-w tw, T?'pijWif-wrr'-CTCfsi W"ri.c v-rn. w- THE BAlLV JOURNAL At.eM, eft-MrON, WD'NE8DAY,''N0VEKTBER 18, 1003 ' .1 " 'I "" '- ''' " ' trwitr Seeing is Believing tl Ii bird to be!I-Ta in Eriporated Cream cm make to many d.Ilci-u, dlihet until fou try it yourself. When you do, be sure Economy Brand Evaporated Cream tiw ttnrf -Atfnt rAmttnV. He sure you see the can label Ills the cap of merit the sign H truth. Wine and headache, cramps and dragging down sonsntions away till I felt young, strong and happy once more. It it a wonderful meaicino and a true friend to women. Whon I look back on the months of torture I had it scorns likonhideouB nightmare. Wino of Cardui will euro any woman I believo. I havo more faith in it than all other medicines combined. Utcs How can you rcf two relief whon you know you are growing worse day af ter day ? Shooting pains, Irregularity, inflammation and bearing down pains make thousands ot women miserable. Why drag through )ifo never enjoy ing Nothing ? AV'ino of Cardui has niado over 1,500,000 weak and Buffering women wll and strong. Woaikyou togo to your druggist today and securo a $1 .00 mtili of Wmo of Cardui ami begin to tako it at once. Do that and tho henlth Mrs. Kingsluy writes about will soon bo yours. If you think spec ial directions aro needed in jour caso, address, giving symptoms, Ladies' Advisory Department, Tho Chattanooga Medicino Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. Phone: Main 2953. Tho man (liilokost WORK DELIVERED WHEN PROMISED to do All I nsk truo. It is 0 103 Commercial SI. Oror Tho Journal. lfMg?&gmMMgUtPfJS 4a&Wo4o94&& Porto gWPJWp'ffgj ."J ' l!HJ I'iff iffli1 ' Corre & .!,- :. I .Arr 'autfaf aavv coffee ! I positively that no coffee ever handled has given such !! general satisfaction as Porto Rice Coffee. The only !! way is to try a pound and see if you ever had. i such ! ! a splendid coffee for the money. 25c?and 30c per lb. 1 , I , , laMsMa. ii Roasting : ; All our coffees are roasted ; ; An air tight roastet keeps the ; ; tact, it cannot escape, and you will get it all.; We have s ; ; also a special grinder. You can have it coarse or fine, f 1 1 t 111 ? ! i A i i meaium.or puivenzea. we II. Positively the Richest Coffee ! i Phone Black 2411. lYoKonamaTeaGo. ; Flno Coffee a II I - I . I I I I I U. S' Bentley. Wholesale and Retail. Roche Harbor Lime. Alsen Cement, Lath and Shingles. Sand and Gravel Aid all Kinds of Rulidini. Material. Alt Kinds of Heavy Haullar and Transfer Work done os short notice- 18 MB 3 Coaaercial street. you get or tome other brand which bai our cap label reproduced herewith. It ii a guarantee that it Is nothing but bc lutely pure cow's milk, tier Uiied by scientific process, rich In butter (at and of It delights the cook and tickles the polite. on the can belore you buy. of honest goods. HELVETIA MILE COIfDEIfSINQ CO., Highland, Illinois. YouMayBeCured 544 Garfleld Avenue, Chicago, 1m., October 9, 1002. After doctoring for eleven months and takinff forty-thrco bottles of medicino and finding no relief for leucorrhcoa resulting from irritation of. a fallen womb I took Wine of Cardui and fourteen bottles cured me. This seems b trance but it is tho siriiplo of Cardui helped mo from the time I began taking it and havinc heard it praised so highly by friends who had tried it I felt satisfied that it would help mo, and it did. It cured me. Took every bit of actio, rain xPjC LVlce-Prrs., Chicago Illslorlcnl Club, .0'&ftll NO LENGTHY ARGUMENT IS NECESSARY who can do tho mostnud bast work,! and clioapost, is tho tuau you wnntj your work. Is n cliunco to provo what I say 1b I moro to your lutoreat that youbnvol thin proof than it is to mlno. Elliott, tlie Job Printer. HHeiHM4WHHt-Hg ICO 0 ft t t ...-, i.iu ni ... ....:.. lliui iq nut (uuauru at tut rpiiv.i. a anvwhere. With 14 years in the and tea business. We assert 2 -i --- --- i Coffee with an impioved process. 2 fragrance and aroma in- give it 10 you as you want Anvwhere for the Money, Specialty. Free Delivery. PRINCESS LOUISE CONFESSES Was Disappointed Be cause Her Acts Were Condemned Did Not LoveGiron, But7 Used Him to Get a Divorce. Then Fired Him Berlin, Nov. 18. A Look containing tho confession of Princess Loulso, published hero today, reveals her dis appointment when her flight with Glron was condemned. She snys she oxpoct cd the world to accept hor as the champion of freedom. She novor lovod Glron, hut simply used him as a means to gain a divorco, and ejected him as soon ns It was obtnliied. Go Gunning for Pheasants London, Nov. 18. Kings Edward and Victor are pheasant shooting in tho Windsor preserves. Victor on route laid a wreath on Quen Victoria's tomb. President of Switzerland Rome, Nov 18. Moa?ero today prints n story that an anarchist plot against tho president of Swltzeiland has boon dlscovored at Milan, and throo arrests have ben made. Mark Twain atjt Again nomo, Nov. 18. Mark Twain Is working on three now books. Ono is ontltled "How Americans Dlscovored Italy." "Portland and Return Only $2.20." Tho Southorn Pacific is now soiling round trip tickets to Portland from Snlem for $2.20, good going Saturday or Sunday, teturnlng Sunday and Mon day, giving all day Sunday and Mon day In Portland. Tho same arrnngo mont applies from Portland, giving all Portland people a chance to visit val ley points nt greatly reducod rates. cod Norvous dlsordort. can only bo rom odlod proporly after prossuros aro rollored from norves and obstructions nro romoved from blood vessels. That Is Ostoopathy, Why should poisons tako the placo ot skillful anatomical engineering in tho body? Drs. Schoettlo, Darr & Bnrr, Osteo paths, Grand Opera Houoe. Salem, Or. m in ! i i ii For Good Groceries Go to Drnn.on & .lagan's, and aftor once trying their groceries you will ueo them all the time. A New German Market Joe Miller and Joo Drck and Pqter lloch (drlo mal hoch) have Just an ranged to open a new German tnat A Wonderful Medicine. Beecham's Pills FOR ALL, Bilious and Nervous Disorders Sick Headache, Constipation, Wind and Pains In Stomach, Impaired Digestion, Disordered Liver and Female Ailments. rurAKKD ONLY BY TBX M-OfUKTea, Thomas BctcKim, St Helens, Ensf. SoM by nil DfUU la UnlteJ SUtcj. la boxt, JCc nJ 23c market next door to' iarrlt & Law rence's grocery store, and. In Saturday of this weok will, bo roajly for busi ness. Those throo sturdy German boys are hard workers, experienced In tfio bu8in$E$fand solicit tho patronage of tho public. ; : 37 , Another English Fad. Tho tattooing craze among womon Is tho subject of a treaties by Prof. Gltchcll, who states that tho Savior, wearing a crown of thorns, Is the most popular device. But this craze Is not confined to English women. Al fred South, of Cookspur street, who may be doscrlbed as tho plonoer ot the tattooing art, has during his ca reer oporatcd on upwards of 15,000 persons, Including about 900 English womon, tho designs in a great numbor of cases being of a most peculiar de scription. Perhaps tho most striking of nil arc tho two celebrated paintings, "The Crucifixion" and "Ecco Home." Ona woman has depleted on her skin n picture representing a flock of birds. Portraits of husbands and lovers aro popular with women, and there nro sovoral Instances In which womon havo been tattooed with their bust bands' roglmontal crost. Monograms, initials and family quartcrings abound. Thoro aro somo instances whoro wo men havo had tho Inscriptions on their wedding rings tattoood on thclt fingers beneath tho ring. Etchings of bracolets in yellow onclrclo (he arms of many. THE FEAR " 0FHUMBUG Prevents Many People From Trying a Good Medicine. Stomach troubles are so common and In most casos so obstlnato to euro that peSplo aro apt to look with suspicion on nny remedy claiming to bo a radical, pormanont cure for dys pepsia and indigestion. Many such prldo thomsolves on tholr acutonoss In novor bolng humbugged, especially In medicines. This fear of being humbugged can bo carried too far, In fact, that many peoplo suffer for years with weak di gestion rnthor than risk a llttlo time and money in faithfully testing the claims raado of a preparation bo roll- ablo and universally used as Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, Now Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets nro vastly dlfforont in ono Important re spect from ordinary proprietary medi cines for tho reason that they are not a sccrot patent medicino, no so- crot is rnado of their ingredients, but nnnlysls shows thorn to contain tho natural dlgostlvo formonts, puro a3ap tlc pepsin, tho dlgostlvo acids, Golden Soal, bismuth, hydrastlc and nux. They nro not cathartic, nolther do thf-y act powerfully on any organ, but they euro Indigestion on tho common sonso plan of dlgostlng the food cat on thoroughly bofore It has tlmo to formont, sour and causo tho mischief This 13 tho only sccrot of tholr auc coss. Cnthnrtic pills novor havo and njv er can euro Indigestion nnd stomach troubles, because thoy act entlroly on tho bowols, whoroas tho wholo trouble is roally In tho Btomach. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablota taken after meals dlgost tho food. That is alt thero Is to It. Food not dlgosted or half digested is poison as It creates gas, acidity, headaches, palpitation of tho heart, loss ot floeh and appotlto nnd many other troubles which nro often called by some other name. Thoy are sold by druggists ovory where nt 50 conts per package With the Mind's Eye. v (Answers.) A man blind from birth, speaking of tho mental pictures which unfortu nates like htmsolf havo of external things, said: "Wo get sorato ida of shape, more than wp do of size. Of color, wo have an Idea of black and whlto and of red. but J think tew, if any, of us can comprehend nny other huo. Wo pic ture tho sun as an Immense mass, with red rays shooting about it, nnd daylight floating above the earth. "When a bllndraan d rerun- his droams are not liko those ot other people, but consist entirely of sen sations of sound. Ho cannot dream of scenes and placet, for he has never seen them. For instance, when we dream of hearing of our friends we dream of hearing their voices. "The sensations of sound and motion takes the place in the dreams of the .blind of the objects which ap pear to the visions ot the night to those who can see. I speak of thoso who hare been blind always, for, of eourse. wtth those who one eonhl seo. their dreams may be filled with vis ions ot peoplo and places which their waking eyes oanAot now behold, but which may appear vividly to them in sleep. But one who has ben blind always cannot dream of seeing." .1 .' K ', i v. . BRMSM FOOD, Not ion since 'there was a great run on the flali markets because it wa3 an nounced that fish was food for the brain. Of coure the fallacy of the fad vps soon exploded. Normally the food we eat nourishes brain, nerves, muscle, bonqs, etc., each part Of the bodv assimilating phosphorous salts, lime, ac cording to its need. When the brain begins to show wenknesS or the nerves be come semithc it is a sign that there is a loss of the nutrition contained in the food eaten, and this loss is in general due to diseaso of the stomach, mid its allied urgana. Dr. Pierce's Golden M-.iiral Discovery ci're. diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion ami nutrition. It enables the perfect digestion and as-iniilution of food, which is the source of the strength of both brain and body. " I wo troubled with very frequent llealnch-,, write. Ml. Uellc Stimmrrton, of San Di-ffo, Duval Co , TttM.. "ollen nccomirtiiiietlbj' severe vomltlnsf. bowel were Irrefciilni anil my stom ach ami liver Memel continually out of order Often I couM rat almit nothing, and tJoiuettmes alxolutelv liotlilnif. for twcuty-foii hours nt n time. I'wns entirely uufit for work, nud my whole system .reined so run-down that 1 feared a severe sick .pell and won. very much dis couraged. I w-ib advised to try Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Dl.coery and did so with such sati.Oictory rcnlts that before finishing the third bottle I felt perfectly able to undertake duties attending public school life." Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser in paper covers is sent .for, on receipt of ai one-cent stamps to pay ex pense of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. S. C. STONE, M. 0. ....PROPRIETOR OF.... STONE'S DRUG STORES BALEM, OREGON. The stores (two 'n number) are to cated at No. 235 and 297 Commorcla street, and wo woll stockod with t complete lino of drugs nnd medicino tollot articles, perfumery, brnshet etc. Has bad some 25 years ezperlonce Is tho proctlco ot medicine, and no makes no charROs far consultation, es ami nation or prescription Your Stepmother Is still . hero, and as busy a evor. When your cloth oa are worn and dirty, or the buttons off, take them to ber, at the Salem Dyeing and Cleaning Works. Repairing and rellnlng; now velvet collars put on overcoats; also four suits a mdntfc for $1. Called for and returned. MRS. C. H. WALKER, Prop. 196 Commercial Street W. W. Hall. R. E. DOWNING. HALL & DOWNING. Money Loaning. Insurance. Collections. Loans negotiated for ourselves and patrons on the fees terms at reasonable rates. Iloirablk upstairs, opposite Gray Bros. State St., Salem Orcsror ySSSSBESS&SB, 1PILBS RU SuppositoiB A tri c-tuIm4 U ytm m D. Vt. Tin-- R-M- OrUxt fedfe.li, SmimtIU., K. C , viIIm i "Iiuht iw; . u 7. cwu. nt ufra,-- vt D. M. lMTr, UTtS-UMI.W T.vnU.. "TJ!f. tclf WMJ Mll. tutl.a." Br II Ii WtOlll, Cli,vt. T,oo,! " . - rrM'ia. f 33 l.n, I fc.T. IiMn4 B. rvM. wi , rtrt " Tm. M Curc. SuipU. FrM. sL q rrwr KihR-N H'JDT. IAMCASTIB. f. jy- Sold In 8lem by 8. C. 8tonc Call for Free Samples. uHn.Hrarrn'8 ENaimH KI3VAL. PILLS . t - . . Ifll.--,klfti.ni - mui-KNii-irs j.tviLisii Li i;ii .'. i . .,. i -1.I.UU- im uu IImm. S- r . ev Prart 111 M M4 A. fu r.rtl.klan. Tlli.I.U " U.II IWr I -.)-- M UUtr. i r. Imrm 1JL. 1 H.UUO T.Ua Al ChutwUtirMMt U.lUulH.un.l'UUX.H ?t .... lu .l . . . Corvai lis & Eastern R R. TIME CARD NO. 22. No. 2 for Yaqulna Leaves Albany 12:45 p.m. Loaves Corvallta 1:50 pra. Arrives Yaqulna 5:35 p.m. No. 1 re turning Leaves Yaqulna 7:30 a.m. Leavos Corv&llls 11:30 a.m. Arrives Albany 12.15 p.m. No. 3 for Detroit Loaves Albany 7:00 a.m. Arrives Detroit 12:20 p.m. No. 4 from Detroit Leaves Detroit , 1:00 pm. Arrives Albany 5:55 p.m. Train No. 1 arrivee in Albany In time to connect with the S. P. south bound train, aa well as giving two or three hours In Albany bofore departure ot 9. P. north bound train. Train No. 2 connects with the S. P. trains at Corvallta and Albany giving direct sorvice to Newport and adjacent beaches. Train No. 3 for Detroit, Breltenbush and other mountain resorts loaves Al bany ut 7- a.m, reaching Detroit about noon, giving ample time to roach the Springs the same day For further information apply to HDWtN STONB, Manager. T. COCKRBLL. Agent, Albany. U. H. CRONISB, Agent, Corvallla. rmm jt.t. &A m 'Sj -VJ ff HLjifH ljfTQuilJy Suciirtoijs 3 TRAINS TO THE J.A3T DAILY, DKPABT KOI- TIMESCIIPDULES Plata I'oitlauo, Or, AUMvi raon itnco&o tortluad Bjvtlt.1 VS-0. m Tla Hunt Incton 'Auontle -tproa 8.16 p. ta. TlsBtiDt tnt'lon BtrPafr" Fttt Mull 8.00 p. m, via Bpokatie 8 All lnkc. b.tlT.r -. SfJu!s..,"'f..Sfi .;fv.."""" ,cto Salt Lnkp, Uenror Ft Worth, Omaha, Kauu, Walla Walla." -iI7m?-.T Souo. Wa!lv;c, Inii cun, Mtuueapoll) Si Paul. Dnlnth.Miiau ... OhtcnKO, Rud Eati, 70 HOURS VJ'ta J PORTLAND TO Clllrirr, J Mo Chasceof Cart v OCEAN AND RIVEH SCHEDUlT jAt.Milltm dato subjuc , ;. so. Kox'ftuu Kjair . "t. l ..n '. -j-i Us D.O. ' Dally except Bandar S i. m Baton' ay or.rr. (lOLPMHIARIVKR ToABtorla anl War Lanillnxi i,S, WILLAMETTE RIVER Steamer Ruth lonvna oi. Portland and way landings on Ti i days, Thursdays and Saturdays, itoa 7 a- m. M. p. DALDWW A. L. CRAIO, Agt.O.R.&N. Sil Gon. Pass. Agt. Portland, Or. Offers a cholco of THREE gateir&n KANSAS CITY, ST. JOSEPH OMAHA, to Chicago and points Etit Through Standard and Tevr1 sleeping cars daily between San Fro Cisco and Chicago via Loi Angela and El Paso. Through Tourist 81e6per Mck TUBSDAY from Portland to Oilc-i. via Salt Lake and Colorado Sprlsit, Through Standard Bloepios Ctn dally between Ogdon and Chlcaa. Lowest rato in effect always TH ablo via "Rock Island System." Reduced ROUND TRIP IUTBg ta effect on July 12, 13, 16 and 16, uk August 18, 19, 25 and 26; 90 day. n turn limit Bo euro that your ticket w-i tU tho Qroat Rock Island Route. Tho best and most reawnabl dia log car sorvlco. For lnfon-tloa, OEO. W. BAINTER. T. P. A, L. D. GORHAM.-Gen Agt, SM A14j stroot. Portland Oro. Quick Time East From TaoocnR, Seattle, the PW Sound country and Spokane to J sourl river polnta and the Bostaw the Burlington offers quick ssrrKf Through tralno Seattle to Kai City equipped wltU big. free chslrWj standard Pullman sleepers, ,'" but not least, tourist Bloopers, cw ftAW-fii'-'J ii nMil nV-inn VUU4tUllAUU UUU WV1 l Ml wny not tone uio aouineaat n via llllllnfTH mil tha rtlirllnetOOI IX'V can't do bettor, and you mljM worse A. C. 8HE-DON, Qsnersl Aj"- 100 TniRD STREET, PORTLAND. i O. C. T. CO.'S PA88ENQER j STEAMER8 POMONA and Allonftaafor rorlUnJ Mon' Wedne-day and Kiloajr ai lu a, a. TuwUay, Tbunclay and PtU-da st w For CorIU. TuenU), tiw and Saturday at 8 p. m For Independence dailr icP B,,td,, at p. ta. Deck: Foot of Trads 8trt M. P. BALDWIN, AO- Caottal Normal School First National Bank Bulldm. Sje The fall term of twelve weeks oft" September 28. Address, j, j ivnr -" t I tTDADU SllCUIt J.Brownstein&Son. 54 State street- mweM MldforHWes, Pelts. Wool. Tiw andfara; alsofceaeral dealer " Iron, Robteraad Metals. A I ii.'!-,-b: u.dl-Mu-i.- ..---it !-- -.-.jk