The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, November 07, 1903, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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You talk as tfiey .write in noTew,"
paid Alice. "I'te rend about just such
things In th0m. -Wouldn't It be grand
' If '1 suoufd tdrn out to bo nomo great
pifsonago In dlagnlaor1
The mention of novels reminded
FatMfir Beret of tbnt terrible booK
whfcfif be- Inst saw In Alice's possesion,
arid' hd ccufd not refrain from men
ttdnlrg1 it In a rolco that shuddered.
, ,. 'litest easy. Father neret," sold Alice.
"Thof W'QMfl novel r have found whok
t'Tr" distasteful to me. I tried torea'dM,
Dot could not do It. I flung It aside
In titter1 disgust You and Mbthe
rtoiisslilon are welcome to hldo It deep
' hs a well talr all I care. I don't enjoy
reading about low, vile people and
' 'hopoloba unfortunates, 1 llko sweet
and lovely heroines and strong, high
brfulod, bravo heroes."
"Read about the blessed saints, then,
tny daughter. You will And In them
"the true heroes and heroines of this
World,' said Father Dcrot
M. nouflslJlon changed the subject,
for ho always somehow dreaded ta
Jmto the good priest fall Into the strain
vt argument ho wns about to begin. A
stray sheep, no matter how refractory
feels n touch of longing when It hears
the shepherd's voice. 1L Rousslllon
was" a' Catholic, but n straying one, and
he had promised tbd dying woman'
who gave Allco to him that tho child
Should be left 'as sho was, a Protestant,
without undue influenco to chango her
from tho fdKU of her parents. Thlsf
promise he had kept with stubborn per
sistence, and ha meant to keep It iOjt
'long ns ho lived,
A few weeks had passed after M."
Rousslllon'a return when that big
hearted man took It Into his head to.
jceob'rnto his successful trading von-'
itures, with, a moonlight danco given
(without reserve to all tho Inhabitants
vi vincrnnes, it was certainly n aem-j
ocratic iunetion mat. no contemplated,
and motley to a most plcturesquo ax
tent A-Ilono de RonvJIIe called upon Alloc a
day 'or two previous to tho occasion
nd duly engaged her ns his partcnalrc,
"I want you to wear, for my tfaKe, tn
buff gown which thoy say was your
"No, I won't wear it"
-But why, Alice?"
"None of tho other girls bare anytnlrig
llko such a dress. It .would not bo right
for me to put It on and mako them nil
feel that I had taken tho advantage of
them, Just because I could. That's
"Out; then, none of them Is benntlfut
and educated like you," be sold. "You'll
outshlno them anyway."
"Rave your compliment for pool
butJebo Insisted upon having tho en
gagoment guarded In her behalf by a
cotidltlon so obviously fanciful that ho
ncceptod it without argument.
"JLt my wandering knight should ar
rive daring tho dance, you promise to
Miind ABlda and giro placo to him,"
phfffitlpolnto(l. "You promlso that?
ofou,.Be8, I'm expecting him all tho
,tfmo. I dreamed Inst night that he
came on 'a great bay horse nnd, Htoop
ng, whirled mo up behind tho saddle
and away wo went!"
Then) was a childish, half bantering
air in her look, but her voice sounded
earnest and SctiotiR, notwithstanding
it delicious tlmbru of suppressed play
fulness." "You promlso mo?" sho Insisted.
' "Oh, I promlso to slink away Into n
corner nnd chow my thumb tho mo
ment ho comes I" Rene eagerly assent
ed. "Of courso I'm taking n great r'B'
'I know, for lords and barons and
kiUghts arc very npt to appear sudden
ly In a placo llko this."
"You may banter and make light If
you want to," sho said, pouting nd
mlrnbly. "I don't vnro. All tho same,
tho laugh will Jump to tho other corner
of yourinouth; sea If It doesn't. They
say; that what n person dreams about
nnd wishes for and waits for and be
lieves in will co mo true soonor or
"If that's so," Buld Rene, "you and 1
will got married, for l'vo dreamed It
every night of tho year, wished for it,
waited for It and believed in it, nnd"-
"A very pretty twist you gtvo to my
words, I rauHt declare," sho said, "but
not cow by any means. Little Adrlcnue
'Dourdor could toll you that Sho says
that yon have Vowed to her over and
over that you dream about her and
wish for her and wait for her, precisely
as you imvo Just said to mo,"
Rene's brown face flushed to the tem
ples, partly with anger, partly with the
shock of mingled surprise and fear.
IIo wan guilty, and tho guilt showed
iu bis eyes and paralysed his touguo,
so that ho sa( then) before Allco with
hUfunder Jaw sagging ludicrously.
"Don't you rather think, M. Reno
do Rorivllle," sho presently added in a
calm, advisory tone, "that you had
bettor quit trying to say such foolish
things to mo and JURt bo my very good
friend? If ybu don't I do, which comes
to tho Hamo thing. What's more, I
won't bo your purtonaire at tho dance
unless you proinlne me on your word
of" honor that you will danco two
dances with Adrlenno to every ono
that you havo with me. Do you prom
inur IIo dared not opposo her outwardly,
although in his heart resistance
amounted to furious revolt und riot
"I promlso anything you ask mo to,"
bo ' said resignedly, almost sullenly
'Anything for you."
"Well, I usk uothlng whatever on
my owu account," Allw quickly replied,
"but I do tell you flriuly that you shall
not maltreat little Adiicuuo llourctur
and remain u friend of mine, Sho loves
you, Rene do Hourllle, and you have
told her that you lovo her. if you are
a man worthy of respect you will not
desert her. Don't you think I am
Llko a singed nnd crippled moth valu
ly trying to rise once again to tho al
luring yet deadly flame, Reno do Ron
title essayed to break out of his em
barrassment and resume equal footing
with tho girl ao suddenly become his
commanding superior, but tho effort
disclosed to htm ns well an to her that
be had fallen to rlso no more. In his
abject defeat ho accepted tho terms
dictated by Allco nnd was glad when
sho adroitly changed her manuer and
toao in going ou to discuss the ap
proaching dance,
"Now, lot me mako otto request of
you," bo demanded after nwhlle, "If a
it-small favotv May I ask it?"
"Vui. but I don't Kraut it in advance.
pretty little Adriennc," sho flrmVrs
jponded. "I positively do pot wish to
bear them. I have agreed to bo your
pnrtcnalrc at this dance of Papa Rous
slllou's, but It is understood between us
that Adrlenno la your sweetheart I
am not and I'm not going to be either.
So for your sako and Adrlenno's, ns
well ns out of consideration for tho rest
pf tho girls who havo no flue dresses, I
am not going to wear tho buff brocade
gowu that belonged to Papa Houssll
Ion's mother long ago. I shall dress
Just as tho rest do."
It Is snfe to say that Reno do Ron
rlllo went home with n troublcsomo boo
In his bonnet. He was not a bad heart
ed fctlpw. Many n rlit good young
man before hint and slnco has loved an
Adrlonuo and been dazzled by an Alice,
A vlolot is sweet, but a roso is the gar
den's queen. The poor youthful fron
tlcrsman ought to havo been stronger,
but he was not, and what have wo to
Tho danco did not como off. It had
to be postponed Indefinitely on account
of a grnvo chango In tho political rein-,
tlons of the llttlo post. A day or two
before tho tlmo sot for that function
a rumor ran through tho town that
something of Importance was ubout to
happen. Father Olbault at the head
of a smal) party, had arrived from
Koskaskla, far away on tho Mississippi,
with tho news that Franca and the
American colonics had mado common
cnURO agnlnst tho English In tho great
war of which tho people of Vlncennes
neither knew tho causo nor cared a
straw about the outcome.
It was Onclo Jazon who cnnio to the
Rousslllon place to toll M. Rousslllon
that ho was wanted nt the river house.
Alice met him nt tho door.
"Come In, Onclo Jazon," she cheerily
aid. "You ii ro getting to bo a strnngor
nt our houso lately. Como In. What,
nows do you bring? Tako off your cup
and rest your hair, Onclo Jazon."
The scnlpless old lighter chuckled
raucously and bowed to tho best of his
ability. He not only took off his queer
cap, but looked into It with a startled
gaze, as If ho expected something In
finitely dangerous to Jump out and
seize his nose.
"A thousand thanks, m'nm'sclle," ho
presently said. "Will yo plenso tell
M'hIpu' Rousslllon that I would wish
to see 'ImV"
"Yos, Onclo Jazon; but first be seated
and let mo offer you Just a drop of cau
do vie, Home, that Pupa Rousslllon
brought back with him from Quebec.
He says It's old and tine."
Bho poured htm a full glass, then,
setting tho bottlo on n llttlo stand, went
to ,11ml M. RousHlllon. Whllo sho was
absent Onclo Jazon Improved his op
portuulty to the fullest extent At least
three uddltlonul glasses of tho brandy
went tho way of tho ilrst IIo grinned
atrociously and smacked his corrugat
ed lips, but when Quspard Rousslllon
came In tho old man wns sitting nt
some distance, from tho bottlo and
glass, gazlug Indifferently out across
tho vcrunda. He told his story curtly.
Father Olbault, ho said, had sent hliu
to ask M. Rousslllon to como to the
river bouse, us he had news of great
Importunco to communlcato.
"Ah, well, Onclo JazOn, we'll havo a
nip of brandy togothcr before wo go,"
snld tho host.
"Why, yea, Jes' ono ag'ln the brollln'
Weather," assented Onclo Jazon. "I
don't mind Jes' oue."
"A very rich, friend of mine In Que
bec gave, me this brandy, Onclo Jazon,"
said M, Rousslllon, pouring tho liquor
with a grand flourish, "and I thought
of you as soon as I got It Now, says
I to myself, If any man knows good
brandy when bo tastes It, It's Onclo
Jazon, nud I'll glvo him a. good chance
of this bottle Just tho first of all my
"It surely Is delicious," said Onclo
Jazon, "very dollelous." Ho spoke
French with a curious accent, having
spent long year with English speuklng
frontiersmen In tho Carollnas and Ken
tucky, so that tholr lingo had becomo
. his own.
: As they walked elda by sldo down the
.way to tho rlyer house thoy looked llko
typical extremes of rough, suuburuod
and weather tnnuod mnnbood-Ouclo
Jazon n wizened, dlmlnutlvo scrap,
wrinkled and odd In overy respect;
Oaspanl Rousslllon towering six feet
two, wUo shouldered, massive, lumber
ing, muscular, a giant wltb long curl-
i Ing hair nnd a superb ward. Thuy did
not know thai they were going down
to help dedicate, tho grout northwest to
freedom. t
(To Ro Continued.)
American and may he useful ou cable
ships or pilot wafers, ns well as for
ordinary navigation.
Tho "tolplne" is an apparatus pre
sented to tho Academlo des Sciences,
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less signals movo .a needle on a dial
stop by stop and thus by menns of a
rubbing contact and anothor electrical
apparatus, control tho mochanlclsnn
Tho Idea was patontod somo years
ago by Tesla, but perhaps this new ap
plication has advanced tho subject
Mexico Alert
Mexico is building port works on
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her an Interest, and a groat one, in
the vast sea stretching between her
nnd Asia. Railways aro now headlnr
for Topolobamno and Mnnzanlllo.
Fleets of ocean stenmors aro to con
nect her ports with Manila, Yokoha
ma, Shanghai and Hongkong. As In
a vision, Baron von Humboldt saw
Mexico becomo "tho bridge of tho
world's commorco, and tho Scotsman
Pattorson declared long ago, that tho
Isthmus of Tohuantcpec would be tho
"key of tho universe," nnd now across
Tehunntopec a British contractor of
world-wide fame is getting a great
railway In readiness for Intorocoanlc
trafll c.
Tho Mexican who Is blind to his
country's glorious future, who cannot
Bee what his children aro to possess,
Is blind Indeed.
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