The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, November 14, 1903, Image 1

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"" J'o'ETR'N'A'hi'-
. ..
iatliot Noah New-
pan, or Delariey In
the Asylum
Bus Parents Came Here as
slaves of Daniel 'Delaney,
Who Was Killed for
His Money
Noah Newman, the negro, who was
Iteommlttod to the asylum on Thurs-
Rajy under tho name of Noah Dolaney,
iiou at that Institution yesterday, with-
15124 hours after boing received there,
Ku exhaustion, aged 57 years. Tho
funeral will bo held from A. M.
plough's undertaking establishment
tomorrow at 2 p. m. Rcvi Cole, of the
' Seventh, Day Advontlst church will of
gwman was woll-known In Salem,
Iwliofo for years ho rondo a living ns
Drer. Ho was born In this conn-
of negro parents, who came lioro In
learly 40s from Tennesso, as slave
Daniel Dolaney, Sr one of the
Ithlest of tho early settlers of Jin
an county.
Mr Delaney. tho master of the ne-
family, came from Tennesses In
H2, bringing considerable woaltli
th him, and ho secured n largo tract
3land In Mill creole bottom, adjoin
ing Turner, Ho located there, on nn
fato containing sevoral thousand
acres of tho richest land In that sec-
Ton, where ho erected a flno house,
8UU standing there, within a half mile
of Turner. Mr. Dolaney'a sorts all
married and settled on tho prlncoly
jjBtato of their father, but moved
away in later years, and four of them
ro still alive. Thoy aro George, at
ilia Walla; Daniel, at Toucannon,
tWOBh.i David, nt Farralngton, Wash.;
End James. In Montana.
iDanlcl Delanoy, head of tho house,
Iwhen ho enmo from Tonnosseo,
brought flno Durham cattlo and other
KVooded stock, as woll as a number of
Pgro slaves, and nmong tho lattor
yore tho parents of tho negro who
Hod at tho asylum yesterday.
tin 1SC5 Mn Delanoy was murdered
y Deal and Baker for his raonoy. Tho
Id man, on tho ovonlng of January
1865, was called out of his house, I
near Turner, and was shot by Bool,
whom Dakor, an adopted son of De
laney, had Induced to participate In
the crime. Tho two men secured about
$4500 In coin, supposed to havo been
found by them undor tho hearth in
tie Delanoy homo. They were aftor
ward arrested, tried and convicted,
and wero publicly executed In this
city. About $2000 of the money se
cured by them was found where ihey
had htddon It.
Tho namo of tho husband of Ra
chaol, tho mother or Noah, was New
man, and later sho married n negro
named Brooks. Sho still lives In this
Tor years after Mr. Dolanoy was
murdered, negroes who wore formerly
his slaves, made pilgrimages to the
.old Dolanoy homestead, and there dug
for gold, supposed to havo been burled
near tho old mansion. This was kopt
up to within tho past few years, the
negroes believing that largo sums of
monoy, In gold and silver, had boon
burled by tho old man Delanoy on tho
hlllsldo near his homo for sofo-keon-Ing.
But no burled treasure was over
found, and, like that of Captain Kldd,
the hidden treasure trovo lives as
only a romance of tho pnBt, and from
tho sum of $100,000, at which It was
fixed by tho early stories, It has grown
to three or four tlmoa that amount,
nnd will probably continue to grow as
time goes on.
Coal Strike
Maybe Ended
Ixnilaville, Colo., Nov. 14. A satis
factor' agreement botwoon tho miners
nnd operators of tho Northorn coar
flold was reached tills morning, which
will bo reforr'od to a roforondum vote
of tho various Unions. Tho men will
undoubtedly roturn to work Monday,
Tho oporators granted tho 8-hour day,
tho minors agreeing to return to tho
formor hours of work. If tho Southern
field miners failed to secure eight
Say He is
New York, Nov. 14. Tho polico be
llevo Williams, who yostorday mur
dered Philanthropist Green, Is Insapo.
None of tho stories told havo any
foundation. Flags on tho public build
ings and schools aro nt half-mast to
Of Customers Come Back
When customers return and keep reluming, a deal'
i i ii.i i i i i
er is saie in concluding inai nis mercnanaise is rigni.
A Steady growing business is ako evidence that
the public is satisfied with a store s policy.
We could'nt supply the demand last vear for Flei-
scners bnetiana Floss yarn. I his year we have an
5nnrmnns sunnlv Our nrlrp ? nnlv Qflr rtpr nnnrtrt
fWe bought before the advance. That's why. If you
? prefer to buy your "CIKLULAK SHAWLS" and tas-
I cinators reaay maae, our prices are zu to zs per cent
I below 'regular stores .
Hive yr u seen our KlttUUIw It s time you were
looking them up for Christmas fancy work.
f , , .. . - r h.i. r. n i,
MBER 14, 1903,. - N0, j
Government Declares
Panama Must Be
Citizens are Furious In Their
Denunciations of Both
Revolutionists and
waslies Big Four
New York, Nov. 14. Cabling from
Panama, tho correspondent of tho Hon
aid Bays direct communication has
been established with Bogota, capital
of Colombia. Ho forwarded tho fol
lowing dispatch, sont from Uint city,
under date of Novombor 10th:
Acting Preeldont Jorgo Holguln said
todny that Colombia will novor recog
nize tho lndopondonco of Panama.
"My government will oxhnust Its last
drop of blood and Its Inst cont In put
ting down tho rebellion." he said "I
wish to mako tho announcement to
the world thnt wo will not submit to
Isthmlnn Independence."
General Hafael Ileyos, who has boon
appointed gonornllsslrao-ln-chlof of Co-
Jombla's fighting forces, and who loft
today for the coast, has a large and
well-equlpped army. Ho announced
that he had loft behind a forco of 100,
000 men, ready for any omorKoncvi
All dopnrtmouts nnd parties havo
promised unconditional support and
finnnelnl aid to tho government. The
people nro furious ovor tho revolution.
Bogota continues In a stnto of Biogo,
but tho United States legation Is well
It Is asserted In Bogota that the
Isthmian movoment is not unanimous.
The govoitffraont declares that It has
assurances from tho Interior provinces
of Panama Uiat thoy nro not lu sym
pathy with the robolllon, and can be
relied upon to aslst In putting down
tho robolllon.
Tho Colomblnn government and the
pooplo aro satisfied that patriotic son
tlmont will provnll, and boforo long
"tho Isthmus will realize tho orror of
Its courso, and will return to Uio
mother country, boforo Colombian
blood shall flow In torrents."
From roports recolved hero tho
government Is counting on tho sin
cere sympathy of nil the South and
Central American republics.
Excuses the Engineer For
Violating the Law Rather
Than Violate the Or-
dersof the Company
Indlnnapolls, Nov. H.Tho coro
ner's vordlot was handed In nt noon In
tho celebrated Perdu football wreck,
which exonerates all tho Big Four of.
ftclals, oxcopt Chlof Dispatcher Ilyors.
Ho la lrold to blamo becauso ho failed
to notify tho yard mastor of tho In
coming train. Tho special engineer Is
hold guiltless, oven though ho exceed
ed tho oltly-llmlt speed, becauso his
ordore woro such ho could not avoid
NO. 23,' $
ma. Whllo tho BrlUsh government Is
qulto willing to leave tho nrrnngomont
of affairs nt tho Isthmus to tho United
Btates. It does not destro to commit
Itsslf to recognise Panama's lndongnd
onco. until assured that It has boon
A special dispatch from Washing
ton, saying thnt surprise Is expressed
In administration circles thoro nt tho
fact that Great Britain has not yet rec
ognized the lndopondonco of Panama,
was shown to tho forotgn office and
elicited a stntomont ns follews:
"Great Britain hnB taken similar ac
tion to France. This does not Imply
tho recognition of Panama's lndopond
onco, but merely recognizes Its torn
pornry government."
Firemen and Team
sters Have All
Builders 8triko In Pittsburg
Pltsburg, Nov. 14. Ten thousand
union bulldors wont on a strike this
morning. Kvory craft, oxcopt masons,
carpontors nnd palntors Is affected,
and building Is nt. a standstill.
Drltaln Will Walt a While.
London, Nov. 14. From Inquiries
made by a representative of th Asso.
elated Prose, It In believed that Presi
dent Roofiovelt's reception of M. Phil
ippe Iluna-Varllla, as minister of tho
republic of Panama, will not affect the
nttltudo of Oreat Britain toward Pana-
8hlp Went Ashore.
London, Nov. 14. Tho BrltlBh ahlp
Arrnnmoro, from ABtorln, Oregon,
wont URhoro nnd Is wreaked In Algon
bay. Tho cargo had boon discharged.
Borlln, Nov. 14. Tho omporor to
day talked audibly, for tho first time
fllncp tho operation.
Hard on Stock.
Cool, rainy weathor continued, nnd
la gonornlly considered beneficial, as
warm rains would produce Hoods.
This weather Is hard on stock that
has no sholtor, and cows and homos
should bo glvon tho benefit of sheds
nnd barns. It 1b reported that consid
erable snow has fallen In the hills.
Linemen Will go Out Next
and All Others Connected
With the System
Will Follow
Chicago, Nov. 14. A thousand po"
llcomen nro running tho Wontwortli
street car lino this morning. Tho
Btrlko of tho flromen last night had lit
tlo effect, their places bolng filled, and
tho cables nro turning this morning;
Ordore woro issued today to nrrcot any
(Continued on olgth pngo.)
Mo aim
Peanut Taffy and
Peppermint Chews
a t
1B4 State 8t.
Phone 1P71 Malm
We make is as genuine and straightforward as If It was an affidavit for a court'
of justice. If you buy of us once you'll be so pleased with Hour purchase that you'll
buy here always. We can give you just as much satisfaction as our old customers
have been getting these many years.
Panama. Nor. 14. Tho now govern
ment has no fears of an Invasion of
Panama by tho Colombians.
New line of extra fine laces for handkerchief trio
mine Table Linens. We ave you 15 to 20 per pnt on nan
kin aud table itaiuatk, Louk tlit-ra over aud u-e if you
don't agree with us.
Stamped Linens just in.
Thle time of year you want Reliable ShOCS. The line
we ell give fatlifucilon. That's way we tell more eheee
than moat eboe store.
We have special line for boys that'll itand tte raoket.
They're made ol full etook k p. The iole, Inaolee. and
counters are a lard a flint. Try a pair for your boy.
-dM", Clothing and Oyer
coats. Rubber Coats, Slickers,
Duck Coats, Rubbers, Rubber
Boots, Blankets' Comforts,
Everything for the whole family,
Salem's Cheapest One Price Cash Store.
E. T. BARNES, Proprietor
London, Nov. 14. Many hitherto
unknown sayings of Jo tin have been
discovered by archacoIofilnU. who
havo dug up papyri burlod slnco the
second century, a hundred miles south
of Carlo. Dr. OronfeH. who has bn
excavatlns alncs 1S94. at a Hnornl
meoOBK ot th Isxyptlan uxploratlon
fund. hr rhvc tho detail. Ha anya.
In company with Or. Hunt, he dlacov
ered Uia roll, apparently nil the say
ings addressed to Sti Thomas. Onj of
the moat rellRblo nnd hlthrU un
known, is "Let him that aeeketh oaa
from hla swieh until he find, and when
he flnda ho ahall won dor, wonderlny he
almll rcaeh the kingdom of heaven,
and he who reaction the Itlnfttlom of
heavon slmll have raat." Orenfalt, In
bla Ioctiir, aald twnnoug Interest
will ba araud on aorount of the vrl
aliona dliclod from the ncoeptwl
tftxt. ou variation of th mystical any
'" v an. numw. iv niiHRluIU Ol uuu
Ms within vow." wm of ureal valuu aa
th aayiMc la in the fwiw.
It aitkir U tHlt (UlTerant aur
itMiHdfatci from tbo attrtbuld to it
by U wreJicolUK. ami to extended tut
Into saoUior regtou. AeeordiriK to
Oraafelt U MviNKS formed a new
gospel, wklcii it trs4ilt4Htaily associst
ed wttk TtwfMML Another fravment
eonutBS a dlscourso ot Christ with nis
dtsdples. which Is etoeniy relatsd to
tho sermon en the mount, 4n which
he saswers the quMtfew m to when
the khtiietafR wIM h realised, saying
when wo die wjHurn to the swto
of laaecenr exfattajr bofore the fall.
Mnrh sew tight 1 thrown os the his
tory ot Hi i world and thu lilltutrtn Ll
jcbMesroJ Mtmtmm of 9wvU Jso
Tublo litions just in timo
for ThnnlcBgiving: Every
picco is Bolkl nnd substantial.
Tho variety is extensive.
Tite price would bo higher
in the ordiunry wny of re
tailing, but wo don't do
things in the ordinary 'way.
Thisia not an ordinnry storo,
The grout bargains ofl'erod in
our linen department aro cre
ating quito a stir among tho
frugal bou8owives who ap
preciate this -great opportu
nity. A fiiijo lino of napkins of
great valu but price re
dilutions mako them all tho
moro desirable for you,
$2.50 values for $2. J 5
$2.75 values for $2.35
$3.75 values for $3.30
$4.50 values for $3.95
Full linos of
Included in our linen sals.
Df ess Goods
TODAY CLOSES one of tho
groatest dress goods sales wo
navo ovor conducted, in quan
tity, quality, weaves nnd col
oring our stock is tho moat
complete to bo found in tho
Willametio Vnlloy. It doesn't
lio wi'hin tho heart of woman
to pass by such beautiful drees
goods aa aro shown uoro. Mot
only aro tho pricings so mod
orato as to oxcito Wonder, hut
tho wealth of color if bewilder
you an idea of tho truly roiral
splendor of theso handsomo
fabrics. Thoy ronrosout tho
infinito resources of tho world's
best weavers,
First Floor
; and tho qualities abovo
deism. Can't begin to givo
Don't Fofget
That our bedding sale
continues and is a great
winner. Everything in tho
bedding lino at greatly re
duced prices.
Pillows, Pillow slrps,
Sheets. Spreads, Com
Just Received
A full lino of the celebrated
"Merrill's wool comforts and
wool balls. Thoy nro mud of
sterilized wool. Wool comforts
ready hit covering, weight, 3
pounds. They aro tho heal
thiebt bid covi'ringyou can find.
Sterilized wool, butts largo aud
fluffy weight 1 pound. Ark to
see thorn.
Second Floor
Another new lino of "Eng
lish Square" ties for men. The
vory latest in up-to.dato neckwear.
Made I'speaially to wear with
tho Ascot tie. Very now.
IIuvo you seen thorn?
First Floor
Rubber Bike Capes
A full Hue of tho very latest
in rubbor bike capes, with double
thickness over shoulders. 80 in
ches and 60 inches in length.
Just tho thing for bieyolo riders,
drivers and those compelled to
be out in all kiudx of stormy
First Floor
U Mux I
I jIUdTnloftJ "Miffiiiiiiiiii" h '" ' " ' j
I 4 U' U U
tMNW M.xfme
M:memam i
Tfffv JBSr?1 iHlll I
'WlwilmtezZTM I
lilMfwm.fBI tamw ' '4fcfc m
HVin i IO. iSSbmbibW. illrw u asf
-tuafffflr&ksY H
Cmfjl l U 1KI Vt llwl fekotfiiw A Ml
The Hart, Sohaffner, A Mnrx
"Varsity" suit, wliich has boon so
long a favorlto nmongyoungmen, 9
fellows who want "snappy'4 olothes,
is as usual a popular stylo this
fall. ,
It is so good a fityje that tho
londenay is to Inajro all tho sack
suits liko the Varsity modol,
There's a difference, though; you'll
see it at a glaneo if you will.
forts and Blankets.