The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, November 23, 1903, Page TWO, Image 2

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HHeB3frf nnf n3tef
S Jf
enjoys tho appearance of success. And tho appearance of suc
cess often leads to it. We bklibvk wo havo the best $10 Suit
in town. We relieve wo havo tho best S12 Suit in town. We
? uemevk we haVo tho best $15
if you don't beliovo as Wo do.
G. W. Johnson & Co
ixgf 4it w fitfiiM88miiiaF
Bcrlppa Newe Association Telegrams.
3 and 6 O'clock Editions.
Dally One Year, $4.00 In Advanoe.
Dally Three Months, 91.00 In Advance.
Dally by Carrier, 60 Cents Per Month.
'Weekly One Year, nl.00 In Avance.
Ono Weolc $ 10
Ono Month 35
Tliroo Months 1.00
At Journal office.
At Daue's Grocery, South Salem.
At Dowersox Grocery, Yew Park.
Asylum Avenue Grocery 8tore,
Electric Grocery, East State 8L
. ' ., , - i
mi t 1 t t-H huh in mint
The Weather,
nml Tuesday,
' Tonight
Tho alty oliovo was tomlor hluo
And golden was Uio wonthor
When down a path a foolish two
Wont strolling on together.
Ilgr little hand In his was tight
(With boldnoss vroll amazing),
And 'thus Uitiy sauntered full In sight,
And ev6ry ono a-gar.lugl
It mutton not of things thuy tnlk
,Proalo, ordinary;
Tho fact Vat patuut that they walked
A dlfforunt language very!
Perhaps, hocauso tliolr bonds wore
Th oy dawned thttiiiHoIrt unquos
And thought they could not bs dls-
And hy rudu kIimicoa pestored.
"How Hilly!" Inughttd tho gtnse npd
And kiewl iHiah olhar oror;
"How sLliyl" scoffd th honvy li
And straight onrtMimd the olovur;,
"Huw silly I M plpd the fenthnred
And fall to hilling swaotly;
"How slUyl" uuoth we all, In glbo
And uuvliNl tliBin completnlyt
December Smart Set.
A Humbnr of gentlemen In other
rJtlM Iirv naked tint tIIUr of this
pnjHM (i) imiKe a stntanmnt of whut
lift oonfildtra the ossantlnls of a husl
nnee program In munloliKxl affairs.
The Idem, of applying tint principles
tnnt miiat prevail In any wnll-Huiungvd
prlvut business or corporation Is
nothing new, and has benn succoss
fully accomplished In whole or irt
1 innuy Amnclrnn i-oiumuultte.
The deliberate forinulHtlou of n don
Utttt nrarHiu and putting an orgHWl
sallow linen of K In municipal gov
eWlHMit Is R new Ides, first micros
fnUy umlnrtnxen and now carried on
Don't have a fall
ing outwith your
hair. Use Ayer's
Hair Vigor.
J. O AyrCo,
- rfrfriiie)iaaaiiH
November is pretty
wtll advanced. Our'
crop of Fall Suits is
the Gnest in our his
tory. Tho richest
plums drop first.
Get the
There is a dnsh and
stylo about our gar
ments that appeals
to rivory man who
suit In town. Coino in and see
shica flvo years ago at Salem, Oregon,
It Is not nocessnry to say before go
ing Into tho dotails of tho plan that
thoro Is great "need of substituting
sound business methods for tho nvor
ago partisan graft Tho iattor as
conducted In tho avorago Amorlcan
city would culmlnato In managlngs In
a mining. cmnp.
What are tho municipal probloms
common to nil cities? They aro not
political, hut absolutely relnto to col
looting and disbursing revonuoe, and
pollco regulations the grent atratn
coming upon any administration at
two points finance and vlco.
Tho collection of rovonuos, con
structing nnd mhlntalnlng st-odts,
sewors, etc.. funding debt, paying sal
arlos, erecting public buildings nnd
managing public sorvlco franchises
are as puroly a business mattor as
any otlior IniBlnoss matter on oarth.
In conducting largo business 'rans-
actions, as It necessarily must, a city
administration must cope with Uic
keonost Intollocta of tho community
wlthth o nggrogntc predatory olomont
of socloty and It Is folly to expect a
good rosult without a woll defined pro
gram.. For Ave yonrs this city has had tho
affairs of tho city government con
ducted on a strictly business basis.
Whether an nldorman has boon Re
publican of Democrat, ho has stood
on that platform.
It Is assumed thnt whoovor is elect
ed on tho 7th of December noxt will
contlnuo the application of those prin
ciples. Since Inst year a now charter has
hoen adoptod, doubling tho popula
tion and Increasing tho torrltory of
tho city three-fold. The nawar por
tions of the city mtiwt b given rea
sonable Improvements, ,
It Is assumed that wnoever Is eieCt
d will not object to conducting the
nuiiilclpnl affairs on this platform.
Iloforo a business program was
adopted tho'doftclts oach yoar wro
growing lnrgen The limits of debt
!aud tOMitlon were lining exceeded.
Uudtr a business program tho debt
mis reduced, taxes were llmttod, and
Interest was reduced to the lowent
ll'inlt by the popular lonn plan.
The current xpwitie of tk city
weie mluend about one-third; the an
nual Internet aharge was reduced
uUimt one-fourth. No further debt
wit created.
The electric lighting bills wero re
duced nearly one-half and the olty se
cured the louest Ibjhtlnc contract of
any city on the PnrlHc Coast or lU
The populAi loan pU Is stmply
thU: Wkeu bouits are Issued. Instead
of mIIIiui them In n luirp sum to some
banker or WMtiwn aj-iullet. they art
sold on direct sulwcriptlon to the
Iknm Hit i-wldents of th cky. In
sums from $60 upwuiiU. eaeli eltlattu
hariuii the light to sutoerlbe ones
Had the swftnet SHbscrlUew being
servod Drat rhen the Iwmte wr hi
sued. The popular loan bonds are
tei-jcar mil bond and Interest It
Pftynbtt semi-annually-.
This plnu mks the cltlsen an 1m
Urete4 stockholder in the d4t of
tto rowHtuiilty and bo In turn be
cotHoe tnleretel In the conUiM!Hce
of a buslnew uracniiH.
Under tta ajstem taxM have de
cMHaeil. deot Has Wen reduced, jrop
emy haa advnHetd in value. Invott
mento lu factories and private ooryo
nwions havo Increased. Improve
ivunt have boon carried on to a mtNit
r extent than over before.
Koltewlu aro eanUa)e of a husl
nees program, as we have carried It
on at Slea:
First All ofilelale on a flat salary
and all fees, perquisite and earnings
of each office to go Into the treasury
, Second Bu&inoss administration of
each. department, as careful as a woll
managed prlvatd business would be
managed. Business Instead of graft
An absolute pledge to limit tax lor
ies and creation of debt
Third Tho municipality made to
keep within its Income, and kept on
a cash basis. Tho finance on a solv
ent basis.
Fourth Donds are Issued or debt
Is funded or refunded on tho popular
loan plan, by which tho largor num
ber of citizens become interested
stockholders in tho municipality.
Fifth Nomination of candidates
not be loft to the machine, but mad a
by tho people direct or ratified by
them '
Sixth Candidates regardless of
party, men of olean records and must
subscribe to this platform.
Sovonth Franchises sold or Issued
under a heavy bond for lrriintedlato
construction and two per cent of tho
gross earnings annually.
In tho coming primaries and city
election Tho Journal will stand for
men who will stand for a business ad
ministration, and tho progress and do
volopmont of tho city.
Sound business policies require thnt
tho capital city of tho Btato have
moro adequate soworago, bettor
streets nnd loss filthy premises and
Thoro has been considerable pro
grots on theso lines, but thoro Is
urgent domand for moro improvements
and moro porfect sanitation of tho city
and its suburbs.
Theso rosults cannot bo obtained
without a vigorous demnnd for Ihom
on tho part of the people, and that de
mnnd should bo oxprossed In tho so
lection of a mayor and city council
who stand for progress
Tho domand for progress is abso
lutely in lino with tho best Interosts
of Orontor Salem tho Intorosts of the
laboring man nnd tho business man-
all tho business men, not a fow fa
vored onos.
Tho nomlneos- tho pcoplo support
should not bo mon who, at heart, are
opposed to Greater Salem, if thcro be
any such In this community. Lot us
havo men who liavo tho interests of
city nnd suburbs at hqart, and who
will stand for their greatest dovclop-
When three Oregon Journalists Join
toams to down n politician, Tho Jour
nnl nnturally sympathizes with the
under dog. Iload this:
Booming Brownol! for congressman
to succood Hormann, tho Woodburn
Indopondont snys: "Politics makes
quoor bedfollows, and it may bo that
wo will find Lion Scott lying down be
side Llnr Drownoll and peacefully
snoring." This is Indeed hard on
Scott Salem Sontlnol.
Tho odltors at Portland, Woodburo
and 3alom will not provont Mr. IJrow
noil ,rom again taking his seat In tho
sonato as Its presiding offlcor.
Mr. Drownoll Is, unfortunately foi
these gentlomon, a hold-over, and by
tho time ho gots roady for another
election thoy may bo supporting him
Tho formation of the Cltlzon's In
dustrial Association of America was
completed last weok In Chicago. Tho
organisation is national In scape and
Includes representative munufnetur
ere, tradosinon, otlior employers, of
ficial, labor, local, general organiza
tions, and citizens' nlllanco, having
among other things as its objoct, the
dealing with the labor problem in all
Its phase. Delegates from fifty-seven
cities of tho United States and Cana
da were present at tho convention, and
at the concluding session all details of
the plan of carrying on nnd extending
the work of the organisation wero
completed. Resolutions were ndopted
referring to strained relations be
tween employer and employed, and
their bad effect on business coiull
Units, part of which read:
"In carrying on a Ann nnd uueom
promising contest with the abuses of
unions, as now constituted nnd can
ducted, at the same time ncknowlodg
Ing the free right of workmen to com
blue, believing that the combination
wheti rightly constituted nnd conduqt
1. may prove highly useful.' we ear
neatly desire to net, and believe we nrr
acting In the true Interacts of , the
worhingmea ihumseivet."
'tho dimension of the two new At
tanttc Hnont to be built by the Cunnrd
lino, under a subsidy tram the Iiritish
gororumnnt am iwHCtkally deter
minnd. Thnlr length over all will be
S00 fet bwun not lew than .SO. mini
nuim draft 31. They oxcnl the
Deutschland and Kalsor Willi elm II
by 100 fet In longth. eight or wore
feet In beam, and at tenet Ave In draft.
They will havo tho enormous displace
ment of 40,000 tons and about 75.000
Indicated horse powen There Is or
ery possibility that they will be equip
ped with turbine steam engines by the
use of which they will savo a coosld
erable space nnd 9000 tons lu weight
of machinery. A sustained speed of
2rj knots Is called for, 26 in trial
speed! Such ashlp leaving New York
Wec&csiW at noon Bhould reach Lit
orpool 50 following Monday after
According to the admission of of
ficials of tho department of tho Inte
rior, tho Investigation of tho public
land scandal now going on in tftc
states on tho Pacific Coast, bids fair to
uncovor more dishonesty than that of
tho postal department Tho present
investigation has been going on moro
than four months, Is entirely independ
ent of tho Indian land scandal, and in
volves money-making transactions to
tho extent of between $li,000,000 and
?20,060,00O, nnd collusion, it is said,
betweon organized plunderers end
state and federal authorities In the
mattor of land allotments in somo
fifty-four forost reserves which cover
altogether C0,17G,7C5 acres of land.
Already a numbo of Indictments havo
been issued.
I'm an unassuming turkey,
And I'm not to blame
If by a prlmogoncsls
Upon this Carth I camo;
They never1 snid a word- to me
And if I'd had my way
I should havo gono somo otherwheres
To spend Thanksgiving day.
Among othor Oregon prize products
Astoria proudly points to a girl baby
born last Thursday who weighs 17
I cannot boar to think upon
The fact that winter's coming on.
I lovo to coast and hitch and slide
But thoro aro othor things boside:
Tho dentist, dancing-school and sums
Bogln when chilly weather comos.
And worse than nil, I cannot boar
To put on winter undorwoar
I lovo tho cold, I Jovo tho snow,
But woolen tilings do Itch mo so!
An attempt Is being mndo to pro
vont Plos Armstrong hanging, -nil on
account of a quibble as to tho place
ho should bo hangeuX This is simply
anarchy, and should bo treated from
that standpoint.
Bed Time
I take a pleasant herb drink, tho next
morning I fool bright and my com
plexion Is better. My doctor says It
nets gently on tho SiOmacho, liver and
kidneys, and in a pleasant laxative. It
la made of herbs, and is prepared as
cosily an tea. It is called Lane's med
icine. All druggists sell It at 25c and
60 cents. Lane's Famdy Medicines
moves tho bowels each day. If you
cannot get It, send for freo samples.
Addross, Orator Woodward, LeRoy,
N. Y.
republican" primari ES.
Ndtlce of Primary Election.
Notlco is hereby given that there
will bo a primary election hold In the
First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth,
Sixth and Sovonth wards of tho city
of Salem, Marlon county, Oregon, on
Wednesday, tho 25th day of Novem
ber, 1003, for the purpose of nomlnat,
Ono candldato for mayor.
Ono alderman for tho First ward.
Ono aldorman for the Second ward
Ono aldorman for tho Third ward.
Ono aldormnn for tho Fourth ward.
Two nldermon for tho Fifth ward.
Two aldormon for the Sixth ward.
Two aldormon for the Sevonth ward
Tho polling places for said wards
will ba as follews:
First ward, Froeland's factory
Second ward, City Hall.
Third ward, Frooland's store.
Fourth wnrd, Red Front barn.
Fifth wnrd, Old Meat raarkot
Sixth ward, Street Car barn.
Sovonth ward, Jory's fruit dryer.
The polling placo of each ward will
bo open from 3 o'clock, p. m. to 7
o'clock p. m. for the reception of votes.
By order of tho committee.
17-31-23 Secretary.
. And say! Dont take too much etoc'.i
In those stories of dwlpation and
Snoral disregard of training that em
annle ttoiu the Fitssimnians training
Woman's Health
Depends largely on the condition of
the seomnclv If this important organ
In allowed to become weak. Constipa
tion develops. Then follow Nausea,
Sick Headache, Nervousness, Insom
nia and General Weekness. To pre
serve health there is nothing so good
as Hoatetter's Stomach Blttors. It
will aid digestion, promote regularity
and cUro Dyspepsia nnd Constipation.
A trial will convince you of Its valu.
For Sale by Druggists.
Afe?ctab2e PreDntationTor As
similating IhcKbdandncdulQ
Ung (he Stomachs andBawcb ot
Promotes Dtecslion.Cheerful-
nsssandRcsi.Contains neither
Otonjm,Morplimc norlincral.
Aoytta Stnf'
Apttfec! Itcmody for ConsOpa
TLon, Sour Stotriach,Dlarrhoca
Am Loss of Sleep.
FoeSinuto Signature of
"- -ouy
TMoTURorN ', Mtw tern out.
Introductory Sale
To Intr odficc the New Firm We "Will Sell
New Pillow Tops and Backs at 25c a set.
New Cords, extra heavy, Sansilk covered 10c yd.
Filo Silk, best brands. 3 skeins for 10c.
Spatchel work, new designs, doilies, Center pieces,
Rounds, and Squares, Bureau Scarfs, Stand Covers and Pillowi
Shams. J
All New Goods at
Rostein &
302 Commercial Street
Meats and Provisions
. Established 1884
A Condition and not a Theory
Confronts tho fastidious man that
has soiled llnon, and don't know
uhero he can have it laundered with
out Injury and in nn Irreproachable
manner. Wo can relieve his mind
right now by assuring him that his
shirts, collars and cuffs didn't look'
batter when first purchased than they
do vshen sunt home from the
Salem Steam Laundry.
Phone 411. 320 Liberty 8t
::::::::A G E N
f J. G. Graham, Agent,
For Infants and Childrnn
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Thirty Years
Introductory Prices
Signs of Renewed Activity
In tho real ostato world indicate I
creasing building operations tW
Spring, an prompt Us to remind jn
that our facilities for supplying birt
and soft wood, lumber, lath, shlngH
and othor building materials are ex
ceptionally good. Wo will be plepd
to furnish esUmatos on contriftt,
largo or smalL 'A car of M111,"J
shingles received.
. . .. . Near . P. P D'P
Phone C51.
C Y O F::::::::
i . H
For Sale.
Crude and stick SulDhor.
207 Commercial St.. SaUm, On.
H lf yttfrSWWfr1
Bears the .
Signature w
n Inkw &
e . IT".
II 4. A n
Y . For
iixSHfiim UIH
iMftd URH