The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, November 21, 1903, Image 1

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Governor Chamberlain convenes the leglslatore, which will meet December 2. It
assurances that a majority of the members desire only absoltrotely necessary legislation,
cember i 6. The demand for the special session came from nearly every coanty and city
is presumed, that while nao absolute pledges have been made, the Governor has received!
Also calls special election in Ninth and Nineteenth Senatorial districts, to be ixdd Cte
io. the state. The call follews:
Executive Department, State of Oreeon:
Salem, Or., November 21, 1903.
I, Geo. E. Chamberlain, by virtue of
the authority In me vested as governor
of the State of Oregon, do hereby dl
rect the convening of the two houses
of the legislative assembly of the State
of Oregon In special session at the
state capital, In Salem, on Monday,
the 21st day of December, A. D., 1903,
at 10 o'clock a. m, of said day, for the
purpose of meeting the objections
made by the supreme court to, and
i curing defects In, an act entitled "An
act to provide a more efficient method
for the assessment and collection of
taxes, and to amend sections 5057,
3060, 3082, 3084, 3085, 3090, 3098, 3106,
3107, 3112, 3116 and 3120, of Bellinger
&. Cotton's Annotated Codes and Stat,
utes of Oregon," passed by the legisla
tive assembly of the State of Oregon,
at Its twenty-second regular session In
All who shall at the time hereinbe
fore named be entitled to act as mem
bers of said legislative assembly are
hereby required to take notice.
Given under my hand and the Great
Seal of the 8tate of Oregon, at the
capltol, In Salem, this 21st day .or No
vember,'. D., 1903. 'JPftt
By the Governer:
Secretary of State.
The governor also Issued a writ for
a special election la tlio ninth, ami
nineteenth senatorial districts to elect
successors to Sonntora Fulton and
Williamson. Tho writ follews:
Writ of Election.
Executlvo Department, Sato of Orog
gon: Salem, November 21, 1903.
To tho sheriff of Clatsop county, com
prising tho nineteenth senatorial
district; and to tho sheriffs ot
Klamath, Lake, Crook and Grant
counties, comprising tho ninth ten
ntorlal district Greeting:
In tho namo ot tho Stato of Oregen:
Whereas, By reason of tho election
of Hon. C. M. Fulton to tho sonato of.
tho United States by tho legUlatuto of
tho stato of Oregon, at Its twenty-second
regular session, and his accept'
anco thereof, tho offlco of senator for
tho nineteenth senatorial district has
becamo vacant;
And, whereas, by reason of tho oloc
tloa of Hon. J. N. Williamson, senator
elect ot tho lato ninth senatorial dis
trict, to tho congress ot tho United
States at tho last gonornl election In
tho Stato of Oregon, and his accept
ance thereof, tho offlca of sonator for
sold senatorial district has bocomo va
cant; And, whereas, at tho twonty-BOCond
regular session ot tho legislative as
sembly of tho state of Oregon tho Enid
ninth senatorial district was changed
so as tn include only tho counties ot
Klamath, Lake Crook nnd Grant;
And, whereas, It becomes necessary
to elect a sonator for tho ulnetoonth
sonntorlal district and tho ninth sena
torial district, as now constituted, to
fill said vacancies horotnboforo men
tioned, because of tho fact that a s'po,
alal sosslon ot tho legislature has been
called to convono at tho stato capital
on tho 21st day ot Decombor, 1903,
Now, theroforo, by reason of tho
premises nnd by vlrtuo of tho power
and authority In mo vested as gov
ernor ot tho stato ot Orogon, I do order
that at tho dato hereinafter tamed a
Bpcclal olcctlon bo hold In tho nine
teenth and ninth senatorial districts ot
tho stato ot Oregon to All said vacan
cies. And you, tho said sheriffs ot tho
countlos composing tho said scnatorl
al districts, and each of you, nro hero
by commanded to forthwith notify tho
several judges of election In each and!
all ot tho sovoral olectlqn prcdnota tat-
,your respective counties to hold, k?
special election In cadi qf Bold couu
tloa and precincts on Weduonday, thee
lGth day of Decombor, A. D., 1803, It
manner and form an gonornl elections
nro hold, pursuant to tho statutes la
such casos raado nnd provided, for thr.
purposo of filling tho vacancies causo
as horolnboforo Btatod In Bald nonntor
lnl districts, and for tho unoxplrodt
ternv ot said Ronntoni whoso offices"
hnvo bocomo vncnnt no aforenald.
In witness whereof, I havo horountor
Bet my hand, nnd caused tho Groat
Seal ot tho stato of Orogon to bo aP
flxod nt tho city ot Salem, this 31st day
of Novcinbor. A. D., 1903.
QEa d. oiiAMnniubAiN.
To tie Higher Court
of What It Calls
"Our Conscience"
Columbia Too Busy Preparing
to Return Thanks to
God For Blessings, to
Heed Her
Bogota, Columbia, Nov. 21. Prosl-
fUent Marroquln has issued an appeal
Ito tho American people, through the
3crlpps Nows Association, in which he
says Colombia has boon tho victim of
unexpected aggression, and Is In dan-
gor ot losing tho best part of hor tor-
, rltory. Tho Amorlcan governmont,
which It has always held to bo Its host
ally, has provonted, with tho marlnos,
tho Bubjugatlon of tho trattora It
was an opon violation of our treaty.
He says ho Is sure tho Amorlcan peo
ple won't pormlt this denying ot Its
glorious traditions In ordor to obtain
by force what Colombia is willing to
grant through oqultablo ways. He ap
peals to tho national consolonae ot
Americans, closing with: "No matter
what action Washington may tako,
possessions and property of Americans
flwlll bo hold inviolate."
Will Scrap
' Colon, Nov. 21. After much difficul
ty, tho Associated Press correspond
ent Bucccedod, this afternoon, In In
terviewing Goneral Reyes, tho distin
guished Colombian soldlor, who came
to tho Isthmus on a penco mission rep
resenting bis government. General
Reyes said:
"Tho day I loft Bogota, which was
on the 11th Inst, Uultod States Minis
ter Beaupro and Secretary ot the Le
gation Snyder woro well, though n Ht
tlo anxious. I assured your minister
that ho was in no danger, and today I
am ablo to give tho samo assurance.
At tho tlmo I left, Minister Beaupro
was proparlng to go down tho river.
"This morning Admiral Coghlan In
formed mo officially that tho United
States would provont tho landing ot
troops on any part of tho lsthmun. I
promised Admiral Coghlan Colombia
would not tako such action until I
reached Washington, whither I am
proceeding, via Port Llmon and Now
"A 8econd Boer War. ,
"I also told Admiral Coghlan that If
ray offorts at Washington fallod to
bring about some nrrnngomont con
cerning tho prosont situation on tho
Isthmus satisfactory to Colombia, the
United Staton would havo to fight tho
entlro Colombian peoplo, and it would
be a second Boor war. I am going to
Washington for tho purposo of doing
my utmost to arrango affairs nralc
abjy. "Colombia Is In desperation. I
doubt If tho Washington govornmont,
or President Roosevelt, for whom I
have t)ie highest rospect, realizes the
seriousness ot establishing this prece
dent. The large Gorman colony In
Rio Grando de Sul, Brazil, Is doclarod
to be Inclining to a revolutionary
movement for Independence, which the
success of Panama will Btlmulato.
"Tho governmont of Colombia Is re
ceiving tho sympathy of all South
America, which Is fearful of further
American territorial aggrandizement
In this direction."
Fine Weather Causes
a Tremendous
Ten Thousand Turned Away
Seats Command Big Premiums-Yale
a Fav
orite With Sports
Boston, Nov. 21. It is an ldoal day
for tho Harvard-Ynlo football game,
and ImmonBO crowds arrived on 25 ex
cursion trains this morning. All seats
aro sold, and It is estimated that 10,
000 aro already unablo to gain admis
sion. Somo seats commanded a pre
mium of 71000. Tho betting la C to 1
on Yala
It Is estimated that 40,000 witnessed
the gnmo. It oponed with Harvard's
kick-off, and a itubborn conlost,
Mitchell bolng always at tho foro. Tho
first Bcoro was Yalo C, Harvard 0.
The contest continued bitter, overy
yard being contested. Thero wore no
spectacular plays, and tho teams
soemed evenly matched. Marshall, ot
Harvard, attorn p tod to kick goal from
Die field, but missed, kicking, outsld
the line. The first half was Yalo C.
Harvaid 0.
Michigan Has
Grand Rapids, Mich., Nov. 21. Sov
entcon warrants were Issued tills
morning In connection with tho city
water deal. Fourteen woro for alder
men and farmer aldermen, and tho
otlior throe for ex-Mayor Perry, who
1b accused of acroptlng a 73000 brlbo,
Stato Senator Burns, nnd n former
member o ft ho bonrd ot public sor
vlce. BIbsoI, also bribo-tnkers. Tho
aldormon aro charged with taking
from 73000 to 75000 each.
Big Liner
Bolfnst, Nov. 21. Tho now Whlto
Star llnor Baltlo, tho largest llnor In
tho world, was launched today. 8ho Is
720 feet long, and rsgistorn 23.000
Transport In New York.
Now York, Nov. 21. Tho transport
Bumnor arrived today from Manila,
Among prominent offlcorB aboard woro
Gonornls Davis and Chanco, retired.
Thoro woro 102 bodies ot soldiers.
Go Back to Rome. ,
London. Nov. 21. Tho klntt and?
queen of Italy left for Rome today.
Made Today
Chocolate CaralUols, Chocolate
Chows, Chocolato WaforH, Poppoi
mints, Chocolato Wnfor WlntorgroonB,
Walnut Top Chocolato Croamn, TiR
center Chocolato Creams, Poppormtnt
Wafers. WlnteTgroon Wnfore, Log
Cabin Creams, at
154 Stato 8t
Phone 1971 Main.
A Cash Store Charges You Only
for the Goods You uet
A LrCQlt blOrC you get and tor things your
neighbor got and failed to pay for. Then you hive to pay
for all of the extra expense connected with the credit bus
iness. Try a Cash Store Once jfW,sr.
there. That's been the experience of thousands of cus
tomers who deal with
All the Same
as Oregon
Lincoln, Neb., Nor. 21. Tho reven
ue law passed by tho lost session ot
the Nebraska loglalaturo was doclarod
unconstitutional this afternoon by a
special supreme court. The state's
floating debt Is $3,000,000. It Is prob
uble a special session will be called
now to act In the matter.
Salem's Cheapest One Price Cash Store.
Rubbers, Rubber Boots, Duck Coats, ji
siirkftrs. Rubber Coats. Overcoats.lCloth- ; ;
wev--; 7" ', UmDreiias, nees.
Oar Dry Goods Department has bet n trie I a k or ne , ,
town this year. We have the light goods. Wecutthen
"regular store" profits in two. j
E. T. BARNES, Proprietor ;;
No Change In Car Strike.
Chicago, Nov. 21. The settlement
of the great oar strike still bangs In
th- balance. The company up to noon
had failed to reply to the latest over
tures. There Is renewed activity, and
the operating linen are quiet. Practi
cally all the policemen guarding the
llnce have been withdrawn, although
the ears carry guards. Three largo tor
'pedoee were discovered on the tracks
at the 7th street barns. A nonunion
conductor was beaten Into Insensibili
ty within u block of the barn. Two
'striking conductors were arretted.
(The unions have notified the strikers
that, notwlthatatwMHK all the confer
,ence, the strike Is still on.
I Counsel for both elde have ar
ranged for a meeting title aftwsoou
Attorney Harrow, fw the strikers,
eoflsldef an agreement ean be reached
by tne eemcaiuee. i
6 i i i
Clay Must Duit.
Cbariea Clay, a- well-kuews churac
ter aboet tows, who ku often given
the puttee treeble. wju arreeted last
night for kelRK kite tours, and this
mereleg be was senteeeed to pay f M
Use. r Wve ID days in jail, with
the alternative that ha leave town
by the 4:34 trsJnthjs' afterseen. He
agreed to leave, and tb o genre will
see that he dee.
Drum mors samplo handker
chiefs, no two nl ike, in all tho
protty designs nnd patterns in
tho newest ombroidored effects.
Such a salo is sure to attract
wide Bpread interest on account
of its monoy saving qualities.
i 5c and 20c kind 0c
25c kind J 5c
30ckind 9c
Now is your cbanco to lny in
your haiidkt-nhif supply which
aro exeliisivtt patterns.
Ycsterdiiy wfis a phonomonnl
basket day on ntir second flooi
caused y our determinntion to
make room (-r new arrivals. If
you have not scoured your bas
ket now is lite tune fur wo are
selling them on the second
floor for
Their marked price.
Snet'and Floss
A full supply i all tho stand
ard colors. A fine ohanco to
get your yarn oliean. other
stores ask 00c and $1 for not as
c pound
Tho linon event of tho sea
son. A regular Thanksgiv
ing salo and no mistake, for
tho economical housowifo
will be moro thankful for
these advantages and just at
Thanksgiving supply time,
too. ThsBO prices toll strong
tales of our prico superiority.
$2.50 va!. $2J5
$2.75 val. $235
$3.75 val. $330
$4.50 val. 395
Wednesday Only
Wednesday is tho day wo
havo our regular spcoial
sales and for tho 2 Cist week
ly salo wo ofier exact repro
ductionuof famous mattor
pieces, These pictures are of
suilioiont quality to adorn
tho wall of any room of your
home. Values up to 2fio lor
this day only.
Wednesday Only.
Myers Shoes for Men
A full and cotnpleto lino of
this famous shoo shown in
all tho new styles andshanes
madoof dependablo leather
and are as good no any 60
shoo storo shoo. Ask to be
shown tho VISCOUZED
SOLES and havo their mer
its explained to you; these
eolosaro guaranteed water
proof and aro just tho thing
for this wet worlher.
$3? rf
No More No Lees
111,1 " "'" mmmmmgmmmmmmmmmmmm
nummSHKHBsHK' s
HartSdUnf 11 n
lhndTiikrcd aSM V&
Style and
Here's a coal yi u an wiar in
tho miu with harm in tin- imt or
to you,' You oan wenr h n a utny
wrathor too if you lik, it looks
feelti like any other fiuo overuool,
with tho rainprotif quality added,
Tho gftiiiino "(n.v i etle" rain
coat is right in every u), in mH
it is to be e jiivinced.