m. TWO THK BAILY JOURNAL, SALEM, eBEON, 8ATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1003. l Jlfffflllllllllllini'nfllflllifinfllinilfniflllfllKlnniiniiniinmnini THE We&ihet IWan Says "rain and snow, much colder and freezing" just a faelee of oil sorts of weather. But never mind we've been expecting juet such con ditions and havo roado amplo pro vision for j'our comfort and appear ance. Hero arq OVERCOATS that'll knock out old Winter, but spare your pockotbook. That's ono groat featuro about this storo, your a pocketbook's always safe from fakes. You'ro sure of best goods new goods dependable, satis factory 2 Clothing and the more you investi- gate and compare the more our 25 E tnnnnv.Bftvinir nripfis stand out in vour favor. Mod's Over- E coats, strictly all-wool, $7.50, $12.50, $20, $251 p Now whore's tho man that' cau't bo satisfied bore? Yes, s this is a safe store to tie to. G W Johnson &, Co., jj The People's Clothiers. ilHLIlllillililillllHlW THE DAILY JOURNAL 6crlpp News Association Telegrams. 3 and 5 O'clock Edition. BY HOFER BROTHERS. Dally One Year, 94.00 In Advance. Dally Three Month, 91.00 In Advance. Dally by Carrier, 50 Cent Per Month. Weekly One Year. 91.00 In Avanee. JOURNAL SPECIAL DELIVERY. One vVook , 9 10 Ono Month SS Tfareo Montha 1.00 At Journal office. At Daue'e Grocery, South Salem. At Beweraox Orocery, Yew Park. Atylum Avenuo Grocery Store. Electrlo Qrocory, Eait State 8L i i m 1 1 1 1 e 1 1 n h i n 1 1 !! fw-HHimniutminin- The Weather. Tonight and Sunday, cloudy, probably occasional rain. with FORTUNE TURNS HER WHEEL. Frown, Fortune, frown For I ant muoh oast down, And team do melancholy make my fuqo; In sable pwu, "WIJli sail yow.wroath aa nrown, I rail l you, Oh, Fortune, most' untruo. For that to mo you show not any grace; Oh, lal fa! lal la My I.ady Fortune, hoar my sigh, lit kinder to my love and I, Smile, Fortune, smllo. For I urn say awhile. And laughter lurk about these llns again; Now I ImjkuIIo My days with Cheerful wile, Kor from the throng Qf shenlmrds gay and rtroug My IbVe hath chosen ma to ha her wain: ' Oh, la! fnJ lal lal My l.ndy Fortune, hear my cry, How happy art) my love and I. A DIRECT PRIMARY. Thtt ileiiubllcans of this city have taken u tttn In advance by ordering a dlrat primary tonumlnnte oandl dates far nhUmueu. Tho old-utyle slated city convention result In selecting candidates whom the vuUUbIuuh want, but the pwnle of tea do noli Dlrvct HumltwUon Hit the city com. mlUee Ih the comet paction of were ly mIvIhk th people a direct ehuiee and reocmllmc. Uiwlr will There In no rwuon. undr title aye- A , bald head, or Ayer's Haii; r? You can't have both. tern, why tho best men In the llopub llcrn party should not bo named In each ward, and bo freo from ring con trol and answorablo for good govern ment to the people. Let the opposition put up tholr can didate) In tho same, way, and thon lot tlu peoplo havo their choice of both S4t at tho city oleotton. MR. PRESCOTT'S GOOD LUCK. . Instead of odltorlala about tho tariff and International complications, Tho Journal loves, on Saturday especially, to talk about home matters, and little things of Interest to our homo pco PU. It is a pleasure to chronicle tho ro turn from tho East of Mr. and Mrs. A. lVoHcott and daughters. They havo been three months seeing old friends nnJ relatlvos in tho Knstorn and Mid dle statos. , Prescott & Vonnoss run a sawmill at indopendonco many years, but woro not. successful, nnd sold out and closed up tho buslnoes, Mr. Prescott and his partner rotlrlng early in tho nlnotlos, with a few hundred dollars apiece. They bought a small mill at Win lock, Wash., nnd the past year Mr. P.-escott sold his Intorest for a flno, largo sum, nnd retires with a com', fortablo fortune. Ho came back to Salem, where his family always has re mained, and bought tho old George Hi Jones residence, on Gaiety hill. Ills old homo on the hill but nod out by the Are. but ho lias rebuilt it, and will build another house at the rear of It, Agent Houston, of the S. P. Co., ltvoa In his old home, and Mr. Prescott and family will occupy tho Jones mansion on the hill. Mr. Prescott has worked hard, and all unite In congratulating hln- on his good fortune. Vigoi j. a ? M.JMM, Law ESCAPES FROM THE REFORM SCHOOL. Occasionally, under lenient manage ment, there will be boys escape from the Oregon reform sahool. As a rule, these escapes do not do vory much damage. Ilut three got away the past weok tint have done considerable mleahlef. One has been captured, but two were still at largo at last accounts, and. Htem to be imme4y enjoying their liberty. They btole a wheel somewhere, and rode It, between them, to a haute near llneedale,. where they left It. and went on afoot. lteoaH the)' had picked up a couple of guns in the mean time. The two boy aged 14 and 16 years, were at A. S. Huntley's house Sunday, item Koeedale. broke the house often, helped theinnelree, and Rut nwny with h Rim shotgun, aniwuultkw. etc. They were about Itoeertale all Cay, ami destroyed a great deal of property In various ways, breaking Into the school haute, tearing xdewn map. and committing other mischief. A CROSSWALK NEEDED. The people of the euWurbe tataly taketi Into the city are a very humble claw of clHeens, and not extravagant In their demands, but they are, grate ful fur a few thing. Several crose walks have been put down on South Commercial street, and at least one mere is badly needed. That Is a cross walk at Junction of Commercial and Myrs streets, where there are hun dreds of people going and coming to the Lincoln school and. tho Leslie Methodist ohurok. The people of tnat part of the otty have maintained erosa walka for many year at their own ex pensethat Is at tho expense of a few public-spirited persons, and they would consider It a. great favor if Uie street commissioner could glvo them a Aalk at this place. "Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother." Ed. Jeurnal: To lack roverence for one's parents 1s to be both ungodly nnd Inhuman. We Instinctively feel contempt for the son or daughter who Us negligent or unkind, especially when parents have como into tho shadows of life's Jato aftornoon. A nature ca pable of such conduct Is essontlally mean and hard. Kindness or generosi ty to all the rest of the world can nev er mako up for lack of tendor consid eration for one's own father or moth er. In hoinoa of truo refinement the younger members of tho family are taught to show respect and attention to parents and grandparents. Rude ness or Indlfforonce to them is ox tremoly Ill-bred, nnd no Bolf-rospectlng person will bo guilty of It, even with out regard to the moral law, "Honor thy father and thy mother," and slnco habit grows by dally acts and thoughts, let us cutlvnte tills beautiful graco of manner nnd of heart by constant cour tesies and klndncBs. Do not lake the easy chair, and leave tho less comfort- abjo ouos for the older people. Nevor sit while they are obliged to-stand, at homo or In public places. Consider their comforts always beforo your own. Do respectful in speech and mannor. Such manners nt home glvo graclousness to manners outside of homo. To grieve, by coldness or no gleet, the heart that has loved us best slnco tho day of our birth Is a wrong too groat to bo forgiven, excopt It Is ropented of, and all possible restitu tion made. Selfishness Is subtle; It will betray us unawaros. Watch against It; pray to bo delivered from IL It Is the spirit of demons. Un selfish love is tho spirit of angels, one can more oaslly forgive any other sin. A. (W8WM 9MM89WaWBO JOURNAL X-RAYS Does It Pay to Buy Cheap? A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is all right, but you want some thing that will rcllovo and euro tho moro sovcro and dangerous results of throat and lung troubloe. What shall you do? Go to a warmor and moro regular cllmato? Yon, if po3alblo; if not possiblo for you, thon in cither caso tako tho ONLY romody that has beon Introduced in all civilized coun tries with bucccsj In novoro throat and lung troubles, "Doochoo's Gorman Syrup." It not only hoals and stimu lates tho tissues to dectroy tho conn dlsenao, but allayn Inflammation, caus es easy expectoration, gives a good night's mat, r Try ONE bottle, nocommondod many years by all druggists in tho world. You can get this rollablo rom ody at Dr. Stone's drug storea. Price 25c and 75c. Molasses as Stock Food. For Boverai yoars molasses has boon used In Louisiana for feeding live stock, particularly work horses and mules. Probably tho grentor numbor M WW oceeMba) i Portland needs money. In tho lan guage of Omar Khayyam. Jr., "The plcaso remit confront I cannot pay " m It is somewhat of a coincidence, that the flood of financial disaster caused by the new tax law, was caused by tho member from Heppner. Earthquake shocks are reported in many localities, but whether It was Mark Hanna In Ohio, or Tammany In Now York that caused It, Is as much of an unknown quantity as tho ago of Ann. In New York the choice between the lady and the tiger seemed to be against the lady. Soth Low Is undoubtedly honest and honorable, but a theorist and a dream er. Ho promised everything, and ac complished nothing. In fact he was a perfect lody and tho tiger won out. Tho San Francisco Chronlclo says Its Mayor Schmltz was elected by the city's undesirable element. Is it pos- sible that tho Golden Onto city doesn't want a majority of her citizens? Eugene has five fresh grass widows, made yesterday, J. M. Johns, editor of tho Arlington has a high opinion of M. A. Moody's ability as a wire-puller, but a poor opinion oC President Roosevelt and Secrotnry Hitchcock. Ho says both of these gentlemen will rush to Moody's defence. i Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contains Mercury. As morcury will surely destroy the sonso of smell, and completely do raugo tho whole system, whon. enter ing it through tho mucous surfaces. Such urtlclea should nover bo used ex cept on prescription from reputable pnysiclans, as tho damago they will do is ton-fold to the good you can pos sibly derive from ' them. Hall's Ca tarr Curo, manufactured by F. J. Che ney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, contains no' mnrcHry, and is taken internally, act ing directly upon tho blood and mu cous surfaces of tho system. In buy ing Hall's Catarrh Cure bo suro you get tho genuine It is taken internal ly and mado in Toledo, Ohio, by P. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by druggists. Prlco 75 c per bottlo. Hall's family pills aro tho best CHEAP SUNDAY RATE8 Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought, and which has been in uso ior over tu years, iins uorno mo Bifrnntnro of , uuu mis uucu iuuuo unucr ins pp, syjZ- sorml supervision slnco Its infancy, f-CCCCAZi Allow no ono to dcccl vo yon In tlii All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd Just-ns-good' nro but Experiments that trlflo with and oi'dangcr tho health of Infants nnd Children Expericnco i gainst Experiment What is CASTORIA at i rla is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Pore, BorA Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. Ifc contai'ts neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotia enhsaiuce. Its ago Is its guarantee It destroys Wornn nnd allays Eovorishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tha Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sloop, ' Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Boars the Signature of wfivx -&CC&M The KM You Have Always Bof In Use For Over 30 Years. TWl OtHTKUH COMMNT. TT MURRAT IHICT, NCW YORK CfTV. RIBBONS Between Portland and Valtey Points. Willamette Low round trip rates havo been placed In effect botweon Portland and Wlllamotto Valloy points, In elthor direction. Tickets will bo sold Satur days nnd Sundays, and limited to re turn on or beforo tho following Mon m a .hImhI. I it. . Il ft I Ul ,u c uu.ua.o ., w.U uKur u-.w,dBt Ca Soutnorn paclflc Coa get this food either alone or mixed agonta for pnrtIcularB. 22o round with oats and corn. Tho animals soom to like it, and are thrifty and In good condition. Sugar mules, as thoy ro called, nrtng from 20 to 25 per cent moro than mules lcopt on cotton plan tations and fod cottonseod or cotton sd meal. As molasea Is a waste product in the manufacture of sugar, It Is a very cheap feed and a valua ble one. Mixed with corn and oats In equal proportions and prossod Into a gelid mass, the cakes become qulto hard; After they are thoroughly dried out they are ground into a flna pow der nnd this powder is used as food. Horsvs and mules fod on molassos not only keep fat and slook, but aro capable of hauling extraordinarily heavy loads. Oraug Judd Fanner. A Woman's Opinion. A bright Colorado woman (a state, by the way. whero tho womon seora to have a good deal to say) has beon vis iting at Salem, and says the city is beautiful and tho people are nlco. but the only drawbacks are the wheels on the sidewalks, and the men on the street corners who spit tobac co on the wnlka. Willi the exception of thane two minor faults, she cousld eri th town about perfect, and. as this Is a fret country, she Is ontltled to lie. opinion, and probably no power on Mrtn could kiwp a Colorado woman from exprtaalH; it. trip Salem to Portland and roturn. 10-ltf W. E. COMAN, O.P.A. Carrie Nation, Actress. Now York. Nov., 7. Over In Jorsoy, In tho llttlo town of Perth Amboy, Carlo Nation and her hatchet aro to mako tholr stago debut tonight. The time-honored "Ten Nights In a Iar room" has boon chosen as tho vohlclo which is to carry Carrlo to famo and fortuno nnd Incidentally glvo aid to tho cause of temporanco. No out siders havo been allowed to boo Mrs. Nation In her rehorsals, but the nctlvo press agent is authority for tho state ment that worso playors hnvo boon sen on the stage. Tho piece Is to be staged with offoctlvo realism and the climax will bo reached whwn the crusader from Kansas deos hor smash ing act with a real hatchet and real glass. Swift Austrian Battleship. The Austrian navy, though small. U well known to be one of the moat efficient In the world. The new ships which are being added to It art mod hi of their kind. The battlfjhip Be benberg under went her speod trials at Pola on the Md of last month. She was required to make 18.5 knots with 136 revolutions. She actually made 90.0 knots and 149 revolutions, her esginea developing 17.011 horsepower Instead of tho required 11.900 New York Commercial Advertiser 0 Everybody Goes to the White House lunch counter at noon. Open all hours of tho day and night. Tho Latest Solontlfio DIsoovory U based on tho principle, 1 Destroy tho cawte, you remove the effect " Herplcide kills tho ccrnis that cause dan draff by digging up the Ka'p as they burrow tnrir pesuierous war to the hair root,whero they finally destroy the hadr Without dandruff your hair wilt crow luxuri antly, Nowisro's Herplcide stops dandruff and fall ! ing hair, and starts hair crowing w limn iu aay t. One bottle will convince yoaofthlfl. FcrS-aat-lFlret-CUM Drux Stores. n For aalo by Daniel J. Fry. Sand 10 cent In stamp for eample to The Herplcide Co, Detroit, Mich. A bargain line, 3 incb wide only 10c yard Gre i r i Tt'f 1 .1 variety or colors. KiDDons anomer goai line only 5c yard. Our Girls jackets are selling fast. $9,00 coats for $5.00 $6 coats for S4,5 $5,00 coats for $3,75 and new Fall goods Greenbaum's Dry Goods Store. 302 Commercial Street C. CROSS Meats and Provisions PHONB 3L&X. Established 1884 Woh jf !&3-. p 5iN"!L. Signs of Renewed ActlvilJ In the real estate world ladled creasing building operation! l Snrinir. and nromnt US to rem! J that our facilities for suppljtel and soft wood, lumber, lath, and othor building matorW"' ronHnnnllv-erond. Wo will U J"4 n fiirnliih HHmatos on C1U1 large or small. A car of V ' Bhlngloa received. nnnnil - LUMBER Wi .- r, .. Neir.P.PD' Phone 651. A Condition and not a Theory Confronts the fastidious roan that has soiled linen, and don't know whero he can have it laundered with out injury and in an irroproaohablc manner. Wo can relieve his mind right now by assuring him that his shirts, collars and cuffs didn't look better whon first purchased than thoy do when sent home from the Salem Steam Laundry. COLONEL. J. OLMSTED. Prop. D0RUS D. OLMSTED. Mer. Phone 411. 320 Liberty 8t m&- o 1 1 ? "Cj,.Q jf , iv j IB MKMfrtBiBIOgHHaiHtaiilatere ::::::::A G E N C Y O F:::::::: ! BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & ; GRAIN BDYERS AND SHIPPERS OF GRAI Oats For Sale. HOP GROWERS SUPPLIES. Ctnde and stick Sttlpnnr. J. G. Graham, Agent, 207 commemii a., ai ojj. M?a t9 f ie8at9f mw igaigiOf r aa lit yo - Ot' &? t i if Is I' --.- - --tt!!...! -&.