagixtineJit Ue lio OorswamasUf
rrnct for worh in aay way eoaaaetad slwil appoint aa usnrdre to rsadrr the
nith thu canal Uuu swh Krsoas d in
' g
I ? wMaWsarflal ! lmMJ ' , 'yl nV)
n BfBra BKSaBKfB I '-flnjj?(Prt HWf.ii...Sfc
TKIaBBHBBaaaaaaaaal : T
H Physlslans prescribe It I
for their most de Hosts H
n patients. B
H OLD and PURE. 1
M For Sals by
I A. SCHneiBCR. Sslem. 1
I 153 State 8t I
i fArMEH'8 HOME, I
arritt 5 Lawrence
Sell more Groceries end better Groceries than ANYBODY
There's where you get GOOD treatment and GOOD goods
atop in nnd for yourself. clo p. o. grocery.
E.S. LAMPORT, Est. 1869
in Orogon.
Largest Stock
Got my prices on n flno
289 Commercial St
D. S Bentley
Wholesale and Retail,
Roche Harbor Lime, Alsen Ccment
Latli and Shingles, Sand and Gravel
And all Kinds of Bulldlaz Material.
Work done on short notice
All Kinds of Heavy Haulloir and Transfer
181-183 Commercial Street.
ft BiWE toy tvutUttit, NftrVcrk.