The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, November 11, 1903, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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    !!"JJ,,i;i!J,"?,i,"y. lTj-. i'ji J.'jiJl''n?.-HfHjSi''"t,l"'Ji'"
'TTfW tTW9 JW TVJjrrfW !
. I -trr --.f v-
Wfr- r" w-h1 " TiMb1 yrwfi v sy 9 -v - fuvw wyj
Unive sal
9 L
Of Every Kind and Description
At Great Sale Prices
This is our masterstroke, our last opportunity for this year to
closo out our two stocks of llnena. Our last effort will be our
strongest ono and evoryone will be bonefltted by our anxiety to
comblno our two stores.
Table Damasks by the yard
Table Cloths
Carving Cloths
Hemstitched Linens
Linen Drawn Work
High Grade Linen Towels
Don't fall to boo us before yc
Wo are conduction two magnanimous sales of Dry Goods, Cloth
ing, Shoes, Furnishing Go-job, Ladles' Suits, Wraps, Etc.
Hotel Arrivals
The Willamette.
I. W. Tripp, ltoseburg.
Joo Harris, San Francisco.
Jos. Knufman, New York.
It. D. Walker, San Francisco.
II. II. Scovol, aSn Francisco.
T. H. White. Portland.
0. C. Gllbort. New oYrk.
II. M. Poyssr. San Francisco.
W. Scott Taylor, Oarvala.
Sam Castro, City.
A. 8chworlnor, Now York.
C. Fv King, San Franolsco.
Jlcn ltosontlold, Snn Franolsco.
J. S. KlostSan Franolsco.
8. J. Moore. Bverott, Wash.
C. li Dant. Portland.
T. D. Woolloy, Portland.
0. M. Thorsoll, Portland.
Hv Tanhousor, Portland.
Jas. J. Kleth, Portland.
C. W. Zoller, Portland.
U F. Daly. Dallas.
C W. Ilusjh. San Francisco.
1. U Patterson. City.
I). 8. Hllery. Portland.
P. A. Menzles, Portland.
Gus A. Lawut, Portland.
Chicago. Nov. 7. Wheat, 78
78 Ha
Gold Dust Flour
Sidney, Oregon.
Mado for family use. Ask your
grocer for It. lirau and shorts al
ways on hand.
A. T. Wain, Agt.
Fresh Peanat Taffy
Chocolate Chips
Chocolates and Tail iesToday
iF'tuoz cCe i
Edward Ellis.
144 8UU 81
Potatoes, Potatoes,
CM and see as before ,yo I
sell yoar Crop
James M. Kyle & Co
i 75 CommercialSt.
Values of Silver.
Stir groat fall ware sale of Rogers Knivos, Forks, Soup Spoons
Ton Spoons is still goiug oil and scoroa of customers arc being
mado lumpy by snviuc 20 per cent on thoso old reliable goods.
KOGKKS "1S47M aud our owu
goods on tho market, and were never beforo sold at $0 lov?a figure
in Salem. Consult our stock and learn our prices before buying.
CHAS. H. HINGES, Jeweler and Optician,
88 State Street. Next door to Ltdd & Buso's Bask.
Table Linen Sets
Tny Cloths
Etc- Etc.
carre your turkey.
S. M. Lntz. Portland.
H. J. Gnbo), Kansas City.
Miss. Countlss, Miss Palmer, Miss
Kldday, Miss Dlalr, Miss Herbert,
Asa Leo Wlllard, Charles Newton Ity
an, Arthur Lane, John M. Sullivan,
Frederick Esraolton, "The Christian"
llllhee Club Election.
Tho Illlhoe Club hold Its annual olec
tlon last night, with thrt following
result: Prosldont, Dr. It. Cartwrlght:
vico-presldont, Wornor Ilreymanj sec
retary. B. F. Moredlth; troasuror,
Claud Gatch; directors, T. B. Kay, Dr.
J. F. Calbroath, J. D. Sutherland, R.
II. Coshow, Dr. T. O Smith, Jr.
Special Meetings.
At tho Unitarian church tonight, at '
7:30 o'clock. Rev. W. G. Eliot Jr., will
sponk on "The Influence of Belief Upon
Individual and Social Ufa" Meetings
continue until Friday evening. All In
vited. Osteopathy does not pretend to euro
everything, but It Is hardly too broad
a statement to say that It cure every
thing curable.
Drs. 8ohoettle, Barr & Barr, Ostco-'
paths, Grand Opor House, Salem, Or,
Should hoar ono of their own pro
fession lecture on Christian Science
Friday night. Admission free. 3t
1 11 11 3i
Will fit you out with a
unusual merit its the
"Lincoln" which Is the
most talked of pen on
the market tooay. It
Is guaranteed to five
perfect satisfaction If
not your money back
on return of cen A
good eenerous stock to
select from.
Pattons Book Store.
Let Us
Do Your
van alstine. qohdon co.
ulte 4 176 V4 Commercial St., or
'Phone Main 801.
A. R, MORGAN & CO.,. Managers
SPECIAL BRANDS an tbe beet
Daily Journal Will
Give Away Huti'
dredsof Magazines
And Makes a Special Sub
scription Sale Day
Heavy Reduction on
Daily Nov. 26tli.
No. 1.
Journal subscribers will this year
be given a special bargain day and it
haa been set for Thursday, November
2Cth. On that date you can get The
Dally Journal for ono year, cash in
advance, by mail, for $3, or by car
rier for 5. This Is a flat reduction of
one dollar, not only for tho use of
your cash, but to save us, as well as
our subscribers tho tlmo and troublo
of numerous paymonta during tho
year. It saves us work and It saves
tho subscribers ensb. Romember tho
date, November 2Cth. All who pay
up arrearages, If thoy have any, can
on that dato got the benefit of this
offer. Evon if your subscription la
paid up to the present tlmo or in ad
vance you can got tho benefit of an
additional year on that dato. If you
can't come to the offlce on thnt date,
send It in sooner, and tho credits will
be made on that date, November 26.
No, 2.
To new subscribers we will give n
sample subscription to The Dally threo
months for one dollar, and In addi
tion present thorn with the groat
Metropolitan Magazlno free for '.bat
period. This Is one of tho groatost
magazines in America and will be
given free for three months to now
subscribers only.
No. 3.
To any of our subscribers, old or
new, who pays a yoar In advnnco, ?C
by carrier or $1 by mall, this groat
magazine will be given free for ono
yenr. See tho announcements of this
wonderful magazine olsewhere In this
papor, and prepare to profit by our
groat, offer.
(Continued from first page.)
Hag hoisted without a Bitot being fired.
No ditflcultlos whntevor were encoun
tered. The provisional government of Pan
ama has received n telegram from
President Mnrroquln, of the Republic
of Colombia, giving assurance that tho
Panama canal bill would most certain
ly pass congress next August, and
General Royos was on his way to the
Isthmus to mako proposals looking to
peace .and the saving of the national
honor. The provisional government
has sent a letter to General Reyes,
which will roach him on his arrival at
Savlnilla, advising It is uselews for him
to come to Panama, as his mission is
a hopeless one.
The cruiser Atlanta has Just arrived
from her cruise along tho coast.
City. Oregon, Saturday, November
7. 10. Miss Clara Peterson, of Or
egon City, and Mi William C. Vm
ter, of Polk county.
The bride Is one of Oregon City's
fairest young business woman. She
has for some years conducted On
leading millinery store there, and wag
also .very popular In society. The
groom la ono of Polk county's most
popular and efficient young farmer.
'Mr. Foster came up from Oregon City
last evening, and received tho con
gratulation of bis many gentlemen
ami ady friond of Salem. Ho will,
la a count of weeks, bring his brMe
from Oregon City. wnen Uu- will k
cat In a pleasant mm homo la Polk
eounty, soar this city.
VAN DUSBN.-On Seenm! stmt,
North SftJem. Oregon. Wednesday,
November 11. IMS. at S a. mt. Mrs,
Knteltae Van Dusoiu aged TS yoaps
and S numOu. of heart failure.
Dereaaed lived, with her daughter.
Mrs. J. s. Tail, la North Saletn. Tho
funeral will bo hold at the residence
tomorrow at 10 a. .. Hev. a R. Scott,
of the Friends enure enlelaUng. In
terment la CttVtow eemetery.
Everybody '
Goes t to the. White Heuse luaeh
eenater at boob. Open alt hours of the
day and sight
Wednesday, 8ST-
Tbe Greatest Success In Dramatic
By Permission of Lelbler & Co-, N Y.
Direction of Ceo-L-Baker
Catlirlne Countlss as . Glory Qnayle
Asa Lee W 1 1 lard as John Storm
and a specially selected N. Y. Company
The play that has broken rrcorda every
where. No other modern play has had
such a whirlwind o( euccea.
Production carried complete.
Prices-Si, 75c, 50c, 35c. Seats on
sale at box office, Wed'day at 9 a m.
Thursday, Nov.12
presents the dramatic comedy-novelty
success of the past three seasons
Rose Melville
Sis Hopkins
A Play of Purpose
A Plot of Sense
A Happy Blending of
Fun and Earnest Full of Laughs!
Laughs!! Laughs! 1!
Tho pastoral comody hit Best com
paty yot. Now and special scenery.
Njw music. New specialties.
Lost tlmo Last chance to seo the
Snakcntine Dance
Prices $1.00, 75c, 50c, 35c.
Seats on salo nt box offlce Thursday
at 9 a. m.
Millionaire's Poor Stomach.
The wornoiil stomach of the over
fed millionaire Is often paraded In the
public prints as a horriblo example ol
the ovlls attendant on tho possesion
o fgrcnt wealth. Dut millionaires ara
not tho only ones who are afflicted
with bad stomachs. The proportion Is
far grenior among tho tollers. Dys
popsla and Indigestion aro rampant
nmong theso people, and they suffer
far worso tortures than tho millionaire
unloss thoy nvall themsolves of a
standard mcdlclno like Green's August
Flowor, which has bcn a favorite
housohold remedy for all stomach
troubles for ovor 35 years. August
Flowor rousos tho torpid liver, thus
creating appotlto and insuring perfect
digestion. It tones and vltullzoa tho
entire system, and makes life worth
living, no matter what your station.
Trial bottle, 25c; rogutor size, 75c. At
all druggists. At Dr. Stone's drug
3 P. M. FRIDAY 3 P. M.
Au revoir Pattl Is now making ab
solutely and positively her last fare
well tour. This, however, must not be
confounded with the last one she made
before the war.
Business Men
Will bo benefitted by bearing Judge
Henna's lerture Friday night Ad
mission free. at
6uttk s? ft K Y Hut Hf Seaca
Wanted. A girl to do housowork In a
family of only two. Wages S7.10 per
. wook. or more if necessary. A)! af
ternoons free, and forenoons if de
sired, also Sunday. Residence near
nil places of amusement. No wash
ing or Ironing required. Qtrl not r
quired to no In boforo wldnlnnt or
later, and will bo fHmlsnod with
Hlant-key. Lady of tho bouse agrees
to assist In all work not done by her
soif. Address 0. H. C" care Jonr
oL . IMl-tt
Chleken Pie Supper. By tbe ladles of
Um Oontrml Oonfrsgatlonal cbnroJi.
TiMdsVgp. November ITtn. from S to
H o'clock p. m. Comor lttti Perrj
stress. Twontnro oonte fbr
. grown of4e. lie for eMWrsn.
ji -
For Salej-nnibar of fine nra4 ows.
wita or wlktetK ejs. Son bsssl t
rrow In PoWroar)- and Maflqh, Al
so n nnmbor of yonng snoats. J. IL
Oaniols, Vi mile south of Liberty.
F. R. M No. llll-lw
Appointed Administratrix.
Ella Parker, widow of W. R. R. Park
or, deceased, was this aftornoon ap
pointed administratrix of hor hus
band's estate. The property Is valued
at 500, and tho heirs are, in addi
tion to tho widow, five children, all of
them minora Mrs. Parker was ap
pointed and lottcrs of administration
ordered to Issue, no bonds being required.
There's a good assortment of them
hero to select from, as well as 9torm
aprons, buggy whips, cto, etc. Wo
think our prlcos arc about right .Como
and sco what you think.
Those rubber bicycle capos aro a
very good thing for tho wheel-man or
anybody olse. Call and see them.
We havo a few moro good bargains
in second hand sewing machines.
Keop trading all the tlmo and always
havo something worth ntoro monoy
than we ask for It. Thcro's several
good roll able, high arm machines at
$10 or loss.
Call and sec them.
Now machine for rent. Old onos
takon In oxchnnge.
Ropalrlng of all sorts. Needles,
oil, etc., for all kinds.
Implement House.
255-257 Liberty St, Salem.
Farm Machinery, Bicycles, Automo
biles, Sowing Machines aad Supplies.
N. H. Burley.
Sewing Machine Repairing.
Jersey Bull
Oregon T. Rioter, No. 3.694, A.
J C. C, took first premium at all
Northwest fairs In 1903. Ready for
sorvico on Gardon Road, near S. P.
track. L. F. MARS, Prop.
Otegon Fite Relief
Oregon's Great mutual Insurance Co.
$15,440,588 Insurance at risk.
Safe, economical Insurance for the
people. Head office, McMInvllIe, Or.
II, A JOHNSON. Agent for Marlon Co.
Salem. Oregon.
The Mask Department
of tho
Sacred Heart Academy
hn8openod with afine nttendunco.
Every effort is mode to advnnco
tho students in this fascinating
tbftt the- Chicago Store will challenge any storo In Salem to offer goods t
aa Httlo urleoo aa we da The wondarful soiling powers of tho Chl
Storo gives us this advantage ovoc all competitors. We have no room l
our store to' pile away goods. W buy quick and soil quick, consequent
lly you have the advantage of gvtting now goods at the smallest mars'
of profit.
J1.00 IMack Silk Pean de Sole
challenge sale price, yd 66c
l.U BagUs nraadcloth 68 laches
challenge sale price 6S&-
Se VoiveUeas silk finish, all ool-
..ore, ctelkmc price -ISc
iie Wool Drew Goods 40 Inch
challenge tHe Sc
76c BbMk Silk Taffeta challenge
ale price He
Sc towels fancy borders chal-
dipt Mf MtCC 4c
Itnt Mtiiig NajNiel heavy 4naV
Ity. prtee per yard s l-9e
lOe eoittw batting. cb&Uesge prtee.
prtee, rail i0
Beet Saw silk, enallaHge price.. 3
Tte alt Hue damask, cnalktsg
' priee jfc
., liillilnnll III mini 1 n
Prlce reductions dominate
tho entire stock of linens.
There Is no limit to the pcajl
bllltles of the thrifty housewife
Intent on increasing the supplj
of hor linen closet If Biie
comes to Dalrymplo's. Flaien
benuty and flaxen value abound
Safo Hnons, too. You Inow
this linen department. Shines
with quality LlnonB that will
"stand good" In tho wash.
Take advantage of our
Wo'vo gone from tho top to
tho bottom of tho store Into
every department seeking or
ory odd and ond and broken lot
for a grand clearing up of all
remnants. Wo'vo reduced the
When In tho storo today, look
them ovor. Tho biggest kind ol
bargains In everything offerod.
I Dakymple's
Foff Rent
A nice 1 2 aero
.Chicken Mich.
New I10U80, ono acre for garden
rest pasture.
Houses from $5 amonthup,
Houses BDd lots for sale chttp. imill
payments on the installment pltn.
Oheap stock rauch for tale on tuj
terms, email payment down, or trads
for town property. II you vint in;
thing in the way ol city or earbotbu
property, fruit tracts, fine (timi or
other bueinoj in our line, call tail n
us, and wo will try and pleaeeyoa.
R. R. Ryan
This challenge sale Is goo up specially to demonstrate to che peoH' (
Just See How We Sell Them
itU rainy day
r-halldBM ' '
Ladles' Oflc heavy fleecod na"
wear, challenge prlc
Beat Saxony yarn, challenge Prie
aknla $
H-W fwr boaa, our challewr
Vria. m
Sic auto caps, Ue Ultoat challeage "
price if
lie Japeneee kandkcrrhlefs
SJjOO men's feH hats, cballMe
S3 men's wool half hose, challees
.priee 9
S$e men's wool fleeced underTA ,1
ckalleage price ij
Idiea' lie linen BandkMrckiefv
challasffa m4e .3
The Qheapest Store in the Northwest.
M'Evoy Brothers, gSJ.-